Development of A Low-Resource RNA Extraction Cassette Based On Surface Tension Valves
Development of A Low-Resource RNA Extraction Cassette Based On Surface Tension Valves
Development of A Low-Resource RNA Extraction Cassette Based On Surface Tension Valves
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, ^Department of Pediatrics, and Department of Internal Medicine Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235, United States ABSTRACT: Nucleic acid-based diagnostics are highly sensitive and specic, but are easily disrupted by the presence of interferents in biological samples. In a laboratory or hospital setting, the inuence of these interferents can be minimized using an RNA or DNA extraction procedure prior to analysis. However, in lowresource settings, limited access to specialized instrumentation and trained personnel presents challenges that impede sample preparation. We have developed a self-contained nucleic acid extraction cassette suitable for operation in a low-resource setting. This simple design contains processing solutions preloaded within a continuous length of 1.6 mm inner diameter Tygon tubing. Processing solutions are separated by air gaps and held in place during processing by the surface tension forces at the liquidair interface, viz. surface tension valves. Nucleic acids preferentially adsorbed to silica-coated magnetic particles are separated from sample interferents using an external magnet to transfer the nucleic acid biomarker through successive solutions to precipitate, wash and elute in the nal cassette solution. The eciency of the extraction cassette was evaluated using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) following extraction of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) RNA. RNA was recovered from TE buer or from lysates of RSV infected HEp-2 cells with 55 and 33% eciency, respectively, of the Qiagen RNeasy kit. Recovery of RSV RNA from RSV infected HEp-2 cells was similar at 30% of the RNeasy kit. An overall limit of detection after extraction was determined to be nearly identical (97.5%) to a laboratory-based commercially available kit. These results indicate that this extraction cassette design has the potential to be an eective sample preparation device suitable for use in a low-resource setting. KEYWORDS: sample preparation, low resource, nucleic acid diagnostics, RNA extraction, RNAsilica adsorption, RNA purication, respiratory syncytial virus, surface tension valve
1. INTRODUCTION Recent research has focused on the development of nucleic acid-based detection for low-resource settings.1 Nucleic acidbased detection systems, such as quantitative PCR (qPCR), are particularly attractive technologies for detection of pathogens because of their sensitivity, specicity and relatively rapid timeto-answer. The eectiveness of PCR is dependent on both the quality and quantity of nucleic acid template2 and the absence of interferents.3 For example, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids or other unidentied interferents present in clinical samples have all been shown to inhibit PCR and produce false negatives.46 In addition to various interferents, patient samples also contain nucleases, which directly reduce the number of nucleic acid targets present.5 To minimize false negatives and maximize the eciency of nucleic acid-based diagnostics, nucleic acids are extracted and concentrated into an interferent-free buer prior to testing. One classic laboratory method uses a phenol-chloroform cocktail.7 This method is highly eective, but is not as commonly utilized today because it is time-consuming and requires the use of toxic organic chemicals. Several solid phase extraction kits are commercially available to purify DNA or RNA from patient samples.
r 2011 American Chemical Society
Many of these kits rely on selective nucleic acid binding to silicacoated surfaces in the presence of ethanol and a chaotropic agent such as guanidinium thiocyanate (GuSCN).8,9 GuSCN also denatures protein contaminants including nucleases that may be present in the sample.10,11 These kits are not cost-eective for low-resource use and often require the use of specialized laboratory equipment, such as a robot or centrifuge, and trained technicians that are unavailable in a low-resource setting. Additionally, many involve multiple steps that increase the chance of contamination of both the sample and operator. Microuidics is one promising format for low-resource nucleic acid-based diagnostics. Recently, there has been a growing interest in expanding microuidic technologies for sample preparation.1,12 Many of these devices are suitable for integrating with downstream nucleic acid amplication and detection technologies.13,14 However, the small surface area of solid phase available for nucleic acid binding and the limited sample volume that can be owed through the channels limit the total mass of
Received: April 1, 2011 Accepted: May 23, 2011 Published: May 23, 2011
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ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces nucleic acid recovered,1 and therefore negatively impact the limit of detection. We have developed an alternative nucleic acid extraction cassette suitable for operation in a low-resource setting. This self-contained extraction cassette is preloaded with processing solutions separated by air gaps, which we refer to as surface tension valves. In proof-of-principle RNA extraction studies, RSV-infected cells are lysed and viral RNA is selectively adsorbed to silica-coated magnetic particles in the presence of GuSCN and ethanol. Individual processing solutions are preloaded into a single continuous length of Tygon tubing and are separated from one another and held in places by surface tension forces. Removal of interferents is achieved by selective RNA adsorption to silicacoated magnetic particles which are then pulled through each processing solution using an externally applied magnetic eld. RNA is eluted from the surface of the magnetic particle in the nal solution. This report describes the general characteristics of this approach and compares its performance to laboratory-based commercial kits.
milliliter of sterile 0.75% methyl cellulose (w/v) was then added to each well, and the plate was placed at 37 C for an additional 4 days. The infected HEp-2 cells were xed in 80% methanol at 20 C for 1 h, washed 3 times with PBS, and blocked with a 5% milk solution for 1 h. One hundred fty microliters of 30 g/mL anti-F protein primary antibody in 5% powdered milk solution was added to each well. After 1 h, wells were washed 3 times with PBS, and 150 L of 0.5 g/mL antimouse IgG HRP conjugate secondary antibody (Promega, Madison, WI) in 5% powdered milk solution was added for 1 h. Wells were washed 5 times with PBS and 150 L of TrueBlue peroxidase substrate (KLP, Gaithersburg, MD) added for 20 min at room temperature. Punctate blue plaques were counted and averaged, and the plaque forming units (pfus) were determined by multiplying by the dilution factor.
2.3. Conversion of RSV N Gene RNA Copy Number to pfu/ mL Reported in Clinical Literature. The number of pfu/mL of the
RSV infected HEp-2 cell lysates was converted to RSV N gene copies/uL by comparing qRT-PCR and plaque assay results on each half of a split culture of infected Hep-2 cells harvested 4 days postinfection, the point at which peak titers are reached. The concentration of N gene RNA in copies/uL was determined by RT-PCR using a standard curve following RNA extraction with the RNeasy kit. A calculated extraction efficiency of 18.1% (see section 3, Figure 4B) was assumed to determine the total number of RNA copies present in the sample prior to extraction. The number of N gene copies/pfu was approximated by dividing the total number of RNA copies/uL by the number of pfu/mL and determined to be 1 104 copies/pfu. 2.4. Quantitative RT-PCR. An 82-bp fragment of the RSV N gene was amplified using forward primer 50 -GCTCTTAGCAAAGTCAAGTTGAAATGA-30 and reverse primer 50 -TGCTCCGTTGGATGGTGTATT-30 .15 Reactions were performed in a 25 L volume using 5 L of RNA template and the Clontech one-step RT-PCR kit according to manufacturers instructions. Thermal cycling consisted of 48 C for 20 min to synthesize cDNA, 95 C for 3 min to inactivate the reverse transcriptase and activate QTaq DNA polymerase, and 40 cycles of 95 C for 15 s and 60 C for 60 s using a Rotor-Gene Q thermal cycler (Qiagen, Germantown, MD). Product specificity was confirmed using melting curve analysis and gel electrophoresis. Data were collected and Ct values recorded by Rotor-Gene Q Software (Qiagen, Germantown, MD) and converted to number of copies of RNA per L using a standard curve.
2.5. RNA Extraction Using Prototype Capillary Extraction Cassette. A prototype extraction cassette (Figure 1) was constructed
from glass capillary tubes and pipet tips. Glass capillary chambers (2 mm i.d.) were cut from stock tubing into 80 mm lengths, and the ends were flared outward. Six capillary chambers were aligned linearly on the top of a horizontal aluminum stage using machined aluminum mounts. A 1000 L pipet tip was placed as a spacer in between each capillary chamber with the wide end of the pipet tip around the preceding capillary chamber and the narrow end resting inside the flared region of the next capillary chamber. Thus successive processing chambers were separated from one another by air spacers within the pipet tips. The first capillary chamber was reserved for the RNA sample and was initially left empty. The remaining chambers were preloaded with the processing reagents supplied in the MagAttract RNA Cell Mini M48 kit (Qiagen, Germantown, MD) as follows: 200 L of Buffer MW wash buffer, 200 L Buffer RPE wash buffer, 200 L Buffer RPE wash buffer, 200 L RNase/DNase free water, 30 L RNase/DNase free water heated to 65 C for elution of RNA. Thirty L of sample was added to 150 L of Buffer RLT and homogenized by passage through a 20gauge needle five times. Twenty L of the MagAttract bead solution (Qiagen, Germantown, MD) was added to the homogenized sample, vortexed, and placed on a rotary mixer for 5 min at room temperature. The sample was then pipetted into the first chamber, shown on the left in Figure 1. A 2.54 cm cube of grade 40 NdFeB magnet (National Imports,
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Figure 1. Design of the prototype extraction method showing the processing solutions held in place in glass tubing and separated by airlled pipet tips. RNA is adsorbed to silica-coated magnetic particles, which are pulled left to right through successive processing chambers using an external magnet. Following processing, the RNA is eluted in a nal water chamber. Vienna, VA) was placed adjacent to the first capillary chamber and slowly pulled parallel to the chambers at a rate of 4 mm/second to pull the magnetic beads through each of the processing chambers. The total pull-through time was 2 min. After reaching the final elution chamber, the beads were held to one side by the magnet and the eluent was collected. This initial design was used to perform proof-of-principle studies using 14 frozen deidentied nasal wash samples obtained from clinical subjects. Use of specimens was approved by Vanderbilt University IRB. At the time of collection, nasal swabs were placed in opti-MEM media (Invitrogen, Oslo, Norway) and frozen at 80 C. Each sample was characterized for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) using RT-PCR after an extraction using Roche Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (Basel, Switzerland). RT-PCR was performed using Roche LC Magna Pure machine (Basel, Switzerland). We obtained samples that tested positive for RSV as determined by a calculated cycle threshold (Ct). We also obtained samples that tested negative for RSV as determined by no calculated cycle threshold value within the cycles that were performed. Seven samples characterized as RSV positive and seven as RSV negative were selected at random. Frozen samples were briey thawed, divided and refrozen as 100 L aliquots to facilitate comparison across dierent RNA extraction methods. The number of extracted RSV N gene RNA copies/L was calculated for the 7 RSV positive and 7 RSV negative nasal wash samples after 4 dierent extraction methods using a standard curve. The recovery eciency of RNA extraction was compared to the RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen, Germantown, MD), Dynabeads mRNA Direct kit (Invitrogen, Oslo, Norway) used according to manufacturers protocols, as well as the MagAttract RNA Cell Mini M48 kit (Qiagen, Germantown, MD) performed manually instead of with the Qiagen M48 BioRobot which was unavailable for these studies. The results were also compared to the calculated copy numbers of RSV N gene RNA detectable in each sample directly amplied by RT-PCR prior to extraction. For each extraction method utilized, RNA was eluted in a 50 L volume to ensure that RTPCR analysis was comparable across all extraction methods tested.
Figure 2. Design of the continuous tubing extraction cassette showing individual processing solutions separated by surface tension valves. An external magnet is used to pull RNA adsorbed to silica-coated magnetic particles through each processing solution. Following processing, the RNA is eluted in a nal water chamber. tubing design shown in Figure 2. In this design, 8 processing solutions were preloaded within 61 cm length of Tygon tubing (1.6 mm i.d.). These solutions were chaotropic wash buffer (300 L of 4 M guanidine hydrochloride, 25 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0), two sections containing RNA precipitation buffer (300 L of 80% ethanol, 5 mM potassium phosphate, pH 8.5,), three sections containing a water wash (100 L of molecular grade water), and RNA elution (50 L of molecular grade water). The 50 L elution volume was chosen so that the RT-PCR input would be comparable to other extraction methods such as the RNeasy kit. Each solution was separated from the next by an air gap 2 mm in length. Three types of extraction test samples were prepared: 5 L of RSV N gene standard RNA in TE buffer at a concentration of 1 106 copies/L, 20 L of HEp-2 cell lysates (2 103 cells/L) spiked with 5 L of RNA standard, or 20 L of RSV infected HEp-2 cell lysates. Cell lysate samples were homogenized by passage through a 25 gauge needle five times. Prior to extraction, samples were added to 230 L of RNAsilica binding buffer (230 L of 2 M guanidine thiocyanate, 25 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0, 50% ethanol) and 20 L of silica-coated 1 m diameter magnetic particles (3 106 particles/L) (Bioneer Inc., Alameda, CA) and placed on a rotating mixer for 5 min at room temperature. After mixing, each sample was loaded into the tubing, and the tubing ends were capped. The particles were collected in the first chamber by the external magnet and pulled through the surface tension valves and each successive chamber at 4 mm/second using 5 cm diameter neodymium ring magnet (Emovendo LLC, Petersburg, WV) as depicted in Figure 2. Particles were dispersed in the chaotropic wash and RNA precipitation solutions by rapidly moving the magnet back and forth before being recollected. In the water wash solutions, the particles were moved at 8 mm/second to minimize RNA loss by elution during the wash. Finally, the particles were dispersed in the final elution chamber and incubated at room temperature for 5 min before removal. Although it was utilized in the prototype design, the elution of RNA at 65 C was not performed in this final design because it would be impractical in most low-resource settings. The final chamber contents were collected for RT-PCR analysis. Each RNA extraction was completed in 15 min.
2.6. RNA Extraction from TE buffer and HEp-2 Cell Lysates Using Continuous Tubing Extraction Cassette. The initial
prototype design of Figure 1 was further simplified into a continuous
2.7. Continuous Tubing Extraction Cassette Limit of Detection. The extraction cassette limit of detection was determined by
calculating the minimum quantity of target RNA that must be added to RSV negative cell lysates to be detectable by RT-PCR following
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Figure 3. Number of copies of RNA per L extracted from RSV positive (black bars) and RSV negative (gray bars) nasal wash samples using ve extraction methods were compared. Extractions were performed using prototype extraction cassette, RNeasy Mini kit, Dynabeads mRNA Direct kit, and the MagAttract RNA Cell Mini M48 kit (mean ( s.d., n = 7).
3. RESULTS RNA extraction from aliquots of frozen nasal wash samples using the prototype extraction cassette, shown in Figure 1, recovered on average 510 ( 800 RSV RNA copies per L (Figure 3 dark bars). Using aliquots from the same sample, the commercial RNeasy Mini kit, Dynabeads mRNA Direct kit and MagAttract RNA Cell Mini M48 kit recovered 4,400 ( 10,000, 750 ( 1,300, and 940 ( 1,000 copies per L, respectively. In an unextracted RSV positive nasal wash sample, 3 ( 3 RSV RNA copies were detected. In samples previously classied as RSV negative, an average of less than 1 copy of RSV RNA was detectable per L for all methods (Figure 3, light bars). Motivated by these encouraging preliminary results using the relatively crude prototype shown in Figure 1, a more thorough study was undertaken using a simplied continuous tubing design shown in Figure 2. Due to the high sample-to-sample variability and limited number of the frozen nasal wash samples available, further testing was done with RSV infected HEp-2 cell lysates, which unlike the unknown patient samples had no sample-to-sample variation. Using the continuous tubing extraction cassette shown in Figure 2, extraction of an RSV N gene standard added to TE buer was recovered at an eciency of 22.5 ( 19% (1.1 ( 0.95 106 copies) (Figure 4A). Recovery eciency was calculated by dividing the total number of copies extracted by the initial number of copies present in the sample and multiplying by 100%. In TE buer, the RNeasy kit recovered 41 ( 19% (2.1 ( 0.95 106 copies). TE buer does not contain PCR interferents so, as expected, the detection of unextracted standard RNA was 100% (Figure 4A, right bar). In the more complex uninfected HEp-2 cell lysate sample matrix, the recovery eciency of RNA was 7.6 ( 4.8% (3.8 ( 0.24 105 copies) using the extraction cassette, and 18.1 ( 2.4% (9.1 ( 1.2 105 copies) using the RNeasy kit (Figure 4B). The spiked cell lysates evidently contained RT-PCR interferents
because there was no amplication of the unextracted spiked sample by RT-PCR (Figure 4B, right bar). Using the continuous tubing extraction cassette, RSV RNA extracted from RSV infected HEp-2 cell lysates containing 4.6 105 pfu/mL recovered 3.6 ( 0.09 105 RNA copies per L from the elution chamber compared to 1.2 ( 0.07 106 copies per L using the RNeasy kit (Figure 5, black bars). Less than 100 copies/ L was reported in extractions obtained from uninfected cell lysates (Figure 5, gray bars), and RNA was not detectable for infected or uninfected cell lysates which were not extracted prior to RT-PCR (Ct > 40) (Figure 5, Unextracted). For all methods, RNA loss during extraction was signicant. A postextraction examination of the distribution of RNA in the processing solutions was successful in accounting for some of this loss. In a separate series of experiments using the continuous tubing extraction cassette, we found that only 59.5% (3.0 106 copies) of RNA could be accounted for in a postprocessing distribution analysis of RSV N gene standard added to TE buer (Figure 6). Similar to the results found in Figure 4A, 28 ( 4.5% (1.4 ( 0.23 106 copies) of the RNA was recovered in the elution. Signicant RNA was recovered in the water wash solutions, which contained 21.7 ( 4.6% (1.1 ( 0.23 106 copies) of the initial RNA. An additional 7.8 ( 3.5% (3.9 ( 1.8 105 copies) of the RNA was recovered from the silica particles after 12 h of further elution at 4 C. Less than 2% of the RNA was recovered in the RNAsilica binding, chaotropic wash, and RNA precipitation solutions. The tube wall was also checked for RNA binding by washing with water postextraction, and no detectable RNA could be recovered (data not shown). Approximately 40.5% (2.0 106 copies) was either lost or degraded during processing. The postextraction limit of detection was established for the continuous tubing extraction cassette by determining how many RSV RNA copies had to be added to a HEp-2 cell lysate to produce a detectable signal following RNA extraction and RTPCR. Five thousand copies of RSV RNA spiked into HEp-2 cell lysates (e.g., 5 uL of RNA at 1,000 copies/uL into 20 uL of cell lysate) was the lowest concentration detectable by RT-PCR after
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Figure 4. Comparison of the percent of RSV RNA recovered after addition to (A) TE buer or (B) HEp-2 cell lysates using the extraction cassette (left bars), RNeasy kit (middle bars), or no extraction (right bars) (mean ( s.d., n = 9). The recovery eciency of the cassette was 55 and 42% of the RNeasy kit from TE buer and HEp-2 cell lysates, respectively.
Figure 5. Comparison of RNA extracted from RSV infected (black bars) and uninfected (gray bars) HEp-2 cell lysates using the extraction cassette and RNeasy kit. Unextracted samples failed to report RSV RNA in either sample (mean ( s.d, n = 3).
sample extraction using both the continuous tubing extraction cassette and RNeasy kit (Figure 7). For the extraction cassette, 197 ( 8.5 copies were reported in the sample containing no RSV RNA, resulting in a 3 s.d. limit of detection of roughly 222 copies. Cell lysates spiked with 5000 copies prior to extraction reported a value of 228 ( 58.5 copies per PCR reaction. Similarly, 202 ( 9.5 copies were reported in the sample containing no RSV RNA, and 312 ( 26.8 copies from lysates spiked with 5000 copies and extracted with the RNeasy kit.
Figure 6. Postextraction distribution of RNA in each processing solution after RNA extraction from TE buer is shown. Insignicant amounts were recovered in the rst three steps, but the water wash and silica particles contained signicant RNA (mean ( s.d., n = 3).
4. DISCUSSION Preparation of patient samples is necessary to avoid false negative prior to nucleic acid-based testing.6 Sample preparation techniques mirroring the simple low-resource nucleic acid-based diagnostic devices currently being developed are necessary to make diagnosis practical at the point-of-care. Unfortunately, the operation of most existing commercial kits appropriate for RNA extraction and concentration require specialized laboratory
equipment and trained laboratory personnel not available in a low-resource setting. In agreement with previous studies,6 we found that without an initial extraction step, only puried RNA in solutions containing no interferents (e.g., TE buer) can be directly detected by RTPCR (Figure 4A). Direct amplication of viral RNA by RT-PCR prior to RNA extraction failed to detect viral RNA in RSV infected clinical nasal wash samples (Figure 3), HEp-2 cell lysates spiked with RSV RNA (Figure 4B) and RSV infected HEp-2 cell lysates (Figure 5). Therefore, RSV false negatives are likely to be obtained when the extraction step is omitted prior to RTPCR, and sample preparation is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. A postextraction limit of detection study was performed using spiked cell lysate samples, and the results suggest that the proposed continuous tubing extraction cassette and the RNeasy
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Figure 7. Limit of detection of RNA detectable by RT-PCR after extraction from HEp-2 cell lysates spiked with known amounts of RSV RNA using either the continuous tubing extraction cassette () or the RNeasy kit (o) (mean ( s.d, n = 3). When a sample containing no copies of RNA was extracted, 197 ( 8.5 RNA copies were detected with the extraction cassette and 202 ( 9.5 copies were detected with the RNeasy kit. The limit of detection is shown for the continuous tubing extraction cassette (dotted line). Comparable data from Figures 4B (2) and 5 (), which were performed at a single concentration, are also included.
kit have a similar limit of detection of 200 copies per L. The limit of detection of current clinical diagnostics is 1 104 pfu/ mL.16 By dividing an RSV infected culture into two parts and measuring pfu/mL by traditional methods and by copies/L RTPCR (see section 2.3), it was determined that 1 104 pfu/mL corresponds to 1 105 copies/L. Therefore, RT-PCR following extraction yields 50-fold improvement in the limit of detection. In combination with a point-of-care nucleic acidbased diagnostic, the proposed extraction cassette would be ideal in a low-resource setting, and with only a 2-fold improvement in the extraction process or optimization of the RT-PCR, lower limits at or below the RSV infectious dose 50 (dose that will infect 50% of subjects, or 100 copies per L)16 are likely achievable. Currently, there are no commercially available low-resource nucleic acid extraction devices for comparison to the proposed method. However, several laboratory-based commercial kits are available, and we compared the proposed low-resource method to these approaches. We have utilized a quantitative method for evaluating and directly calculating the eciency of the extraction cassette in order to simplify comparison of the device to the other methods used in this study. Despite its simplicity, the extraction cassette isolated between 30 and 55% of the Qiagen RNeasy kit. Therefore, using RT-PCR, the Ct values for the extraction cassette fall within 1 cycle of the RNeasy kit. As shown in Figure 4, 22.5% of the total RNA input is recovered by the current design under idealized conditions (spiked TE buer). More complex sample matrices such as cell lysates or nasal wash samples evidently contain components that inhibit RT-PCR and/or make RNA recovery more dicult. All extraction methods tested had lower extraction eciencies when used to extract RNA from cell lysates. For example, compared to extraction from TE buer, the recovery from spiked cell lysates using the
extraction cassette was reduced by 65%. Similarly, the recovery using the RNeasy kit was reduced by 57%. The prototype design was tested with a small subset of previously collected deidentied nasal wash samples. These samples were labeled RSV positive or negative during the collection process (not part of this study) using a commercial laboratory RNA extraction process and RT-PCR. The testing of these samples was not designed as a blinded study and served as a simple validation of the basic extraction design. The evaluation of these samples with our prototype device indicated that the basic design performed similarly to commercially available kits (Figure 3), but in general recovered less than the other kits tested. All of the extraction methods used correctly classied the RSV positive and negative samples. However, the amount of RSV RNA present in these samples was quite variable as indicated by the coecient of variation (s.d./mean) obtained with all of the extraction methods. The coecients of variation were 157% (extraction prototype), 227% (RNeasy), 173% (Dynabeads), and 106% (MagAttract). This high variation was the primary reason for using the HEp-2 cell lysates as a more controllable clinical sample analogue for further device development and testing. The error obtained with known RNA input is more indicative of variation inherent in the methods themselves. As Figure 5 indicates, under these more controlled conditions, the coecient of variation is substantially reduced for both the extraction cassette at 6% and the RNeasy kit at 13%. The prototype design was rened into the extraction cassette by loading processing solutions into a single length of tubing. The surface tension in the small diameter tubing holds each solution in place, and individual solutions remain undisturbed when magnetic particles pass through the surface tension valves from one solution to the next. This is an agreement with previous studies using a lament-antibody recognition assay which found that high capillary forces held solutions within small diameter capillary tubes even in the presence of a moving lament.17 Other research groups have analogously demonstrated that an immiscible hydrophobic liquid can eectively separate nucleic acid processing solutions. Work by Sur and co-workers demonstrated that silica-coated magnetic beads could transport nucleic acids through a lipophilic barrier oating on the surface of two separate processing solutions to isolate RNA from RT-PCR interferents.18 Subsequently, Barry and co-workers adapted the idea to separate solutions in a horizontal format, relying on the surface tension forces at the immiscible interface to prevent the processing solutions from mixing while allowing the transport of magnetic beads through the lipophilic barrier.19 For the development of a low-resource RNA extraction device, the use of surface tension valves in a continuous length of tubing oers several advantages over the reported nucleic acid isolation technologies using lipophilic barriers. One of the advantages of the extraction cassette design is the inherent exibility and simplicity, which provides a unique format for the development of other sample processing cassettes. The scale of the cassette is similar to that of laboratory-based commercially available kits and can be modied to incorporate relatively large sample volumes. The simple design also makes it suitable for large-scale manufacturing. Additionally, it is possible to adapt the cassette format to perform many other solid phase based assays. By functionalizing the magnetic beads with the appropriate capture moiety and loading the cassette with the appropriate processing solutions, assays could be developed for low-resource processing of a variety of biomarkers, including
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ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces DNA, proteins or carbohydrates. The cassette also has the potential to be coupled with downstream platforms for integrated sample preparation, signal amplication and detection. For example, by simply coupling the end of the extraction cassette tubing onto a thermocycler tube or onto the input port of a thermocycler, it is possible to elute the RNA into a prepared RT-PCR buer without extra handling or risk of contamination. The simple format of the extraction cassette also improves the reliability of the device. The utilization of surface tension valves in the continuous tubing design allows the extraction process to be fully self-contained. Individual processing solutions are preloaded into the tubing during manufacturing, eliminating the need for sample handling and pipetting during the extraction process. This is advantageous as it minimizes the potential for contamination of the wash solutions, the extracted RNA, or the operator. The continuous diameter of the tubing minimizes particle loss during sample pull-through by eliminating locations where the particles can become trapped, a limitation of the original prototype design shown in Figure 1. The surface tension valves also minimize interferent carryover by preventing diusion down the tubing, and separating the water wash into three successive steps also helped to minimize carryover. Fluid stability and continued separation during processing are key to this design. The surface tension at the valve interface is aected by the surface properties of the tubing and the properties of the air/liquid interface. Consequently, the overall stability of the solution chambers within the cassette is dependent on each of these surface properties.19 Some preliminary studies have been performed to estimate liquid carryover of processing solution across a valve. Each of the four processing solutions was mixed with sodium uorescein to create a uorescein concentration of 2.7 M. Twenty microliter of beads (approximately 5.6 107 beads) were transported from each of these labeled solutions across a valve into 80 L of unlabeled water. The uorescence of the water downstream of the valve was measured and a standard curve used to estimate the volume of solution transferred. The volumes of processing solution carried over for the RNAsilica binding buer, chaotropic wash buer, RNA precipitation buer and water wash were 7.61 L ( 0.59, 9.88 L ( 0.27, 5.03 L ( 0.26, and 5.41 L ( 0.39, respectively. If we assume that each downstream chamber is perfectly mixed, then the nal RNA elution could contain a maximum of 8.0 104% ethanol and 25 nM guanidine salt, two known RT-PCR contaminants. These values are far below the amounts experimentally determined to aect RT-PCR, which we determined to be 1% ethanol or 100 M guanidine salt (data not shown). Further, ongoing studies are directed at better understanding these properties and the inuence of magnetic particle properties such as diameter, density, magnetic susceptibility, and surface chemistry on particle transport through a surface tension valve. Nucleotide extractions from biologically relevant samples are never 100% ecient, neither in a lab laboratory environment, nor in low-resource settings. In fact, the gold standard RNeasy kit only recovered 18.1 ( 2.4% of the RSV N gene RNA spiked into HEp-2 cell lysates. The performance of the extraction cassette would be improved by reducing the overall loss of RNA during the extraction process. Unlike commercially available extraction kits, all of the required components in this study are based on previously published strategies for RNA extraction. It is likely that further modications to individual processing solutions will lead to an increase in the recovery eciency. An estimation of the RNA distribution within each wash chamber allows us to identify
variables for optimization (Figure 6). Signicant quantities of RNA were lost during the water wash steps, which are necessary to remove the ethanol in the absence of centrifugation. For downstream RNA detection by RT-PCR, the ethanol must be removed prior to amplication; however, other nucleic acidbased detection strategies may not be inhibited by the presence of ethanol. In these cases, the water wash chambers could be reduced or eliminated and the recovery eciency of the extraction cassette improved. Approximately 8% of the RNA still remained on the silica particles after a 5 min elution in water. By increasing the elution time, the overall yield of the device could be improved by up to 8% in 12 h, but the total extraction time would be dramatically increased. Future studies will explore potential methods to minimize this loss, including the possibility of direct amplication of the RNA bound to the bead surface without an elution step. Minimal RNA was detected within the RNAsilica binding, chaotropic wash and RNA precipitation solutions. The postextraction RNA distribution in the processing solutions suggests that RNA may be irreversibly bound to tubing or particle surfaces, degraded during processing, or located on particles that become trapped in the surface tension valves during magnetic pull-through. The extraction cassette investigated here can potentially be utilized for sample preparation in a low-resource setting. It is relatively inexpensive to produce at less than $1.00 per extraction. A rough cost estimate based on current catalog prices of the chemicals and materials required for the continuous tubing design suggests that the most expensive items are the magnetic particles (about $0.50) and the Tygon tubing (about $0.30). In its current form, the recovery eciency of this device is acceptable. However, the continuous tubing design can likely be further improved by solution and surface optimization studies. Its major advantages are that, unlike other commercially available methods, it can be performed without a laboratory centrifuge or access to a pipetter and without the skills necessary to operate these laboratory devices. Thus, this approach is an attractive lowresource alternative to commercially available methods.
5. CONCLUSION We have shown that our self-contained extraction cassette performs eectively and oers many advantages over similar reported devices and commercially available kits. The simplicity and exibility of the cassette make it a robust sample preparation tool suitable for use in low-resource settings where nucleic acidbased diagnostics must be utilized without specialized equipment and/or trained personnel. The extraction cassette is an ideal format for coupling with downstream nucleic acid amplication and detection modalities. Additionally, the technology is readily adaptable for the isolation of other potential biomarkers of interest, including DNA, proteins, or carbohydrates.
Corresponding Author
*Address: Rick Haselton Biomedical Engineering VU Station B Box 351631 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235. Tel: 615-322-6622. Fax: 615-343-7919. E-mail:
Author Contributions
ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported in part by a Vanderbilt University IDEAS Award, NIH R21 EB009235, and N.A. was supported by NIH Training Grant T32 HL007751 from the Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. REFERENCES
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