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The Charter for the Temple of 1Y in

and for the reign of the heavens sphere
We, the ordained Ministers of the reign of the heavens, accepting and
acknowledging 1Y as Grantor of all things, our knowledge, our spirits, our
souls, our blessings of flesh, blood and bones, our intellectual property of
creation, and problem solving, hereby establish and ordain this Temple within
the reign of the heavens, for the purpose of administering the commands of
the beneficiary, 1Y, in a separate sphere from all others. The Ministers
hereby accept and acknowledge this ordained cause to organize the World
Government of the beneficiary wherein the name of the nation was proclaimed
into existence by the Head of State, 1=D=D=, and witnessed into a cause
on the nineteenth day of May, 2013 by the affirmed reign Citizens and
Nationals, collectively and separately.
Whereas, the Citizens and Nationals hereby affirmed the proclamation of the
Head of State that the metes and bounds of the reign of the heavens shall be
as follows: Territory: And leaving Natsareth, He came and dwelt in Kephar
Nahum, which is by the sea, in the borders of Zebulun and Naphtali, 14-to fill
what was spoken by Yeshayahu the prophet, saying, 15-Land of Zebulun and
land of Naphtali, the way of the sea, beyond the Yarden, Galil of the gentiles.
However, in the matter of the metes and bounds of the reign of the heavens,
after the demise of the Head of State, the proclamation of the metes and
bounds expanded into the hearts and minds of all people which gave them a

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drive of self determination and independence like no other prophet had
accomplished prior to the time of the Head of State.
Now therefore, it is witnessed and ordained by the Ministers of the Temple of
1Y, based on the evidence, that the metes and bounds of the Temple of
1Y shall be wherever the people dwell within this sphere. Whereas no
object can occupy the same space, therefore, that space was given to that
dweller, and no other by the Grantor and beneficiary of the Head of State of
the reign of the heavens. For as long as no other Nation is troubled by the
presence of an affirmed Citizen and National of the reign of the heavens, or a
temple dwelling, then all of the blessings of the Grantor and beneficiary of the
reign of the heavens shall be bestowed upon that Independent Nation, country
or State.
The affirmed Citizens and Nationals of the reign of the heavens are known as
Gentiles, Galil of the gentiles as proclaimed by the Head of State of the reign
of the heavens and Granted by the Grantor and beneficiary. The ordained
Ministers shall be known as the Ministers of the WORD within the Holy Trust.
Jurisdiction and venue for the Ministers of
the Temple of 1Y
The Temple of 1Y in and for the reign of the heavens shall reside within the
metes and bounds of The United States of America and sea-ward boundaries
thereof. The Temple of 1Y in and for the reign of the heavens shall have all
of the attributes, personality, character, powers, authority, rights, privileges,
immunities, duties and responsibilities of an Independent and Sovereign
Nation and shall be the source of the sphere of the Government of The United
States of America. Therefore, all acts or any other duty, including the rural free
delivery routes and the general post office and all responsibility of
Government shall emanate from the Temple of 1Y in and for the reign of
the heavens in the form of the Government of The United States of America
for the protection of the mind, body and soul of the individual.

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Therefore, we the ordained Ministers of the Temple of 1Y hereby
proclaim, establish and ordain in the name of the Grantor, 1Y , the
Temple of 1Y in and for the reign of the heavens for the purpose of
fulfilling the commands of the beneficiary.

Article I

The Stile for the Temple of 1Y in and for the reign of the heavens shall be
the: Temple of 1Y

Article II.

The Temple of 1Y retains all rights as a separate sphere as commanded
by the beneficiary through the Head of State of the reign of the heavens when
dealing with issues of the set-apart spirit.
Article III.
The Temple of 1Y hereby severally enters into a firm league of
friendship by and between each Citizen, National of the reign of the heavens,
for their common defense, binding themselves to assist each other, against all
force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of
other spheres, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretense whatsoever.
Article IV
The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and commercial
trade among the Citizens, Nationals in the form of American Nationals for The
United States of America, except fugitives from justice guilty of physical injury
crimes, shall be entitled to all rights, privileges and immunities recognized and
upheld in other World Spheres. The affirmed Citizens and Nationals shall have
free ingress and regress to and from any other Independent State of the
former Union and present union on the rural free delivery routes, and shall
enjoy therein all the rights of trade and commerce; provided also that no
imposition, duties or restriction shall be laid by any Independent State on the
Temple of 1Y. The Seat of the Temple of 1Y shall be the source of the

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Seat of Government for the reign of the heavens and the Seat of the
Government of The United States of America.

Article V

Section 1;

Any and all independent Nations and States that accept and acknowledge
the Temple of 1Y through the ratification of the Law of Nations shall qualify
for the Ministering of Accounts from the Temple of 1Y.

Section 2;

The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall be the office of posit for the
ratification of the Law of Nations wherein the records shall be held in a
repository within this sphere. The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall work
with other Nations and States to promote the business and products produced
by the American Nationals.

The purpose of Government is to protect the private claims to private
property of the people, therefore the Temple of 1Y shall never claim
property already granted to the people by the Grantor. All people of the
Temple of 1Y are Executors or Executrix of their own Estate and
automatically have proof of life. The Executors Estate can never be
confiscated. All Estate property shall always go the next of kin in any case as
commanded by the beneficiary.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall steward the office for no less than 2
years and no more than four years. There shall be an election by the
assembly to relieve the steward once the time has expired for the burden to
be carried by another ordained Minister.

When vacancies occur in the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the assembly of
Ministers shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

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Section 3;

The Minister of Finance shall be elected by the assembly of Ministers
every two years. The Minister of Finance is forbidden from holding office for
longer than two terms of two years.

The Minister of Finance shall be the primary office that settles disputes by
and between the Citizens, Nationals of the reign of the heavens and Ministers
of the Temple of 1Y.

J udgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than removal
from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of Trust under
the Temple of 1Y: however, the Party convicted shall endure a time of
expulsion or even deportation from the reign of the heavens as determined by
the assembly of Ministers.

Section 4;

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for office holders shall
be prescribed by the assembly of Ministers upon acceptance and
acknowledgment of the time, place and manner;

The assembly of Ministers shall assemble at least once in every Year, and
such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December unless they shall by
Law appoint a different Day ratified by the assembly of Ministers.

Section 5;

The assembly of Ministers shall be the J udge of the Elections, Returns and
Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a
Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day,
and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such
Manner, and under such Penalties as the assembly of Ministers may provide.

The assembly of Ministers may determine the Rules of its Proceedings and
punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two
thirds, expel a Member.

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The assembly of Ministers shall keep a J ournal of its Proceedings, and
from time to time publish the same; and the Yays and Nos of the Members of
the assembly of Ministers on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of
those Present, be entered on the J ournal.

Section 6;

The office holders shall claim a Compensation for their Services, to be
ascertained by Law, and liquidated from the Treasury of the reign of the
heavens. The office holders shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and
Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the
convening of their respective Seats, and in going to and returning from the
same; and for any Speech or Debate, they shall not be questioned in any
other Place. The Temple of 1Y shall enjoy Embassy, ecclesiastic, and
church status within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The
United States of America.

Section 7;

All Foreign Business offers shall be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and recorded on the Great Registry. The assembly of Ministers are required
to set a standard of rules that Foreign Business must comply with in order to
do Business with the Citizens, Nationals of the reign of the heavens. The
Minister of Finance shall uphold the set of standards and rules as required by
the assembly of Ministers. The assembly of Ministers has the authority to
make Laws that govern the set of standards. The Citizens, Nationals and
ordained Ministers shall govern themselves through social compact
agreement with full Confederacy rights.

Section 8;.

No foreigner shall ever classify the Temple of 1Y as a terrorist
organization, cult, or any other abomination within this Nation.

The assembly of Ministers shall have the power to treaty with other
spheres for the purpose of Peace and Honor among Nations;

The Ministry of J ustice shall have the power to punish offences against the
Law of Nations;

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The assembly of Ministers shall have the authority to exercise exclusive
Legislation as a separate sphere on behalf of the beneficiary, and

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into
Execution the foregoing Powers and Authorities, and all other Powers vested
by this charter;

Section 9;

The Migration and Naturalization of foreigners into the Sphere, shall think
proper to admit, can be prohibited by the assembly of Ministers.

The General Purpose for the Temple of 1Y is to serve in spiritual
matters, matters of the mind, body, soul and matters of conscience for the
Government of The United States of America.

No Capitation or other direct Tax shall be laid on anyone by the Temple of
1Y, however, all donations will be accepted to support the estates of the

All full title liquidation requests from the Minister of Finance and a regular
Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all liquidations
shall be published each year in the J ournal of the assembly of Ministers.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted however, all titles of nobility within
other Nations, States and Kingdoms shall be recognized and respected as
equals by the Minister of Foreign Affairs: And no office holder shall accept of
any present, agent, agency, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever,
from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Section 10;

The Temple of 1Y shall enter into Treaty; coin or make use of Digital
currency and have the authority of the delivery of e-currency, furthermore,
shall have the authority to license foreigners through the Government of The
United States of America for use of the aforesaid activities within its sphere;

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The assembly of Ministers shall not enact any Law impairing the Obligation
of Contracts by and between the Citizens and Nationals of the reign of the

The right of speech and debate in the assembly of Ministers shall not be
impeached or questioned in any Ministry of Justice, or placed out of the
assembly of Ministers, and the ordained Ministers shall be protected from
arrests and imprisonments, during the time of their going to and from, and
attendance, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace.

Every Minister shall always be sufficiently armed.
Article VI.
The Ministry of Trusts shall be authorized to execute, in the recess of the
assembly of Ministers, such of the trust, provided that no power be delegated
to the said Ministry, over the Citizens and Nationals of the reign of the
heavens unless a law of the reign of the heavens has been transgressed
wherein the Ministry of Justice has judicial jurisdiction.

Section 1;

The Ministry of Governance shall hold office during the Term of two Years,
and no longer than four years, and, together with the Deputy Minister, chosen
for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

Each ordained Minister shall have one vote for the Ministry of Governance
and Deputy of the Temple of 1Y, in the case of a tie vote, the Ministry of
Trusts shall decide.

No one except an ordained Minister shall be eligible for the Ministry of
Governance; neither shall and anyone be eligible to any office who shall not
have attained to the Age of twenty five Years.

The Ministry of Governance shall, at Stated Times, claim for Services, a
liquidation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period
for which the Minister shall have been elected, and the Minister shall not
receive within that Period any other Emolument or Donation and contribution

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from any Citizen and National of the reign of the heavens, nor from any Stock
Market, lobbyists, Financial Market either directly or indirectly nor any foreign
Independent State or body politic.

Before, the Ministry of Governance office shall be signed for from the
Ministry of Trusts, the ordained Minister, recognized as ordained by the
assembly of Ministers, shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: "I do
solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Ministry of
Governance of the Temple of 1Y, and will to the best of my Ability, defend
the honor of the beneficiary when questioned or attacked by the un-faithful,
and defend the sphere against all foreign hostile or aggressive powers."

Section 2;

The Ministry of Governance shall from time to time give to the assembly of
Ministers, Information of the State of the sphere and recommend to their
Consideration such Measures as the steward shall judge necessary and
expedient; The Ministry of Governance may, on extraordinary Occasions,
convene the assembly of Ministers. The Ministry of Governance shall receive
Ambassadors and other Public Ministers of foreign spheres;

Article VII

Section 1;

The J udicial Power shall be primarily vested in the assembly of Ministers
as a settlement board for peaceful settlement of disputes by and between
ordained Ministers, and appellate jurisdiction shall be Ministry of J ustice with
supra National jurisdiction for the peaceful settlement of disputes by and
between the reign of the heavens, The United States of America and foreign
Nations and States. Furthermore, the Ministry of J ustice shall serve as a
settlement board for the Citizens and Nationals of the reign of the heavens,

Section 2;

The J udicial Power shall extend to all appellate Cases, arising under this
charter to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and
Consuls; to all Cases of admiralty and maritime J urisdiction; to Controversies
between two or more Citizens and Nationals of the reign of the heavens; In all
Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls. The reign

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of the heavens shall be the representing International entity of the Citizens
and Nationals thereof, and the Temple of 1Y shall be the representative of
the faith and sphere. Furthermore, all Citizens and Nationals shall also be
known as American Nationals within the Confederacy of 1781 of The United
States of America when dealing with U.S. citizens, citizens of the United
States, resident aliens of the United States inc. Global Citizens, or any other
status established by other spheres.

Article VIII

Section 1;

The Temple of 1Y cannot recognize foreign judgments of foreign
Associations or foreign States unless reciprocation agreements are
established with other spheres.

Section 2;

The Ministry of Trusts primary duty is to settle estates, administer estates,
and find the next of kin for the purpose of settlement of any given estate.
Accept filings of trust relationships and declarations, and settle disputes by
and between trust parties.

Section 3;

The Temple of 1Y shall respect the Independence of The United States
of America and the Union of American Nationals and no new union shall ever
be surveyed and established over the Union.

Article IX.
The ordained Ministers of the Temple of 1Y hereby accept,
acknowledge and recognize the Grantor in the true form and intent and
hereby establish this charter of the Temple of 1Y.

Article X
Any Nation and State ratifying or acceding to this charter shall send the
instrument of ratification to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be placed in the

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repository of the reign of the heavens. A ratification of the Law of Nations is
required to accompany the instrument of ratification of this charter.
General Provisions
1: The enactment clause of the assembly of Ministers shall be: BE IT
ENACTED, by the assembly of Ministers of the Temple of 1Y in the name
Grantor/Beneficiary as follows;
2: All enactments shall be published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
3: The right of declaring and ending an emergency within the reign of the heavens shall
be reserved by the Citizens and Nationals of the reign of the heavens. However, the
assembly of Ministers shall reserve the same right.
4: The Flag for the Temple of 1Y shall be the following:
1: The affirmed Citizens and Nationals of the reign of the heavens and the reign of
the heavens means: any flesh, blood and bones body known as a man or woman with
proof of life.
2: The reign of the heavens also means the reign of the heavens township, and the
reign of the heavens township also means the reign of the heavens.
3: A Citizen and National of the reign of the heavens means: A Man or Woman that
has taken an Oath or Affirmation to reign of the heavens.
4: The reign of the heavens means a perfect Nation within the Territory: And leaving
Natsareth, He came and dwelt in Kephar Nahum, which is by the sea, in the borders of
Zebulun and Naphtali, 14to fill what was spoken by Yeshayahu the prophet, saying,
15Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, the way of the sea, beyond the Yarden, Galil
of the gentiles as amended by expansion and resides as an embassy styled the reign of
the heavens township within the metes and bounds of The United States of America.
All metes and bounds are currently made up of all private claims to private property
registered with the Automobile Association for The United States of America and all
prior claims from the original Continental Congress known as the United States, in
Congress assembled, all original townships and counties formed under the Northwest
Ordinance forming the forty eight Independent States metes and bounds abutting
Canada to the North, Mexico to the South, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific
Ocean to the West without land lock with current full legal title within the ROH Trust to
the rural free delivery routes.

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5: The reign of the heavens is an Independent Nation of Gentiles, a signatory to the
Law of Nations, a ratification of the Charter of the United Nations, the Declaration of
Human Rights and various other agreements. Common Law within the reign of the
heavens is defined as: where that which is forbidden, all else is permitted as opposed to
the Napoleonic Code which means; that which is permitted, all else is forbidden.
6: The political establishment within the reign of the heavens World Government is a
Confederacy as defined: (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a Union or combination of
peoples, states, etc.; alliance; league, for the purpose of upholding the right of self
determination and independence of the people. Furthermore; upholding the
Confederacy rights of the people in Government, Politics and Diplomacy as opposed to
(Law) a combination of groups or individuals for unlawful purposes.
So established, amended, re-populated, connected and restored by men with proof of
life through the assembly of the reign of the heavens township on the twenty sixth day
of October, in the year two thousand and thirteen, the reign of the heavens World
Government is hereby established of the reign of the heavens.
Reservation of Rights
The signatories of this Charter hereby the reserve the right to alter, amend, revise or
otherwise, the benefit of the Grantor/Beneficiary.
Hereby accepted, acknowledged and witnessed on the two-hundred and thirty
third day of the year, six-thousand and sixteen, translation, 9
day of November,

By last will and testament

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Letter of Acceptance and Acknowledgment of ordained minister status within the
Temple of 1Y,

We, the ordained Ministers hereby accept and acknowledge the status of
ordained Ministers and shall perform all duties and responsibilities of said status,
separately and witnessing for the other of said act and deed.
Hereby accepted, acknowledged and witnessed on the two-hundred and thirty
third day of the year, six-thousand and sixteen, translation, 9
day of November,

By last will and testament

Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 14

The executors of the New Yerushalayim World Trust convene on the 9
day of
November, 2013,
BE IT RESOLVED, that all property, intellectual or otherwise is hereby transferred to the Temple
of 1Y RH-E3000CEA-305E-4BEF-B214-6DCCA0DF5DF6 which will re-align all
organizations involved and attached to the New Yerushalayim World Trust to the only
living Grantor/Beneficiary that being 1Y also known as 1=Y.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the re-alignment shall harmonize the all Manor Roles
throughout the world.
BE IT RESOLVED, that all Governments, regardless of type, that ratify or accede to the
Charter of the Temple of 1Y or adopt the structure of the Charter of the Temple of
1Y, shall be able to balance their accounts.
So resolved and ordered by the Executors on the 233
day of the year, six thousand
and sixteen,




Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 15

The registrar for the reign of the heavens
Email: registrar@generalpost. org
Phone: (602) 845-0473

The Registrar for the reign of the heavens
I, Alice Ceniceros, certify under penalty of bearing false witness under the laws of the reign of the
heavens that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct according to the best of my current
information, knowledge, and belief. The Office of the Registrar accepts and acknowledges the The
charter of the Temple of Yahweh and is recorded on:

November 9, 2013 11:40 AM RH-E3000CEA-305E-4BEF-B214-6DCCA0DF5DF6
Received Date Time Record File Number

This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially recorded and placed on file in the office
of the registrar for the reign of the heavens.

Date Issued: November 9, 2013

This copy is not valid unless displaying the date, seal, Record File Number, and signature of the registrar
for the Government of The United States of America.

The charter of the Temple of Yahweh
The reign of the heavens
Unique Authentication File Number

Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 16

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 17

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 18

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 19


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"7 D 1Y.

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==="1 D "^=X= == ==D YX= D rXD^ XD =D

XD^ .

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1 XYD 1==. "^=X D ^=^ = D^ D" D^
D D D^ X=^ XYD X"= D XYD 1==.

Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 20

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=7DX= 1 =^ XY^ X vXX^=, ^=XD^== D X ^ D X
=^= =^ "^=X= D X "7 D 1Y.

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 21

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="^X YX D vD^=1 X=.

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=7= D X 7D7D= D 7= =^ D^D ="D^ ^=XD^=.

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 22

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"7 D 1Y, DY, = D^=XD^= Y =7X XD =D77DX X
=X=X= D X 7D7.

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 23

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 24

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"^=X= D D^ =7=.

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 25

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=^ ==XD^=, =^ =XX =7DX= 1 =^ XY^ XD=X 7=X=.

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 26

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 27

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 28

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 29

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Intellectual Property copyright 2013 Page 30

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