19th Arc Irr
19th Arc Irr
19th Arc Irr
THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
Version No. 1 Date 05/03/2012 Revised By Nino Jerald M. Cruz Approved By Matthew U. Gopez Noted By Conrad Allan M. Alviz Details Initial Issue
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
Contents Background................ .. Objectives................ General Guidelines Qualifications and Requirements... General Contest Rules... Elimination Round Contest Rules and Mechanics..... Final Round Contest Rules and Mechanics.. Special Regulation in the Conduct of the 2nd NFJPIA R3 Cup... CPA Mock Board Exam Contest Rules and Mechanics. Pointing System of Academic Events Amendments or Revisions Separability Clause Repealing Clause.. . Effectivity.... 3 3 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
BACKGROUND The academic events in the 19th Annual Regional Convention is open to all members of NFJPIA Region 3 council. These academic events aims to evaluate the extent of knowledge acquired and accumulated by the students through a friendly competition. These shall help them prepare for the CPA Board Examinations with the techniques, knowledge, and updates that they could acquire in these events.
To help NFJPIA R3 members prepare for the CPA Board Examinations by providing competent and supplementary knowledge and understanding in accounting together with its pertinent updates through academic competitions and mock board examinations. To help the participants determine their flaws or weaknesses. These events shall motivate them to dig deeper and search for more information and knowledge to improve their performances. To help the participants assess themselves whether their current performance is competitive enough as compared with the other JPIAns across the region. To help the participants acquire skills and techniques in answering questions in a shortest possible time in preparation for the actual CPA Board Exam.
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
IRR 1.6 Each participant can only participate in at most three (3) academic events. (Including the Regional CPA Mock Board Examination) IRR 1.7 This ToA and PRAC1 Wizard Tournament are open to all who have already taken the covered topics. This event will cover the following accounting subjects namely: Theory of Accounts Practical Accounting 1 IRR 1.8 The MASquerade Ball is open to all who have already taken the covered topic. This event will cover the following accounting subject namely: Management Advisory Services IRR 1.9 The Business Law and Taxation Tilt are open to all who have already taken the covered topics. This event will cover the following accounting subjects namely: Business Law Taxation IRR 1.10 The Clash of Auditing Titans is open to all who have already taken the covered topics. This event will cover the following accounting subjects namely: Auditing Theory Auditing Problems IRR 1.11 The Wrangle of P2 Masters is open to all who have already taken the covered topics. This event will cover the following accounting subjects namely: Practical Accounting 2 IRR 1.12 The CPA Mock Board Exam will cover all the CPA Board Subjects. A written Exam, segregated to each subject.
IRR 2.4 Change of contestant is allowed provided that they would submit all pertinent requirements for the competition on or before December 20.
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
regional executive officers of the NFJPIA-R3 which shall serve as the monitoring personnel and question distributors (QD). IRR 3.2 A Judge or Board of Judges shall be a Certified Public Accountant for the purpose of giving an intelligent and independent decision. IRR 3.3 Any member of the Board of Judges and NFJPIA-R3 Council shall be vested with the power to give sanction to any contestant he have witnessed violating any of the said provision in this IRR. IRR 3.4 The Judge or the Board of Judges shall have the sole and exclusive authority to clear or answer any protest/clarification made by the contestant or the respective adviser. Judge/s decision is final and irrevocable. IRR.3.5 Any contestant caught cheating is considered disqualified in the competition. IRR 3.6 After reading the contest rules and mechanics, contestants are given the chance to raise questions/clarifications regarding the said rules and mechanics. IRR 3.7 Before proceeding to the next question, there will be given an allotted time of five (5) seconds for the contestants to decide whether they want to raise a protest/clarification, to request for new marker, ballpen or scratch paper, to change their calculator if it encounters a technical problem, or other concerns. After the allotted time has elapsed the quizmaster starts reading the next question, no more protest, clarification, or concern will be entertained. IRR 3.8 In case of any concern, clarification, or protest which is not governed by the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the said provision, the Chairman of the said competition shall have the absolute power to decide, upon consultation to NFJPIA-R3 Council and/or Regional Adviser, on matters which he deems necessary to preserve and protect the integrity of the event. His decision is final and irrevocable.
IRR 4.1 The Academic Quiz bee Events in the 19th ARC are comprised of two (2) rounds namely: Elimination Round and Final Round, The Elimination round is composed of three (3) sub-set levels namely: Easy, Average, and Difficult. Corresponding no. of questions, points and time allotment for are as follows:
CATEGORIES: Theory Problem Problem requiring Computation No. of Items Corresponding Points EASY 10 seconds 15 seconds 7 2 AVERAGE 10 seconds 30 seconds 7 3 DIFFICULT CLINCHER 10 seconds 10 seconds 45 seconds 20 seconds 7 5 0
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
IRR 4.2 Contestants are advised to be at the designated place at least thirty (30) minutes before the time schedule. IRR 4.3 Participants must strictly wear business attire (No Maong Pants, No Rubber Shoes). A contestant who does not comply with the required attire will not be allowed to join the contest. IRR 4.4 Late contestants are still allowed to participate, however; he or she will be disqualified for the questions he or she has missed. IRR 4.5 The quizmaster will read each question ONCE. The VP Academics may extend time prescribed depending on the complexity of the question. IRR 4.6 Contestants are provided with a copy of the question for every item. The contestants must not flip the copy of the question up to the distribution of each set of questions is done. The moment the quizmaster announces the question number that would be the only time the contestant may read and answer the provided question. Any contestant who violates the said provision for the 2nd time shall be given sanction of accumulating only 50% of his total score garnered in all rounds. Violation of this provision for the 3rd time shall mean disqualification of the contestant. IRR 4.7 Participants will be provided with a copy of the question. They may read the question along with the quiz master. IRR 4.8 Contestants are only allowed to manipulate their calculators after the quiz master says GO. Warning shall be given for the first offense. Second offense means disqualification from the particular question while, third offense entails disqualification from the particular event. IRR 4.9 Before the time allotted for each question has lapsed; the participant should have written their answers on their respective answer sheet (board) provided for the contest. When the bell rings signaling the lapse of time allotted, contestants should stop answering and must submit their answer sheet (raise the board) right after the quiz master had asked for it. Otherwise, their answer shall be forfeited. IRR 4.10 Protests or questions regarding a particular problem must be addressed to the Panel of Judges before the quiz master starts reading the next question. Once the next question has been distributed, the decision of the panel of judges shall be final and appeal will not be entertained. Also as stated in the IRR 3.7 IRR 4.11 Only the contestants are allowed to raise their complaints. IRR 4.12 The top (5) contestants accumulating the highest points shall advance to the final round, we called the buzzer round. In case of tie, clincher questions will be given. Whoever gets the right answer first will be move to the final round.
IRR 5.1 The top (5) contestants of the elimination round shall advance in the final round. All points of the contestants in the elimination round shall revert to zero. This round will test the ability and speed of the contestant to answer using a buzzer. IRR 5.2 The contestants are allowed to manipulate their calculator at any moment they opted to, provided, only when the quizmaster announces the question number.
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
IRR 5.3 The contestant may answer the question at any moment even if the quizmaster is still on the course of reading the question. Provided that before he presses the buzzer, his answer must be reduced to writing and the right term or digits are there. Otherwise, his answer is deemed null and void. IRR 5.4 The contestant who will press the buzzer first will get the chance to answer. This round provides 1 chance of steal whenever the first buzzerer has a wrong answer. But if the one who steal got a wrong answer we will move on to the next question. IRR 5.5 Corresponding points, corresponding point deduction, time allotment are as follows: EASY Theory Problem 10 seconds Problem requiring 15 Computation seconds No. of Items 7 Corresponding 10 Points Corresponding 3 Deduction AVERAG E 10 seconds 30 seconds 8 15 5 DIFFICUL T 10 seconds 45 seconds 10 20 7 CLINCHE R 10 seconds 20 seconds 0 -
IRR 5.6 The apt title of the game is BINGO Bonanza. The question, its corresponding points, and the allotted time is assigned to each BINGO number. This will be shown once the contestant picks his choice. IRR 5.7 For the first question, it is the quiz master who will choose a number between 1-25 with a corresponding question and in case of two wrong attempt answers in same question. The contestant who can answer the question correctly will be the next one who has the right to choose the succeeding item, and so on. IRR 5.8 For a contestant who gave an incorrect answer and/or void answer, there will be a corresponding point deduction on that particular question depending upon the difficulty as stated in IRR 5.5 IRR 5.9 Also, there will be given a deduction to a contestant who provided a wrong answer even he has no points garnered at the time he answers the question. Simply stated, negative points shall be awarded. IRR 5.10 The contestants are allowed to manipulate their calculator at any moment they opted to, provided, only when the quizmaster reads the first word in the problem. IRR 5.11 The contestant may answer the question at any moment even if the quizmaster is still on the course of reading the question. Provided that before he presses the buzzer, his answer must be reduced to writing. Otherwise, his answer is deemed null and void. IRR 5.12 In this round, there will be three ACES (_) which are hidden and each are randomly assigned to the different BINGO numbers shown above. This Ace will serve as a bonus 5 points. This bonus point is exclusive only for the contestant who picks the item and answered it correctly. This point will be added automatically to the contestants score. IRR 5.13 As an added twist, there will be three JOKERS ( ) which are hidden and each are randomly assigned to the different BINGO numbers shown above. A Joker will serve as a mileage weapon
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
during the course of the competition. Whoever answers the question with mileage weapon correctly will receive it. This can be used by the contestant to his opponents who have earned points. Whoever he chooses to be the recipient of the joker, that contestant will get a deduction of 5 points. The contestant may only use the said weapon in the event a correct answer is given by him to any question. In the event that the contestant didnt use the JOKER, the mileage weapon is considered forfeited. IRR 5.14 There are only 25 numbered questions that will be used in this round, and these will not be arranged according to level of difficulty; it is a random of easy, average and difficult questions. Questions may be a multiple choice or identification type. IRR 5.15 The contestant must aim to create a 5-straight item pattern either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally in order to win the game. The very first contestant who could create such pattern in any form of the aforementioned above will be declared the Champion. The remaining contestants should also aim to create such in order to be declared 2nd and 3rd placer respectively. IRR 5.16 The final round is considered end only when there will be three (3) contestants made the aforementioned patterns or when the twenty-five (25) items for this round has been entirely exhausted. IRR 5.17 In the event that only one (1) contestant can create such pattern at the end of the game, the 2nd and 3rd placer will be determined based on the accumulation of points. The two (2) highest scorers shall be declared the 2nd and 3rd placer respectively. IRR 5.18 In the event that only two (2) contestants can create such pattern at the end of the game, the 3rd placer will be determined based on the accumulation of points. The highest scorer shall be declared the 3rd placer. IRR 5.19 In case no contestant can make a 5-straight item pattern at the end of the game, the three (3) highest scorers will be declared the winners of the competition respectively. IRR 5.20 WINNING PATTERNS are HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL and DIAGONAL.
IRR 6.1 Each event of the 2nd NFJPIA R3 Cup is considered as one quizbee. Thus, there will be five (5) quizbee in the said cup. IRR 6.2 The top three (3) winners of each quizbee will be awarded as champion, 2nd placer, 3rd placer the accumulation of points in determining the title holder of the said cup. IRR 6.3 For the purpose of determining the title holder of the 2nd NFJPIA R3 Cup, the local chapter who earns the highest score will be declared. In case of a tie, the following will determine the overall champion (in order of priority): 1. The LC who has the more winnings of the 1st place will be granted the right to be the title holder of the 2nd NFJPIA R3 Cup. 2. The LC who has the more winnings of the 1st place and 2nd place will be granted the right to be the title holder of the 2nd NFJPIA R3 Cup. 3. The LC who has the more winnings of the 1st place 2nd place and 3rd place will be granted the right to be the title holder of the 2nd NFJPIA R3 Cup. 4. Accumulated points in all quizzes will be considered in determining the title holder of the 2nd NFJPIA R3 Cup.
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
IRR 6.4 The NFJPIA R3 Cup title shall revolve annually. The NFJPIA R3 Revolving Cup shall receive by the local chapter and not by the contestant.
IRR 7.1 Contestants are advised to be at the designated place at least thirty (30) minutes before the time schedule. IRR 7.2 Participants must strictly wear business attire (No Maong Pants, No Rubber Shoes). A contestant who does not comply with the required attire will not be allowed to join the contest. IRR 7.3 Late contestants are still allowed to participate, however; he is allowed only to use the remaining time allotted for the certain subject. IRR 7.4 The overall top ten of the examinees will be awarded and the highest pointer in each subject will be awarded as a Master of that certain subject.
IRR 8.0 Pointing system of Academic events in determining the ranking in Academics category:
IRR 8.1 To the events of the 2nd NFJPIA R3 Cup (which will cover 60% of Academics category): PLACE 1st placer 2nd placer 3rd placer POINTS 40 30 20
IRR 8. 2 The remaining two participants in the buzzer round will have a credit of 10 points each. IRR 8.3 Participation in these events will have a credit of 3 points each per school representative, except to those who qualified in the buzzer round. IRR 8.4 When it comes to REGIONAL CPA MOCKBOARD EXAM (which will cover 40% of Academics category): RANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 POINTS 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
IRR 8.5 An additional credit of 5 points for each school representative for those who will be the master in each board subject.
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
A. B. C. The Council shall be vested with the exclusive power to revise and amend the Implementing Rules and Regulations. Any amendments to or revisions to this Implementing Rules and Regulations may be proposed by any member of any local chapter upon a written request of such member, stating the reasons thereto. Any request for amendments and revisions as well as proposed amendments must initially be reviewed by the Regional Vice President for Academics then to be forwarded to the Regional Executive Officers for discussion, editing and final approval and to be noted by the Regional Adviser. The Regional Executive Officers shall have the right to debunk any proposed revisions and amendments, submitted to them by the Regional Vice President for Academics, which are deemed unnecessary. The final decision on any inclusions and exclusions to this Implementing Rules and Regulations must be determined by a majority vote of all Regional Executive Officers in which the Regional Vice President for Academics is included. Amendments to particular provisions in this Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be allowed provided that such amendments will be communicated to stakeholders at least two weeks before it could take effect.
If any clause, provision, paragraph or part of this Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, invalidate, or impair any other part hereof, but shall be merely confined to the clause, provision, paragraph or part directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment has been rendered.
Any rule and regulation or resolution or part/s thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
This Implementing Rules and Regulations shall take effect immediately after its presentation and approval from the Assembly. Promulgated in the City of Pampanga this 5th day of May, 2012. PREPARED BY: ________________________ Nio Jerald M. Cruz Regional Vice President for Academics
Baliuag University
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS IN CENTRAL LUZON Federation Year 2012-2013 R3: Back to BasicsXXIX Years of Great Existence towards a Unified and One NFJPIA
NOTED BY: ______________________________________ Conrad Allan M. Alviz, CPA, CISA Regional Adviser
Implementing Rules and Regulations 19th Annual Regional Convention National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region III Council
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