Mahmud of Ghazni
Mahmud of Ghazni
Mahmud of Ghazni
Mahmud of Ghazni
Ferdowsi reads the poem, the Shahnameh, to Mahmud of Ghazni by painter Vardges Sureniants
Emir of Ghazna
998 1002
Himself as sultan
Sultan of Ghazna
1002 1030
Himself as emir
Kausari Jahan
Full name
Laqab: Yamin al-Dawla wa Amin al-Milla
Kunya: Abul-Qasim
Given name: Mahmud
Nisba: Ghaznawi
House of Sabuktegin
2 November 971
Ghazna (now in Afghanistan)
30 April 1030
Sunni Islam
Mahmud of Ghazni
Early career
In 994, Mahmud joined his father Sebuktigin in the capture of Khorasan from the
rebel Fa'iq in aid of the Samanid Emir, Nuh II. During this period the Samanid
state became highly unstable, with shifting internal political tides as various
factions vied for control, the chief among them being Abu'l-Qasim Simjuri, Fa'iq,
Abu AliWikipedia:Citation needed, the General Bekhtuzin as well as the
neighbouring Buyids and Qarakhanids.
Mahmud took over his father's kingdom in 998 after defeating and capturing
Ismail at the Battle of Ghazni. He then set out west from Ghazni to take the
Kandahar region followed by Bost (Lashkar Gah), where he turned it into a
militarized city.
Mahmud of Ghazni
Mahmud of Ghazni
Campaign timeline
As emir
994: Gained the title of Saif-ud-daula and became Governor of Khorasan under service to Nuh II of the Samanids
in civil strife
995: The Samanid rebels Fa'iq (leader of a court faction that had defeated Alptigin's nomination for Emir) and
Abu Ali expel Mahmud from Nishapur. Mahmud and Sabuktigin defeat Samanid rebels at Tus.
As sultan
997: Qarakhanid Empire
999: Khorasan, Balkh, Herat, Merv from the Samanids. A concurrent invasion from the north by the Qarakhanids
under Elik Khan (Nasr Khan) ends Samanid rule.
1000: Seistan from Saffarid Dynasty
1001: Gandhara: Sultan Mahmud defeats Jayapala at Peshawar; Jayapala subsequently abdicates and commits
1002: Seistan: Imprisoned Khuluf
1004: Bhatia (Bhera) annexed after it fails to pay its yearly tribute.[7] in 1004 CE
1005-6: Multan Fateh Daud the Shia Ismaili ruler of Multan[8] revolts and enlists the aid of Anandapala. Mahmud
massacres the Ismailis[9][10] of Multan in the course of his conquest. Anandapala is defeated at Peshawar and
pursued to Sodra (Wazirabad).
Ghor and Muhammad ibn Suri then captured by Mahmud, made prisoner along with his son and taken to Ghazni,
where Muhammad ibn Suri died.[11] Appoints Sewakpal to administer the region. Anandapala flees to Kashmir,
takes refuge in the LoharaWikipedia:Citation needed fort in the hills on the western border of Kashmir.
1005: Defends Balkh and Khorasan against Nasr I of the Qarakhanids and recaptures Nishapur from Isma'il
Muntasir of the Samanids.
1005: Sewakpal rebels and is defeated.
1008: Mahmud defeats the Rajput/Indian Confederacy (Ujjain, Gwalior, Kalinjar, Kannauj, Delhi, and Ajmer) in
battle between Und and Peshawar,[12] and captures the Shahi treasury at Kangra in Himachal Pradesh.
Note: A historical narrative states in this battle, under the onslaught of the Gakhar tribe, Mahmud's army was
about to retreat when Jayapala's son King Anandapala's elephant took flight and turned the tide of the
battle.Wikipedia:Citation needed
1010: Ghor; against Mohammad ibn Sur
Mahmud of Ghazni
1010: Multan revolts. Abul Fatah Dawood imprisoned for life at Ghazni.
1012-1013: Sacks Thaneshwar[13]
1012: Invades Gharchistan and deposes it's ruler Abu Nasr Muhammad.
1012: Demands and receives remainder of the province of Khorasan from the Abassid Caliph. Then demands
Samarkand as well but is rebuffed.
1013: Bulnat: Defeats Trilochanpala.
1014 :Kafirstan attacked[14]
1015: Mahmud's army sacks Lahore, but his expedition to Kashmir fails, due to inclement weather.[15]
1015: Khwarezm: Marries his sister to Abul Abbas Mamun of Khwarezm who dies in the same year in a
rebellion. Moves to quell the rebellion and installs a new ruler and annexes a portion.
1017: Kannauj, Meerut, and Muhavun on the Yamuna, Mathura and various other regions along the route. While
moving through Kashmir he levies troops from vassal Prince for his onward march, Kannauj and Meerut
submitted without battle.
1018-1020: Sacks Mathura
1021: Raises Ayaz to kingship, awarding him the throne of Lahore
1021: Kalinjar attacks Kannauj: he marches to their aid and finds the last Shahi King Trilochanpaala encamped as
well. No battle, the opponents leave their baggage trains and withdraw from the field. Also fails to take the fort of
Lokote again. Takes Lahore on his return. Trilochanpala flees to Ajmer. First Muslim governors appointed east of
the Indus River.
1023: Lahore. He fails to conquer Kalinjar and Gwalior: Trilochanpala, the grandson of Jayapala is assassinated
by his own troops. Official annexation of Punjab by Ghazni. Also fails to take the Lohara fort on the western
border of Kashmir for the second time.
1024: Ajmer, Nehrwala, Kathiawar: This raid was his last major campaign. The concentration of wealth at
Somnath was renowned, and consequently it became an attractive target for Mahmud, as it had previously
deterred most invaders. The temple and citadel were sacked, and most of its defenders massacred.
1024: Somnath: Mahmud sacked the temple and is reported to have personally hammered the temple's gilded
Lingam to pieces and the stone fragments were carted back to Ghazni, where they were incorporated into the
steps of the city's new Jama Masjid (Friday Mosque) in 1026. He placed a new king on the throne in Gujarat as a
tributary. His return detoured across the Thar Desert to avoid the armies of Ajmer and other allies on his return.
1025: Marched against the Jats of the Jood mountains who harried his army on its return from the sack of
1027: Rey, Isfahan, Hamadan from the Buyid (Daylami) Dynasty.
1028, 1029: Merv, Nishapur lost to Seljuk Turks
Mahmud's campaigns seem to have been motivated by both religious zeal against both the Fatimids Shiites and
non-Muslims; Buddhists, Jains and Hindus Wikipedia:Avoid weasel words. His principal drive remained the Ismaili
Shiites, Buyid Iran as well as favor and recognition of independence from the Abbassid Caliphate Wikipedia:Avoid
weasel words. The wealth plundered from the Rajput Confederacy and his Indian campaigns went a long way
towards meeting those ends. By 1027, Mahmud had accomplished this as well as capturing most of modern-day
North-Western India as well as obtaining formal recognition of Ghazni's sovereignty from the Abbasid Caliph,
al-Qadir, as well as the honorific titles of wali amir al-muminin ("Friend of the Commander of the Faithful") and
Yamin al-Dawla wa Amin al-Milla ("Right Hand of the State and Keeper of the Community").
Mahmud of Ghazni
Mahmud of Ghazni
In Afghanistan and Pakistan Mahmud is celebrated as a hero and a great patron of the arts, architecture, literature,
and Persian revivalism as well as a vanguard of Islam and a paragon of virtue and piety who established the standard
of Islam in India. The military of Pakistan has named its short-range ballistic missile in the honour of Mahmud of
Ghazni, the Ghaznavi Missile.[22] In addition to this, the Pakistan Military Academy, where cadets are trained for
Mahmud of Ghazni
becoming Officers of the Pakistan Army also gives tribute the Mahmud of Ghazni by naming one of its twelve
companies; Ghaznavi Company.
In modern Pakistan he is hailed as a conquering hero who established the standard of Islam upon heathen land, while
in India he is a raiding iconoclastic invader, bent upon the loot and plunder of a peaceful Hindu population. In India,
Mahmud is therefore seen as a ruthless invader who plundered the temples of India and caused long lasting damage.
His attacks on Mathura, Gandhara and Somnath are seen as decisive events in the history of North India and a sign
of its subjugation to Islamic invasions. The fact that Mahmud never tried consolidating his conquests choosing
instead to target a different region and different temples on each of his invasions is seen as evidence that he was
interested in loot.[23]
Iranians remember him as an Orthodox Sunni who was responsible for the revival of the Persian culture by
commissioning and appointing Persians to high offices in his administration as ministers, viziers and generals. In
addition Iranians remember him for the promotion and preference of Persian language instead of Turkish and
patronage of great nationalist poets and scholars such as Ferdowsi and Al-Biruni as well as his Lion and Sun flag
which was once a flag symbol in the Imperial state of Iran.
Mahmud of Ghazni, under his reign the region broke away from the
Samanid sphere of influence. While he acknowledged the Abbasids as
caliph as a matter of form, he was also granted the title Sultan as
recognition of his independence.
By the end of his reign, the Ghaznavid Empire extended from Ray in
the west to Samarkand in the north-east, and from the Caspian Sea to
the Yamuna. Although his raids carried his forces across the South
Asia, only a portion of Punjab and Sindh in modern-day Pakistan,
came under his semi-permanent rule; Kashmir, the Doab, Rajasthan
and Gujarat remained under the control of the local Hindu dynasties.
The booty brought back to Ghazni was enormous, and contemporary
historians (e.g. Abolfazl Beyhaghi, Ferdowsi) give descriptions of the
magnificence of the capital, as well as of the conqueror's munificent
support of literature. He transformed Ghazni, the first centre of Persian
literature,[24] into one of the leading cities of Central Asia, patronizing
scholars, establishing colleges, laying out gardens, and building
mosques, palaces, and caravansaries. He patronized Ferdowsi to write the Shahnameh; and, after his expedition
across the Gangetic plains in 1017, of Al-Biruni to compose his Tarikh Al-Hind in order to understand the Indians
and their beliefs.
Coins of Mahmud with the Islamic declaration of
faith. Obverse legend with the name of the caliph
al-Qadir bi-llah (in the fifth line). Reverse legend:
Muhammad Rasul/Allah Yamin al-Daw/la
wa-Amin al-Milla/Mahmud.
On 30 April 1030, Sultan Mahmud died in Ghazni, at the age of 59. Sultan Mahmud had contracted malaria during
his last invasion. The medical complication from malaria had caused lethal tuberculosis. During his rule, universities
were founded to study various subjects such as mathematics, religion, the humanities, and medicine. Islam was the
main religion of his kingdom. Persian spoken in the empire was made to the official language.
The Ghaznavid Empire was ruled by his successors for 157 years. The expanding Seljuk Turkish empire absorbed
most of the Ghaznavid west. The Ghorids captured Ghazni in 1150 A.D., and Mu'izz al-Din (also known as
Muhammad of Ghori) captured the last Ghaznavid stronghold at Lahore in 1187. The Ghaznavids went on to live as
the Nasher Khans in their home of Ghazni until the 20th century.
The Song Dynasty customs inspector Zhao Rugua ( ) wrote a two-volume work about the countries and
people of the known world (according to the Chinese) called the Zhufan Zhi ( , "Description of the
Mahmud of Ghazni
Barbarous Peoples," c. 1225). The first volume has an entry for Ghazni which reads:
The king's arms reach down to below his knees. He has an [sic] hundred chargers, every one full six feet
high, also some dozen head of mules, three feet high, which, on excursions, he rides alternately with the
horses. His bow pulls several piculs, so that five or seven ordinary men cannot string it. When he is on
horseback, he carries an iron mace weighing full fifty catties. ... [A]ll the people of the west fear him.[25]
Friedrich Hirth, one of the translators of Zhao's work, believes this was based on some embellished tale about
Mahmud that was brought to China by Arab merchants.[26]
Sultan Mahmud was born on 2 November 971 AD in Ghazni to first Ghaznavid Sultan Sebktigin, Yusuf Sebktigin
being his younger brother. He was married to a woman named Kausari Jahan and had twin sons Mohammad and
Ma'sud, who succeeded him one after the other, while his grandson by Mas'ud, Maw'dud Ghaznavi was also ruler of
the empire but many of 18th century books nullify such claims.His sister Sitr-i-Mu'alla was married to Dawood bin
Ataullah Alavi also known as Ghazi Salar Sahu, whose son was Ghazi Saiyyad Salar Masud
His companion was a Turkish slave Malik Ayaz and their relationship inspired poems and stories.[27]
[1] Mahmud of Ghazni, The Great Events by Famous Historians: Indexes, Vol. XX, Ed. John Rudd, Charles F. Horne and Rossiter Johnson,
(1905), 141.
[2] T. A. Heathcote, The Military in British India: The Development of British Forces in South Asia:1600-1947, (Manchester University Press,
1995), 6.
[3] Mahmud bin Sebuktigin, C. E. Bosworth, The Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol. VI, Ed. C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis and C. Pellat,
(E.J.Brill, 1991), 65.
[4] C.E. Bosworth, The Ghaznavids 9941040, (Edinburgh University Press, 1963), 89.
[5] P. M. ( Peter Malcolm) Holt, Bernard Lewis, The Cambridge History of Islam, Cambridge University Press, (1977), ISBN 0-521-29137-2 pg
[6] C.E. Bosworth, The Ghaznavids:9941040, (Edinburgh University Press, 1963), 132.
[7] Imperial Gazetteer of India v2 page 213 (http:/ / dsal. uchicago. edu/ reference/ gazetteer/ pager. html?objectid=DS405. 1. I34_V22_219. gif)
[8] Mullahs on the mainframe: Islam and modernity among the Daudi Bohras, By Jonah Blank, University of Chicago Press, page 37.
[9] A Short History of Muslim rule in Indo-Pakistan, by Manzoor Ahmad Hanifi published by Ideal Library, 1964, page 21.
[10] Ismailis in Medieval Muslim societies, by Farhad Daftary, Institute of Ismaili Studies, Published by I B Taurus and company, page 68.
[11] The History of India as told by its own Historians by Eliot and Dowson, Volume 2 page 286
[12] Pradeep P. Barua, The State at War in South Asia, (University of Nebraska Press, 2005), 27.
[13] Pradeep P. Barua, The State at War in South Asia, 27.
[14] The political and statistical history of Gujart By Al Muammad Khn, James Bird Page 29,
[15] Satish Chandra, Medieval India: From Sultanat to the Mughals-Delhi Sultanat (12061526) Part 1, (Har-Anand Publication Pvt Ltd, 2006),
[16] Afghanistan: a new history by Martin Ewans Edition: 2, illustrated Published by Routledge, 2002 Page 15 ISBN 0-415-29826-1, ISBN
[17] The political and statistical history of Gujart By Al Muammad Khn, James Bird PAGE 29
[18] Virani, Shafique N. The Ismailis in the Middle Ages: A History of Survival, A Search for Salvation (New York: Oxford University Press), p.
[19] Gopal Mandir is devoted to the blue God Krishna who is the divine herdsman, the lover of milkmaids and the eighth embodiment of Lord
Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. The marble-curled around structure is a superior example of Maratha architecture. Lord Krishnas two
feet tall statue is carved in silver and is placed on a marble-inlaid altar with silver-plated doors. Mahmud of Ghazni had taken these doors from
the famous Somnath Temple in Gujarat to Ghazni in Khorasan in 1026 AD. The Afghan trespasser, Mahmud Shah Abdali, later took the gates
to Lahore, from where Shrinath Madhavji Shinde today popularly known as The Great Maratha Mahadji Scindia reacquired them. The Scindia
ruler later established them in Gopal Mandir, bringing to a halt the doors long journey. Bayajibai Shinde, Maharaja Daulat Rao Scindias
queen, built the temple in the 19th century. Its location in the middle of the market area right in the heart of the city adds to its popularity.
(http:/ / www. bl. uk/ onlinegallery/ onlineex/ apac/ other/ 019xzz000000562u00010000. html) Mosque and Tomb of the Emperor Soolta
Mahmood of Ghuznee, publisherBritish Library
[20] Carl Brockelmann, Moshe Perlmann and Joel Carmichael, History of the Islamic Peoples: With a Review of Events, 1939-1947, (G.P.
Putnam's sons, 1947), 169.
Mahmud of Ghazni
[21] (http:/ / www. bl. uk/ onlinegallery/ onlineex/ apac/ other/ 019xzz000000562u00010000. html) Destruction of Somnath Temple
[22] http:/ / www. atimes. com/ atimes/ South_Asia/ GI03Df02. html
[23] John Keay, "A History of India", Harper Collins, New Ed edition, 2001, p. ? (ISBN 978-0006387848)
[24] "arts, Islamic." Encyclopdia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopdia Britannica Online. 20 Oct. 2006 (http:/ / www. britannica. com/ eb/
[25] Zhao, Rukuo, Friedrich Hirth, and William Woodville Rockhill. Chau Ju-Kua: His Work on the Chinese and Arab Trade in the Twelfth and
Thirteenth Centuries, Entitled Chu-Fanch. New York: Paragon Book Reprint Corp, 1966, p. 138
[26] Zhao, Chau Ju-Kua, p. 139
[27] Hellmut Ritter, Handbook of Oriental studies: Near and Middle East, Vol.69, transl. John O'Kane, (Brill, 2003), 309-310.
Ferishta, History of the Rise of Mohammedan Power (
Alexander Berzin, Berzin Archives: The Historical Interaction between the Buddhist and Islamic Cultures before
the Mongol Empire, 2001 (
McLeod, John (2002). The History of India. London: Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-313-31459-4.
Bosworth, C. E. (1975). "The early Ghaznavids" (
cambridge+history+of+iran+4&hl=da&source=gbs_navlinks_s). In Frye, R. N. The Cambridge History of
Iran, Volume 4: From the Arab Invasion to the Saljuqs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.162198.
G. H. Yusofi "Ahmad Maymandi." Encyclopedia Iranica. 11 January 2013.
C.E., Bosworth (2012). "Maymand" (
maymandi-SIM_5072?s.num=0& Leiden
and New York: BRILL. ISBN9789004161214.
Frye, R.N. (1975). "The Smnids" (
pg=PA136#v=onepage&q&f=false). In Frye, R.N. The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 4: From the Arab
Invasion to the Saljuqs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.136161. ISBN0-521-20093-8.
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