On Public Distribution System of India
On Public Distribution System of India
On Public Distribution System of India
the spiralling rise in prices of essential commodities. Public Distribution System (PDS) is a poverty alleviation programme And contributes towards the social welfare of the people. Essential commodities like rice, wheat, sugar, kerosene and the like are supplied to the people under the PDS at reasonable prices. PDS is a boon to the people living below the poverty line. PDS is the primary social welfare and antipoverty programme of the Government of India. Revamped Public Distribution System (RPDS) has been initiated by the Government of India from the year 1992 in order to serve and provide essential commodities to the people living in remote, backward and hilly areas. Government introduced Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) in the year 1997.
IMPLICIT SUBSIDY In this government has provided subsidy on various commodities. This government policy aims at subsidizing price of commodities lower than minimum support price. With the alarming inflation, the minimum support price will bound to increase. The subsidy will henceforth increase.
EXCLUSION ERROR This error occurs due to the proportion of poor left out of PDS. In this a poor person of BPL is not classified as one and hence is deprived of the benefits of PDS.
UNDERNUTRITION PDS aims not just to distribute food grains but also aims at providing good quality food grains/ commodities so that the problem of malnutrition is reduced. But malnutrition persists to be the most important concern of India. TRANSPORTATION LEAKAGE The distance of grains from go downs to FPS is also a major filtration point in the distribution mechanism. The grain wont reach to FPS but goes to open market for selling, getting the margins which benefits the middle men that is FPS owners and officials of the distribution wing.
The numbers shown by state government for BPL families do not tally with the ration cards issued and also with the planning commission statistics. Due to this two types of problem arises - one is the number of ration card holders are less compared to the number of BPL families announced by the state government. Second is the number of ration cards issued are more than the real BPL families in the village. In the second case, huge quantity of grains got released from second but not the concerned but reselling the same at higher margins in market.
PDS is highly corrupt system which is not benefiting the needy- poorest of the poor, as per objective of the government. To reduce the filtration of the grains into open market technology usage from go downs Fair price shop consumer mechanism has to be automated.
Food dispatched from central government should be in the form of small recyclable packets which will have various advantages: Food packets should be of standard weights of 2, 5, 10, 15 ,25 kgs The packaging material should be recyclable so that food packets can be easily dispersed as well as exchange effectively. Return of empty packets. For effective recycling of packets ( in order to save manufacturing cost ) It is mandatory for consumers to return the previous empty packets on the next visit. On return of 20 packets the consumers will get 2 kg packet of ration as a reward . Flexibility in FPS. The consumer must be given rights to purchase ration from any of the FPS rather than the allotted FPS. This will help the migrants (such as tribal who move from one place to another). Mobile distribution of ration in remote areas. The ration from the various FPS should be send through any transport means to remote areas which are deprived of FPS. It will cut off the transportation cost of the people hailing from remote areas for their daily meal. Centralized system at state level should maintain data that contains the contact number of all those who avail the facility of PDS. The people who are categorized in BPL will get an sms from the centralized system after arrival of the stocks at FPS. This system of keeping contact numbers will also help to bring transparency between BPL and APL. With the consumers allotted with unique Aadhar card an entry is made into the electronic device that tallies the Aadhar card number. The device is digitalized and hence chances of corruption at FPS level are reduced. Identification of consumers is made through thumb prints.
There should be state patch ups in case of calamities. It means that there must be mutual understanding between various states to help them in times of calamities.
Integrating AADHAR CARD of every family member into a common e-ration card of family Computerized system at very fair price shop which will be linked with the centralized system at every state level. Government will provide vans that would distribute ration in remote areas. Ration will be provided on the basis of number of family members.
Packaging unit will be setup in all FCI godowns. Ration will be packed in standard size packets. CCTV cameras will be there in every FCI godown. Central will monitor warehouses through its vigilance officers and CCTVs. Dispatched packed ration from ware houses and stocks reached at every FPS will be electronically monitored by a central body.
FPS working
FPS purchase data will be sent to central. Consumers can now purchase their ration from any FPS. Consumers will hold power to purchase as much ration as they want of their allotted ration (just like withdrawing money from ATM). FPS owner will earn his share in form of salary from central system on the basis of his purchase.
FCI database
Database of warehouses
Packed ration
Packed ration
E ration card linked with Aadhar
e-card reader
FPS Database
Ration BANK
FCI account
procuremen t subsidy packaging cost FCI godowns
Organization cost
90000 crore
Infrastructure cost
5000 crore
Transportation cost
1500 crore
Technology cost
2500 crore
1. Due to emerging trends like CLOUD technology we will always have to update the systems to cope up with the increasing data and security issues. 2. Orthodox people in rural areas will not adjust with the technology and would have an urge to pursue the older system of written stock management. 3. As we have fixed major loop holes, the ration mafias will surely outburst their frustration through political and illegal means. They may also lead to litigation and bloodshed.
1. While applying the technologies, the government must be strict enough in installation and vigilance. 2. NGOs will aware people about their rights and the benefits of the new automated system. 3. Awareness about RTI will surely help in proper functioning of FPS. 4. Role of media is vital for mitigation.
AADHAR CARD- A unique identification project which provides a unique id number to all Indian . AAY-Antyodya Ann Yogna ADULTERATION-Mixing inedibles in food grains so that quantity increase and quality decrease. APL-Above poverty line BPL-Below poverty line Cloud technology-Computing concepts that involve a large number of computers conected through a real-time communication network. FCI-Food Corporation of India FPS-Fair price shop FSB-Food Security Bill NSS-National Sample Survey,largest organization in India conducting regular socio-ecenomic surveys. PDS-Public distribution system RPDS-Revamped Public Distribution System RTI-Right to information TPDS-Targeted Public Distribution System
1. Talk delivered by Mr. Akshay of Boston consultants group on PDS. 2. Ch.Srinivas and S.Abdul Jhaha Global Research and Consultancy Services , Hyderabad,Deccan Development Society. 3. Chattisgarh Cheif Minister's letter to Prime Minister on cash transfers in the PDS. 4. Dr. S. nakkiran,principal (Retd.) , TBML college Poragar, TAmil Nadu. National Food Security Bill 2013.
Submitted by :-
Saumya Shivhare
Shubham Bhatnagar
Rajnandini Sharma
Vishal Jaiswal
Kamakshi Gupta