Did Dickens Really Rescue Christmas? (By Paul Edwards)
Did Dickens Really Rescue Christmas? (By Paul Edwards)
Did Dickens Really Rescue Christmas? (By Paul Edwards)
There is a reason
why a specific day was not mentioned in the Bible for the most
important birth. December 25th was chosen by a Roman Catholic
Pope. And the addition of Santa Claus influencing parents to lie to
their children about someone who is supposed to have God-like
attributes (remember the famous song about him). And the current
President changed the White House Christmas Tree to the Holiday
Tree so that non-Christians would not be offended anymore and he
believes that God the Father and Allah are the same. The possible
next President probably agrees. Most of the gift giving done is with
hopes of receiving even better gifts. But I still do a lot of
intercessory praying during December because it is the best time
for Christians and churches to evangelize. Also during this month
there are more news stories of compassionate actions done for
others and so I pray each time I see such that others might be
encouraged to do similar. More about Christmas and other USA
holidays can be found at http://www.box.net/shared/8vikemd3eb .
But the most important facts are: What a sacrifice Jesus Christ made
for us. He gave up wonderful Heaven and His power to come to
Earth and begin as a baby in a poor situation. And later He had to
resist temptations, suffer ridicule and a horrible physical beating,
and die for us. He fulfilled the death penalty requirement of all who
break God's Law and conquered physical death, so that all who
believe in Him and the full Gospel can have eternal life with Him in
Heaven and on the New Earth where there will be no sin and
One gets the impression that the professor views the efforts of
godly Puritans to maintain the sanctity of celebration around the
birth of Christ as the embodiment of Dickens's Scrooge. In fact,
the professor holds the Puritans and other conservative Anglicans
responsible for the "downtrodden" nature of the holiday. The
Puritans had made things bad for Christmas, both in England and
the United States, writes Standiford. Thanks to the preaching of
the Puritans and the legislative efforts of Oliver Cromwell and
other Puritans in Parliament, "by the late 1700s the holiday had
become a pale shadow of its former self, cloaked in piousness."
Standiford seems to lament that the merry-making and the orgies
had all but stopped, replaced by solemn and sanctified
The nativity of Jesus Christ is the ghostly visitation that holds the
power to fundamentally change your nature-- not just for the
Christmas Season-- but for eternity: "But while he thought on
these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a
dream, saying, 'Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto
thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the
Holy Ghost'" (Matthew 1:20).
As compelling as "A Christmas Carol" has become, it just doesn't
trump the original. Why settle for a cheap knock-off version of the
gospel when you can believe the real thing?
After White turned in his rough draft, however, his teacher circled
the word "Jesus" and deducted a point from his grade. The
teacher then explained that he needed to rewrite the poem
without the offending word.
Hoping it wasn't true, they continued their work and praise, and
things were busier than ever. Those humans were such trouble.
Forever getting into chaotic situations ~ forgetting their words,
their vows, their promises. Laying down what they had focused on
the day before in the rush of something new, something attractive
~ their illnesses, their habits, their brokenness.
"No, really ~ it's true. He's going to Earth as the son of a virgin."
"Oh, well, that's a great idea, isn't it? Those on earth won't
understand that at all..."
"But WHY? There can be no reason for this ludicrous event. The
humans may not recognize Him. They will...well, you have seen
them and what they do...they will ignore Him. And that cannot
"Yes, you are right. They are so clueless sometimes, aren't they?
But you know there must be a reason for this."
"The King? Giving up Himself for those dirty humans who shun
Him? Who kill each other? Who murder? That cannot be."
"And then?"
"To actually sacrifice His life for their sake. And to allow them the
freedom to believe or not believe."
"Surely that won't happen. They will know at some point. And if
they don't believe...then, well ~ you know what will happen to
"Because of His love for their freedom of choice. This is hard for
us to comprehend. Alas, we are only angels. They are His children.
Above us. Made in the image of the King. And He adores them.
He's crazy about them to the point where He would sacrifice His
"Yes, they are rebellious and self-serving for the most part. And,
yes, love like this is truly unimaginable. Unmerited. A gift."
"What will this belief cost them? Surely the King will require
something in return?"
"It will cost them nothing and yet, at the same time ~ it will
demand everything of them, but only on a temporary basis. The
tricky part for them will be to simply accept it, to take what they
don't deserve, to receive that which they can't understand."