Points) : Preparation For Final Exam I. Composition

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Compose your research abstract for your final academic project (25 points) B. Revise the following sentences (30 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The interrogation, conducted by three police officers, have has lasted for several hours. Because the bottom corner of the pocket was torn much (many) coins fell out. Only the pilot can tell you how far can the plane the plane can goes on one tank fuel. To the north is the stream the stream is that the settlers will have to cross. The less time you take on the assignment the less pages (fewer page) you will complete. She suggested taking the plane this evening or that we go by train tomorrow. Taking the train tomorrow The hospital is not certain when will the new directories will be ready. Hardly ever it snows does it snow in this section of the country. The nurses have finished had finished contracting everyone by 4:00 yesterday.

10. There are papers to file, reports to type, and those letters must be answered. And letters must be answered 11. The fungi (fungus) has spread throughout the garden. 12. Only once in my life gone I have heve i gone to Osaka. II. READING COMPREHENSION The next hormone is epinephrine, or adrenaline. This hormone is a natural secretion of the adrenal glands, which are located just above the kidneys in the human body. Its primary function in the human body to help the body to cape with sudden surges of stress. When a person unexpectedly finds himself in a stressful situation filled with fear or anger, a large amount of epinephrine is released into the blood and the body responds with an increased heartbeat, higher blood pressure, and conversion of glycogen into glucose for energy to enable the body to deal with the stress. It is possible to extract epinephrine from the adrenal glands of animals or to synthesize it chemically in order to put it to further use. It is used in the treatment of severe asthma, where it relaxes the large muscles of the bronchi,

the large air passages leading into the lungs. It is also used in cases of severe allergic reaction or cardiac arrest. Answer the following numbers by using the text above (1 point for each) 1. It is implied in the passage that increased heartbeat (A) harms the body (B) causes the release of epinephrine into the body (C) is helpful in combating the stressfull situation . (D)is useful in treating asthma 2. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discusses (A) further uses of epinephrine (B) the treatment of cardiac arrest (C) a different hormone (D)the secretion of the adrenal glands 3. The passage indicates that epinephrine is used in the treatment of all of the following EXCEPT (A) asthma (B) high blood pressure (C) serious allergic reactions (D)heart problems 4. What is another name for epinephrine? (A) Adrenal Glands (B) Stressful situation (C) Bronchi (D) Adrenaline 5. Which of the following best expresses the organization of the information in the passage? (A) Epinephrine and adrenaline (B) Various effect of epinephrine on the body (C) Causes of sudden stress (D) Epinephrines natural functions and further applications. III. VOCABULARY COMPREHENSION

Find the following meanings in Indomesian

A. synthesized : disintesis B. sagacious : cerdas C. inchoate : belum lengkap D. developed : dikembangkan E. coherent : koheren F. ameliorated : diperbaiki G. aggravated : diperburuk H. alleviated : diringankan I. assuaged : diredakan J. amended : diubah K. insufficient ... imperative : tidak cukup ...sangat penting

L. causeless ... warranted: tdk beralasan ...dijamin M. gratuitous ... superfluous : beralasan ...tak berguna N. verbose... extravagant : banyak kata/betlele-tele ...boros O. lavish ... opulent : mewah ...mewah P. scourged : dicambuk Q. patronized : dilindungi R. exonerated: dibebaskan S. succored: dibantu T. relegated: terdegradasi U. arson ... an incombustible : pembakaran ... tahan api V. holocaust ... a noisome : bencana ...yang berbau busuk W. pyre ... a flammable: pembakaran ...mudah terbakar X. conflagration ... an incendiary : kebakaran besar ...sebuah pembakar Y. terror ... an inflammable : teror ...sebuah terbakar

1. Interogasi, yang dilakukan oleh tiga polisi, telah berlangsung selama beberapa jam. 2. Karena sudut bawah saku robek banyak koin jatuh. 3. Hanya pilot dapat memberitahu Anda seberapa jauh dapat pesawat berlangsung satu tangki bahan bakar. 4. Di sebelah utara sungai adalah bahwa para pemukim harus menyeberang. 5. Semakin sedikit waktu yang Anda mengambil tugas kurang halaman Anda akan menyelesaikan. 6. Dia menyarankan mengambil pesawat malam ini atau bahwa kita pergi dengan kereta api besok. 7. Rumah sakit belum dipastikan kapan akan direktori baru siap. 8. Hampir tidak pernah salju di bagian negara. 9. Para perawat telah selesai kontrak semua orang dengan 04:00 kemarin.

10. Ada kertas ke file, laporan untuk mengetik, dan surat-surat harus dijawab. 11. Jamur telah menyebar ke seluruh taman. 12. Hanya sekali dalam hidup saya pergi saya ke Osaka.

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