Investment Compass - Quarterly Market Commentary - Q1 2009
Investment Compass - Quarterly Market Commentary - Q1 2009
Investment Compass - Quarterly Market Commentary - Q1 2009
Suite 213 5455 152nd St. ● South Surrey BC Canada ● Tel (604) 576 - 8908 ●
Pacifica Partners has ap- From the perspective of the investor, what
In that regard, when the economy is should be kept in mind is that phrases like “amid
peared on BNN and the Fi- already viewed by the masses nega- the gloom”, “jobless rate surges”, “steep drop”
nancial Post. Interviews & tively, the only real investment concern are only intended to entice readership. How-
published commentaries are is “can the economy get any worse?” ever, the reader often infers that the increasing
available online at: number of jobless individuals implies a doomed
stock market. Yet, this is not the case.
(continued on page 2)
pg 2
“Community Banks Caught in Again, the US stock market returns immediately following the
Sins of Bigger Banks” publication date were impressive. In fact the annualized returns
– March 30, 2009 Seattle Times over the period were more than 12% per year.
How did the markets and the media respond? Using the Decem- The headlines on the right side of page 3 are a sample of what
ber 3rd 1984 cover of Time magazine entitled, “America‟s Banks we see in newsstands today – fortunately, they too are
– Awash in Troubles” as a marker (middle of page 3), the S&P bleak.
pg 3
pg 4
Is it Time to Buy Junk? depressed high-yield bond prices rebound with improving eco-
nomic outlook. In addition, since debt holders possess
- a look at high yield bonds “senior” claims to a firm‟s assets over that of its equity holders,
the high-yield bond space can at times pose a better risk-
The information in this newsletter is current as at April with their legal, investment and/or tax advisor. Pacifica
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This newsletter is published for information purposes Pacifica Partners Inc. and/or its officers, directors, or
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