Executive Summary

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Executive Summary


1. The constitution empowers the Federal Government to collect taxes on income other than agricultural income, taxes on capital value, customs, excise duties and sales taxes. The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) and its subordinate departments administer the tax system. 2. During the nineties, despite many changes in the tax regime and introduction of withholding and presumptive taxes, Federal Government tax to GDP ratio has varied narrowly around eleven percent. The tax base has grown but still remains narrow and skewed. The number of income tax filers is around one million. At less than one per cent of the population, it is a lower proportion than in many developing countries. 3. The evolution of Pakistans tax system has five key features: First, legal and administrative changes are frequent and ad hoc. Taxpayers have insufficient knowledge of their obligations and tax collectors have substantial discretion. Second, major tax policy changes are not accompanied by adequate changes in administrative framework. Third, the relationship between the taxpayer and tax collector is largely adversarial. Fourth, organisation, business processes, systems, facilities and budget have not kept pace with the growing demands on tax administration. Fifth, the management of human resources is severely deficient. Most tax officials are not paid a living wage; nobody is paid a middle class wage. For most, honesty is an impossible proposition. Most of the 33000 persons employed in the tax administration are in lower ranks with low productivity and are a drag on the system.

4. Pakistans fiscal crisis is deep and cannot be easily resolved. Taxes are insufficient for debt service and defence. If the tax to GDP ratio does not increase significantly, Pakistan can not be governed effectively, essential public services can not be delivered and high inflation is inevitable . Reform of tax administration is the single most important economic task for the government. Consequently, in June 2000 the Chief Executive appointed a Task Force to review the tax administration and make recommendations to improve it. 5. The Task Force focused on human resources, business process and organisation, corruption and information management. Detailed analyses and surveys were done with the help of consultants. Tax officials and trade associations were consulted and members of the Central Board of Revenue participated in the review of the consultants reports. Most of their suggestions were accepted and incorporated in the report of the Task Force. 6. Each of the three principal taxes has a different history and different set of issues. The Task Force has tailored its approach to the more important aspects of each tax. For a large number of income tax payers the core of the business process is pre-audit and assessment by a tax official. This process gives considerable discretion to tax officials, with potential for abuse. Moreover, this process is also not tenable as the number of taxpayers increase. Consequently, the Task Forces work on income tax focuses on a total overhaul of the process and organisation of income tax. Sales tax is recent and its process and organisation is attuned to the needs of an expanding tax base. These are

based on self-assessment and selective audit. As such, the Task Force has concentrated on improving key business processes. Similarly, in customs the accent is on accelerating and broadening the changes begun in recent years. Before long, central excise will be subsumed in sales tax. The Task Force has not, therefore, dealt with the central excise. The Task Forces recommendations aim to achieve significant improvement in the administration of each tax and the system as a whole. The Task Force has accepted that there would be some residual, but largely inconsequential inconsistencies in the administration of different taxes. 7. An effective revenue organisation must comprise trained and dedicated persons with integrity, transparent processes, a comprehensive information system, and taxpayer education. This report suggests radical reform of recruitment, training, compensation, and performance management. It recommends self-assessment, selective audit, and expansion and upgrading of information management. It emphasises reduction of discretion and direct contact between tax collector and taxpayer. Indicative transitional measures are suggested for most issues. 8. The current management of Central Board of Revenue has taken creditable initiatives on process and reform. However, much more is needed and on a sustained and comprehensive basis. The Task Forces recommendations for tax administration go far beyond what can be done for the rest of the civil administration. Yet, improvement in the collection of taxes is so crucial that government can not wait, nor will half measures do. 9. Any attempt at this stage to quantify the costs and benefits of the suggested changes would have insufficient basis and will depend on the extent and speed of reform. The measures suggested will substantially reduce the adversarial relationship between taxpayers and tax collectors, improve the efficiency and morale of the tax administration. There is a high probability that these measures will increase tax compliance and reduce leakage. There should be significant increase in the tax to GDP ratio. 10. More important than the preparation of this report is the implementation of change and preparation for it. Government should quickly put in place a mechanism to review this report. An official of the rank of federal secretary in the Ministry of Finance should be assigned full time responsibility to coordinate this. Once a broad programme has been adopted, the Central Board of Revenue should constitute itself an implementation committee. The person in the Ministry of Finance responsible for the report should be ex-officio member of the implementation committee and report regularly to the Finance Minister, who should regularly brief the Chief Executive in the implementation of change. 11. Government should quickly install a management in CBR which can manage change. There has been too much discontinuity in its top management, and this has negatively affected efficiency and reform. Early in the process the legal status of CBR will have to be reviewed and changed to make sure that there are no impediments to the restructuring and CBR has sufficient autonomy to manage its people and resources. Income Tax, Business Processes and Organisation 12. In the last decade income tax has become one of the principal sources of revenue for the federal government. Its contribution to total tax revenue stands at 28 percent, and its share in GDP has increased from less than 2 percent in the early 1990s to 3.6 percent by the end of the decade. However, 70 percent of these taxes are withholding taxes, which include presumptive taxes considered final settlement of tax liability. Many of these presumptive taxes are taxes on transaction and can not qualify as income tax.

13. There are about one million income taxpayers in Pakistan. Of these, 440,000 are salaried persons, subject to little scrutiny. Another 275,000 are covered by the self-assessment scheme, currently available to persons who declare taxes 20 percent more than in the previous year. Thus, about 250,000 to 300,000 persons and businesses out of one million taxpayers receive detailed scrutiny. 14. The essential aspects and administration of income taxes have remained unchanged for nearly three-quarters of a century. Recently, the CBR has taken initiatives to modernise the system, such as the proposed circle management system. However, there is a consensus among a broad spectrum of taxpayers, tax practitioners and policy makers that without a fundamental redesign of the system, the department will not be able to meet its future demands for revenue. 15. Member (Direct Tax) of Central Board of Revenue heads the Income Tax Department. The Income Tax field formation consists of 5 regions. A Regional Commissioner of Income Tax (RCIT) heads each region. Under each regional commissioner there are a number of Commissioners of Income Tax (CITs) with administrative jurisdiction over an income tax zone. Each income tax zone consists of 4-6 ranges. Additional Commissioner (IAC) heads each range. The IAC is a supervisory officer for 5-7 circles. The officer in charge of a circle is the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (DCIT). 16. The DCIT is the junior most officer in the officer cadre of the department but is responsible for the most critical functions related to the t ax process, namely that of tax assessment and tax collection. This is in addition to a number of other functions that he performs. He is the administrative head of a circle staff of about seven members. Together with the circle staff he is responsible for the maintenance of various tax registers, tax returns, and other tax related records and files. The entire tax assessment process, beginning with issuing of notices to writing of assessment orders, goes through the DCIT. Once the assessment order is issued, the DCIT oversees tax collection and recovery. The DCIT has an input into the appeal process if the taxpayer goes into appeal, or when the department is deciding whether to appeal the decision of the first appellate forum. He is also involved in the processes related to issuance of exemption certificates, tax refunds, monitoring of withholding and advance taxes, and identification of new taxpayers. Although senior officers supervise his work and are expected to ensure that he follows the due process of law, the DCIT has a lot of discretion in the exercise of his powers. 17. There are three key stages in the income tax process: (1) declaration of income by the taxpayer, (2) assessment of tax by the tax department, and (3) tax collection. For most taxpayers declaration involves filing of tax return in which they report their income and their tax liability. Taxes are typically paid during the course of the year as withholding or advance taxes or at the time of filing of tax return. In the next stage, the tax department makes its own assessment of the taxable income and this process varies for different categories of taxpayers. Once the assessment is done and there is some additional tax demand, the department proceeds with tax recovery. The collection process can be postponed or stayed if the taxpayer goes into appeal against the decision of the assessing officer. 18. An analysis of the various processes in the income tax department reveals that: It is physically not possible for a single tax official to conduct hundred percent audit of all tax returns and have several one-to-one interactions with the taxpayer on each years tax return. The tax collector has little assistance for management of information. Files are lost and can be tampered with.

Professionally, many DCITs are ill equipped for the job, particularly to deal with complex tax returns of businesses. There is no system of profiling and risk assessment of taxpayers. The tax collector has too much discretion and can arbitrarily fix the taxpayers income and expenses The system lends itself to coercion and collusion. Too often taxes are negotiated, with substantial loss to the treasury.

19. This system can not be patched up and fixed on the margin. It has to be replaced by one with the following characteristics: The fundamental responsibility for declaring income and assessing taxes should lie with the taxpayer. There should be selective and professionally conducted audit supported by survey and research capability and databases which would assist in the selection of cases for audit and in the quality of audit. There should be stiff penalties for taxpayers for wilful tax evasion. There should be minimum direct contact between tax officials and taxpayers. Information technology should play a central role in processing tax returns, selection of cases for audit and day-to-day work of tax officials. There should be separation of functions to enable specialisation. A critical mass of tax officials and technology specialists should be assembled in sele cted places to ensure effective and efficient service to taxpayers.

20. To support these key features, the Task Force recommends that the existing five Regions, including the Corporate Region, be constituted as the nuclei of the organisation, management, and systems of the reformed income tax organisation. Each would be headed by a Regional Commissioner, responsible for all operational aspects of the administration of income tax in the Region. The regional organisation would be along the following lines: 21. Under each RCIT there would be 6 Divisions headed by CITs. These are: (1) Management Information System, (2) Operations and Audit, (3) Legal and Prosecution, (4) Survey and Research (5) Customer Service, Enforcement and Collection, and (6) Inspection and Internal Audit. 22. The Management Information Systems (MIS) Division would be responsible for data entry, processing, storage, upkeep, access and security of all databases. This will allow efficient handling of a number of important functions in t he department, in particular (1) processing of tax returns, (2) filing and record keeping, (3) tax audit and its supervision, (4) monitoring of tax collection, and (5) policy analysis. 23. The proposed system relies heavily on improvement in the quality of audit that would make tax audit less arbitrary and less discriminatory. One-way of achieving this outcome is to free the auditor from all major non-audit responsibilities. This is the reason for creating a separate Operations and Audit Division. The Division, in addition to conducting income tax audits, would also be

responsible for system audit for ensuring compliance to withholding taxes as well as complianceaudit of non-taxpayers. 24. The criteria used for selecting taxpayers for audit will be obje ctive. Some taxpayers will be selected purely randomly and others on the basis of risk profile of taxpayers. 25. The Legal and Prosecution Division will have the important role of creating deterrence through prosecuting tax evaders. This Division will perform the following functions: Define precisely the probable offences discovered through the audit and prescribe penalties for them. Handle appeals emanating from the audit process. Handle prosecution of cases of concealment and fraud

26. The Survey and Research Division addresses the need for survey and research which is motivated by the consideration that if taxpayers evade paying their full taxes then the tax department should be able to apprehend them from their expenditures and transactions. The Division would be responsible to liase with various departments of the federal and provincial governments, contact private and public institutions, tap banking sources both at home and abroad, and obtain information from newspapers, advertisements, informants and third parties on taxpayers' incomes, expenditures, bank accounts, properties, assets and investments. The information on business transactions, distributors and suppliers can also be effectively combined for determining new taxpayers and underreporting of sales by existing taxpayers. The Division would also bring together in one place, information on sales tax, excise, withholding and income taxes, custom duties, and exports and imports. 27. The Customer Service Enforcement and Collection Division will be responsible for tax collection as well as taxpayer assistance and education. The responsibilities of the Division will include: 28. Receipt of requests for registration and de-registration and passing them on to the central data centre with findings and recommendations. Receipt of tax returns for transmission to the Information Management Centre. Pursuit of non filers Recording of appeal effects Receiving requests for extension of deadlines for filing of tax returns, and deciding on them within given guidelines Receiving applications for rectification and passing them to Information Management Centre Collection Taxpayer education The Inspection and Internal Audit Division will have the following responsibilities: Internal audit of the Operations and Audit Division.

Audit of tax refunds issued by MIS Division. Reopening of cases under Section 65 and revision under Section 66 A.

29. The income tax process will start with the taxpayers sending their returns to the customer service centres and from there these returns will be sent to the Management Information Systems (MIS) Division. At the MIS Division the returns would be checked for arithmetic errors. Where these errors are found, demand notices will be sent to taxpayers. This Division will also send notices to non-filers. The Tax Enforcement and Collection wing of the Customer Service, Enforcement and Collection Division will follow up on tax demand notices as well as track non-filers. All tax returns will also be reconciled with withholding taxes at the MIS Division. In case refunds are due, refund voucher will be issued. Disputes regarding refunds, and requests for exemption certificates by the taxpayer will be handled through the appropriate wing of the Customer Service, Enforcement and Collection Division. 30. The selection of cases for audit will be handled at the MIS Division. Selected cases for audit will be assigned to CIT audit who will assign these to audit teams some of which will be constituted around business specialisation. After the audit is complete, the officer in charge of the audit team will issue the assessment order along with the demand notice. Collection of tax demand generated will be the responsibility of the Customer Service, Enforcement and Collection Division. In cases of serious tax evasion, the matter will be referred to the legal department for prosecution. 31. Taxpayer Assistance Wing of the Customer Service Division will handle cases of taxpayer queries and complaints. The appeal process against the decision of the department will follow the same process as in the present system with the first appeal lying with the commissioner appeals and thereafter with the income tax tribunal, the High Court and the Supreme Court. 32. It is recommended that the proposed system be implemented in three phases. The first phase (lasting about six months) would be devoted to extensive planning and budgeting, organisational restructuring, training and reengineering of processes as preparation for the implementation of the proposed reform. In the second phase (beginning January 2002) a pilot programme would be run in two income tax regions - the proposed regions are the Eastern region and Corporate Region, Karachi. It is proposed that the reform programme is implemented in its entirety in the pilot regions, and simultaneously, during this phase, a number of new systems and procedures are introduced in the other income tax regions. In the third stage (beginning January 2003), after lessons from the pilot are learnt, the system is implemented in the other three regions. Sales Tax, Business Process, and Organisation 33. At 3.7% of the GDP, sales tax is the largest revenue earner for the Government of Pakistan. Its revenue performance appears especially impressive when seen in light of the narrow base of approximately 62,000 taxpayers. Sales tax is not only an important generator of current revenue but also a revenue source with immense future potential. 34. The consolidation of sales taxes in Pakistans revenue structure is impressive in another way as well. Its structure has been erected on modern principles of tax administration. It has embraced the principle of universal self-assessment in all major processes except refund, which has reduced contact between the taxpayers and tax officials. Universal self-assessment is backed by selective audit, with selection based on automated risk rating using the anomalies in the return as well as the criterion of randomness.

35. The development of automation has been impressive. The detection of delinquency observed from return filing, i.e. wrong filing, short filing, non-filing and late filing is entirely automated. This has cut down the administrative costs of conducting an assessment of the causes and extent of delinquency. As pointed out earlier, the use of automation is now a central part of audit selection. Furthermore, the taxpayer register is automated, as is the data captured from the return. 36. The Sales Tax Department is headed by a member of the CBR. The field organisation consists of Executive Collectorates headed by Collectors. The set-up of the field organisation at the Division level is also based on modern principles. Each division administers a core process associated with the tax. The key processes administered within the Executive Collectorates include the following. Registration Administering the Management Information System Audit of the registered taxpayers records Scrutiny of refund claims Recovery Adjudication, which is currently administered by separate Adjudication Collectorates

37. Efforts by the CBR have resulted in the induction of trained staff (in BPS 14-16) to conduct functional tasks such as audit and refund scrutiny. However, the principle of functional specialisation has not been extended to those supervising the work of the functional staff. Generalist administrators man each of the supervisory posts starting with the Assistant Collector. Furthermore, the supervisory staff in charge of divisions does not execute functional tasks, thereby foregoing the benefits of increased learning associated with these tasks. 38. The current system does not provide any possibility for functional staff (BPS 14-16) to climb up the administrative hierarchy. This causes discontentment amongst the staff and creates disincentives for putting in effort. There is already a recognition of these weaknesses within the CBR. 39. The effect of these weaknesses is that the performance indicators of key control areas like audit leave much to be desired. Auditor productivity at 1.2 audits per auditor per month remains far below international practices of 5 audits per auditor per month. This in turn results in poor audit coverage of 7% of the total registered population. Furthermore, there is inefficient allocation of audit staff, 29% of whom are conducting work other than audit and refund scrutiny. Therefore, it is not surprising that turnover brackets with the highest audit coverage yield the lowest percentage growth of taxes. 40. Although the development of the sales tax system and its business processes is along the right lines, a number of steps need to be taken to both consolidate and complete the modernisation of the administrative system. These steps would be a response to the following deficiencies in the current system: A key process l ike refund is still based on hundred percent direct assessment. This establishes taxpayer- tax official contact and raises compliance costs for relatively compliant exporters. It may also open up the possibility of collusion.

The current capacity of the system to support functionally specialised areas like audit and refund scrutiny appears to be deficient. There is lack of use of working paper files including a risk based work programme and detailed checklists. This results in greater discretion in refund scrutiny and audit work. Lack of standardisation of audit work is a cause of disputes and raises compliance costs. Lastly, there is under utilisation of audit resources as audit execution does not follow a risk-based approach. The instruments capturing information on tasks performed are deficient and it is difficult to monitor the execution of refund scrutiny and audit in a systematic manner. This limits the ability of the administration to detect and penalise collusion associated with these tasks. Limited availability of industry notes, sectoral input-output and waste ratios increase subjectivity in audit and refund scrutiny, thereby opening up the possibility of excessive disputes. Efforts at taxpayer education have been deficient, particularly, with regard to the type of records and method of record keeping necessary for audit. Taxpayer education is of importance as the base of retailers with poor accounting systems is bound to increase. Although time limits for the completion of processes have been specified in the law, completion of processes like de-registration often fail to meet these targets. The delay is often caused by poor co-ordination of information across divisions. Data retrieval is done manually and takes time to complete, resulting in delays and increases compliance costs. Poor data retrieval also constrains efficient monitoring of process. Hence, the administrators ability to evaluate, select and disseminate best practices for future use, gets restricted. Currently, there is no information sharing on pending de-registration, adjudication and arrears. Data on taxpayer behaviour needs to be captured from all divisions to improve taxpayer profiling for audit selection and refund scrutiny. The current weaknesses in networking, within the sales tax divisions and across taxes, inhibit the development of comprehensive taxpayer profiles. For example, there is no database on refund compliance and adjudication history. This compromises the effectiveness of the automated system of risk-rating. As pointed out earlier, the current organisational structure constrains the attainment of gains from functional specialisation.

41. Unlike income tax, sales tax reforms need to build on and improve the architecture of the current system. The reforms suggest process simplification, capacity building in key areas of control, and better use of automation in data retrieval and work process monitoring. The suggested improvements embody the following characteristics: Establishing the refund process on the principle of self-assessment without compromising controls. These conflicting objectives can be achieved by conducting refund scrutiny on an exception basis, which rewards compliance and penalises noncompliance. Exceptions will be created using an improved scheme of export profiling and through automated risk-rating.

Capacity building in key control functions like audit and refund through the development of support systems that standardise, objectify and streamline the planning, execution and monitoring. This can be achieved through the development and use of working paper files and other support systems. Work programmes will allow risk-based audit planning and execution, whereas checklists will allow standardised audit monitoring. Availability of input-output and waste ratios, which have been validated by industry, will improve the objectivity audit and refund scrutiny. These instruments will lower compliance costs by streamlining the scope of audit work. Furthermore, audit selection will be improved using the work programme as a risk categorisation instrument. The standardisation of audit planning and execution will aid taxpayer education. Urgent steps are recommended to disseminate record keeping requirements to the taxpayers. To lower compliance costs in the event mistakes are committed in return filing a process of return rectification has been suggested. Use of automation within divisions and networking to ensure quick data retrieval between divisions. This will hasten process flows and allow better work monitoring and time management. Networking across divisions and taxes will allow data-sharing and sharpen taxpayer profiles. This in turn would result in improved audit selection. Automated data capture on refund compliance history, adjudication history and pending adjudication and arrears will be needed for this purpose. To ensure greater independence and specialisation in adjudication a minimum tenure of three years is recommended for adjudicating officers. Objective performance monitoring indicators have been suggested based on which promotions and performance of adjudicators will be judged.

42. It is the Taskforces view that certain changes are also needed in the organisational structure of the Collectorates. Recommended changes are made in order to attain the following objectives: Organisational changes to foster greater independence and commitment to functionally specialised tasks like audit and adjudication. Organisational changes to achieve a critical mass in the management of key functional tasks like audit and information management. This will lower duplication of effort in the management function and it will also ensure efficiency. Organisational changes to streamline taxpayer-tax official contact.


The fundamental features of the recommendations are as follows: De-linking specialised functional tasks from the pressures of meeting the budget target can foster independence in the execution of audit and adjudication. This can be achieved by creating separate secretariats of a Member (Audit) and a Member (Legal) within the CBR. The key functions of these offices will be to give functional support and monitor the quality of work in each of these activities. In order to consolidate the task of audit review, the taskforce has proposed the establishment of an Internal Audit Division to be created at each Collectorate.

To further the development of a critical mass in functional management, the taskforce has recommended the creation of the office of Regional Collector. The recommendation initially foresees the creation of this office in two geographical regions. Amalgamating the Collectorates of Karachi (East and West) and the Collectorates of Lahore and Gujranwala will constitute these pilot regions. It is envisaged that upgrading the scale of the field organisation will give depth to functional tasks by creating a critical mass of technology specialists and functional specialists assembled in selected places. Furthermore, it will allow senior specialists, holding Collector equivalent posts, to manage a functional hierarchy that specialises in planning and developing support systems for key control tasks. To streamline the contact between taxpayers and tax officials, the Taskforce recommends the creation of Taxpayer Assistance Units. In the new system, this would be the only point of contact between the two sets of players. The Taxpayer Assistance Units would provide a window where all routine matters apart from audit, adjudication and recoveries are dealt with. This unit will deal with applications for all purposes, complaints of taxpayers and issuance of certain notices and orders. To further streamline aspects of the contact between taxpayers and officials the reforms envisage the use of automation for recording purposes at these units.

44. A number of other suggested process and organisational reforms have been detailed in the main report. A host of initiatives are currently being undertaken at the CBR to address the stated problems. The current proposals, which are in similar spirit, will support and strengthen the ongoing initiatives. Customs Business Process and Organisation 45. The regulatory framework for customs was first consolidated under the Sea Customs Act 1878. Over the years, as international trade grew, customs administration gained importance, both as a major source of federal tax revenues and as a regulator of economy. The customs business processes and its regulatory framework, however, did not undergo changes in line with developments in international trade and the requirements of economy. 46. For several decades, Pakistans taxation system was heavily dependent on taxes levied on international trade. In recent years, custom duties have followed a downward trend. During fiscal year 1990-91, customs duties share was 45% of total tax revenues, which has gradually decreased to 18% in 1999-2000 due to extensive tariff reforms. 47. With this gradual reduction in the relative importance of custom, the role of customs administration also needs to change from merely a revenue agent to one ready to act in creating an investment friendly environment. Reforms to enhance the ability of customs administration to enforce customs laws equitably though user-friendly procedures, would remove irritants faced by clients, bring down the cost of compliance and improve customs revenue. 48. Pakistan Customs operates under CBR. The field organisation comprises a number of Collectorates of Customs headed by Collectors (BPS-20). The functional Collectorates of Customs are divided into two categories, seaports and Inland Customs Stations. 49. The present manual business process environment has necessitated an excessively larger staff in functional and support cadres. The support staff is mainly responsible for maintenance, storage and retrieval of manual records, anti-smuggling duties, escorting goods from the port to bonded

warehouses and carrying out guard duties. The presence of such a large number of low paid employees results in demand for speed money for moving documents from one desk to another or retrieval of any document from congested and chaotic record rooms. 50. Customs Collectorates have a tall hierarchy. Quality of human resources at functional level inducted in recent years is poor. Consequently, there has been a negative effect on efficiency and productivity. Existing cadres of customs employees at functional level are not uniform throughout the country; Custom House Karachi has different nomenclature/cadre positions vis--vis other Collectorates. 51. Essentially, customs procedure is based on multiple checks and verifications of every transaction, hallmarks of a defensive and time-consuming system. These procedures were devised at a time when the volume of international trade and number of import and export transactions were small, and import tariffs were p rohibitively high. Customs procedures were seldom reviewed in a systematic manner although some studies did take place intermittently to review the existing procedures to introduce an automated system. 52. The analysis of Customs business processes indic ates that these are cumbersome. They involve numerous steps, handling officials, signatures and verifications, making the processes tedious and irritating. The compliance cost is high, estimated at 10% of the value of consignments. These processes have the following characteristics: The manual system, besides being tedious and time consuming, lends itself to collusive malpractice. Clearing agents carry documents from desk to desk for completing various steps. Work methods and processes allow excessive interface between customs employees and clearing agents/clients. A large number of customs officials are involved in process fulfilment. There are no time standards for completing various processes, which causes inordinate delays and adds to compliance cost. Absence of standard operating procedures and weak post-audit provides opportunities for misuse of discretion at functional levels. There is no negative profiling for identifying high-risk clients for targeted enforcement. Dispute resolution is slow and cumbersome. Stakeholders are generally dissatisfied with the existing system to redress genuine grievances arising out of the arbitrary exercise of authority and delays in decision-making, which adds to their financial costs. Performance of critical functions, such as escorting of bonded warehouse goods and custody of important documents by low paid functionaries lends to manipulation of documents with substantial financial risks. There is no uniformity in business processes on countrywide basis. Significant variations in procedures at various customs stations leads to inequitable treatment of the clients and potential revenue leakage.

53. The Task Force believes that a number of steps need to be taken to improve the present system with the ultimate objective of: Providing a well defined, clear and level playing field to all stakeholders

Providing an efficient, cost effective and smooth transaction of business Ensuring that the due potential of the states revenue is realised Reducing significantly the possibility of any slippage, evasion or leakage Providing an efficient, cost effective mechanism for dispute resolution

54. There should be a shift from the manual system of operations to a fully automated and information based system. The manual systems cannot cope with the current and future volume of operations. It is important to re-engineer the existing business processes before migration to automated system. The suggested improvements in business processes and organisation embody the following characteristics: Deleting redundant steps in business processes, reducing document flow, relocating steps, and automating business processes. Improvements in business processes, particularly concerning imports, examination, accounting systems, bonded warehouse, safe transportation, transhipment permit, indemnity bond, bank guaranty and import refund Improvements in business processes concerning exports processing, manufacturing bond, temporary exports, examination and rebate claims Improvements in airport processes concerning clearance of passengers and baggage. The fundamental features of the recommendations are as follows: Replacing the manual system with Electronic Declaration Processing System (EDPS) would allow electronic submission and processing of bill of entry and bill of export. System assisted valuation, determination of duties, application of profiling criteria, assignment of examiners, controls for bonded warehouses and computation of duty drawbacks would reduce interface with taxpayers and curtail offic ial discretion. Introducing a comprehensive system of profiling and risk management, and replacing the present system of positive profiling of reliable importers by a system of negative profiling would reduce potential revenue leakage and facilitate genuine imports/exports. Streamlining transhipment of goods by establishing computer links between various ports, specifying transit routes and carriers and tracking their movement would reduce manipulation of goods in transit. Streamlining warehousing and safe transportation process through appropriate computerised inventory controls, fixation of transit routes, profiling of licensees of bonded warehouses, clearing agents and transporters, and review of the warehouse approval procedures would help in better inventory management and reduced manipulation. Prescribing comprehensive import refund rules that specify standard format, document requirements, time standards and competent refund sanctioning authorities would make the system transparent with minimum collusion. Streamlining procedures for imports under concessionary duty regime through simplification of the overall duty regime, introduction of input/output coefficients and post-clearance audit would eliminate existing cumbersome procedure of obtaining consumption/installation certificate.


Improving the quality of adjudication by providing extensive training to adjudicating officers and performance evaluation based on quality of their decisions and efficiency in disposal of work would remove genuine grievances of taxpayers. Proposed business processes would be supported by merging the position of Assistant Collector and Principal Appraiser, Examining Officer and Appraising Officer. Inducting Appraising Officers through competitive routing, restricting the promotion from the ranks and establishing a unified appraisement service group would bring qualitative change in the operational work.

56. Several other suggested process and organisation reforms have been detailed in the main report. CBR has also initiated a number of measures to address the key problem areas, which are characteristics of the present organisation and processes. The recommendations presented in the main report will augment CBRs initiatives. Corruption 57. To analyse the problem of corruption in its proper context, the Task Force began its study with an overview of the existing literature developed by the World Bank and Transparency International on the experiences of different economies, like Hong Kong, Singapore, Tanzania, and Philippine in combating and eliminating corruption. We found out that Hong Kong and Singapore and Philippines have successfully eradicated corruption by following the strategies. Commitment on part of the governments to identify the reasons for corruption and eliminate them. Creation of specific law agencies and commissions for investigation and reform. Formation of long-term strategies aimed to combat corruption through investigation, prevention, and education. Key administrative reforms targeting the basic causes of corruption.

58. We also found that attempts to eliminate corruption in Tanzania have failed primarily due to the following reasons. Reforms were half-hearted and piecemeal, and lacked a broad-based approach including institutions like the judiciary, parliament, and civil administration. Processes aimed at eliminating corruption, lacked transparency themselves, and focussed more on punishment rather than prevention of corruption.

59. All these studies suggest that focusing attention on people (transparent and competitive recruitment, training, salaries, accountability) and processes (making them short and transparent, discretionary) is a step in the right direction for eliminating the menace of corruption in any organisation in general, and tax administration in particular. These case studies have important implications for Pakistan, as there are lessons to be learnt from all these experiences. 60. There have been a few studies on corruption (its various aspects in different departments of the state machinery) in Pakistan as well, and they have cited the following reasons for the everincreasing levels of corruption in the ranks of most government departments. Low wages Insecurity of service

Lack of accountability Political instability Failing standards in recruitment Increase of discretionary powers

61. In the specific context of tax administration, following measures have been suggested as some of the possible solutions to the menace of corruption. Curtailment of discretionary powers Reduction in tax rates Stringent implementation of tax laws Increased transparency and accessibility Better salary packages Deterrent steps and punishment Strict surveillance

62. We have used the survey method for most of this report, and our study began with a survey of how concerned Pakistanis are about corruption, the reasons for their concern, their perception about corruption levels in different government departments as well as the private sector, their opinion about corruption reduction attempts undertaken thus far, the future trends, and finally, the solutions. The respondents of the survey included taxpayers, tax collectors, and civilians, and quiet expectedly, they all share a grave concern about the increasing levels of corruption in the country, which they believe is on the rise. 63. Within the tax administration, corruption takes the form of policy manipulation, whereby import duty structures are changed overnight by issuing SROs to favour a single industry or firm at the cost of others, collusion between the tax officials and interest groups, and extortion, which is made possible by the immense discretionary powers of the tax officials. The most common form of corruption in the tax administration, however, is speed money. 64. Our survey findings also indicate that perceptions differ as to the relative level of corruption in different tax departments (Income Tax, Sales Tax, Customs), but there is widespread agreement that middlemen play a significant role in enhancing corruption, and that the Government of Pakistan. The tax department pays huge monetary costs, not to mention losing credibility, due to such high levels of corruption. 65. When asked about the causes of corruption in the tax administration, majority cited poor compensation as the primary reason. Other causes included discretionary powers, lack of accountability, greed, societal pressures, and complex and cumbersome processes. Causes of corruption in the private sector include lack of tax culture, high tax rates, greed, lack of accountability, and fear of extortion or wastage of money paid in taxes. However, the biggest reason for tax evasion by the private sector was a belief that they do not get anything in return for the taxes they pay to the government.

66. For suggested instruments for improvement of the situation, the respondents gave the highest priority to better compensation and more stringent adherence to professional qualifications. Other measures include better monitoring and training, improved working environments, and psychological and aptitude tests of entrants. As far as an anti-corruption drive is concerned, even though most respondents displayed lack of faith in the governments ability to successfully administer such a drive, there is deep seated desire for change. We recommend better management of human resources, simplified procedures with minimal interaction of taxpayers with tax collectors, reduction of discretionary powers, more transparency, and strict monitoring and accountability for minimising the incentives and opportunities for corruption in the tax administration. 67. We have already suggested the measures the CBR needs to take in order to eliminate corruption. However, it needs to be realised that the CBR does not function in an isolated environment. There are several causes that go beyond the CBR, and it is here that the government of Pakistan needs to step in. The taskforce suggests the following measures for the Government. Establish a more equitable relationship with the citizens Make policies and procedures more customer-friendly. Reestablish its credibility with the taxpayers by demonstrating genuine austerity at the top levels. Making the tax returns of the ruling elite public, and visible steps for improving taxpayers lot, like investment in certain sectors and development projects, will help the government in regaining its credibility. Reduce discretion. Use automation to reduce interface between tax collectors and taxpayer. Ensure effective implementation of all policies Get rid of service rules that discourage fresh ideas and bold initiatives Eliminate political intervention in the functioning of various departments Establish the credibility of CBR by recognising its role, providing it with the requisite material and human resources for its restructuring, legal support, and setting realistic revenue targets.

Human Resource Management 68. The current tax administration does not have a professional Human Resource Management (HRM) function effectively to design and implement policies for management of over 30,000 employees. In addition, the administration deals with a de-motivated and largely inefficient manpower, due to the following reasons. A politicised system of recruitment at middle and lower levels; Lack of proper training and development opportunities; Slow career progression; Flawed performance evaluation and management; A poor working environment;

A compensation system which does not provide a living wage for most employees; Revenue targets fixed without adequate consultation down the line.

69. Employees of the tax administration are hired under two categories, officers and staff. 75% of the officers are directly recruited through the Central Superior Services (CSS), and the remaining 25% are promoted from lower ranks on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness policy. While the CSS is a competitive exam, it does not test or prepare the candidates for tasks specific to tax collection and administration. The recruitment of non-officers is heavily influenced by interest groups and has resulted in the employment of a large number of unqualified and incompetent people. Promotion policy overly emphasises seniority and provides little incentive for excellence. 70. Training opportunities for staff are deficient. For staff members and officers who do receive training, the courses suffer from outdated syllabi with little or no emphasis on the practical aspects of tax collection, or technical training. With the exception of courses offered by National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), and Pakistan Administrative Staff College (PASC), all training courses need to be overhauled in order to bring their curricula in line with the real needs of tax administration. 71. The tax administration suffers from a lopsided organisational structure, and an irrational recruitment strategy. The ratio of officers to non-officers is 1:14 for direct taxes, and 1:39 for indirect taxes. About 90% of the staff in direct taxes, and 80% of the staff in indirect taxes are in grades 1113. These numbers raise the obvious issue of inefficiency in the ranks of tax administration, where low paid and ill-trained persons set the operating norms. The environment creates barriers to efficiency and innovation. Persons who may start with high motivation end up feeling unmotivated. 72. The Taskforce has made the following recommendations to address critical HRM issues. CBR staff should be hired in two categories, the Executive Group (EG), corresponding to BPS 17-22 and divided into five grades, and the Support Group (SG) corresponding to BPS 1-16. This would reduce the present 18-layer management structure to 11 layers, and enhance efficiency by compressing the hierarchy. The Executive Group will be responsible for technical and managerial tasks, assisted by the Support Group in activities like data entry, audit, appraisement, enforcement and valuation. To make the recruitment process more efficient and dependable, an Independent Recruitment System (IRS) should be put into place for hiring which would enable adjustment of recruitment criteria to the specific needs of tax administration. Recruits will be tested for their quantitative and analytical abilities, as well as their communication skills. In addition to the general aptitude test, candidates will also need to appear in at least two subject tests from the list: Accounting, Finance, Micro and Macro Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration, and Statistics. The minimum education requirement for each group (executive as well as support) should be increased, and recruitment in all categories should be made more transparent. A Directorate of training will impart all training. A Tax Administration Academy should be established. It would offer common and specialised training programmes and courses of short and long duration for every category of employees of the tax administration. The Executive Group will also need to supplement the training with attachments with private sector organisations. In addition to the core and regular short courses, we propose a list of interim courses to address training needs of existing officers in key areas of their work.

A fully monetised compensation system for the redesigned tax administration, which can attract new employees, motivate and retain good performers, and reduce corruption. We recommend the use of the fiftieth percentile of the compensation of local banks as comparators for CBR salaries. Salary increases in the first year should be substantial to create the desired impact on the morale of the employees. New compensation package should be implemented alongwith a restructured tax administration. The officer-staff ratio needs to be changed, as an overhaul of business processes takes effect. This would mean greater reliance on professional staff than the current administration. There should be a shift from unskilled employees to skilled ones, so that a larger number of auditors and information specialists are hired. With the introduction of automation and process improvements, it would be possible to reduce substantia lly the over all staffing. This can only be achieved using a unit to unit evaluation. Determination of surplus staff should commence early, and be followed by their placement and retirement. We propose a performance based appraisal system, that would assess an individuals performance within the framework of departmental and organisational objectives. In addition to the traditional functions of monitoring and evaluation, this system would include planning, monitoring, improvement of performance, potential assessment, comparative performance rating and identification of training needs. Revenue targets should be set more realistically, and in consultation with all relevant employees. Objectives should be based on targets as well as processes. Periodic revie w of employees needs to be transparent, and free of personal biases. The entire appraisal process should to be documented, and the frequency of evaluation should be increased, with provisions for regular feedback. The new performance management system should be approved by the tax administration by July 2001, and employees should be familiarised with this package through mandatory training workshops. The new system will generate performance date one year after its implementation, and important decisions regarding retention or exit of staff would have to be taken in the meanwhile. To ensure fairness and impartiality, we propose the creation of a pool of surplus staff at the headquarter/regional level, along with a performance database for all employees, and application of the normal distributive work for employee assessment. An HRM function should be created without further delay, which would be headed by a Member CBR. This HR executive will be involved in strategic planning for acquisition, development, and retention of valuable employees, their training and education, shaping of work environment, design of compensation policies, HR information services, and performance management keeping the overall goals of organisational development in mind.

Information Management 73. CBR has developed comprehensive organisation and data processing facilities across the country. Computerisation initiatives in the CBR started in earlier 1980s. Computer centres were

developed in customs and income tax departments at various locations for automating some of the business processes. These were subsequently extended to central excise and sales tax department. 74. In the income tax department, tape-based applications for recording of challans and tax assessment data were developed. Computer processing of self assessment and salary tax returns started around 1990. Computer assisted selection of cases for tax audit through random ballet started around the same time. Presently, nine data processing centres exist across the country. These are working in a stand alone mode. There is no integrated database. Hence, automation has not provided any meaningful support to tax audit and expansion of taxpayer net. Except for some ad-hoc reports on tax collections, the system does not generate reports for control or policy formulation. Now, CBR is piloting a circle management system (CMS) seeking to automate all functions of a circle. 75. Serious efforts towards automation of customs processes were initiated in Customs House Karachi and Lahore in 1990. Various locations at these stations are connected to the main system via radio modems. Generally, the shared data and information is transported using courier or the internet. CBR has established a service centre at Karachi Customs to bring eventually all service providers related to import or export transactions under one roof. The electronic data processing system handles import related activities such as filing of bills of entry and tracking their movements, receipt and appraisement, duty collection recording of revenue and examination/release of goods. It provides enquiry facilities on tariff, exemption, evaluation, etc. 76. In addition, a number of applications to support customs related transactions have been developed. However, they mainly serve as a record keeping mechanism. A parallel paper process also follows. Simultaneous access is not provided to all key users and locations. Applications are not integrated. Hence, the eventual reliance on manual system. 77. The information management system in sales tax department was initiated around 1991. It comprises collectorate based systems operated by data processing centers located at each collectorate. The central facility at CBR consolidates the data received in an electronic form from the collectorates and generates reports. This sales tax system is a back office system and does not provide direct access to users. Reports are mostly ad-hoc rather than standard. 78. Until 1994, major computer applications were developed by consultants. The customs related applications were jointly operated by the department and the consultants. The income tax related applications were primarily run by the department. The sales tax department developed its information management system in house and continued to operate the systems until earlier 2000. In 1994, CBR established Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (PRAL) as private limited company to perform the functions of system design and development, implementation support and maintenance, procurement and maintenance of hardware, bulk document processing, generation of reports and running ad-hoc queries, MIS compilation and support for CBR. PRAL has recently taken over complete operation of CBR computer operations. Until around a year ago, CBR had a member MIS responsible for defining CBR information requirements. 79. CBRs present efforts towards automation of business processes and developing an information management system suffer from following key deficiencies: Information requirements at various operational, supervisory and policy levels remain unidentified Computer applications have been developed in an ad-hoc manner without clear direction.

An integrated database as a support mechanism for tax processes does not exist. Operational facilities at various locations across the country are not linked. Except for some ad-hoc reports there does not exist an adequate system of generating MIS reports.

80. Since a well functioning information system would play a key role in the smooth functioning of CBR, Task Force recommends the following measures to meet CBRs IMS requirements: Identification of CBRs information needs for strategic, tactical, and operational management which should be capable of being drilled down, preferably to the transaction level. Such information should be an important element in design of information architecture. Strengthening information management capacity within CBR by creating the position of member (IMS). Its functions should include defining information needs, developing and maintaining information systems strategy and information model; defining standards with regard to technology, documentation, data integrity and service levels; preparing and maintaining business continuity plans, and those concerning projects to be initiated, related expenditure and monitoring performance against plans. Outsourcing of systems and applications where necessary. Information management system should address matters concerning automation of business processes, creation of databases, generation of information for control and decision-making (MIS) and support decision making process (DSS). Separate taxpayer registration processes presently in place in CBR should be replaced with a single registration process. There should be separate processing of tax document from tax audit. Customer service centre may be established in all taxes to provide full range of services. Electronic declaration processing system (customs) concerning import and export consignment, may be strengthen, document formats, simplified and standardised, risk management system for selection of cases for audit and scrutiny introduced. All core business processes concerning taxpayer registration, risk profiling, appeal tracking, internal survey, revenue accounting etc. may be automated.

81. The proposed tax administration has three pillars: people, process and information management. If widening the tax base, self assessment, selective audit, and reduction of tax collectors discretion are to succeed information management and automation has to expand substantially, its quality improved, constant innovation stimulated and a large number of people trained. 82. The present chairman CBR has taken a deep interest in automation and some of the initiative have been listed above. However, these initiatives are ad-hoc and topical. The relationship between CBR and PRAL is symbiotic. There is no contract between the two, no agreed service standards; there are no performance criteria and no evaluation. There are no rewards or penalties for performance. For greater efficiency and control by CBR on the Management of its key processes, PRAL should be explicitly recognised as a contractor. CBR should enter into a contractual arrangement with PRAL defining its functions, performance expectations and standards, and evaluation criteria. There should be annual evaluations of PRALs performance reviewed by CBRs Board and the Supervisory Council.

83. To avoid conflict of interest chairman CBR and CBR board members should cease to be the members of the PRAL board. PRAL should exist as a service provider with an independent board, and should ultimately be privatised. 84. Chairman CBR disagrees with this recommendation and is of the view that this would disrupt an arrangement that works well. The majority of the Task Force, however, is of the view that the proposed arrangement is essential for developing a well functioning and efficient information system for CBR. Organisation of CBR 85. The organisation of the CBR is cylindrical rather than functional. Both policy and operational matters are handled by line members. Broad issues of tax administration are decided in Board-inCouncil. However, in the absence of adequate policy analysis emanating from the office of the Member Tax Policy, revenue considerations tend to dominate as the underlying rationale for decisions in the Board-in-Council. There is limited decentralisation of operational issues. This results in line members' over engagement in resolving issues coming from the field and taxpayers. Excessive centralisation with little functional management inhibits CBR from dealing with diverse issues of tax policy, and administration, human resources, audit standards, tax payer education and business processes. 86. This report has argued that m i proving the efficiency and integrity of tax collection, and creating public confidence in the tax machinery would require radical and sustained changes in business processes, administration of individual taxes, recruitment, training, compensation, performance management, reward and discipline of staff, reconfiguration of staff and information management. The approaches recommended, particularly in personnel matters, are radically different from those in the rest of the public sector. The justification is that improvement of tax collection is critical for the survival of the state and, therefore, uniquely different policies are justified. Moreover, the fact that CBR staff deal directly with the public and have large opportunities for coercion and collusion calls for innovation to make sure that public interest is safeguarded. It is also important that the tax administration functions in a transparent manner and it is as honest and efficient. 87. These objectives would be supported by a thorough redesign of the CBR. Our broad parameters of a redesigned CBR are as follows: Adequate budgetary resources and budgetary flexibility for the maintenance of high quality staff and infrastructure. Authority to make changes in staffing processes and organisation as needed. Capacity for sustained analysis and guidance in key policy and functional issues. Operational decentralisation Recruitment and maintenance of high quality professionals A well functioning information system to assist management and operations

88. A new relationship with taxpayers focussing on assistance to taxpayers, their education on taxes and consultation with them on processes and policies,

89. The central features of the suggested processes for the individual taxes are improved human resource management, audit, substantial strengthening of information management and taxpayer assistance and education. 90. The Central Board of Revenue should, therefore, be reconstituted on a functional as well as line basis so that these critical issues, as well as tax policy, become integral features of management. Line management would be strengthened by interaction of members responsible for operations with members responsible of specialist functions. The Task Force suggests addition of members on human resources, audit, legal, information management, and taxpayer relation and education. In regard to information management the Task Force recommends that PRAL be explicity recognised as a contractor and a member information management supervise the definition of information systems and the contract with PRAL. To avoid conflict of interest, the chairman CBR and other officials of CBR should cease to be the chairman and board members of PRAL. Alternate arrangement should be designed for the corporate management and possible privatisation of PRAL. Chairman CBAR disagrees with recommendation regarding PRAL and the addition of members on information management audit, taxpayer relations and legal matters. He feels that the current arrangements are satisfactory and that the suggested changes would add little value. The majority of the Task Force however, feels that the functional expansion of the CBR is critical to the new concept. Since, information management audit and taxpayer relations are at the centre of the proposed improvements in tax administration. Their functional management would therefore, be essential for the success of self-assessment, selective audit and improve confidence of the taxpayer. 91. The restructuring of the tax administration would make heavy demands on the management of CBR, its processes and policies. Initial consultation with the Ministry of Law has indicated that there would be substantial legal hurdles unless the CBRs legal status changes, particularly since, personnel policies of the CBR would be radically different from the rest of the public sector after the implementation of our recommendations. Government should, therefore, consider a form of autonomy for CBR which, under the guidance, of a Supervisory Council, headed by the Finance Minister, would give it freedom to set its operating procedures, internal organisation, staffing policies and financial management. Within the overall budget approved by the government, the Supervisory Council, comprising Minister of Finance, Minister of Commerce, Secretary General Finance, Chairman CBR (Member - Secretary) and one person from the private sector, should approve the annual programme and budget of CBR, lay down performance targets, review them periodically and report to the head of government and recommend any policy and management changes. 92. With 33,000 functionaries, collection of large sums, constant interaction with businesses and private individuals the post of Chairman CBR is one of the more difficult and challenging positions in the public sector. The position must be filled by a person of known leadership and management capacity and integrity. During the last ten years the average tenure of Chairman has been less than a year and some persons of questionable integrity and capacity were appointed to this important position. The Chairman must have a fixed term of five years. He should be appointed at the recommendation of the Supervisory Council, which should consider candidates from public and private sectors. The Chairman should be removed only on the recommendations of the Supervisory Council for a significant failure in meeting agreed performance criteria. 93. Line members of the CBR should be appointed on merit from a competitive pool of the ablest in the respective tax departments, while functional members may be drawn from the private sector, if specialists are not available within revenue services. Members should be appointed for a term of three years, renewable for a maximum of three years. They should be subject to the same procedure for removal as the Chairman.

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