08 - 10 - 24 Blog About Sins
08 - 10 - 24 Blog About Sins
08 - 10 - 24 Blog About Sins
Any act done to less than the standard of the righteousness and holiness of God. (Matthew
Any act done NOT for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) Any act that falls short of the
glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
Any act NOT done in faith. (Romans 14:23) [Any act that is NOT done in accordance with
the Word of God - even those acts done without any consideration of God's Word.]
Any RIGHT act done but believing it to be WRONG. {Romans 14:14) [If I think something
is wrong (though it may not be in God's eyes) and I do it I sin.]
Any moment that I do not love God with ALL of my heart, ALL of my life, and ALL of my
mind. (Matthew 22:37-38)
Consider: Worry, envy, jealousy, doubt, joylessness, tearfulness, withholding tithes and
offerings, faithlessness, selfishness, etc.
What is the greatest sin - a sin against the first and greatest commandment (Matthew
22:37-38) or a sin against the sixth commandment (Exodus 20:13)?
How GOOD is the GOOD NEWS that GOD put all my sins on His Son, Jesus Christ!
(Isaiah 53:6)
4. 2 Timothy 3:1-5-- stress, troubles, self-love (self-centerness), loving of money, desiring for
wealth, pride, arrogance, contemptuous boasting, abuse, blasphemy,
scoffing, disobedience of parents, ungratefulness, unholiness, profanity,
unnatural (callous) affection, promise breaking, slander (false accusing
and trouble making), intemperance, uncontrolled brashness, hating of
those who do good, betraying, self-conceit, loving of sensual pleasure
and vain amusements more than and rather than loving God, doing piety
religion, denying the power of God for righteousness.