Grade 2 Music Theory Test
Grade 2 Music Theory Test
Grade 2 Music Theory Test
Time limit: 1 hours Candidates should answer ALL questions. Answers must be written clearly & neatly, otherwise marks may be lost. Total marks: 100 (Pass=66, Merit=80, Distinction=90)
1. Add the missing barlines to these two tunes. The first barline is given in each. (10 points) a.
3. (a) Give the letter name of each of the notes marked *, including the sharp or flat sign where necessary. The first answer is given. (10 points)
(b) Give the time name (e.g. crotchet or quarter-note) of the rest in the last bar. ....
4. Add the correct clef and any necessary sharp or flat signs to each of these tonic triads. Do not use key signatures. (10 points)
5. Rewrite the following in notes and a rest of half the value, beginning as shown. (10 points)
6. In each of the numbered spaces add the note or rest named below, as shown in the answer to [1]. (10 points)
[1] minim (half-note) rest [2] F, semibreve (whole-note) [3] Bb, crotchet (quarter-note) [4] F#, minim (half-note) [5] F natural, dotted minim (dotted half-note) [6] crotchet (quarter-note) rest
7. (a) Rewrite these treble clef notes in the bass clef, keeping the pitch the same. The first answer is given. (10 points)
8. Look at this melody, adapted from a piece by Schumann, and then answer the questions below.
(a) Give the meaning of each of these: (10 points) molto cantabile =60
= = = = =
dolce cresc. mp
Give the time name (e.g. crotchet or quarter-note) of the rest in the last bar.
ii) Draw a circle round two notes next to each other which are a 6th apart. iii) How many times does this rhythm occur? .....
On which degree of the scale (e.g. 2nd, 3rd ) does the melody begin?............ quaver (quarter-note) beats in a bar. ........
v) Answer TRUE or FALSE to this sentence: The time signature 2/4 means that there are two
(c) (10 points) Copy out the music from the start of the melody to the end of bar 6, exactly as it is written above. Don't forget the clef, key signature, dynamics and all other details. Write the music on the bank stave above question (a). Marks will be given for neatness and accuracy. (10 points)