DIN en 1090 English

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Decl aration of conformit y by the manufac turer

Issuance of the declaration of conformity in a language accepted by the member state the product is intended for use Based on this permit only shall it be allowed to apply the CE mark The CE conformity symbol shall comply with guideline 93/68/ EWG and shall be applied to the product, the label, the packaging or to the accompanying commercial documents All data required for the determination of the properties relevant for the stability of the structure part according to the regulations valid at the site of use shall be stated such as: - - Tolerances on geometrical data - - Weldability - as far as required - - Material toughness (structural components only) - - Fire resistance and behaviour - - Release of cadmium and its compounds - - Emission of radioactivity - - Durability - - Execution class (EXC) - - Reference to component specification The component shall be clearly marked for identification purposes and for traceability of the component specification and the indications on manufacture The declaration shall be kept and accompanied by the FPC certificate If the manufacturer fulfills the requirements, the certificate may be issued. It is required that a constant surveillance and evaluation of the FPC system is performed.
Gesellschaft fr Schweitechnik International mbH

Continuous surveill ance

The manufacturer shall conclude a surveillance contract with the conformity evaluation board GSI SLV. The first surveillance shall always be performed after one year. The further periods ( 3 years) for the surveillance are ruled in accordance with EN 1090-1, table B.3, unless no deviations have occurred or none of the following has happened: a) Introduction of new relevant installations or processes (e.g. design, corrosion protection etc.) b) Modification of the relevant installations (e.g. new or change of essential facilitis) c) Change of responsible welding coordinator d) Introduction of new welding processes, change of the initial materials and of the WPQR In addition, the manufacturer shall always - if the period between the surveillance is > 1 year - present a declaration to the conformity evaluation board GSI SLV that none of the above stated cases has happened.

Information on certifying the FPC

Contac t partners
We would be glad to assist you if you have any questions concerning the certification. Please direct your questions to: GSI-Zertifizierungsstelle Metallbau Phone: 0203 3781-498 Fax: 0203 3781-350 E-Mail: z-stelle-metallbau@gsi-slv.de Do you prefer to contact an SLV nearby? You will find the SLV you want to contact quite close to you under the following internet address: www.gsi-slv.de/zertifizierungen/bauprodukte

Information on certifying the FPC

Certification of the FPC is performed after placement of an order as usual by the staff of the individual SLVs on the basis of: the initial inspection of the plant and the FPC system and the constant surveillance and evaluation of the FPC system

EN 1090 ( Part 1 to 3) supersedes DIN 18800-7 / DIN V 4113-3

Gesellschaft fr Schweitechnik International mbH Head Office of GSI-Zertifizierungsstelle Metallbau Bismarckstrae 85 47057 Duisburg + 49 203 3781-498 www.gsi-slv.de/zertifizierungen/bauprodukte

Initial inspec tion

It comprises the surveillance as to whether the relevant requirements according to EN 1090-1, table ZA.1, par. 6.3 and annex B have been complied with by the manufacturer. The surveillance of the FPC comprises the following, dependent on the manufacturing profile: a) either production or design and production b) e fficiency of the FPC with the manufacturer himself and efficiency of his FPC also with his sub-supplier.

EN 1090-1 Certification of the Factory Production Control

Conformit y assessment body for certific ation and inspec tion

This flyer is meant to inform you shortly about the essential changes in the EN 1090 (part 1 and 2) which supersedes the DIN 18800-7

Fac tory Produc tion Control - FPC

FPC means the continuous surveillance of the production by the manufacturer himself. He shall implement, document and maintain the FPC system, to assure that the products put on the market have the declared performance characteristics. The results of the inspections, tests or evaluations determined shall be recorded and maintained for the period stated in the FPC.

Certific ate of the FPC - most important changes

The responsibilities, authorities and the cooperation of all employees involved in managing, executing or supervising tasks that have influence on the conformity shall be determined Inspection of the incoming semi-finished parts with respect to the specifications (e.g. the standard) The correct use of the semi-finished products used for the manufacture of the components shall be verified The requirements of traceability (depending on the execution class) shall be fulfilled The manufacture of the components shall be controlled with respect to a parts specification stating the required information on the component A surveillance and inspection plan determined in written for the inspection of the manufactured components according to the parts specification shall be implemented An initial testing shall be performed by the manufacturer. It comprises: - - Initial type calculation (ITC) for the evaluation of the preconditions concerning the structural dimensioning; - - Initial type testing (ITT) for the evaluation of the preconditions concerning the manufacture if: - - a new part is manufactured for the first time or if new semi-finished parts are used (product not from the same family) - - a new or modified production process is used that would have an influence on one of the properties to be evaluated - - the manufacture is to be changed to a higher execution class All results of the inspection and surveillance shall be recorded and evaluated

The welding certific ate - Important changes

local hardening increase is expected (thermal cutting, shearing, punching) be checked on their suitability Welding shall be performed in compliance with the quality requirements in accordance with EN ISO 3834: EXC1: EN ISO 3834-4 Elementary EXC2: EN ISO 3834-3 Standard EXC3: EN ISO 3834-2 Comprehensive EXC4: EN ISO 3834-2 Comprehensive Required qualification of the personnel in charge of welding coordination in accordance with EN ISO 14731

Once the construction product directive was introduced 89/106/ EWG it has become necessary to create the following regulations on a uniform European level: Standards for design and execution of metal structures Determination of the conformity assessment On a national level the requirements have been implemented since 1996 in relation to execution. Currently, these are included in DIN 18800-7 (Steel constructions - Execution and production), DIN 18200 (Conformity assessment and factory production control) and the Construction Products List A, part 1. At the same time the series of standards EN 1090 et seq. as the standard superseding DIN 18800-7 and DIN V 4113-3 has been worked out.

Conformit y assessment procedure

For the family of products Structural metallic products and ancilliaries the procedure for attesting conformity 2+ has been determined comprising the following two tasks: Tasks of the manufacturer: Initial testing of the product Factory production control (FPC) Testing and inspection of samples taken in the works according to a specified test plan Task of the conformity evaluation board: Certification of the FPC based on Initial inspection of the works and of the FPC Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of the FPC

DIN EN 1090-1 Certification of the Factory Production Control

Product thickness t [mm] Steel EXC2 EXC3 EXC4

a) b) c) d)

25 a) B S S C C

> 25 50 b) S C C C C

t > 50 C C C C C

S235 - S355 S420 - S700 S235 - S355 S420 - S700 alle

Current situation
The series of standards EN 1090 is completely available. EN 1090-1: 2009-07 As a harmonized standard (hEN) it rules the requirements for conformity assessment for structural components made of steel, aluminium and composite materials from steel and concrete, manufactured in series and non-series as well as for kits. EN 1090-2: 2008-06 It contains the technical rules for the execution of steel structures and supersedes all pre-standards for this part and partially supersedes DIN 18800-7: 2008. EN 1090-3: 2008-6 It contains the technical rules for the execution of aluminium structures and partially supersedes DIN V 4113-3. The official implementation of EN 1090-1 by the European Commission has been performed by the implementation of this hEN in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Community.

Certific ate of the FPC - most important changes

Classes A - E in accordance to DIN 18800-7 and A - C in accordance to DIN V 4113-3, respectively have been replaced by the execution classes EXC1 to EXC4 The requirements increase from EXC1 to EXC4 If no execution class has been determined, EXC2 is applicable Certificate of the FPC replaces the certificate in accordance with DIN 18800-7 Additional welding certificate (similar to certificate in accordance with DIN 18800-7) is issued FPC comprises the special processes like design, welding, corrosion protection and bolting Sub-suppliers shall be integrated into the FPC system of the manufacturer irrespective of the specific process The FPC system now comprises processes determined in written

Column base plates and front plates 50 mm Column base plates and front plates 75 mm S (= ST) sufficient for steel S275 S (= ST) sufficient for steel qualities N, NL, M, ML

The welding certific ate - Important changes

The preconditions for issuing are among others: Plant and welding installations fulfill the requirements of the FPC with respect to the installations and personnel Valid qualifications of welders in accordance with DIN EN 287-1 and of operators in accordance with DIN EN 1418 shall be present Qualification of the WPS is performed for the processes 111, 114, 12, 13, 14 starting from steel qualities > S 275 according to EN ISO 15614-1 (Welding procedure qualification record), if possible with cruciform test specimen in accordance with EN ISO 9018 (substituting DVS 1702) Suitability of thermal cutting processes shall be verified on 4 test pieces on a regular basis Non-alloyed steels: as far as specified shall cutting processes where

B = basic technical knowledge DVS-IIW / EWS = SFM S = special technical knowledge DVS-IIW / EWT = ST C = comprehensive technical knowledge DVS-IIW / EWE = SFI

Decl aration of conformit y by the manufac turer

Before issuing the declaration of conformity the following preconditions shall be fulfilled: Evidence on conformity of a component Existence of an FPC certificate (if welding work is performed incl. a welding certificate) For the following tasks the responsibility is borne exclusively with the manufacturer (or his authorized representative resident in the European economic area (EWR):

DIN EN 1090-1 www.gsi-slv.de

The w el d in g c e rt i f ic at e - Im p o rta n t cha ng e s

Co nfo rm i t y a s s e s s m e n t p r oc e du r e

here: Processing of structural steels

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