Robison Richard Sarah 2007 Portugal PDF

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January-March 2007


'As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." J Corinfhions 2:9-(lsaiah 64:4)

Pro-Life March in Downtown Lisbon

On February 3rd an estimated group of 3.000 people. Portuguese, Angolans, Brazilians, Cape-Verdens, Americans, British, Mozambicans, Bikers for Jesus, old and young made their voices heard in one of the main thoroughfares in downtown
Lisbon for those whose voices cannot be heard, the aborted

children. The march started around 3:30 P.M. and ended up at the "Praga do Commercio" at 5:30. Those who stayed at the Plaza participated in public prayers for the unborn and for Portugal in general. God pro vided an afternoon of good weather for this event. Several speakers encouraged us to get out the vote or vote ourselves if we were registered to vote. The referendum was held on the 11th of February and the results were mixed. There was no simple majority. There has to be a simple majority (51%) for it to be valid. Only 44% of the registered voters voted. Of this group the Pro-abortion Socialist/

Communists had 56% and the pro-life had 44%. It seems lil<e the National Assembly will decide in what direction this will go. The Socialists and left wing have the votes to
decide it in their favor.

The President of Portugal has veto power

and could act upon this as his conscience should lead. As you can see this is a very
important issue for Portugal at this time. Please pray to our Father in Heaven that

II I the voice
of those of who hove have not been given a


voice may be heard loud and

Just a short historical note: The "Praga do Commercio." where we congregated after our March, is the exact place where 467 years ago people were burned at the stake dur ing the Portuguese Inquisition. The route that the marchers took was exactly the same route that the condemned ones took as they marched to the stake. Pray for Portugal! Pray that God's will be done in this matter and for His glory.

Men's Meeting - Carcavelos

It had been a long time since the Church
had a men's breakfast. Some had talked about

getting together again, so we did. There was no prepared agenda and the time together was very beneficial to all. Sarah and Eloisa prepared a table full of extra special cakes, pastries and plenty of coffee and tea. We shared together in song, the Word, some cultural differences & plans for the future. There will be another time in the coming months.

Monthly Themes for the 1st Quarter of 2007

In order to coordinate our thinking at the beginning of this year we chose 3 different but related themes: in January - "STARTING OVER" with God, Prayer, Bible Reading, & Church; in February - "BACK TO BASICS"; with Evangelism. Crucified/Christ, & Resurrection Power and in
March - NEW LIFE.

The preaching and teaching centered on these ideas as we tried to set the tone for the whole year. Positive comments and actions produced positive results.

Short Furlough for Medical Checkup &Reporting

Sarah and 1plan to be stateside from April 2nd until June 14th. The main reason is the checicup with the doctor In Fayetteville, NC, around the 19th of April for another female hor mone implant. This could be the last one! We will continue to follow the procedures outlined
by our specialist.

I have had regular tests done here on the PSA and all is great! The treatment that I am receiving is not presently available in Portugal.

Thanl< you very much for your continued prayers, e mail, letters, and phone calls and sup
port financially. We could not do it without you. We love you.

Nltty-Grltty Reality
For the last 18 months, more or less, the exchange rate of the Dollar/Euro has been a con

stantly tightening experience financially. We are not crying "Wolf! Wolf". God has supplied
what we need. Here is the reality. Every Euro is worth $1.30 US. Or in other words, the US Dollar is worth =.70 Euro cents. $1 ,OOOUS = 700,00 Euro dollars. This is a disparity of 30%. Our expenses have increased 30% due to the fluctuating exchanges. This has been more intense in the last
2 years since the dollar has declined. We have lived in South America when the dollar was very strong so we know both sides of this as well. Please understand our reason for sharing this with you all. We believe that God
will continue to provide. God bless!

Missionary Trip of Glen Cove

Christian Church
The Churches here are anxiously awaiting the visit from a sister congregation from the USA June 30th - July 8. This will be a joint work project with the Setubal church. Regularly, we receive info as to the progress of this trip. Jim & Ann Phegley, our kids, are leading this group. They have the necessary experience and know-how to lead. Our prayers are with them as they finalize their plans.

Jim & Ann Phegley, Preacher,

Glen Cove Christian Church

This Just In...

Jesse and Celia Berrier are the proud parents of a baby girl, born February 25, and nanned Emma Ruth Berrier. She weighed 8 lbs. and 1 oz. and measured 20" long. Jesse is the son of Mike & Mary Lou (Robison) Biehl, Knoxville, TN. He is also the grandson of Richard & Sarah Robison, Portugal.
Emma is the 3rd great-grandchild of Dick & Sarah Robison.

God's provision
God's Word

Vitor - (Young man in jail in Morocco) Portuguese President & Congress Arrival of 3rd Great-grandchild

His people Sustaining grace

Good health

Andre F. Figueira, born 2/12/07 (Son of Chris/Pedro Figueira & Grandson of Robert/Derlani Fife) Emma Ruth Berrier, born 2/25/07 (Daughter of Jesse/Celia Berrier and Grandson of Mary Lou/ Mike Biehl) George Washington quote:

Special Note:
Family of Han/e & Bettye Pierce. Bettye passed away recently. (Dear friends and faithful sup porters of PCM.)

"Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad Judgment"

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April June 2007


"As if is wriffen: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what Cod has prepared for those who love him." I Corinthians 2:9-(lsoiah 64:4)

Greetings from Portugal C The USA

and Ihave been weW received by our extended fanniiy and supthat Ineeded to come back each year for a prostate cancer |H
evaluation. We have followed his instructions to the letter. The ,

This furlough began on April 2 and ends on June 13. Sarah

In 2005, my urologist said we could return to Portugal but

treatment that I am receiving is not available in Portugal at this

tinued on as it is now, Iwould not have to come back for further B treatment. Iwill still be in contact with him after our return to the Lisbon area in order that he can continue to monitor my case,

present time. It consists of the replacing of a hormone pump in wT my arm each year. This year he informed me that if my PSA con- fc

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Sarah and I wont to thank all of you for your continued prayers, email, and telephone calls during this trip. We are confident that, with the excellent medical care that I have received and with the prayers of God's people and God's grace and blessings, we ore at this point in our lives. Our plans ore to continue to serve God in Portugal to the best of our abilities. To accomplish this, we covet your continued prayers and financial help. This is a joint project and you are an essential part of the ongoing history of Portugal Christian Mission.

Spiritual Growtli in Setulial and Carcaveins

The members of the Church in Setubal requested that the mother church in Carcavelos par ticipate in the setting aside of Wilson Marino Spindola as their pastor and that brother Genilson be set aside as a deacon. This was done in a joint service on April 1st at the Carcavelos Church. This was our last Sunday in Portugal before we left for the USA. We were encouraged.
Wilson, Elsa, and three children, Lucas, David, and Rachel, moved into their new home in

Setubol. New people have been com ing and may God continue to guide the
brethren in their outreach.

Earlier, we had set aside Ricardo and

Washti Anjos as deacons in Carcovelos. Both are very active in the praise group and in teaching. Their three children, Diego, Beatriz, and Bruna, are very active in the youth program.

Contacts with Former Missionary Coiieagues

Fenninas from Mozambique:

Days before we left Portugal, we were visited by Randy and Tori Penning, along with their daughter, Katie, and Randy's mom. The parents wanted to show Katie, now grown, certain places in Portugal while they studied Portuguese in preparation for missionary work
in Mozambique.
Thomas from Brazli:

honor to have been co-workers with the Clint/

Phyllis Thomas family with their three children, Tim, Ted, and Tom. We were planning to go to Tennessee to visit family and friends and
received word that Clint had died.

Sarah and I counted it a privilege and

Tim had been in Portugal teaching and was able to get back for his dad's funeral on the 24th of April. We also participated in the celebration of life during the funeral in the Gap
Creek Christian Church, near Johnson Bible ^

College. He is buried in the graveyard of the


Please pray for Phyllis and sons as they continue on

with their lives. Our prayers are with them.
Whenever we come bock to Fayetteville, North Carolina, we take time to visit our colleague Virginia

(Ginny) Loft in a rehabilitation home nearby where we are staying. We worked with Bill and Ginny in Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Spain. They were the catalyst for many mis sionary recruits to various places in the world. The latter

country was Spain, where Ginny hod a stroke. She is comfortable and has limited activity at this
facility. Keep her in your prayers.

Contact with Smoky Mountain Christian Church

What a blessing to have visited the Smoky Mountain
Christian Church in Sevierville, Tennessee. Phil Curry, the t .-.i

new minister, recently followed Steve McClure, a long time

The Chandlers took Sarah and me to see the new tenacre future location of the SMCC, not too far from the octu-


at Mt. LeConte in the background. We are !

very impressed with the potential of these
brethren. SMCC has been one of our main

al building. What a beautiful site, looking


supporting churches for many years. We served the first group of believers of SMCC for a few months at its inception

30+ years ago.


Quicl( Famiiy Visits


(3 months)

Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to


MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxville, TN 37920-0111.

Non Profit Org.


Mission Services Association PO 00x13111

Knoxville, TN 37920-0111

U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Mfes/onaries: Dick & Sarah Robison Rua Por do Sol, 29 2775-680 Carcavelos

Return Service Requested


011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church) E-Mail: (English) (Portuguese)
Forwarding Aaents:

Phil & Dot Wiltshire

4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127

Telephone: 770-943-4668 Plese make checks payable to: PORTUGAL CHRISTIAN MISSION)

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July-September 2007


"Therefore, since we are surrour)ded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles,

and let us run with perseverance, the race marked out for us." (Hebrews 12:1)

Before and After In Setubal!

Arrival and Assimilation
What a difference 6 days can make! God used just 6 days to create ail that He wanted and it was pleasing to the eyes and sufficient for all of man's needs. It would be impossible for mankind to even think about duplicating God's Creation in 6 days. However, it is possible and conceivable for people to work together towards the goal of making a small part of God's Creation a much better place. In a small way this happened to the Church in Setubal, Portugal, from June 29th - to July 5th. I want to use the words "Before" & "After" to tr/ and show just what happened during these 6 days. Many times during the years Portugal Christian Mission has invited, encouraged, and welcomed groups of Christians from the USA whose aim was to help, in a positive way, the missionaries here. We have been the recipients of a variety of groups from JR high to college age groups who came to teach, conduct VBS, preach, and work with us on the streets in evangelism. This is the first group that came to work in a physical way, improving a port of the Church facility in Setubal. Jim Phegley, minister at the Glen Cove Christian Church on Long Island, prepared very well a group of 11 men & women to come and redo, alter and prepare a section of the building that houses the Church of Christ in Setubal. This, they were able to complete in the time set aside. Wilson & Marcos were at the airport, along with Sarah and me. It didn't take very long for the folk from Glen Cove to get to know the Setubal Group. Hard work and excellent food helped to break down barriers quickly. The Church members joined in to help in this task.

We celebrated a dedication of this area together,

before they left. Some of the finish works, i.e., lighting and moving of church furniture was completed after the Glen Cove Mission Group left. Permit us to give you a picture of
before & after in this PIONEER!

Outside Changes
One of the important changes was an attractive entrance that leads to the main street. Several people passing by have noticed the difference. Much "elbow grease & "sweat" cleaned off all of the "graffiti" that was splat
tered on the walls & windows.

Inside Changes
It is almost unbelievable to see the permanent changes that occurred inside the area. Where there were empty beer crates and an accumulation of junk from a former tenant there is now a nice place of worship. A Spiritist Group and a pornographic group hod tried to rent this space permanently. Thank God we were able to acquire it, even knowing that much work needed to be done to put it in shape
for our use.

Looking back today at this area and seeing the changes and beautiful worship space, we stop and thank God, Glen Cove Mission Group, and members of Setubol Church. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Intercessory prayer months before

inside the front door

First view of the area

Change/replace the floor, paint the

walls, and odd curtains

Dedication: (left) Wilson reading the Bible with Sarah interpreting into English; (right) Prayer circle

Praise to the Lord!

Actual area in use. August

2007. Thanks, Glen Cove!


An Eternal Change
Marcos Antonio Diniz dos Santos was baptized on July 29th by Pastor Wilson Spindola. It was a very moving moment for the whole Church. Perhaps this change is the most important one. On the same day, Marcos and his wife Carina presented their newborn son, Marcos Trabulo Diniz dos Santos, to the Lord. Several members of the congregation celebrated together with the family. May God give them wisdom and happiness in the rearing of little Marcos.

Furlough Happenings
During the end of a short furlough in June, we visited 2 churches 1st Christian Church in Cookeville,
Tn., and the New Testament Christian Church in Greenville, NC.

We have known the 1st Church of Cookeville, since its inception. The visit was to celebrate the retir

ing of Hillier & Ruby Duke from the pastoral ministry there after 31 years. We were blessed to have been
able to be there for the farewell service. God be with you, Hillier & Ruby!

The second church is new to us. Our granddaughter Jennifer and husband Jason and daughter.
Sarah, are members there.

We were invited to present the work of Portugoi Christian Mission, which we did. Our prayers are with the Church, its leaders as they seek God's leading and wisdom in their mission outreach.

Cookeville, Tennessee

Greenville, North Corolinc

Family Doings
(1) Joshua L. Jackson, husband of RachelfPhegley) Jackson graduated from the Law School at the University of Connecticut in May this year. We congratulate him, Rachel, both set of parents and family that have supported them. Rachel will finish up her studies in this next school year.
Rachel has been here several times in the past We were blessed to have had them both here visiting us in

Jim & Ann Phegley. Mork Phegley and girl

friend, Gena, Joshua and Rachel

Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to

Dick & Sarah Robison Rua Per do Sol, 29
2775-680 Carcavelos

MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxville. TN 37920-0111.

Non Profit Org.


Mission Services Association PO Box 13111

Knoxville, TN 37920-0111

U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Return Service Requested


011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church) E-Moii: (English) (Portuguese)

Phil & Dot Wiltshire 4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127

Telephone: 770-943-4668

Plese make checks payable to: PORTUGAL CHRISTIAN MISSION)


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October-December 2007


"For the young men shall hunger, and the youths shall be weary, and the choice men shall be powerless: but they that wait on the God shall renew their strength; they shall put forth new feathers like eagles: they shall run. and not be weary: they shall walk and not hunger."
Isaiah 40:30,31 (Sepfuagint)

God's fiming is Perfect!

What a year 2007 has been!
God has renewed our strength, as only He can do. The year began with hope and trust in God and He did not fail us for one minute. Both of us hove been blessed with good health during 2007. The year

ended with some very special events that showed God's presence with us. Itwas difficultto count these
things as blessings when they happened. The month of November showed us that God cares for us even in the midst of seemingly overwhelm

ing circumstances. On the 2nd, Derlani Fife, Robert's wife, our colleague for 19 years, was jogging early, and OS she attempted to cross a crosswalk was hit by a bus and thrown to the ground. The driver asked
her if she wanted an ambulance? She said "I don't know." He left the scene and some street workers

called an ambulance and she was taken to a hospital. The examinations did not reveal any broken bones or internal injuries. She did some further exams later but is up and about in her ministry. Praise to
our God and Father for this protection!

On the 11th God again showed His protection. Sunday morning at 12:15, as the preacher was in the middle of his message, there was a screeching of tires and a tremendous crashing sound in the front
of the Carcavelos Church. The water main shot water 30 ft. into the air: a Mercedes automobile had

crashed through the wall in front of the Church taking a good portion of the wall with him. Two cars had

collided in the intersection in front of the Church. Some of our people rushed outside end began to put order where there hod been chaos. NO ONE WAS INJURED! Minutes earlier kids were running up and
down the steps within the wall.

Sarah and Iwere ministering to another Church when the Mercedes hit the wall. Upon hearing what
K happened we thanked God for His care and no further injuries. One of


the drivers came by the next Saturday and expressed his sorrow for the
accident. We are praying for him & his wife who is very ill. Again, God's


^ y/

hand was evident. The same day Robert Fife received a call from the USA that his mom had fallen down a flight of stairs in their house in Tennessee. She survived that fall with a broken arm and serious injuries to her right hand. Tom and
of God's protection.

their grondkids were there to help. She is recuperating. Another example

^ Libby Fife had recently been in Portugal ministering the word, emphasizing the place of the Lord's Supper in the Church.

Tim Thomas Teaching in Setuhal

gave an excellent analysis ofthe 3 main men in the beginning
knowledge at the tip of his tongue?"
Tim came and taught for 2 days in the Church in Setubal. He

to me, "Brother Tim is like acomputer. How does he have all that
One of the purposes of these classes was to share with the

of the Restoration Movement in the USA. Someone commented


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their daily work. Along with that desire, there is a strong effort to
renew contact with our sister congregations in Murcia, Spain,

men who want to learn more and have the time to study after

where Erick Gutierrez and family minister.

Erick, Siro & their 4 kids drove to Portugal(15+hours). Erick was able to preach & sing with his kids in both churches & attend Tim's classes. Wilson & Elsa were excellent hosts to the Gutierrez family during

their stay. Spindolos 3 kids and Gutierrez kids got along fine.

In the past some Missionary Conferences were held in Spain and Portugal with the purpose of
Mission awareness in Iberia. Our desire is to rekindle that spirit.

Wilson and Tim hod not met Erick & family and all agreed that the time spent together, though short, was a blessing. We ask God's direction for the future. Keep this in your prayers. More workers ore needed! Are you interested?

Angolan Connection

mom, Is

the faithful deaconesses

in the Carcavelos Church. We will realy miss this family, Yolanda has finished her degree in Micro-Biology, and will be using that preparation in Angola.

"Passing the Torch'

to assume this responsibility. He , , , c'c -.k & Robert Fife with o church ^ his u- wife -x Derlani r> I ore gifted -tx -I Dick & Robert Fife with a church member. member. and people and very able to do this. Robert did accept the challenge and is already at work. Sarah and I will be spending more time with the Setubal Church. Also, I will be dedicating a good portion of time in my finishing book. More research and study will be necessary to get this done, Keep this matter in your prayers!

Family Doings!
(1) Congratulations Josh Jackson, husband of Rachel(Phegley} Jackson who passed his bar exam. He is now clerking for a Federal Judge in Hartford, CT, while he waits for Rachel to finish her degree from Univ. of Conn. (2j Tyler David Robison, great grand-

son. was born October

10 to David III & Alicia


S 1

Robison. All ore doing


j^shua &Racheljackson

(3) Joshua Gabriel Barnhart, another greatgrandson, was born November 20 to Jason & Jennifer Barnhart. Again, we praise God that all ore doing
Tyler David Rob/son
Joshua Gabriel Barnhart


Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to


MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION. PO Box 13111, Knoxville, TN 37920-0111.

Non Profit Org.


Mission Services Association PO Box 13111

Knoxville, TN 37920-0111

U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville. TN
Permit #374

M/ss/onor/es; Dick & Sarah Robison Rua Por do Sol, 29 2775-680 Carcovelos

Return Service Requested


011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church) E-Mail: (English) (Portuguese)
Forwarding Aaents: Phil & Dot Wiltshire 4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127 Telephone: 770-943-4668 Plese make checks payable to:

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