Capital Punishment and The Bible - (2004)

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Capital Punishment and the Bible

Robin Calamaio - Copyright 2004

God, the God of life, is pro-capital punishment. This is one of the easiest of all Bible
truths one can be called on to expose. So, there are three primary questions that apply to man
concerning this topic.

Question one: Does God share this privilege and responsibility with man?
Question two: If so, for what offenses can one man take another man’s life?
Question three: What is the process culminating in execution?

“Whoa there!” I hear you say. “You are ready to start executing people and haven’t
even established if God is pro-capital punishment or not! You can’t simply assert ‘God, the
God of life, is pro-capital punishment’ and expect me to blindly accept that!!” Okay, okay ... I
give. Let’s back up. So, is God really pro-capital punishment? Let me approach it this way. I
want to ask you a question. If you answer it Biblically - case closed. So, here is the question.
Why are you going to die? Here is the Bible’s answer to this inquiry. “Just as through
one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, so death spread to all men, because
all sinned .... (A)ll have sinned and fall short of the glory of God .... Indeed, there is not a
righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins” (Ro 5:12, 3:23, Eccl
7:20). The Author of the Bible has made some determinations about this thing called “sin.” First,
everyone has done it. Second, the penalty is death. “The wages of sin is death” (Ro. 6:23). The
payment you get for your sins is death. According to the Bible, you are going to die because you
have sinned. That is why you are going to die. But this immediately raises several other
questions. First, what is sin? Second, why is God provoked about sin? Third, how does this
translate into God being pro-capital punishment?

What Is Sin?
Before I started reading the Bible for myself, I thought “sin” was something invented by
the Pope, or somebody, so as to make people feel guilty over various things and then give money
to the church. But in my own reading, I began finding the Bible did assign right and wrong, good
and evil, moral and immoral, to all kinds of behavior, activities and aspirations. Everything on the
bad side is called, “sin.” And there are sins of commission and also sins of omission. That
means guilt is not only assigned for the commission of prohibited things, but it is also levied if one
fails to do things one should have done! There are hundreds and hundreds of sins listed
throughout the Bible’s pages. Some fall in the “religious” realm (commands between each person
and his/her Creator), and others fall into the civil realm (commands on how to act, or react,
toward other people). There are even commands on the treatment of animals as well as
commands toward all kinds of inanimate objects like the earth, money, pride, etc., etc., etc.
Concerning sin, there is a very simple assertion in John 5:17, “All unrighteousness is sin....” I
have not always automatically agreed with what the Bible labels “unrighteousness.” But time

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after time, I have become persuaded I am in error and have abandoned my position(s). But even
in those contentions, I knew I was barking up only one tree - while standing in a forest. Sin,
according to the Bible’s definition, is all around me and permeates my being as well. We live in a
mass of sin, and we all sin in mass. Do you doubt this? Well let’s look at the two greatest of
commands. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and
with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself” (Lk 10:27). In
my natural state (pre-Christian) I never did this. That means, from God’s perspective, I sinned
continually. Now, in my Christian state, I fulfill these commands some of the time. The bulk of
humanity is unsaved. And there are a lot of “Corinthian believers.” So, how do you stack up?

Why is God Provoked About Sin?

I am the first to admit that I only have a vague grip on the answer to this question. If I
really grasped how deadly serious He is about sin, I wouldn’t keep doing so much of it. So with
that backdrop, I will forward some information on this question. But I am sure this material will
only scratch the surface.
When King David’s sins of adultery and murder were exposed by the prophet Nathan,
David’s response was, “I have sinned against the Lord” (2Sam 12:13). In Psalm 51:4, David
stated, “Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned, and done what is evil in Thy sight.” Uriah the
Hittite (the murdered husband) and Bathsheba (the stolen wife) were off the radar screen. David
rightly understood his sins were primarily an assault on God Almighty. In my natural state (pre-
Christian days), a thought like that never entered my mind. As stated earlier, I didn’t even think
“sin” was a valid concept. Even now, when I sin, I do not usually think, “I am sinning against
God.” But God sees it that way. When I sin, He registers that as an assault on Him. And why
does God regard this as a personal assault? I think the reason is because He made us in His
likeness and image (Gen 1:26,27 & 9:6). While there is debate on what this means, here may be a
partial answer. For example, God can plan, create, and communicate. He has crowned us with
like abilities. When we use any of these abilities in a contrary way, this is a defilement, a twisting,
and a corruption of one of these “crowns” - a sin. God logs each corruption of these shared traits
as treason - a personal assault on Him. And this angers Him. So, how angry is He?

How Does This Translate Into God Being Pro-capital Punishment?

“The wages of sin is death” (Ro 6:23). Our sins form “a certificate of debt consisting of
decrees against us which (are) hostile to us” (Col 2:14). This “certificate of debt” is a death
warrant. So, how does this translate into God being pro-capital punishment? Well, let’s ask and
answer three basic questions.

Question One: Who decided death is the penalty for sin? Answer: The God of life.
Question Two: Who imposes this penalty? Answer: The God of life. “See now that I, I
am He, and there is no god besides Me. It is I who put to death and give life ... and there is no
one who can deliver from My hand” (Deut 32:39).
Question Three: When, where, and how is the sentence carried out? Answer: At the
time, place, and method of His choosing. Harsh stuff.

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To add insult to injury, those outside of Christ have been judged already and are now
living on death row (Jn 3:18). In fact, God is so serious about this sin deal that He has actually
created three deaths - and most people will encounter all three. For a thorough discussion on the
three deaths created by the God of life, I refer you to my Ebook, “Death and the Bible” which is
free at But, for our purposes here, the death we are interested in is our
physical expiration. Now you know “why” you physically die. Death comes because of your own
personal sin. You also know “Who” the executioner is. God invented capital punishment.
One time, Jesus was asked (challenged), “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal
life?” This is the question of all questions. What does a person need to do so he/she might live
forever ... and ever ... and ever.... where death will be eternally absent? If it is possible there is
a legitimate answer to this, isn’t it worth a full investigation? Eternal Life? How long is that?
Well, if you counted one grain of sand per year, when you finished counting every one on the
globe you would still be at the beginning of eternity. Here was Jesus’ response. “What is written
in the Law? How does it read to you?” The man said, “You shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and
your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus said, “You have answered correctly; do this and you will
live” (Lk 10:25-28). Jesus told His questioner that if he kept the commands he had correctly
enunciated, he would live forever! He would never die! If anyone fulfills these commands,
God will have absolutely no quarrel with that sinless one. Death will not, and cannot, come.
Where sin is absent, death is absent.
Now, we must decide something about Jesus. He either had a brain twisted in fantasy - or
else He knew exactly what He was talking about. He either knew the truth about life (even
eternal life) and death, or He did not. Once I became convinced He rose from the dead ... well,
that settled things for me. With the ability to rise from the dead ... it seems reasonable to assume
He knows what he is talking about on anything He wants to address.
According to the Bible, death is not an inorganic, random, naturally occurring reality as
Evolutionists would have one believe. Death is an act of God, a “thing” created by God. It is an
imposed, determined, personal judgement levied by God in response to the wickedness of sin -
my sin. You, too, my friend, are in His cross hairs.
Obviously, most people do not believe this. Nor do people believe God keeps track of
every sin a person commits. This unbelief is manifested in billions of ways every day. The
outcome of this unbelief is distilled in one verse: “Because sentence against an evil deed is not
executed speedily, the human heart is fully set to do evil” (Eccl 8:11). But justice delayed does
not mean justice will be denied. “... it is appointed for men to die once, and then comes the
judgement” (Heb 9:27). We live in a virtual slaughterhouse. I wouldn’t be surprised if a quarter-
million people die each day. Concerning the Executioner’s feelings on this, He once stated, “‘I
have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies,’ declares the Lord God. ‘Therefore, repent
and live’” (Ezk 18:32). Pleasure does not drive this grim reality - necessity does.
Boy, I can hear the wails even now! “But, what about babies who die? They have never
sinned! And what about the severely retarded, or the insane? They are incapable of knowing
right from wrong! And what about plants and animals? They are not even capable of sin, yet
death dominates them all!” Do you really think I am comfortable with the assertions above
without having made these inquiries myself? I address these matters in my free Ebook, “Death

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and the Bible.” But presently, these are irrelevant concerns. We are talking about you. You are
not a baby, or retarded, or insane and you are not a plant. You are a morally accountable human
being - accountable to the One who created you. So, don’t worry about all those other situations.
You have enough to be concerned with.
But these question remain. “Has God delegated the executing power He possesses to
man? If so, for what reason(s) and under what circumstances?”

Pre Law
With Noah, a significant edict was granted to man. “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man
his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man” (Gen 9:6). God delegated this
duty to man. This was right after the flood - with the earth’s population reduced to just eight
people. It seems reasonable to assume this was not to be “lynch mob” justice, but probably an
action imposed after a deliberative process by some sort of “primitive” governing council. But
even if it was a vigilante system, by the time of the formation of Israel, definite judicial procedures
were instituted.

The Law - A Nation Under a Theocracy

Technically, all nations are under God’s rule. In that sense, every nation is under
theocratic rule. Every governing authority of every age, culture and governing system will
account to Him. I will discuss this later. But, according the Bible, there was a unique situation at
the time of Moses. God decided to visit humanity in a unique way. He chose a group of people
(Israel), and gave them direct revelation for their laws and governing procedures. God set up the
one and only true practicing Theocracy to be seen in this Age (from Adam through the Last Day).
What is often called “The Law of Moses” is actually the Law of God. Moses did not come up
with one word of it. Moses dictated. For many reasons (which I will skip over in this treatise), it
was not God’s plan to extend this government to the present. But fortunately, its precepts and
Laws have been preserved for us. I am convinced of this one central truth: to the extent that any
governing body adopts any of that Law (except for the religious parts that were shadows and
types fulfilled in Christ), to that same degree a just government will emerge. Simply stated, the
Law, through Moses, composed the best laws for governing sinful human beings.
Let’s now examine the Capital Punishment section of God’s Law. These were not simply
guidelines for Israel - they were commands. God, as King, gave laws to be obeyed. Failure to
obey would bring severe penalties - and it did. Ultimately, this one-time Theocracy did not fail
Israel. Israel failed the Theocracy. God often described Israel as “stubborn and obstinate” (Ezk
3:7, Hos 4:16, etc.). But any other ethnic group would have failed the Theocracy as well. So,
here are the capital offenses of the Theocracy, the procedures for capital offense cases, and the
promises for obedience to this area of The Law.

The Capital Offenses

I have arbitrarily divided the 28 offenses into five categories:

1) Civil Violations
2) Sexual Violations

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3) Civil and Sexual Violations
4) Religious Violations, and
5) Civil and Religious Violations.

These divisions are more for my benefit. Following what are clearly capital offenses, I will
list all the “cut off” offenses. That will be followed by the “Twelve Curses” from Deuteronomy.
While some of these called for the execution of the offender, I am not sure they all did. Maybe
you can enlighten us by sharing your knowledge for inclusion to this “Organic Document.” Go to
the end of this Ebook for details!
So, for what offenses could man take another man’s life?

Civil Violations
1. Striking a man so he died (had an earlier anger or hatred in heart. Thus, murder). Ex 21:12-
14, Num 35:9-34, Deut 19:4-13.
2. Striking one’s father or mother. Ex 21:15.
3. Kidnaping. Ex 21:16, Deut 24:7.
4. Cursing one’s father or mother. Ex 21:17, Lev 20:9.
5. If men were fighting and accidently struck a pregnant woman and she died, the responsible
one(s?) were to be executed (Ex 21:22-24).
6. A stubborn, rebellious, disobedient son who was a drunkard or glutton. Deut 21:18-24.
7. If a false witness attempted to have a man put to death, and was exposed, then the false
witness was to be executed. Deut 19:15.
8. If local jurisdictions had a case too difficult to decide, they were to take that case to a judge or
Levitical priest at Jerusalem. If the locals then failed to obey the ensuing decree, the ones
bringing the case were to be executed. Deut 17: 8-13.
9. If an ox gored someone to death, and had gored previously (and the owner had been warned),
then the owner of the ox was to be executed. However, a ransom could be demanded (by
relatives?) instead of execution. If he paid, he could live. This was the only time a capital offense
could be waived, and the power to do so rested with the victims. Ex 21:28-32.
10. If one was convicted of manslaughter (accidental killing of another), that person had to stay in
one of the six cities of refuge until the death of the High Priest. But if the one convicted of
manslaughter left the city of refuge early, the blood avenger could kill him. Num 35:9-28.

Sexual Violations
Where people are involved, the following are all consensual sexual encounters.
11. Bestiality. The man and animal, or woman and animal, were both put to death. Ex 22:19,
Lev 20:15,16.
12. Adultery. Both the man and woman were to be executed. Even if only one was married,
both were executed. Lev 20:10, Deut 22:22.
13. If a man had sexual relations with his father’s wife, both were to be executed. Lev 20:11.
14. If a man had sexual relations with his daughter-in-law, both were to be executed. Lev 20:12.
15. Homosexuality. Two males in sexual relations were to both be executed. Lev 20:13. In
Leviticus 18:22, God calls male homosexuality an abomination. Lesbianism is not referenced.

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16. If a woman marries, and is supposedly a virgin, but then found not to be so, she was to be
taken to her father’s doorway and stoned to death. This might be considered a civil and sexual
crime. Deut 22: 13-21. I must say, this passage as a whole does bother me. A husband falsely
accusing his new wife was only to be chastised and fined and he could not divorce that slandered
wife all his days. I think he should have been executed. He framed her and was trying to get her
killed. Maybe, because of the societal construct, an executed husband would leave her in a
hapless state, so his lack of being executed would be to her best advantage.
17. If a man is found with an engaged virgin in the city, both were to be executed. The virgin did
not cry out, so is determined as complicit (consensual). Deut 22:23,24.

Civil and Sexual Violations

18. If a man has sexual relations with an engaged virgin in the field (outside the city), only the
man is executed. It is assumed to be a rape, as she may have called out for help, but no one could
hear her and thus come to her aid. This may or may not be true, but the female was given the
benefit of the doubt, while the male was given no such consideration. This is really a civil crime.
Deut 22:25-27.

Spiritual Violations
19. Anyone who cursed God, or blasphemed “The Name,” was to be stoned to death. Lev
20. Anyone who worked on the Sabbath was to be executed. Ex 35:2, Num 15:32-36.
21. Anyone sacrificing to other gods was to be executed. Ex 22:20.
22. Anyone seducing others to serve other gods was to be executed. Deut 13:6-9, Deut 17:2-7.
23. Anyone who has served or worshiped other gods, or the sun, moon, or any of the heavenly
host were to be stoned to death at the city gates. Deut 17:2-7.
24. If a prophet or dreamer came up with true signs, yet was saying to follow some other god,
that prophet or dreamer was to be executed. Israel was being tested by God. Deut 13:1-5.
25. If a prophet’s assertion proved erroneous, that “prophet” was to be executed. Deut 18:20-
26. A sorceress, or anyone practicing witchcraft, casting spells, interpreting omens, calling up the
dead, or any medium or spiritist, was to be executed. Ex 22:18, Deut 18:10-13.
27. If a city in Israel was found to have gone after other gods, the rest of Israel was to destroy
everything, including the cattle, then burn everything. That city was to never be rebuilt. Deut

Civil and Spiritual Violations

28. Anyone involved in offering children to Molech was to be executed. This involved sacrificing
children by burning them alive to this god. This is more than a spiritual violation as it is also
premeditated murder (a civil offense). Lev 20:1, Deut 18:10.

Offenders who were “Cut Off” from Israel

There are several passages that talk about violators being “cut off.” It is clear this means
death by execution in several instances, but it is unclear to me (at this time) if all of these “cut off”

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offenses were to end in execution. I will list them in three categories. The first will be certain
execution offenses, the second will be possible/probable, and the third are offenses which may be
“cut off” in terms of banishment. This third category may be a total fabrication on my part, so if
you can enlighten me, please do. I t seems like a good idea to know exactly what God means by
“cut off” before you start executing people. I will list my reasoning as I progress.

A. “Cut Off” Equaling Civil Execution

1. Ex 31:14 - Working on the Sabbath.
2. Lev 20:3 - Sacrificing children to Molech.
3. Lev 18:20 - “Intercourse with your neighbor’s wife” (adultery).
4. Lev 18:22 - Homosexuality.
5. Lev 18:23 - Bestiality.

B. Probable/Possible “Cut Off” Passages Equaling Civil Execution

1. Lev 20:6 - Anyone turning to spiritists and mediums.
2. Num 15:30,31 - Defiant sin contrary to the word of the Lord, as this is seen as blaspheming
3. Ex 30:33 - Anyone making the holy oil or pouring it on someone when he/she has not been
commissioned to do either one.
4. Ex 30:38 - Anyone making incense (as prescribed by God for the Tabernacle/Temple) for
perfume (profane) purposes.

C. “Cut Off” for Seeing Nakedness - Sexual Violations?

There are several instances when God speaks of seeing one’s nakedness, or taking one and
seeing her nakedness. If it is correct to assume this is another way of referencing intercourse,
then these violations may have called for execution. You will have to find someone smarter than I
to determine if this is a valid assumption.

5. Lev 20:17 - A man taking his sister or half sister so that he sees her nakedness and she sees his
6. Lev 18:6-17 - There is a whole list of blood relatives that one was not to approach to uncover
his/her nakedness. This includes one’s mother, father’s wife (step mother?), sister, half-sister,
granddaughter, aunt (including an aunt by marriage - one’s uncle’s wife), daughter-in-law, sister-
in-law, a woman and her daughter, nor that woman’s granddaughter(s).
7. Lev 18:18 - Not to take as wife two sisters while both are alive.

D. “Cut Off” Equaling Banishment or Some Other Kind of Penalty?

It is at this point I am really speculating. Maybe none of the following “cut off”
injunctions call for execution - maybe some do - maybe all do. I don’t know, but here are the
rest. It is the last one in particular (which I will comment on) that has prompted this category of
“cut off “ offenses equaling banishment or some other kind of penalty. It would be my hope the
offender could repent in an effort to reverse course and correct the error. But one thing I am
certain of - these were all very serious violations to be avoided.

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1. Ex 12:15,19 - Eating leavened bread during the seven days before Passover.
2. Lev 7:20,21 and Lev 22:3 - Anyone who is ceremonially unclean, yet eats of the peace
3. Num 19:13-20 - Anyone not purifying himself after touching a human corpse.
4. Lev 7:25 - Anyone eating the fat of a sacrificial animal.
5. Lev 19:5-8 - Anyone eating of peace offerings third day (or beyond?).
6. Lev 17:3,4 - Anyone slaughtering an ox, goat, or lamb, inside or outside the camp, and failing
to present it before the Tabernacle (this was while Israel was in the wilderness).
7. Lev 17:8,9 - Anyone offering a burnt offering or sacrifice, and not presenting it before the
door of The Tent of Meeting to the Lord.
8. Lev 23:27-32 - Violating the Day of Atonement by not humbling oneself.
9. Num 9:13 - A clean man who was not on a journey, yet neglects Passover.
10. Lev 7:27, Lev 17:10,14 - Anyone eating blood.
11. Lev 20:18 - A man having intercourse with a menstrual woman - both were to be cut off.
12. Gen 17:14 - Anyone not circumcised the eighth day (the Covenant between God and Israel).
It is this last “cut off” offense that makes me question if “cut off” equals execution.
Sometimes, as seen earlier, “cut off” offenses call for execution of the offender. But in this last
one, the infant is totally dependent upon his parents to obey the Covenant Law. Is the infant to be
executed for the sins of the parent(s)? That would violate the clear injunction that no one was to
be executed for the sins of one’s father (Deut 24:16). Now you know what “cut off” offense
opened this entire category to me. As you have seen, I dumped eleven other offenses into this
category - and I may be in total error in this part of this Ebook. Persuade me with accurate
Biblical and historical and linguistic information and I will be persuaded! That is why this is an
Organic Document - just like my others!

The Twelve Curses

Just before Israel went into the promised land after the wilderness wanderings, the people
said “Amen” to these twelve curses. Several curses clearly called for man’s hand in public
execution. What about the others? Or would Israel “cut off” the violator upon conviction
(banishment)? Or would one simply step back and allow God to act in the time and place of His
choosing? Well, here they are for your review.

Deut 27:11-26.
*Cursed is the man who makes an idol or image - sets it up in secret. (Execution).
*Cursed is the man who dishonors his father or mother. (Execution).
*Cursed is the man who moves his neighbor’s boundary mark.
*Cursed is the man who leads astray the blind on the road.
*Cursed is the man who distorts justice due to the alien, orphan, or widow.
*Cursed is the man who lies with his father’s wife. (Execution).
*Cursed is the man who lies with any animal. (Execution).
*Cursed is the man who lies with his sister. (Execution).
*Cursed is the man who lies with his mother-in-law. (Execution).
*Cursed is the man who strikes his neighbor in secret. (If result is death, then execution).

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*Cursed is the man who accepts a bribe to strike down the innocent (If the innocent one is killed,
then the bribe taker was to be executed. Centuries later, Judas took a bribe in exchange for
delivering up God in the flesh to his enemies. But, after feeling remorse, he told the chief priests
and elders he had “sinned by betraying innocent blood” (Mt 27:4). Those “Law-keepers” did
not want to hear that confession - and clearly did not act upon it. Based on this alone their sin
was greater than that which Pilate incurred [Jn 19:11]. Concerning Judas, it truly would have
been good if he had not been born).
*Cursed is the man who does not confirm the words of this Law.

Procedures for Capital Offense Cases

What Minimal Protections Were Afforded All Citizens?

1. No one could be put to death on the testimony of only one witness. There had to be two, or
more, and the witness’ hands were to be the first in stonings (at least in some cases - maybe all).
Num 35:30, Deut 13:6-9, Deut 17:2-7, Deut 19:15.
2. Fathers could not be held accountable for the son’s sins, nor could a son be held accountable
for sins by the father. Each person was liable only for his/her own actions. Deut 24:16.

Who Convicted the Guilty?

1. The elders of the cities who “sat in the gate” (the place of official judgement) decided many of
the cases. Deut 22:13-21, Deut 21:19.
2. In cases that were too difficult to decide, it was to be brought “to the place which the Lord
God chooses” (eventually Jerusalem after settling the land?). The Levitical priest or judge of that
day would declare the verdict. Deut 17:8-13.

Where Were the Executions to Take Place?

1. It appears the executions were very public affairs. Many were at the city gate. This was the
main thoroughfare and entrance to the city. Deut 22:24, Deut 17:5.
2. In one case, the unvirgin “virgin” newlywed was to be stoned at the doorstep of her father’s
house. Deut 22:21.

Who Was to Carry Out the Actual Execution?

1. In some cases, it was “the people of the land,” or “all the people” Lev 20:1, Deut 17:7.
2. The “avenger of blood” carried out executions particularly in reference to those convicted of
first degree murder. Num 35:16-21, Deut 19:12.
3. Sometimes “all the men in the city” were the executioners. Deut 21:21, Deut 22:21.

Method of Execution
Stoning was a primary method of execution. The blood avenger may have used a sword,
and in one case, the guilty parties were to be burned with fire (See Lev 20:14). When destroying
a wayward city, whatever accomplished the goal was probably just fine. It will be interesting to
see how the “cruel and unusual punishment” protesters fare when they stand before the One who
commanded these methods. Human beings have no idea Who they are dealing with.

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Promises for Obedience
These promises are contingent upon the consistent, impartial, and fair implementation of
the death penalty.

1. Israel was to avenge innocent blood so “that it may go well with you.” Deut 19:13.
2. The land was thus cleansed from pollution. Read Numbers 35:29-34. This is extremely
3. Fear will be put into the heart of the people so as to not commit these offenses. This is a
critically important point to be addressed later. God declares that capital punishment is a
deterrent to criminal activity. Deut 17:13, Deut 19:20, and Deut 21:21.

Parring Down the List of Possible Capital Offenses

It is clear that God was pro-capital punishment in His Theocratic rule. But can other
governments rightly execute its citizens? The answer is, “Yes.” I will support this assertion in a
moment. But there are five capital offenses exclusive to the Old Covenant. These ended the
moment Jesus died. Once excised, a government could rightly adopt the rest of this part of
The Law. However, when a government adopts certain governing principles, some capital
offenses, by necessity, terminate. Some governing philosophies strike them all. If one views this
first parring down as the conservative position, you will see what governing rationales move a
government toward becoming liberal in reference to capital punishment.
Let’s first abandon all the “cut off” offenses, and see what part of this Capital Punishment
system could be adopted by a government today.

I. Excising Capital Offenses Exclusive to the Old Covenant

Here is the list of capital violations I believe could be righteously used today by any
governmental system. I have left the original numbering intact. Deleted are 8, 10, 16, 20 and 27.
You can look back at the original list and easily identify what offenses have been deleted. I have
kept my arbitrary categories intact as well. 23 of 28 offenses are still in play.

Civil Violations
1. Striking a man so he died (had an earlier anger or hatred in heart. Thus, murder). Ex 21:12-
14, Num 35:9-34, Deut 19:4-13.
2. Striking one’s father or mother. Ex 21:15.
3. Kidnaping. Ex 21:16, Deut 24:7.
4. Cursing one’s father or mother. Ex 21:17, Lev 20:9.
5. If men were fighting and accidently struck a pregnant woman and she died, the responsible
one(s?) were to be executed (Ex 21:22-24).
6. A stubborn, rebellious, disobedient son who was a drunkard or glutton. Deut 21:18-24.
7. If a false witness attempted to have a man put to death, and was exposed, then the false
witness was to be executed. Deut 19:15.
9. If an ox gored someone to death, and had gored previously (and the owner had been warned),
then the owner of the ox was to be executed. However, a ransom could be demanded (by
relatives?) instead of execution. If he paid, he could live. This was the only time a capital offense

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could be waived, and the power to do so rested with the victims. Ex 21:28-32.
This last one I can potentially see as a principle in Law. I could see this applied today to
drunk driving or other actions that demonstrate a careless disregard for the well being of others. I
am not normally a big fan of “Biblical Principles” in justifying new procedures, but this may be an

Sexual Violations
11. Bestiality. The man and animal, or woman and animal, were both put to death. Ex 22:19,
Lev 20:15,16.
12. Adultery. Both the man and woman were to be executed. Even if only one was married,
both were executed. Lev 20:10, Deut 22:22.
13. If a man had sexual relations with his father’s wife, both were to be executed. Lev 20:11.
14. If a man had sexual relations with his daughter-in-law, both were to be executed. Lev 20:12.
15. Homosexuality. Two males in sexual relations were to both be executed. Lev 20:13. In
Leviticus 18:22, God calls male homosexuality an abomination. Lesbianism is not referenced.
17. If a man is found with an engaged virgin in the city, both were to be executed. The virgin did
not cry out, so is determined as complicit (consensual). Deut 22:23,24.

Civil and Sexual Violations

18. If a man has sexual relations with an engaged virgin in the field (outside the city), only the
man is executed. It is assumed to be a rape, as she may have called out for help, but no one could
hear her and thus come to her aid. This may or may not be true, but the female was given the
benefit of the doubt, while the male was given no such consideration. This is really a civil crime.
Deut 22:25-27.

Spiritual Violations
19. Anyone who cursed God, or blasphemed “The Name,” was to be stoned to death. Lev
21. Anyone sacrificing to other gods was to be executed. Ex 22:20.
22. Anyone seducing others to serve other gods was to be executed. Deut 13:6-9, Deut 17:2-7.
23. Anyone who has served or worshiped other gods, or the sun, moon, or any of the heavenly
host were to be stoned to death at the city gates. Deut 17:2-7.
24. If a prophet or dreamer came up with true signs, yet was saying to follow some other god,
that prophet or dreamer was to be executed. Israel was being tested by God. Deut 13:1-5.
25. If a prophet’s assertion proved erroneous, that “prophet” was to be executed. Deut 18:20-
26. A sorceress, or anyone practicing witchcraft, casting spells, interpreting omens, calling up the
dead, or any medium or spiritist, was to be executed. Ex 22:18, Deut 18:10-13.

Civil and Spiritual Violations

28. Anyone involved in offering children to Molech was to be executed. This involved sacrificing
children by burning them alive to this god. This is more than a spiritual violation as it is also a
civil offense - premeditated murder (expand this to cover any child sacrifice). Lev 20:1, Deut

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II. A Further Parring Down for All Non Bible Governments

For governments that reject the God of the Bible as the focal point for their law, there are
additional offenses to be excised. All secular governments, pluralistic governments, and non-
Biblical theocratic governments could employ the list below. Deleted are 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
and 27. Again, I have kept the original numbering and categories intact. 16 of 28 are still viable.

Civil Violations
1. Striking a man so he died (had an earlier anger or hatred in heart. Thus, murder). Ex 21:12-
14, Num 35:9-34, Deut 19:4-13.
2. Striking one’s father or mother. Ex 21:15.
3. Kidnaping. Ex 21:16, Deut 24:7.
4. Cursing one’s father or mother. Ex 21:17, Lev 20:9.
5. If men were fighting and accidently struck a pregnant woman and she died, the responsible
one(s?) were to be executed (Ex 21:22-24).
6. A stubborn, rebellious, disobedient son who was a drunkard or glutton. Deut 21:18-24.
7. If a false witness attempted to have a man put to death, and was exposed, then the false
witness was to be executed. Deut 19:15.
9. If an ox gored someone to death, and had gored previously (and the owner had been warned),
then the owner of the ox was to be executed. However, a ransom could be demanded (by
relatives?) instead of execution. If he paid, he could live. This was the only time a capital offense
could be waived, and the power to do so rested with the victims. Ex 21:28-32. Possible
expansion of this principle.

Sexual Violations
11. Bestiality. The man and animal, or woman and animal, were both put to death. Ex 22:19,
Lev 20:15,16.
12. Adultery. Both the man and woman were to be executed. Even if only one was married,
both were executed. Lev 20:10, Deut 22:22.
13. If a man had sexual relations with his father’s wife, both were to be executed. Lev 20:11.
14. If a man had sexual relations with his daughter-in-law, both were to be executed. Lev 20:12.
15. Homosexuality. Two males in sexual relations were to both be executed. Lev 20:13. In
Leviticus 18:22, God calls male homosexuality an abomination. Lesbianism is not referenced.
17. If a man is found with an engaged virgin in the city, both were to be executed. The virgin did
not cry out, so is determined as complicit (consensual). Deut 22:23,24.

Civil and Sexual Violations

18. If a man has sexual relations with an engaged virgin in the field (outside the city), only the
man is executed. It is assumed to be a rape, as she may have called out for help, but no one could
hear her and thus come to her aid. This may or may not be true, but the female was given the
benefit of the doubt, while the male was given no such consideration. This is really a civil crime.
Deut 22:25-27.

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Spiritual Violations
All deleted.

Civil and Spiritual Violations

28. Anyone involved in offering children to Molech was to be executed. This involved sacrificing
children by burning them alive to this god. This is more than a spiritual violation as it is also a
civil offense - premeditated murder (expand this to cover any child sacrifice). Lev 20:1, Deut

III. These Same Governments Who Jettison Sexual Violations as Capital Offenses
If a government excises all sexual violations, here is what is left of the entire Capital
Punishment system. Deleted are 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18. Again, the numbering and
categories have been left intact. 9 of 28 are still viable.

Civil Violations
1. Striking a man so he died (had an earlier anger or hatred in heart. Thus, murder). Ex 21:12-
14, Num 35:9-34, Deut 19:4-13.
2. Striking one’s father or mother. Ex 21:15.
3. Kidnaping. Ex 21:16, Deut 24:7.
4. Cursing one’s father or mother. Ex 21:17, Lev 20:9.
5. If men were fighting and accidently struck a pregnant woman and she died, the responsible
one(s?) were to be executed (Ex 21:22-24).
6. A stubborn, rebellious, disobedient son who was a drunkard or glutton. Deut 21:18-24.
7. If a false witness attempted to have a man put to death, and was exposed, then the false
witness was to be executed. Deut 19:15.
9. If an ox gored someone to death, and had gored previously (and the owner had been warned),
then the owner of the ox was to be executed. However, a ransom could be demanded (by
relatives?) instead of execution. If he paid, he could live. This was the only time a capital offense
could be waived, and the power to do so rested with the victims. Ex 21:28-32. Possible
expansion of this principle.

Sexual Violations
All deleted.

Civil and Sexual Violations

All deleted.

Spiritual Violations
All deleted.

Civil and Spiritual Violations

28. Anyone involved in offering children to Molech was to be executed. This involved sacrificing
children by burning them alive to this god. This is more than a spiritual violation as it is also a

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civil offense - premeditated murder (expand this to cover any child sacrifice). Lev 20:1, Deut

IV. If a Government Further Abandons All Non Lethal Internal Family Violations as
Capital, Then Here is What is Left
Deleted are 2, 4, and 6. So, 6 of 28 capital offenses are still viable.

Civil Violations
1. Striking a man so he died (had an earlier anger or hatred in heart. Thus, murder). Ex 21:12-
14, Num 35:9-34, Deut 19:4-13.
3. Kidnaping. Ex 21:16, Deut 24:7.
5. If men were fighting and accidently struck a pregnant woman and she died, the responsible
one(s?) were to be executed (Ex 21:22-24).
7. If a false witness attempted to have a man put to death, and was exposed, then the false
witness was to be executed. Deut 19:15.
9. If an ox gored someone to death, and had gored previously (and the owner had been warned),
then the owner of the ox was to be executed. However, a ransom could be demanded (by
relatives?) instead of execution. If he paid, he could live. This was the only time a capital offense
could be waived, and the power to do so rested with the victims. Ex 21:28-32. Possible
expansion of this principle.

Sexual Violations
All deleted.

Civil and Sexual Violations

All deleted.

Spiritual Violations
All deleted.

Civil and Spiritual Violations

28. Anyone involved in offering children to Molech was to be executed. This involved sacrificing
children by burning them alive to this god. This is more than a spiritual violation as it is also a
civil offense - premeditated murder (expand this to cover any child sacrifice). Lev 20:1, Deut

As stated earlier, some governments abandon capital punishment completely. Murder,

kidnaping, accidently killing a pregnant woman, framing one for execution, culpable liability for
causing death, or child sacrifice are all deferred to a lesser punishment. So, what is a
government’s duty in this area of law? This question leads directly to our next point.

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Government in General

The Role and Responsibility of Governing Authorities

Romans 13:1-4, concisely defines the role and responsibility of governing officials. “Let
every person be in subjection to the governing authorities .... For rulers are not a cause of fear
for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and
you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do
what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an
avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil ...” (Ro 13:1-4).
Governing authorities are called “theou gar diakonos” - a deacon of God, a servant of
God, a minister of God! Each government official is a minister of God and is to serve those
under his/her charge. I wonder how many know this? And how does this practically work out?
The answer is quite clear - support law-abiding producers and punish evildoers. Of course, that
brings some very big questions into focus. First, responsibility to serve with no accountability
for that service is useless, and second, what constitutes a law-abiding or a lawbreaking citizen?
Accountability. As stated earlier, this entire world is technically a theocracy. Following
His resurrection, Jesus made this declaration. “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and
on earth ...” (Mt 28:18). But He actually had “all authority” before He rose from the dead. At
the last supper, we find this almost parenthetical remark. “Jesus, knowing that the Father had
given all things into His hands ... rose from supper, and laid aside His garments ...” - and
proceeded to wash the feet of His disciples, even though He knew all things were in His hands!
But even earlier, John the Baptizer rightly stated, “The Father loves the Son, and has given (a
perfect tense, which is action in the past with present results) all things into His hands” (Jn 3:35).
So what are the “all things” that had been placed in His hands? And what does it mean to have
“all authority”? Well, a thousand years before Jesus appeared in human history, the Bible
declared this about the Son: “Now therefore, O kings, show discernment: take warning, O judges
(leaders) of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the
Son (kiss the Son), lest He become angry and you be destroyed in your way, for His wrath may
suddenly (quickly or easily) be kindled” (Ps 2:10-12). But if you only want New Testament
material, in Colossians we find this: “For in Him all things were created, both in the heavens and
on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things
have been created through Him and for Him, and He is before all things and in Him all things
hold together ...” (Col 1:16,17). Jesus “is the head over all rule and authority” (Col 2:10) and
is often called “the King of kings and Lord of lords” (Rev 19:16, 17:14, etc.). He is the King
over each king and He is the Lord over each and every lord. That constitutes a Theocracy -
whether these underlings know it or not - or believe it or not. He is “the King eternal, immortal,
invisible, the only God” and “the King of the nations ...” (1Tim 1:17 and Rev 15:3,4). These
claims permeate the Bible and are various ways of calling Him the Boss.
Concerning the governing bodies that arise in this world, it is a mistake to think of “The
State” as a faceless institution. “The State,” is simply a collection of individuals in various
governing capacities. When looking at these individuals, Romans 13:1 flatly states, “Let every
person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from
God, and those which exist are established by God.” Jesus was quite direct on this matter when

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He was standing before Pilate. The Jews had been accusing Jesus of several things and Pilate was
trying to get information from Jesus. Pilate became angered when Jesus would not answer him,
and tersely stated, “‘You do not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to release
You, and I have authority to crucify You?’ Jesus answered, ‘You would have no authority over
Me, unless it had been given to you from above ....’” This remark so alarmed Pilate that he
began making a determined effort to release Him (Jn 19:10-16). But does this incident with
Pilate, and the passage in Romans 13 apply to Hitler as well? The answer is, “Yes.” As hard as
that is for me to say, the Bible is clear on this matter. No one has authority on any level unless it
has been granted to that one from above. And here is the real clincher on this matter. Every
lawmaker of every culture from Adam forward will account to The Lawmaker on Judgement
Day. From tribal chiefs, to kings, dictators, presidents, legislators, judges, etc. - all earthly rulers,
on all levels, will not only account for their personal behaviors, but also for their public duties and
how they wielded the power God granted them. They will answer for each law crafted or
decision rendered, and also for the effect each action had. God alone will ferret out the exact
responsibility and accountability of each person who functioned in government. To the degree
each governing authority fails to support law-abiding citizens (or fails to bring retribution upon
evildoers), culpability will be assigned to the one raised up by God to govern. Judgement Day
will be the ultimate moment of a complete reckoning. At that time, God will fully exert the
power many believed (and hoped) He did not possess. No one will be able to hide behind
Constitutions, philosophies, beliefs, body guards or guns. “All things are open and laid bare to
the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Heb 4: 13). Everyone accounts to Him, “the great
and the small” (Ro 20:12). Entrusted to each governing official is the life and well being of those
under his/her jurisdiction. A person in that capacity has one primary responsibility before God -
each law or judgement rendered is to be in line with the values and priorities of God - and will be
measured by that standard. It is the duty of each governing official to learn what God expects
of them - and this should be done before stepping into the role. Would you like to stand in
Hitler’s shoes on that day? How would you like to be one of the jurists who legalized abortion in
the USA through Roe V. Wade? You can wait until you have read my free Ebook, “Abortion:
How (and Why) Abortion Resides in the Weakest Form of Human Thought and Valuation,”
before answering that one if you want.
It is painfully clear these claims are not believed by the bulk of humanity or by the bulk of
governing forces. Corruption, greed, vice and murder permeate governments of yesterday and
today. But for His own reasons (though not always clear to us), God has allowed all kinds of
governing bodies to arise all through history. While some have been relatively benign, many have
been extremely violent. Sometimes that violence has been directed at other societies, but other
times it has been directed at its own citizens. Sometimes the violence has been directed in both
directions. There is no surprise that victims who have suffered and perished by a State’s sword
have wondered, “Is there a God?”, and if so, “Does He care?” And because so many
governments have been (and are) so reckless with this power, it is not surprising that many people
do not want any government to have a capital weapon. Theologically, questions arise asking why
God has allowed (and allows) so many ruthless individuals to ascend into power with this weapon
- and cause so much grief and destruction. While I can forward relatively easy answers to these
“complaints,” if I become the victim of governing forces using their sword in an unauthorized

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way, I will be hard pressed to accept this as part of God’s plan and simply look to The Judgement
for vindication and restoration. I hope I am spared this kind of challenge. There are many
challenges I hope to be spared from. This age reeks with injustice, evil violence, and the
ascension of worthless individuals. It has been that way from Adam to the present. Many Bible
writers complained of this very thing (See Job 21:1-11, Psalm 73, and Jeremiah 12:1-4). But God
promises He will abort these human stains from the realm of life - in His time.
So, here is the conclusion on this part of the discussion. This entire world, from Adam to
the Last Day, is a theocracy. It’s just these tin-horn dictatorships, democracies, kingdoms, and
tribes don’t know it - and do not want to know it. But the trumpet sound is coming, and all the
tin-horns will be blown from each governing official’s hand. Each one will then stand all alone,
before his/her Creator to account for his/her governing. There is no vote on this matter. Human
opinion is not even solicited.

Incidently, W hat Constitutes a Law-abiding, or Law-breaking, Citizen?

Probably one of the greatest values of studying the Theocratic system lies right here - it
defines what human behavior is in, or out, of bounds. But in order to use the Law lawfully, one
must identify and excise that part of the Law which pertains exclusively to the Covenant
between God and Israel. The moment Jesus died, some parts of that Law system ended forever.
For example, the Levitical priesthood, and all the laws pertaining to them, ceased. (By the way,
that includes the tithe. See my Ebook, “No Tithe for the Christian”). Other parts of the religious
law also expired as much of it consisted of shadows and types that were fulfilled in Christ. So,
commands for things like Sabbath keeping, or the feasts and festivals, with attendant duties,
ceased. But the universal civil law can be extracted relatively easily if one has the desire to do
so. This creates the grounds for defining a law-abiding, or law-breaking, citizen. Governments
are charged to protect the law-abiding and punish the law-breaking according to His definitions of
each category. “Ignorance” will not stand as a defense for governing officials.

Common Objections to Capital Punishment

These are not in any particular order. If you have others - forward them.

Objection 1 - “Thou Shalt Not Kill!!”

Every time an execution takes place, invariably you will see a placard by a protester
stating, “Thou shalt not kill! (Ex 20:13)” The protester is claiming, by the authority of God,
that the State is violating God’s command. The State is committing murder. These protesters
are pulling out “The Big Gun” and warning the State. But to pull this trigger results in the gun
blowing up in the hand of the triggerman. Starting with Exodus 21:13 (just one short chapter
after “The Big Gun”), commands for State executions begin pouring forward. As seen earlier,
capital offenses do not end until at least 28 are enunciated. A person does not have to be a
Hebrew scholar to begin to suspect the sixth commandment is saying, “Thou shalt not murder.”
With only a little investigation, one will quickly confirm this is a command against murder.
You know, the Bible repeatedly warns about misrepresenting God. He gave us the Bible
so we could learn of Him - His will, ways, and priorities. To misrepresent God to a people in
extreme need of accurate information, is a tremendous offense. “Let not many of you become

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teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall receive a stricter judgement” (Ja 3:1).
This is directed at Christians who are under the pardon of God - yet they are warned about
misrepresenting Him! That warning is directed at me - and includes accountability for the material
I am forwarding in this treatise! There is a point when a deadly line is crossed and one is declared
by God as twisting and distorting the Scriptures “to their own destruction” (2Pet 3:16). I would
not want to be standing in the shoes of one holding that placard outside a prison. The placard
carrier is slandering God on a life and death justice issue. That is what is criminal.

Objection 2 - “But This is the Age of Grace!!”

“We are under Grace! This is the Age of Grace!! We are not under the Law! You need
to get out of the Old Testament and get into this Age! This whole thing is wrong-headed!” I
know many of you have been screaming this out all along the way. If, If, If I now succeed in
neutralizing this objection in your mind, how about rereading everything I have written up to this
point? It may read a little different to you.
It is unfortunate we refer to the Hebrew Scriptures as “The Old Testament.” It is really
the Old Covenant. A covenant is a pact, or agreement, between two or more parties. In this
case, God entered into a covenant with Israel. It explained how one (or the nation as a whole),
was to properly approach and relate to God. God initiated this “program,” and set the rules and
procedures. Israel agreed, as a nation, to enter into, and abide by, the rules. The New Covenant
is a change in those rules. But this is a change in procedure, not a change in the nature of either
party. God has not changed - nor has man. And governments are today engaged in the exact
same business as they have been in since Adam’s descendants began congregating in
communities. Governments are charged with the responsibility of governing sinners. After the
Flood of Noah’s day, this was God’s assessment of man: “... (F)or the intent (inclination) of
man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Gen 8:21). This assessment of man has been reconfirmed
throughout the Bible (See Ps 53:1-3, Eccl 7:20, Ro 3:23, etc.). So, here is the point. The Law of
Moses included Civil Law - how sinners were to interact with other sinners. Government is to
enforce those boundaries. This reality, and need, in any society has not changed. In fact, now
the need is even greater for proactive governing between sinners. Jesus, when speaking of the
end times, stated, “(a)nd because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold”
(Mt 24:12). The word translated “love” has a primary meaning of, “respect,” or “to esteem
because of a perceived, intrinsic worth.” Jesus predicted people would be increasing callous
toward one another, and violate one another more often - and more aggressively. Hmmm....
It is error to believe God has radically changed in His dealings with sinners. While He has
committed Himself to redeeming individuals “from every tribe and tongue and people and
nation” (Rev 5:9), He is still aggressively intervening and taking individuals out of this age. Ask
Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11), or Herod (Acts 12:20-23), or the recipients of the last two
trumpets (Rev 9:12-21). And all “who are outside, God judges” (1Cor 5:13 - present tense).
While God has indeed expanded His reach in mercy, He has not vacated His Hand of judgement.
And in this “Age of Grace,” He has not called upon governments to lay down the sword. He is
calling upon governments to use it correctly. It is my hope God will to use this Ebook to help
governments, present and future, in understanding God’s design for the sword’s use in the
complex task of governing sinners.

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As shown in the parred down lists of Capital Offenses above, the New Covenant has
clearly ushered in some changes in what constitutes a Capital Offense. It is fairly simple to look
at the New and Old Covenants and determine what offenses were attached exclusively to the Old
Covenant. For example, in Colossians, Sabbath keeping is specifically mentioned as something
now fulfilled in Christ. “Let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to
a festival day or a new moon or a Sabbath day - things which are a mere shadow of what is to
come; but the reality however is found in Christ” (Col 2:16,17). If we are not to allow someone
to act as a judge against us in this matter, it doesn’t appear we should fear being executed for
failure to obey this Old Covenant requirement.

Objection 3 - “But executions do not deter crime!”

So what? Even if crime is not deterred, so what? Who says deterrence is the primary
reason for executing capital offenders anyway? The main purpose is to remove the offender from
the earth. That assures the party will never inflict any further damage to the society. That in itself
will guarantee no recidivism - which is often a crime deterrent in itself! How many convicted
murderers have done it again at some point in the future? Execution ends that possibility. But,
capital punishment does deter crime by others when imposed correctly. But, this is an incidental
side benefit. It is not a trivial benefit (indeed it is a great boon for any society), but deterrence is
not the main purpose for executing capital offenders.

Objection 4 - “Execution is murder by the State! Two wrongs never make a right!”
Is execution murder by the State? It is true that two wrongs can never make a right!
Well, this argument rests upon two foundational points and two conclusions.

Foundational Points:
1. Capital Punishment is a premeditated act by the State.
2. Capital Punishment is murder by the State.

1. Therefore, as murder, Capital Punishment is wrong.
2. Furthermore, two wrongs cannot make a right.

The first foundational point is correct. An execution by the State is clearly premeditated.
Many governments meticulously plan an execution - down to the exact minute. If this is murder,
as the second foundational point claims, then the conclusions above are also correct. On the
other hand, if Foundational Point 2 is error, then both conclusions fall apart.
So, are State executions “murder”? The answer: sometimes they are and sometimes they
aren’t. As we have seen, God commanded executions for at least 28 offenses. Anytime The State
executes citizens duly convicted of any of those (minus the 5 offenses peculiar to Israel’s
Theocracy), this is not murder. Just as God cannot lie (Tit 1:2 and Heb 6:18), or tempt anyone
(Ja 1:13), so also, He never commands a government to sin (1Jn 1:5). Indeed, if The State fails to
execute the guilty - that itself constitutes an evil act! However, if citizens are executed for
offenses beyond those in the Mosaic Law, the State may indeed be guilty of murder. Case in

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point: Jesus was murdered by the State! So, here is the Biblical position to this objection.

Foundational Points:
1. Capital punishment is a premeditated act by the State.
2. Capital punishment, for valid capital offenses, is not murder by the State. Indeed, it is a
responsibility of the State.

1. Valid Capital Punishment is right.
2. Capital punishment is not an attempt to make something “right.” A wrong followed by a right
(the execution) is not meant to equal a right. This is not the calculation involved in executing
capital offenders. In fact, capital punishment does not create or satisfy justice. Justice is often
(maybe always) an impossible goal to attain. This assertion will now be addressed.

Objection 5 - “Justice is not created by an execution! Justice is an impossible goal to attain!”

What if a person has killed two people? Will the execution of the one justly balance the
murder of the two? What if the murderer killed three or four - or fifty people? But even an
execution for the murder of one person does not achieve justice. What about the lifelong
suffering inflicted upon the victim’s family? How can the murderer’s execution compensate for
that? And what about the suffering and humiliation inflicted upon the murderer’s own family?
Justice has not been addressed there. And justice for the loss incurred by society has not been
compensated either. That cannot even be measured. If Hinkley had killed President Reagan, the
Soviet Union might still be here - oppressing its own and threatening the rest of the free world.
Who knows, a mutually assured destructive exchange may have occurred by now. Only God can
deal in these realms. But there are other effects a murderer’s deed has created. What about the
trauma passed on to friends, neighbors, co-workers, or those who may have discovered the grisly
murder scene? Where is the justice for them? No, an execution does not create justice. It can’t.
I was an apartment manager when a thief broke into an apartment and stole a few things.
It was a petty crime. But that thief has no idea what kind of activity followed that deed. Police
were called in, and time and effort was given to reports, etc. Several residents added locks to
doors and windows. All these expenses far outweighed the cost of the few stolen goods. But
even more important was the terror that spread to people in the complex - particularly to the
widows. The theft itself constituted a very small part of the actual offense. Only God can mete
out true justice for a misdeed. And He has committed Himself to do just that. It is called
Judgement Day. Capital punishment, delegated to man, is simply an opportunity to be able to
permanently remove capital offenders from this scene so they are unable to inflict further physical
or emotional harm. So, even though capital punishment is incapable of delivering full justice, it is
valuable enough that God has graciously delegated that privilege to man.

Objection 6 - “What about insane individuals? How can they be held accountable?”
“...(T)he hearts of the sons of men are full of evil, and insanity is in their hearts
throughout their lives. Afterwards they go to the dead” (Eccl 9:3). Insanity defined: “mentally
ill or deranged, very foolish, senseless.” The Bible asserts that in our natural state we are all

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insane. It is only a question of degree. “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is
the way of death” (Pr 16:25). Have you ever heard of Secular Humanism? “Woe to those who
call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who
substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isa 5:20). Have you examined the official planks
of the Democratic Party’s platform lately?
Everyone who murders another human being is insane. The logic behind the act is
extremely flawed somewhere along the way. The murderer has concluded he/she has the right to
take the victim’s life. This is a lethal insanity. I do realize this insanity defense is based upon the
premise that one is so insane so as not to know the difference between right and wrong. Others
use a slightly different angle. One lawyer phrased it this way. The question is if the client is
“sane enough to understand the death penalty and why it is being imposed upon him” (Miami
Herald, May 31, 1984). From a Biblical perspective, these defenses, in whatever context they are
framed, are irrelevant concerns for a government. God expects a nation to put forward what
actions are punishable, and then punish those who violate those boundaries. It is obvious the
violator’s thinking is flawed (insane). It is not The State’s responsibility to figure out if a violator
knows the difference between right and wrong. The State judges deeds. (While the Mosaic Law
did have a provision for the high priest to offer a sacrifice “for the sins of the people committed in
ignorance,” this was for pardon of procedural infractions on how to properly make offerings to
God [Heb 9:7 from Num 15:22-31]. Sins for moral infractions had no such provision.)
Speaking of insanity, if you are ignoring the reality of your impending death, and have
never aggressively investigated the veracity of the claim that One physically rose from the dead,
lives forever, and can give eternal life to each one who comes to Him - well, is that not insanity on
your part?
So, here is the conclusion on this matter. Anyone committing a capital offense is insane.
After due process, the offender is to be executed by the ruling authorities. Is the offender insane?
Yes. Is the offender responsible? Yes. So, the verdict is, “Insane and responsible.”

Objection 7 - “What about retarded people who commit a capital offense? They do not know
what they are doing. They cannot be held accountable!”
The basic argument just forwarded on the insanity objection applies here as well. The
State is charged to protect its citizens from others who cross certain lines. Deeds are all that
matter. The State cannot take the chance that one who crosses capital lines lives to do it again.

Objection 8 - “What About Christian Conversions by Death Row Inmates?”

Some years back, a Louisiana death row inmate had “gotten right” with the Lord. He had
been sentenced to death for killing a man with a shotgun in a robbery. As his hour for departure
approached, he spoke out against the death penalty. As you recall, there were two murderers
crucified along with Jesus. One, who had initially been railing Jesus, changed course. He then
rebuked the other murderer for continued mockings, saying, “We are getting what we deserve,
but this man has done no wrong.” He then turned to Jesus and said, “Lord, remember me when
you enter into your Kingdom.” Jesus responded with one of His seven remarks during His six-
hour deathbed. “Truly, truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (Lk 23:39-43).
This man, who Jesus clearly received, affirmed the validity of his own execution. He declared it

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as deserved and just. So, who should we listen to - the Louisiana death row inmate, or the man
on the cross? Which of these two men were speaking in the Spirit of God? Which of the two was
really right with God? God is not ambivalent on this matter. The State has no responsibility for a
person’s “after actions” following a capital offense conviction. Remorse, money compensation,
promises of no recidivism, or a professed religious conversion are cries to what should be deaf
ears of The State.

So, What is the Purpose of Capital Punishment?

In some instances, capital punishment grants some relief, and vindication, to victims of the
wrongdoing (i.e., one who has been raped, kidnaped, or the victim of adultery, etc.). This has
value (to some degree) toward the healing, and future productivity, of the one violated. But I
believe there are two other reasons for capital punishment by the State. First, it protects society
at large by removing the wrongdoer from the earth. Second, it serves as a warning to others who
may be inclined to commit the same type of offense. Certain execution serves as a restraining
influence and is a deterrent to crime. To the degree any government acts in accord with these
principles, that society will enjoy the broadest range of internal justice and peace.

More Notes on the Role and Responsibility of Government

Governments often build themselves on faulty assumptions on the nature of man. Some
believe a particular race, or ethnic group, is innately superior to others. These governments then
operate in partiality toward the favored group - and oppress the inferior group(s). There are
varying degrees of partiality and/or oppression in these systems. Other governments begin with
the assumption that man is basically good and opt for expanding freedoms and plurality and a
general nonjudgmental environment. The Bible rejects both of these assumptions. In reference to
the first system of a favored group, the Bible asserts each person has been fashioned by God, in
His image, and each person is judged by actions, and not by inherited accidentals of race,
ethnicity, social position, gender, etc. God let Israel know in the clearest of terms His choice of
them had nothing to do with any innate superiority they possessed over any other group of people
(Deut 9:4-29). But the second assumption of God’s theocracy is that man is basically evil and
naturally tends toward evil. Faulty assumptions by governments lead to either an over-use of the
sword, or an under-use of it. These cause compounded wounds. It is difficult to determine
which error is more damaging to the citizenry. But when a government does both, it speeds its
doom. This is worth examining. But know I am making a cursory swipe at what you will see is a
tremendously expanding wound.

The Sword Gone Wrong

It is clear many governments have violated its citizens with this tool. This is an
understatement of phenomenal magnitude. Often, the guilty have been spared - constituting an
under-use of the sword. Conversely, many have been executed by their State for less than a
capital offense - or no offense at all. This is an over-use of the God-given sword. In our era
alone, the actions and policies of Hitler, Stalin, Amin, Tse-tung, Castro, Hussein (the list goes on
and on) is atrocious. Those who misuse this tool granted by God are in for the severest of eternal
penalties. This sword is not to be used for ethnic cleansing. This sword is not to be bought off by

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a capital offender. But sometimes The State does more than misuse this tool in its governing.
Sometimes it allows private citizens to unrighteously wield this sword. This is always error and is
always wrong. An example of this dereliction can be seen in one death activity allowed by,
protected by, and sanctioned by my government - abortion. Originally, I was going to make the
abortion subject an Appendix to this Ebook, but it soon became longer than this work itself! It
does belong in this discussion on Capital Punishment, as it is such a horrific abuse of the sword.
But, it is now its own Ebook. You can get it free at

Over-use of the sword

For The State to kill individuals, or allow them to be killed, when they are not guilty of a
capital violation, is an inestimable blunder. Not only has that life left this earth prematurely, but
lives that would have been influenced by that departed one never occur. Despots who arbitrarily
kill the citizenry ultimately damage the power and future of his/her own State. On the other end
of this errant over-use is the abortion debacle. Any society participating in this, or allowing this,
is losing much of its future. While a small percentage of the aborted would prove to be bad
apples, the majority would have been producers. It is an astonishing understatement to simply
state that abortion is a massive societal mistake. Future laborers, statesmen, entrepreneurs,
doctors, artists, soldiers, inventors, and educators are exterminated and thrown in the local dump.
Obviously, this loss cannot be measured. What I have just stated is only the tip of the iceberg of
what you will find in my Ebook, “Abortion: How (and Why) Abortion Resides in the Weakest
Form of Human Thought and Valuation.” Even if you reject some points I raise, I know you will
not view abortion the same when you finish reading it.

Under-use of the sword

Under-using the sword results in a multiplied societal damage - and is also inestimable.
To begin, capital offenses often damage the producers of a society. That initial damage is a
direct, but immeasurable, loss to the society. Then if The State fails to execute the perpetrator(s),
a whole chain of unintended consequences ensue. First, the immediate victim (if alive) and his/her
family lose the benefit of a ringing public vindication. Life sentences are no substitute. Hanging
over the victim(s) is the knowledge the guilty party may one day be set free. This does impact the
victim’s degree of recovery and future productivity. On the other hand, if the violator is
executed, the closing of a chapter has occurred. The victim(s) of the crime can begin rebuilding in
a more cleansed environment.
Another consequence of this failure by The State is the restraining power on specific
crimes is lost. God made it very clear to Israel that one of the societal benefits for just executions
would be restraint power (Deut 17:33, Deut 19:20, and Deut 21:21). When the citizenry knows
certain execution awaits those who cross the capital lines, there will be a reduction in the number
of those deeds by the citizenry. This means that citizens who are “on the bubble” will refrain from
committing capital offenses but in a more liberal environment they will cross those capital
lines! This is a great violation by The State against those borderline citizens - as well as
against the citizens who become victims of these otherwise restrained offenders! That is why I
called this a “multiplied societal damage.” This is a compounded fracture. Murders occur that
would not have, as well as rapes, kidnapings, etc. The citizenry pays dearly for this failure by

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their State. At every turn, what is lost is productivity. The well being of a State’s producing
citizens is sacrificed for an unrighteous protection of capital offenders. I could go on and on with
examples of the multiplied damages incurred by citizens who are under a government that under-
uses the sword.

Simultaneous Over-use and Under-use of the Sword

When a government over-uses and under-uses the sword, the productivity of that society
is attacked from both directions. Societies will collapse under this weight. Errors in this area cut
too deeply as the consequences for this governing failure are so horrific. But these errors are
more than just errors - they are sins. And these sins are not solely against the citizenry.

The Horizontal and Vertical Sins of The State

A State’s violations are both horizontal and vertical. When The State errs against man,
and the lawful pursuits of man, these are horizontal violations. But at the same time, these are
also vertical violations as they are sins against God Himself. Improper sword use by The State
is a major sin area. While accountability for improper sword use may not be seen in this lifetime,
because these are offenses against God, and because The State is composed of individuals, a
vertical reckoning will occur. But it will be on His timetable. Having said this, it is also true that
God also judges entire societies for their collective vertical sins now. This is worth a word.
In Isaiah, it is stated, “Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are
regarded as a speck of dust on the weighing scales .... All the nations are as nothing before
Him; they are regarded by Him as less than nothing and meaningless” (Isa 40:15,17). What an
insult! No wonder so many nations reject this Book. But, in spite of this assessment on the
“importance” of nations, it is clear God has decided to bring them into being. God causes
governments to rise, to expand, and then, when their iniquity is complete, He brings them down.
“...(T)here is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God” (Ro
13:1). “He makes the nations great, then destroys them; He enlarges the nations, then leads
them away” (Job 12:23). Just as God is actively involved in the conception, birth, life and death
of every individual, so also God is actively involved in the conception, birth, life and death of
every society. God sets times and boundaries for every nation, and every nation has a clock set
against it. No current government will be the eternal one. “Unless the Lord guards the city, the
watchman keeps awake in vain” (Ps 127:1). God brings down countries in many ways. Very few
countries simply melt away. Most come to a violent end. Most succumb to the assault of a
superior force (the Soviet Union was an exception to the rule). For example, God told Abram
two societies were going to be brought down before his future offspring (Israel). One was the
enslaving nation (Egypt) and the other was the Amorites. But this would not happen until “the
iniquity of the Amorite is ... complete” (Gen 15:12-16). Oftentimes, He gives space for
repentance and renewal (i.e., Ninevah with Jonah’s preaching), but all societies eventually fall.
One way God “leads (the nations) away” is by placing foolish people in a nation’s power
positions. He “takes away the discernment of the elders” and He “deprives of intelligence the
chiefs of the earth’s people” making them “stagger like drunken men.” (Job 12:23,20,24-25 &
42:7). These leaders make stupid decisions and promote stupid policies. Stalin’s kingdom did
not last too long. Hitler’s kingdom was even shorter. Hussein’s kingdom did not even out live

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him. These were lethal men - and foolish men.
Generally speaking, the closer a society is functioning according to the ways of God, the
better is its hope for longevity. Of course, there are exceptions to this. Some nations are more
accountable for their vertical sins than are others. Ancient Israel was on a shorter leash than other
societies because of the extreme privilege they were granted in having the revelation of God
readily at hand. God actually used nations that were more vile than Israel to judge Israel! For
example, when God spoke to Habakkuk of the coming Chaldean invasion, He said, “For behold,
I am raising up the Chaldeans, that fierce, bitter and impulsive people who march throughout
the earth to seize dwelling places which are not theirs. They are dreaded and feared. Their
justice and authority originate with themselves” This last phrase was not a compliment to the
Chaldeans. Their law originated within themselves. God went on to describe them as lethal
and fearless. But, He then concluded, “they will be held guilty, whose strength is their god”
(Hab 1:6-11). God used them as a tool of judgement upon Judah in spite of Habakkuk’s
objections (Hab 1:12-17 & 3:16). He dealt with the Chaldeans later. Last I checked, they are no
longer with us. They, like all before and after them, had a date with their Creator that could not
be avoided, postponed or cancelled.

Each one in the world has an appointment they will make.

Try as they might, it’s one they cannot shake.
It will be a shock to see - not a thing,
Not a single thing has been forgotten.
(From “Shoulder to Shoulder” verse three, by me).

God will destroy a nation because of its sin. “He changes rivers into a wilderness, and
flowing springs into thirsty ground; a fruitful land into a salt waste, because of the wickedness
of those who dwell in it” (Ps 107:33,34). I have wanted to write this Ebook for more than
twenty years. While reviewing my old drafts, I was shocked when I came to this part on the
decadence of nations. I was astounded to see how far downhill the USA has gone in this twenty-
year period. For example, at that time, hard core pornography had to be sought out. Now it is
the click of a mouse away. Public profanity was restricted to movies in the theater. Now it fills
the airways on cable, satellite, music and videos. But the most extreme example can be seen with
the homosexual movement. It was in infancy twenty years ago when compared to the place it is
now. Artificial insemination of a lesbian was unheard of. Movies and television series with
homosexuals in a presumed natural place in the plot were unthinkable. And homosexual
marriage, sanctioned by the State, with adoption rights for children of heterosexual origins, was
not even imagined. And homosexuals being ordained in “Christian” denominations? “Do you not
know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the
covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1Cor
6:9,10). There is only one place for those who practice any of these things to go. Sinners yelling
at sinners for “rights” God does not grant, build a house of cards soon to be folded. Only God
knows how much patience He has with this. I am surprised this sin area has been allowed to
mature to this level, but maybe Sodom and Gomorrah were at this level of societal permeation -

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or even more. It is not that homosexuality is that much worse than other sins. It is just that when
this one comes out, all other sin is running rampant in a society. Look at this society. Murder is
now commonplace. Just in the first few months of 2004, Louisville, Kentucky recorded more
than thirty homicides. And it is not a major city by any measure. What was shocking twenty
years ago is now common place.
I hope to complete this Ebook and get some circulation of it before God decides to let the
clock strike midnight. I am not in a panic, but I do feel an urgency. Only God knows when a
society’s “iniquity is complete” (See Gen 15:12-21). We may be on the doorstep, or perhaps
God will grant a deep renewal as He did for Nineveh. He is a God of great mercy (See Jonah -
it’s only forty-eight verses). And God knows that when He does judge, then it is over, and
eternal fates are sealed. One source of hope for this country lies in the fact that God does have a
number of His children in this society. To these, I encourage you to read my Article, “The Best
Thing You Can Do for Your Country.” This is an extremely important, Biblically sound Article.
You will be encouraged, and changed, when you read it.
But there is one other reason I am hopeful the USA may have more life left. Many of our
most serious national offenses have been thrust upon the people by judicial tyranny. For
example, a twisted understanding of “freedom of speech” allows the airwaves to be polluted. A
warped interpretation of “freedom of expression” has degraded the arts. An initially correct
position on a “right to privacy” has been perverted so many wombs are now murderous killing
fields. And in the name of Church and State separation, laws based upon Biblical morality are
targeted for overthrow. Similarly, “homosexual rights” are couched as legitimate “civil rights.”
But all these perversions are being imposed on the society - none by majority consent. This has
been, and is being, accomplished by a successful power grab by an unelected judiciary. They are
operating as legislators, and have positioned themselves as unchallengeable by the other two
branches of government - or by the citizenry. What a coup - without a shot! Liberals, who have
enabled this tyranny, have strategically changed their name so as to fool the uninformed. They
now call themselves “Progressives.” But their social agenda is only progressive in one area - it
progresses the nation to a quicker date with God. But because these people are still in the
minority in this country, God may be giving the populace a bit more time - time to get this house
in order. However, in spite of my optimism, there is a wild card that might overshadow all my
hopes for God’s continued patience. Here it is. This nation has had the full revelation of God
freely accessible to every citizen from this country’s inception. That automatically creates a high
degree of accountability. Furthermore, when a nation claims to be a Christian nation, that nation
actually puts itself in an even more culpable position vertically. A nation making that claim will
be judged by Him for that representation to the rest of the world. Many in my country (USA)
make this claim. But just in this one area of law, Capital Punishment, how much of God’s ways
are encoded in our law? First degree murderers are sometimes executed in some States - but how
many rapists? How many kidnapers? How many false witnesses who falsely accuse in a capital
trial? If we do not execute individuals based upon the prescription of the Law of Moses, then
from where does our law originate? Doesn’t it, like the Chaldean’s, simply arise from our own
selves? We have decided what “rights” we have and what “rights” we do not. And this makes
for a “Christian nation”? This is a self deception that is going to be demolished. God alone
decides what “rights” human beings have. Maybe we should take some time in the footnoting of

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this Ebook, and discuss the various rights we think we have and see if they are Biblically valid.
Ironically, the premier right every single human does have is absent from our law. It is the right
to life from conception to “natural” death. Only The State can end the life of another human,
and only in these instances:

1. The State executing a convicted capital offender.

2. The State conducting a Holy war.
3. The State conducting a Defensive war.

There may be one exception to this. It seems reasonable that one citizen can defensively
kill another when a potentially lethal, imminent, unlawful threat exists. Such an event would be
subject to a full vetting by The State in an effort to validate the legitimacy of such an act.

“Holy War? Defensive War? An Explanation is in Order!” Okay.

God grants the sword to governments so citizens are protected from internal attacks of
murder, rape, etc. In my mind, it seems reasonable that a government can use that same power
to protect those same citizens from outside forces intent upon murder, rape, etc. Subjugation by
an outside force is never intended to exalt the conquered people. Let’s quickly address this.

There are three kinds or war: Holy War, Offensive War and Defensive War.

Holy War. There are no Holy Wars today. The only Holy Wars ever waged were by Israel when
directly under Theocratic rule. Seven nations were to be totally destroyed by an invading Israel
(Ex 23:20-33 and Deut 7:1-5). Nothing that breathed was to be left alive (Deut 20:16-18). That
included women and children. These were real people with real lives. They had real families and
real aspirations and real social relationships. They were not comic book characters. God decided
when their iniquity was complete (Gen 15:16), and He ordered Israel to kill them all. When
fighting others outside of the seven nations of Deuteronomy 7, Israel was only to kill the men. All
of them. The women, children, animals, and possessions were booty (Deut 20:10-15). But only
the wars He called for were Holy. Israel sometimes took it upon themselves to go to war, and
God was not with them (See Numbers 14). Today, there are no genuine theocracies operating
under the command of Jesus Christ. Therefore, today, there are no genuine Holy Wars. There
may be conquests in the name of some false god, but the only true God is not directing any nation
in a campaign for Him.

Offensive War. Offensive wars are an abuse of the governmental sword. These are wars of
conquest directed at others when no legitimate cause for aggressive action is justified. These are
driven by many sordid motives. No government has the right to invade and subjugate another
country. Ideally, every society should be able to peacefully exist in its own borders and develop
its own identity.

Defensive War. An underlying thesis in this Ebook has been the point that no one has the right
to take the life of another individual unless that individual is guilty of a capital offense. And that

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offender can only be executed by his/her State after due process. A foreign government has no
right to initiate an attack and kill citizens of another State. If one does, the attacked State has
a duty to protect its own population from these unrighteous outsiders. Defensive wars are a
legitimate exercise by an attacked society. A government has the responsibility to protect its law
abiding, productive citizens from external assaults. To use its sword against illicit attackers is a
correct action. If this is a correct assertion, the founding of the USA comes into question. The
various tribal native Indians were here first. Their territories were invaded by outsiders. But that
does not mean the Indians were a righteous lot. It just means they had a right to defend
themselves from those invading forces. Once defeated, they, like all conquered people, found
themselves at the mercy of the superior force. But that does not mean the superior force was
righteous either. It just means they won. Superiority does not equal righteous. However, once
this nation reached its forty-eight state border, it had a change of heart. It does not colonize or
invade other countries or territories with the goal of assimilation, conquest and subjugation. The
USA has fought in defensive wars on several occasions, although some of the conflicts were ill
executed and possibly ill conceived as well (Vietnam comes to mind. The goal was to stop the
spread of Communism, but the effective way to stop it there was not realized - at least in the short
run). As of this writing, the war against fundamentalist Islamists has rightly moved into
preemptive actions against countries supporting, or harboring, these enemies of the USA. These
offensive actions are truly defensive and are crucial in light of the types of weapons now available.
This is a righteous use of the sword by the USA. That does not mean the USA is a righteous
nation. It simply means this nation can rightly use the sword God has allowed it to have to
defend its citizens from outside attackers. Indeed it is the government’s responsibility to do so.
The nations that have been, and will be, attacked by the USA would not be if they kept their
violence inside their own borders. In fact, that is the message that must be communicated, and
some are hearing it - like Libya and Pakistan, etc. These countries presently have no fear of
attack by the USA, and the USA is not demanding religious change, governmental structure
change, or cultural change other than controlling the violence of their citizens from attacking the
USA and its interests. The USA is only present in any country by the host government’s request
and choice. If the USA is asked to leave a country, it does. Last I checked, the USA pulled all its
military out of Saudi Arabia. The military came by invitation and left by request. The sovereignty
of Saudi Arabia was never challenged. Does anyone doubt the USA could have, and still could,
take that country by force if it wanted? And it would not be that big a deal to completely
subjugate that population. Who would stop the USA - the French?
One other note. To be employed by a government for the defense of its people, and then
to kill aggressors, is not murder before God. And if those warriors inadvertently kill non
combatants in their duties, which is inevitable, the guilty ones are the governing officials of the
renegade government who put those citizens at risk in the first place. Again, offensive
operations that have sprung from a defensive war, are a proper use of that government’s sword.

Why Have I Written This Ebook?

There are two main reasons. First, it would be a great honor to influence a society,
whether mine or another, to examine its laws and adopt as much of God’s determinations as
possible. To the extent any society employs this Capital Punishment system (while excising the

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ceremonial part), that society will experience the highest levels of protection and justice for its
citizens. I will expand on this in the next section, “Practical Applications for a Government.”
My second goal is to expose this “side” of God to you and challenge your concept of God. This
will be addressed in, “Practical Applications for You.”

Practical Applications for a Government

So, what should The State do with the sword God has granted? With as little comment as
possible, I will just lay out recommendations.

1. Adopt as many of the capital offense laws as possible. Faithfully execute offenders.
2. Retract laws that currently execute citizens if the offense is not substantively found in the
Mosaic Law.
3. Do not relegate “the sword” to civilians. If you have, then take it back. No abortion.
4. Protect all human life. Only capital offenders, duly tried, are subject to “the sword.”
5. If you have under-used the sword, then you have citizens who have committed capital offenses
who would have otherwise been restrained. Because of this, I think it would be appropriate to
allow a convicted capital offender a little time before execution. To grant 90 days would give
time to get one’s “house in order.” This may be overly gracious, as the victim(s) wasn’t given
that. Also, the convict should initiate any “counseling.”
6. After a time of consistent executions, this waiting time could be eliminated. Maybe it is too
gracious in the first place.
7. Several methods of execution are probably okay. If God approves stoning and burning by fire,
then hanging, firing squads, electrocutions, and gassing are probably acceptable. But if “peaceful”
lethal injections would help a society to execute all capital offenders, that is fine. When death
occurs, the person is immediately ushered into God’s presence. So the means of exit is ultimately
irrelevant. The important thing is that the offender is removed from this age.
8. Do not start offensive wars.
9. Do not be deluded into believing holy wars exist today.
10. For a society to develop a military for defense from outside forces is right and necessary. To
develop defensive alliances with other nations also makes good sense. But the military should
never be turned on its own citizens unless the civil forces are over run by lawbreakers in some
extreme circumstance.

Practical Applications for You

This is really singular. There is one real application I am interested in influencing - your
preparedness for Judgement Day.
If you are a Christian, you have a destiny to fulfill. Are you ready to fill this role? Here it
is. “Let the godly ones exult in glory; let them sing for joy on their beds. Let the high praises of
God be in their mouth (throat), and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on
the nations, and punishment on the peoples; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles
with fetters of iron; to execute on them the judgement written; this is an honor for all His
godly ones. Praise the Lord!” (Ps 149:5-9). In Malachi, we find this. “‘For behold, the Day is
coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the

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day that is coming will set them ablaze,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘so that it will leave them neither
root nor branch. But for you who fear My Name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing
in its wings; and you will go forth and skip like calves from the stall. And you will tread down
the wicked, for they will be ashes under your feet on the day which I am preparing,’ says the
Lord of hosts” (Mal 4:1-3). But this is all Old Testament! Well, when Paul was upbraiding a
ragged Corinthian Church for fighting among themselves and then taking the matter before
unbelieving judges for decisions, he informs these Christians of their destiny. “Does any one of
you, when he has a case against his neighbor, dare to go to law before the unrighteous, and not
before the saints? Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is
judged by you, are you not competent to constitute the smallest law courts? Do you not know
that we shall judge angels? How much more the matters of this life?” (1Cor 6:1-3).
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change, and that includes
His morals and the moral requirements He has established for man’s behavior. Do you think
the primary moral requirements for man, as found in the Law, is irrelevant material from a
deceased Old Testament God? Do you think He has changed in what He requires behaviorally
from people? What do you think is going to be the scene on Judgement Day? Will God hold
homosexuals in contempt and wrath? What about adulterers? What about spiritists or those who
have used His name in vain? Are you going to see things exactly the same way He does? Are
you going to be able to judge the world - and angels - with the exact same depth of conviction as
the Creator? There can be no hesitation or difference of conviction on That Day. Have you
made up your own god with the morals you want Him to have? What about this Capital
Punishment material? Do you agree with it, or do you recoil?
There will be no fence to straddle on Judgement Day. Every person will be on one side or
the other. Which side do you think you will be on? To help you accurately answer this, here are
some objective benchmarks by which to assess yourself. First, go through the list of capital
offenses in the first parred down category. At the end of each, take a moment and ask yourself if
you are ready to execute the offender. Write a “Yes,” “No,” or “I don’t know.” beside each
offense. How did you score? Send in your results! Be honest with yourself. But this matter
does not end here. Now, write down all these sin areas, one by one, in a column and put names
and faces below each one (These are garnered from 1Cor 6:9,10, Gal 5:19-21, Eph 5:5, and Rev
21:8 and 22:15). Here they are: fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, the effeminate, homosexuals,
thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, swindlers, the impure, the sensual, sorcerers, those
engaged in enmities, strife, jealousy, anger outbursts, disputes, dissensions, factions, envyings,
carousings, the cowardly, the unbelieving, the abominable, murderers, and liars. Everyone
practicing these sins (according to God’s definition of practicing) is doomed. Do you whole
heartedly agree? This is between you and God. I believe this must be settled in the present. If
you think you are going to wait until the moment of the eternal judgement to develop the
same view on these issues as God has - you are in self deception and your eternal fate is
hanging in the balance. I cannot stress how critical this matter is. It is more important than I
even know. By the way, in case you are wondering, do not assume I score 100%. But that is my
concern. This exercise is not about me - it is about you. Also, the people you have matched with
their particular sin should be a catalyst for you to pray for them. Pray them out of those
categories of sin. “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?”

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(Jer32:27). No one is beyond His reach - but things must change on this side.
Lord willing, I am going to post the results of this test on the website. It will have running
totals from submitted entries. So as to not influence your responses, you will only be able to see
the results after submitting your answers.

Anytime we are challenged by someone on our Bible understandings, it behooves us to
respond to the challenge with Scripture upon Scripture - not unrenewed brainwave on top of
unrenewed brainwave. To execute capital offenders is an act of humility. It is righteousness. It
is a good deed. God Himself is the primary executioner. “For behold, the Lord will come in fire
and His chariots like the whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of
fire. For the Lord will execute judgement by fire and by His sword on all flesh, and those slain
by the Lord will be many” (Isa 66:15,16). Does anyone think this scene has been played out yet?
But if you insist on something in the New Covenant, try this. The parable of the Nobleman (Lk
19:11-27) is universally recognized as a reference to Jesus’ departure from this earth and yet to be
realized Second Coming. The Nobleman had gone to a distant country and then returned.
Concerning those who had rejected the Nobleman’s absentee rule, here is their fate. “But these
enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here, and slay them in my
presence” (Lk 19:27). The executioners (plural) will be responding to the direct order of the
King. The Lamb of God is also the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
While God will prove to be the primary executioner in human history, in the right
environment and for the right reasons, He has delegated this privilege and responsibility to The
State - and to the saints. To obey Him in this matter is an act of humility and righteousness.
Conversely, a mark of cowardice is to buckle under to the wicked, and/or to condemn the
defenseless. The Al Capones of the world might have friends to avenge them, but who will
avenge the death of the preborn John Doe? The wicked cower before a Capone, yet pounces on
the preborn Doe. On the other hand, the meek executes a Capone and defends the preborn Doe.
The Left in this country, and the Democratic Party as an institution, is exactly backwards on these
life and death issues.
A capital offense is a capital offense - even if one’s government decides otherwise. Failure
by man to comply with God’s standards has no impact on those standards. So even though many
have escaped execution because of the moral failings of a liberal government, that does not mean
they will escape God Himself. The sentence is only temporarily deferred.
Failure by The State to execute duly convicted capital offenders is a missed opportunity to
serve the public. And, in a strange way, it is even a crime against the capital offender. Not only
might they errantly conclude they have gotten away with murder (or rape, etc.), but they often go
on to commit other crimes - thus piling up more judgement against themselves.
Finally, it is my hope God will use this material to strengthen even one judge to pass
execution sentences on those deserving them. I also hope God will use this material to protect all
sanctioned executioners from false guilt. I also hope that soldiers, who have killed in their
nation’s defense, will be internally strengthened and not falsely feel the guilt of murder. I also
hope those in governing positions will gain insight on their upcoming date with their Creator - and
their decision-making process be permanently influenced by this Ebook. And, I do hope this will

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positively challenge all my readers to examine themselves, and internally determine if they are
ready to stand with God in the meting out of eternal judgements. The coming, eternal state will
be the unveiled Theocracy - imposed, unchallenged, and unchallengeable, “in which
righteousness dwells” (2Pet 3:13). For some, this will be an extremely benevolent rule, but for
the rest, it will be the worst of all possible scenarios.

Do you like to learn? God has great depths of knowledge for you to explore! Whether looking
for a definitive study on the Tithe ( - none
today) or a visual Gospel Presentation with Stick Figures
( ), you can find these, and other free
ebooks at ! In 1977, Robin
became a Christian. BA, Bus Admin (Milligan College '90) and M-Div (Emmanuel School of
Relign '92).

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Have you ever read any important literary work that solicits your input? Well, these
Ebooks and Articles want your input! Indeed, all my materials are unique “Organic Documents.”
I welcome thoughtful challenges or enhancements from you, the reader. This results in the
maturation of each document - thus becoming more and more valuable.

Here is how you can participate in the maturation of this project.

Send your challenges or enhancements to . Be sure and tell me:

a) What work you are responding to

b) The subheading (if I have one there)
c) What phrase or sentence you are writing about, and
d) Tell me if your material is a challenge or enhancement.

If you need more space than your text box allows, send your material in an attachment. Please
keep any viruses to yourself.

Submissions that forward the value of this work will be added indefinitely. These will be
identified in future editions as follows. A superscript will appear in the body of the text where the
relevant addition applies. For example:
• - this is Endnote 1 and is an enhancement.
• - this is Endnote 2 and is a challenge.
• - this is Endnote 4 and is a multiple enhancement.
• - this is Endnote 6 and is a challenge and an enhancement.
• - this indicates a text change. This will be rare as I want the original document to
remain intact.
• - this is Endnote 9 and flags a reader to a Related Website.

As electronic documents, related web sites can be added as links. If you know of a website that
should become a part of any of them, please submit the URL.

Future Editions
With your permission, notices of new editions to any Ebook or Article you download will be
emailed to you. A new edition will have a minimum of five (5) new challenges or enhancements
from the previous edition. Each new edition will have an introductory statement that identifies
where these new edits are found and what type of edits they are (i.e., challenges, enhancements,

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Agreement to Participate
When you send your material, you are agreeing to have all, or part, of your work incorporated
without a claim to financial remuneration for future editions in which your work might appear.

All Ebooks and Articles carry full copyright protections. As author, I, Robin Calamaio, grant
you permission to download and print a personal copy of anything you want. But I do ask that
full copies be made so as to avoid statements being taken out of context.
If you want to make copies to give to people other than yourself, I give you a conditional
permission. These are the conditions:

1) These are to be given away for free. Please read, “Why Do You Give All Your Work Away?”
for an explanation of my motivation. It follows this material.

2) If you can, let me know which works you are giving to someone else. Also, if you can supply
his/her email address, notices will be sent concerning other materials freely available, or ones yet
to be completed. This will all remain free.

3) I also want to know of any distribution plan you come up with. If you feel the distribution of
any of these materials is part of your personal ministry, your ideas may benefit others who are
thinking the same. The sharing of your methods will be increasing your outreach, and if God does
use these Ebooks and Articles to profit others, you will receive reward for your impact. We are
all looking to Judgement Day.

I appreciate your cooperation.

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“Why Do You Give All Your Work Away?”
Robin Calamaio 2005

This is a good question. There are several reasons. But before stating them, know that I do
believe my Ebooks and Articles have value - and they did require a lot of work. Also, I have
invested a lot of time, and money, in procuring a Bachelor of Arts (Major: Business
Administration, Minor: Bible, Milligan College, Milligan, TN), an Associate of Divinity
(Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX), and a Master of Divinity
(Emmanuel School of Religion, Johnson City, TN). The Master was a 90 semester-hour program
with two years of New Testament Greek, one year of Hebrew and a Master Thesis. I was also
elected to the International Society of Theta Phi, “An honor society for theological students,
scholars in the field of religion, and outstanding religious leaders.” So, why do I give my work

1. The chance of securing a book deal is probably about zero. Publishers are primarily looking
for celebrities, or previously established writers, before investing in an author, so I haven’t wasted
my time. Besides that ...

2. Anything of value in my writings has come to me free of charge. God has charged me
nothing for His knowledge, understanding or wisdom. Therefore, it seems a bit strange for me to
place a money barrier in front of any insight He may have imparted to me.

3. The Internet, and the ability to have my work electronically downloaded to your personal
computer, is a truly incredible thing. It gives me the opportunity to bring my work freely to you.
The possibility of influencing your thinking and values is more valuable to me than anything else.

4. My readers fall into one of three groups. They are current eternal brothers or sisters, to-be
eternal brothers or sisters, or the unfortunate never-to-be-redeemed individuals (which I hope
numbers zero after exposure to my work). Why would I want the money of any of these groups?

Having stated the above in what I hope is a genuine honesty, some readers may see this work
as an investment opportunity. So, I have set up a back end money situation.

1. God is opposite of the world. I want you to fully vet the materials here first, and if you
qualify financially, you can respond. See the page “Invest” on my website to see if you qualify!

2. Money is not evil. It is a tool. Use your money to your best benefit.

3. Any money given here is an investment. If God uses these materials to strengthen or
otherwise expand His Kingdom, you will be recompensed - eternally.

So, the bottom line is that I leave this whole matter with you. That is just the way I have
wanted to do this. It’s my material, and I can do what I want with it. I want you to have it.

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