Hydrotest BFP

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Dear Experts, Boiler feed water piping line have hydro test.

Before hydro test will remove the temporary cleat support from pipe My doubt whether is it need for remove temporary cleat before hydro test or not. Waiting for your valuable answer.

Regards Alagarsamy.p 8 days ago Like CommentFollow Flag More Moffat Araka, ALAGARSAMY P like this 11 comments

Follow Jimmy Jimmy Meyer, PE What is the purpose of the temporary cleat support? If it was a lifting lug used only to get the piping in place, it should be removed before the hydro test (assuming it has to be removed). Also more information on the wall thickness of both the pipe and support should be known before the question can be answered completely. 8 days ago Like1

Follow sanjay sanjay gaikwad It is better to remove the cleat before hydro because while removing the cleat after hydro test , it could take away some portion of the parent material thereby reducing the wall thickness at that particular point , which may lead to failure at working pressure. 7 days ago Like

Follow Ashokan Ashokan Kesavan 1.Before hydrotest of the Boiler Feed water piping, remove all temporary external cleats/clips ( which are not a permanent attachment, required per design/other purposes). 2.However,in case you wish to retain the temporary external clips; then a repeat hydro-test has to be conducted, after removal of the temporary clips..

3.Normally, IBR inspector should be present during field hydrostatic testing the BFW feed piping, and his concurrence to be obtained, if you follow Sl.No.2 as above. 6 days ago Like

Follow ALAGARSAMY ALAGARSAMY P Dear jimmy, Pipe thickness is 63.5 mm and support thickness is 40 mm. our contract told don't remove support welding in pipe before hydro test. during hydro test .my doubt any stress acting in support welding so what any problem occur . waiting for yur valuable suggestions. 4 days ago Like

Follow karthikeyan karthikeyan somu generally hydro test is performed only for checking pipe lines & not for supports. so cleat can removed during hydro test. 4 days ago Like

Follow ALI JAWAHARLAL ALI JAWAHARLAL MAYORGA HUERTA SALUDOS . Precisamente la prueba hidrostatica y la hidrulica es para detectar defectos, de construccin , se debe tener las tuberas sueltas libres de presiones externas no apretadas no tan sujetas para que no se caigan al menos las que estn en las alturas despus de las pruebas se puede apretar las grapas soporterias , solo tener cuidado apretar bien bridas, neplos,cuplin, bien para evitar goteos, 2 days ago Like

Follow Jimmy Jimmy Meyer, PE This is very heavy pipe which probably requires PWHT. It sounds like it is used for addtional support during hydrotest. As was noted by others, it can be removed after hydrotest, but be careful not to affect the pressure retaining piping. Leaving a little of the lug/clip would be a safe option. It is hard to give good advice without knowing the entire story. 1 day ago Like

Follow Mike Mike Pearson Hi Alagarsamy,

I agree with the general consensus about the lifting lugs etc. Ant components, lugs, cleats etc. that have been attached by welding to the pipe work for the purpose of lifting it into place and positioning the pipe, then they should be removed, prior to hydro test.

Depending on the material of the pipe and the attachment weld, then you may need to do some heat treatment in order to remove them and you should also carry out surface methods NDT magnetic particle examination, after removal, to look for any surface breaking indications as a result of the attachment weld(s)

If you remove the components after the hydro test of the pipe, then the same procedure would apply as for removal prior to hydro.

Let me know if I can help further and congratulations on your pass in CSWIP3.1. welding inspection. 1 day ago Like1

Follow Eli Eli Levy Dear Alagarsamy If the cleat has been welded to the pipe, I strongly recommend that you don't remove it. Removal of the welded cleat means you will also be removing parent metal of the pipe, thus necessitating a repair to restore the pipe to original wall thickness. This is not required and should be avoided. Good luck. 16 hours ago Like

Follow Ayoub Ayoub Bardi There is a conflict between two criteria in this case: 1- Temporary supports shall be considered for hydro-test and 2- Hot works shall not be applied on pipe after hydro-test. I think you should change your temporary supports to non-welded types. for welded types Jimmy Meyer have suggested good solutions. 12 hours ago Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate

Follow ALI JAWAHARLAL ALI JAWAHARLAL MAYORGA HUERTA SALUDOS.- Las tuberas diseadas para gas y vapor " calderas "se deben apoyar en soportes provisionales para soportar el peso del liquido y removerse despues de aceptada la prueba cuando se retire el arreglo primario para drene o venteo , que se instala exclusivamente para la prueba hidrostatica se debe instalar un tapn roscado de barra solida y aplicar soldadura en el sello

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