Renal Tumors
Renal Tumors
Renal Tumors
B. Wilms Tumor
1- 3rd most common organ cancer in children < 10 years old
2- Infrequent in adults
3- Variety of cell and tissue components which are all derived from mesoderm
0III. Tumors of the Urinary Bladder and
1Collecting System
5- Transitional epithelium lines the collecting system
6- Collecting system tumors above the bladder = relatively uncommon
7- Dominant clinical presentation = painless hematuria
Bladder Tumors
1- Bladder tumors = more frequent cause of death than kidney tumors
2- Bladder tumors range from benign papillomas to invasive cancers
Benign Papillomas
1 Rare
2 Frond like structures with a delicate fibrovascular core that
are covered by multiple layers of well- differentiated transitional
3 Usually solitary and rarely recur after removal
Malignant tumors
1 Used to be called transitional cell carcinomas
2 New terminology: urothelial carcinoma
3 Range from flat to papillary, from noninvasive to invasive,
and from well differentiated to highly anaplastic
4 Grading of tumors
0o Grade I: well differentiated
1o Grade II
2o Grade III: highly anaplastic and aggressive
1- Bladder Cancer Clinical Course:
1o Men 3x as frequent as women
2o 50-70 years old
3o 50x more common in those exposed to B-naphthylamine
4o Increased incidence with: smoking, chronic cystitis,
schistosomiasis, and certain drugs (cyclophosphamide)
5o Clinical significance of bladder cancer depends on:
6 Histologic grade and differentiation of tumor
7 Depth of invasion (**most important**)
2o Deep bladder wall infiltration = 5 year survival rate < 20%
3o Overall survival rate: 57%