World Notice

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The letter discusses intellectual property rights and warns of international arrest warrants for war crimes.

The letter is a response to a reported letter from Vladimir Putin and warns of the actions of the US military.

It warns that if the US military cannot control itself, international arrest warrants will be issued for war crimes.

The office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America Office hours: 9 A.M- 8:30 P.M.

Monday Friday Phone: 1-951-389-0313 Email:

Letterhead for International Business for the people for The United States of America

Greetings from the original Government of The United States of America, the Confederacy of 1781 brought forward to the present time. In response to the letter from Vladimir V. Putin is the president of Russia if in fact the letter is actually from the reported source. (Otherwise, all written words within this World Notice are still in effect as a World Notice to the rest of the World). The Government of The United States of America and its people has been observing the recent events orchestrated by the U.S. since 2001. It is very clear that the accuser is also the perpetrator base on the evidence from multiple sources. The U.S. military arm of the Crown and the Vatican and its Commander in Chief is out of control based on a very foolish move to contract with the devout Communists and Nazi parties through the arm of the Universal Postal Union. The Government of The United States of America is not a party to anything that is happening with the U.S. dictatorship nor are its people responsible for the dictators actions. The people of the Government of The United States of America are not surety for its crimes and its attacks against the minds of the people through false flags including the main event of 2001 in New York City. All of the wars enforced by the aforesaid entity are all acts of unlawful aggression and war crimes reaching all the way back to 1789 and brought forward to the present time and anytime in the future. The Government of The United States of America knows it would be a biblical crime to invade Syria due to its rich history. The Government of The United States of America does not take advantage of another Nations internal turmoil nor does it see a monetary opportunity every time a country goes through a catastrophe. Any act of aggression by the Government of The United States of America against another independent Nation or State is a violation of its Articles of Confederation, as amended May 19th, 2012 and the Law of Nations ratified on the 2nd day of August, 2013. Any and all resources that come from the metes and bounds of The United States of America shall not be used as vehicles of war and act of aggression against other Nations and States with the intent to steal more natural resources and dis-place their people into economic slavery and continual mental anguish. All people are created equal and have the right of self-determination.

THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS The Security Council of the United Nations must take some responsibility as most of the World resources are at their command, however, that command has not been acquired by voluntary consent of the people of the various Nations and States as the continual objections posted all over the internet by the people reflect. Intellectual Property Copyright 2013

When one has power, that power is accompanied by responsibility and liability, to shove all of the liability on one dictator is irresponsible of all other Security Council members, all Security Council members carry equal liability and must refrain from carping to the people of another Nation about the deprivation of one dictators rights in the Security Council. If all Nations and States ratified and signed the Law of Nations, the ratification and signature would fulfill the statement of the Russia President wherein does it read: We are all different, but when we ask for the Lords blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal. Practice what you preach and sign the Law of Nations for your people as the Government of The United States of America has done. Not one Nation or State has been adult enough to sign and ratify the Law of Nations as of to date. The Security Council of the United Nations is mainly interested in its own security and rights and not the security and rights of its people. The purpose of standing armies is population control and all NATO members know it. NOTICE The original Government of The United States of America is warning the rogue U.S. military that if it cannot control itself within its metes and bounds of the District of Columbia, and cease and desist all aggression immediately. The Government of The United States of America shall address all military aggression and weapons used against the people and the people for the Government of The United States of America with International Arrest Warrants arresting all bonds and insurance policies for violations of the Law of Nations against the war criminals perpetrating these war crimes. The actions of the war criminals have reached beyond any political, religious, or economic ambitions; they are simply crimes and criminal activity and therefore cannot be insured or bonded. The people on America soil shall remain armed; any actions taken against that right shall be met with an International Arrest Warrant arresting all bonds and insurance for violations of the Law of Nations upon verified complaint from the injured party deprived of that right. The rights of the accused do not extend to the benefactor status and that status rests with the Most High alone. Any man claiming to be a god on earth or claiming a State to be a god are abominable claims nor is such a claim a religious right. This concludes the World Notice from the Government of The United States of America issued by the authority of its people in assembly on the 16th day of September, 2013 through its office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America.

The office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America,

The office of the Governor for The United States of America

Intellectual Property Copyright 2013


The registrar for the Government of The United States of America

Email: registrar@generalpost. org Phone: (602) 845-0473

The Registrar for the Government of The United States of America

I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of The United States of America that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief. The Office of the Registrar accepts and acknowledges the WORLD NOTICE and is recorded on: September 16, 2013 Received Date 8:00 PM Time RH-4A97CD1F-B804-4451-8220-76B8EB6E069E Record File Number

CERTIFIED COPY OF RECORDED DOCUMENT This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded and placed on file in the office of the registrar for the Government of The United States of America. Date Issued: September 16, 2013 This copy is not valid unless displaying the date, seal, and signature of the registrar for the Government of The United States of America.

The United States of America Unique Authentication File Number

Intellectual Property Copyright 2013

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