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Ref 29 These Luc
Ref 29 These Luc
0095-1137/10/$12.00 doi:10.1128/JCM.00128-10
Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
We performed the first studies of analytic sensitivity, analytic specificity, and dynamic range for the new
Xpert MTB/RIF assay, a nucleic acid amplification-based diagnostic system that detects Mycobacterium tuber-
culosis and rifampin (RIF) resistance in under 2 h. The sensitivity of the assay was tested with 79 phyloge-
netically and geographically diverse M. tuberculosis isolates, including 42 drug-susceptible isolates and 37
RIF-resistant isolates containing 13 different rpoB mutations or mutation combinations. The specificity of the
assay was tested with 89 nontuberculosis bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The Xpert MTB/RIF assay correctly
identified all 79 M. tuberculosis isolates and correctly excluded all 89 nontuberculosis isolates. RIF resistance
was correctly identified in all 37 resistant isolates and in none of the 42 susceptible isolates. Dynamic range
was assessed by adding 102 to 107 CFU of M. tuberculosis into M. tuberculosis-negative sputum samples. The
assay showed a log-linear relationship between cycle threshold and input CFU over the entire concentration
range. Resistance detection in the presence of different mixtures of RIF-resistant and RIF-susceptible DNA was
assessed. Resistance detection was dependent on the particular mutation and required between 65% and 100%
mutant DNA to be present in the sample for 95% certainty of resistance detection. Finally, we studied whether
assay specificity could be affected by cross-contaminating amplicons generated by the GenoType MTBDRplus
assay. M. tuberculosis was not detected until at least 108 copies of an MTBDRplus amplicon were spiked into
1 ml of sputum, suggesting that false-positive results would be unlikely to occur.
Conventional diagnostic methods for Mycobacterium tuber- resistant tuberculosis cases contain mutations in this 81-bp
culosis are slow and/or lack sensitivity. A number of new diag- region (16). Our previous work has established that the Xpert
nostic approaches have brought incremental improvements to MTB/RIF assay has a limit of detection (LOD), defined as the
detection and drug susceptibility testing; however, the techni- minimum number of bacilli that can be detected with 95%
cal complexity of these assays and their dependence on dedi- confidence) of 131 CFU per ml of clinical sputum (7). The
cated laboratory infrastructure have limited their adoption, assay was also able to identify RIF resistance in samples con-
especially in low-resource, high-burden settings (1, 11, 12, 21). taining 23 common clinically occurring rpoB mutations. None
The recently introduced Xpert MTB/RIF (manufactured and of the 20 nontuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM) species
marketed by Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA) assay simultaneously tested, including the NTM species commonly described as
processing and PCR control. The spores are automatically resuspended and DNA into cartridge chamber 10, which would normally receive the DNA-con-
processed during the sample processing step, and the resulting B. globigii DNA taining eluent of lysed bacterial cells.
is amplified during the PCR step. The standard user interface indicates the Five hundred microliters of TET buffer (50 mM Tris [pH 8.35], 0.1 mM
presence or absence of M. tuberculosis, the presence or absence of RIF resis- EDTA, and 0.1% mM Tween 20) was added to cartridge chamber five. A 100-l
tance, and a semiquantitative estimate of M. tuberculosis concentration (high, sample mixture containing either sensitivity or specificity panel DNA (or RNA
medium, low, and very low). Assays that are negative for M. tuberculosis and also for RNA viruses), 90 copies of genomic B. globigii DNA, and TET buffer was
negative for the B. globigii internal control are reported as invalid. added directly into chamber 10. M. tuberculosis isolates were tested once at 45
The PCR assay amplifies a 192-bp segment of the M. tuberculosis rpoB gene in genomes per reaction (10 times the Xpert MTB/RIF LOD for DNA) (7), and all
a heminested real-time PCR. The internal control heminested B. globigii assay is other organisms were tested twice at 106 genome copies per reaction. Negative
multiplexed with the M. tuberculosis assay. M. tuberculosis is detected using five controls contained no DNA. Initial DNA concentrations were determined with
overlapping molecular beacon probes (probes A to E) that are complementary to a NanoDrop ND-1000 (Thermo Scientific) and diluted in TET buffer. When
the entire 81-bp RIF resistance-determining “core” region of the wild-type rpoB reliable genome size was not available, appropriate concentrations were deter-
gene (5, 7, 14). Mutations in the rpoB gene target inhibit hybridization of one or mined by assuming genome sizes of 4.5 Mb/genome for bacteria and 22.5 Mb/
more of the rpoB-specific molecular beacons, reducing or eliminating the signal genome for fungi. Testing of mixed samples containing DNA from a wild-type M.
from the corresponding probes. M. tuberculosis is identified when at least two of tuberculosis strain plus an M. tuberculosis strain containing either rpoB gene
the five rpoB-specific molecular beacons give a positive signal with cycle thresh- mutation 533ccg (ccg mutation at codon position 533) or 531ttg (ttg mutation at
old (CT) values that are ⱕ38 and that differ by no more than two cycles. B. globigii codon position 531) was performed at a final concentration of 90 copies per
DNA is detected when the single B. globigii molecular beacon produces a CT of reaction. Strains used for mixture testing are indicated in Table S1 in the sup-
⬍38 cycles. plemental material. Preparations used for mixture testing were confirmed to be
The difference in CT between the first (early CT) and last (later CT) M. of appropriate concentration by quantitative real-time PCR of the M. tuberculosis
tuberculosis-specific molecular beacon (⌬CT Max) is the basis of rpoB mutation lsr2 gene (4). Cartridges were loaded into the GeneXpert instrument and pro-
and RIF resistance detection. RIF resistance is identified if the ⌬CT Max is ⬎3.5 cessed with a truncated version of the automated protocol that omitted the
sample processing steps, proceeding immediately as though the lysis and elution
cycles. RIF susceptibility is identified if the ⌬CT Max is ⱕ3.5 cycles. A sample is
of a normal sample had already been completed. This protocol preserved the
considered RIF indeterminate when the last probe returns a CT of ⬎38 and the
remaining assay steps without change and is equivalent to version 1 of the MTB
first probe has a CT value of ⬎34.5 cycles because the assay terminates at cycle
assay protocol, released on 8 April 2009.
38, and a ⌬CT Max of ⬎3.5 cannot be measured. For the purpose of the current
Three organisms (Table 1) were obtained as whole viral particle NATTROL
study, rpoB mutations that completely inhibit probe hybridization (and thus
diagnostic standards (Zeptometrix), 100 l of the viral particle stock was diluted
caused one or more molecular beacons to show CT values of ⬎38) were defined
1:20 in TET buffer, and the mixture was tested with the Xpert MTB/RIF assay
as causing probe “dropouts,” whereas rpoB mutations that permit partial probe
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
hybridization and produce a measurable ⌬CT Max of ⬎3.5 cycles were consid-
Amplicon contamination studies. We created a modified MTBDRplus assay
ered “delays.”
amplicon with defined mutations in the rpoB target, but unaltered primer binding
Dynamic range testing. The laboratory M. tuberculosis strain H37Rv obtained
sites. This distinguished between unintentional amplicon contamination and
from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) (Manassas, VA) was cul-
deliberate experimental contamination. Three smear-positive clinical sputum
tured and quantified as previously described (7). Excess discarded sputum sam-
samples from individuals suspected to have tuberculosis were PCR amplified
ples were collected under institutional review board (IRB)-approved protocols
using the GenoType MTBDRplus kit (Hain Lifescience GmbH) as indicated in
from patients not suspected of tuberculosis as previously described (7). M. the product insert. The 168-bp DNA sequence of the full MTBDRplus am-
tuberculosis cells were spiked into 1-ml aliquots of M. tuberculosis-negative spu- plicon was derived by outward sequencing of the product of the GenoType
tum samples to final concentrations ranging from 102 to 107 CFU/ml and were MTBDRplus assay from within the rpoB core. The MTBDRplus amplicon
tested with the Xpert MTB/RIF assay according to the manufacturer’s instruc- (minus the biotinylated ends) was then reconstructed via overlap extension of
tions. two 98-bp oligonucleotides (Hain-AT-do-F [5⬘-CACGCTCACGTGACAGACC
Analytic sensitivity panel. The 79 clinical M. tuberculosis isolates analyzed in GCCGGGCCCCAGCGCCCACAGTCGGCGCTTGTCGGTCAACCCCGAC
the sensitivity study included 70 isolates from a collection of 211 highly charac- AGCGGGTTGTTCTGGACCATGAATTGGCTCAGC-3⬘] and Hain-AT-
terized M. tuberculosis strains established by the United Nations Children’s do-R [5⬘-CACGCTCACGTGACAGACCGCCGGGCCCCAGCGCCCACAG
Tropical Diseases (3). Rifampin MIC was previously established by the agar
CT values and the number of M. tuberculosis cells present in Sensitivity. Previous analytic studies examined assay perfor-
each sample was maintained over the entire dynamic range, mance using the laboratory M. tuberculosis strain H37Rv. We
confirming the ability of the assay to provide semiquantitative tested the ability of the assay to detect a more phylogenetically
estimates of input cell number (Fig. 1A). The B. globigii inter- and geographically diverse collection of M. tuberculosis isolates
nal control assay also functioned well over the entire range of (Table 2). The studies were performed at a relatively low target
added M. tuberculosis cells. The B. globigii assay was positive in concentration (10 times the LOD with DNA) to test sensitivity
all instances with an average cycle threshold of 29.7 (95% CI, under challenging conditions. The assay identified all 79 dif-
28.9 to 30.4) (Fig. 1B). Interestingly, the CT values of the B. ferent M. tuberculosis strains as M. tuberculosis positive. We
globigii assay did not appear to be affected by the number of M. also tested the ability of the assay to identify different rpoB
tuberculosis cells added to the sample. We suspect that this mutations and thereby RIF resistance in a variable clinical
decoupling is due to the heminested PCR design of both as- strain background. The assay detected RIF resistance in all 37
says. strains with known mutations in the rpoB core. The 42 RIF-
M. tuberculosis strainsa
RIF-resistant 37 0 0
RIF-susceptible 0 42 0
Bacteriab 0 0 74
Fungib 0 0 4
Virusb 0 0 11
None (negative control) 0 0 52
Strain characteristics are presented in Table 1. RIF, rifampin.
Organism characteristics are presented in Table 1.
FIG. 1. Dynamic range studies. Log dilutions of M. tuberculosis molecular beacon probes to drop out completely (CT of ⬎38).
H37Rv cells were added to 1 ml of M. tuberculosis-negative sputum to Mutations 516tac, 526cgc, and 533ccg caused a delayed CT,
final concentrations ranging from 102 to 107 CFU/ml (n ⫽ 5 or 6 per
dilution). (A) Average rpoB probe B cycle thresholds (CTs) were plot- resulting in ⌬CT Max values of 9.7 (95% CI, 9.2 to 10.2; n ⫽ 2),
ted for each M. tuberculosis concentration tested. Clinically relevant M. 7.7 (95% CI, 7.4 to 8.0; n ⫽ 3), and 4.23 (95% CI, 3.7 to 4.8;
tuberculosis concentrations all fall within the linear range of the assay. n ⫽ 3), respectively. The 509agg mutation was present only in
(B) Average B. globigii internal control probe CTs were plotted for combination with the 526cgc mutation. The sample was cor-
each concentration of M. tuberculosis tested. The B. globigii assay gave
rectly identified as RIF resistant on the basis of a delayed
an average CT of 29.7 (95% CI, 28.9 to 30.4) for all dilutions and was
not influenced by the concentration of M. tuberculosis in the sample. probe D CT corresponding to the 526cgc mutation. Interest-
Dotted lines indicate maximum valid CT values for probe positivity. ingly, the 509agg mutation did not cause a dropout or delay of
its corresponding probe.
Specificity. A previous study had shown that the Xpert
susceptible isolates without known rpoB core mutations were MTB/RIF assay did not cross-react with 20 different NTM
all identified as RIF susceptible (Table 3). The RIF-susceptible species tested at high copy numbers, suggesting that the assay
isolates had an average ⌬CT Max of 1.8 (95% CI, 1.74 to 1.92). would have high specificity (7). However, normal flora of the
The 37 RIF-resistant isolates contained 13 unique SNPs, three upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract pathogens can also
of which were present only in combination with another SNP be present in sputum samples of individuals suspected to have
(Table 2). Nine of 13 mutations caused at least one of the tuberculosis. We tested a panel of 89 organisms, including
511 CTG3ccg 1 1
516 GAC3gtc 1 1 2
516 GAC3tac 1 1 2
526 CAC3agc 1 1
526 CAC3cgc 1 1 2
526 CAC3gac 1 1 1 3
526 CAC3tac 1 1 1 1 4
531 TCG3tgg 1 1 1 3
531 TCG3ttg 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 13
533 CTG3ccg 1 1 1 3
512, 531 AGC3gcc, TCG3ttg 1 1
515, 516 ATG3att, GAC3tac 1 1
509, 526 AGC3agg, CAC3cgc 1 1
Wild type 5 4 4 4 4 4 6 7 4 42
Total no. 9 15 6 7 5 5 17 10 5 79
Codon position according to the convention of Telenti et al. (15).
The sequence of the codon for the wild type is shown first, and the sequence for the mutant codon is shown in lowercase type.
Single-nucleotide polymorphism cluster groups as determined in references 3 and 6.
FIG. 3. Potential risk from amplicon contamination. (A) Alignment demonstrating the overlap between the GenoType MTBDRplus PCR
amplicon (determined by sequencing) and the priming regions of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay. (B) MTBDRplus simulated amplicon (1010 to 105
copies per ml) was spiked into a mixture of sputum and SR prior to transfer to the cartridge sample chamber (n ⫽ 3 per dilution). At least 108
copies per ml were required to induce a false-positive result. Sputum spiked with 103 CFU of Mycobacterium bovis BCG per ml was processed
according to the package insert as a control for sputum inhibition (open circle). (C) MTBDRplus amplicon was spiked into TET buffer that also
contained B. globigii DNA added directly to the elution receiving chamber of an open cartridge and then processed with a PCR-only protocol (n ⫽
2 per dilution). At least 104 copies per PCR were required to induce a false-positive result. The control (open circle) was 45 copies of M. tuberculosis
DNA per reaction. Dotted lines indicate maximum valid CT values for probe positivity.
specificity. Previous tests using clinical samples had suggested mutant target hybrid itself is a substantial contributor to total
that the Xpert MTB/RIF assay would have an excellent dy- fluorescence. Under these circumstances, only a small amount
namic range and that it would perform well in sensitivity and of wild-type DNA appears to be required to overcome the
specificity studies (7); however, these properties had not been delay in CT that occurs with only mutant DNA present in the
systematically examined. The analytical testing that we per- sample. Fortunately, most of the common rpoB mutations that
formed in the current study is a useful complement to clinical cause RIF resistance produce probe dropouts rather than de-
investigations because it allows for the simulation and testing lays in the Xpert MTB/RIF assay (7). However, our results
of low-probability events in a controlled environment and at suggest that the Xpert MTB/RIF assay should not be used to
defined target concentrations. The Xpert MTB/RIF assay monitor patients for the emergence of RIF resistance during
functioned over a wide dynamic range. A wide variety of M. treatment. Approximately 5% of all RIF resistance is not en-
tuberculosis strains and common rpoB mutations were reliably coded by mutations within the rpoB core region (16), and this
detected. The specificity against NTM has been established last subset of RIF-resistant isolates will not be detectable ei-
previously (7). Our study shows that specificity is also unlikely ther in pure culture or in mixed samples by the Xpert MTB/