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A Woman'S World: Stellar Reading Medieval Times Primary Source

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Stellar Reading Medieval Times

Primary Source Chapter 4

omen of the First Estate usually had little power

W except over the female servants they supervised.

However, most of the daily running of the castle was
within her domain. The Princess Uracca is at the top of the
First Estate, so she has a court of ladies who are subject to her,
and eventually she is given the city of Calahorra to rule. When
she marries, however, the city becomes the property of her hus-
band. Gimena is a member of Uracca’s court.
The lady of the castle was in charge of the cooking, clean-
ing, the construction of clothing, and medical care for everyone
who lived within the castle walls. Although women were
required to be subservient to their husbands and fathers, fre-
quently, when the men were at war, the women took over and
ran the entire estate, often better than their husbands did.
One such example is Maria Ordelaffi, an Italian noble
woman who lived in the 14th century. She was left to defend
the city of Cesna, while her husband defended a second city under his control. Maria proved to be a
formidable opponent. She held the city against attacking forces and refused all offers to negotiate
despite repeated assaults, the mining of walls, and constant bombardment by siege engines. When she
suspected one of her councilors of negotiating a surrender secretly, she had him arrested and beheaded.
Only when her knights told her that the capture of the castle would result in the death of herself
and all her followers did she yield, but on the condition that she be allowed to negotiate the peace
terms herself. She must have been an excellent negotiator because the terms she persuaded her ene-
mies to accept were extremely generous. They granted Maria, her family, her servants, all her depend-
ents, and the soldiers who supported her safe conduct from the city. It was said of Maria that the only
thing she feared was the terrible temper of her husband. The real Gimena, like Maria, successfully
ruled Valencia for a time after the Cid’s death.
Noble women were often more accomplished in Latin and other academics than men. Noble girls
did not leave home as noble boys did, and the church encouraged their education so they might be bet-
ter able to enter a life in a nunnery if their parents decided to send them to one. They were taught
reading and writing in French and Latin and were also taught music, astronomy, and some medicine,
especially first aid. Noble women often were their young sons’ first teachers, and just as Doña Lainez
teaches Rodrigo to read from the Book of Hours, teaching reading in Latin was a noble mother’s
responsibility. When the boy became a page at 7, his education was continued by the castle clerics.
Mothers had the responsibility of training their daughters in household management, as well as in read-
ing and other academics.
Marriage was the way a noble woman secured her future, and in the case of high-born children, it
was not uncommon for a marriage contract to be legally drawn up in infancy or childhood. Most
young women began their married life in their midteens. Gimena’s and Rodrigo’s fathers drew up just
such a contract for them.
For those who were not well connected enough to have one of these contracts, a girl was required
to capture a man. Advice is given to girls in this situation in the medieval tale, Roman de la Rose:
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
Primary Source Chapter 4

If aware of bad breath, she should not talk with

her mouth too close to others; she should laugh pret-
tily and cry gracefully, eat and drink daintily, and
take care not to get drunk or sleep at table. She
should go to church, weddings, and parties in her best
clothes to let herself be seen and gain renown, lifting
her gown to show her fine foot and opening her man-
tle like a peacock’s tail to reveal the beautiful form
beneath. She should spread her nets for all men in
order to snare one, and if she hooks several, should
take care they do not meet. She should never love a
poor man because she will get nothing from him, and
might be tempted to give him something. She should
never love a stranger, for he might have a vagabond
heart, unless of course he offers her money or jewels.

As coldhearted and calculating as this advice sounds for

women, men could be just as exacting. A manual of conduct
written by the Menagier of Paris for his 15-year-old wife
stresses that she learn to be obedient. He advises her that
“his pleasure should come before yours.” And she should
never argue with him in public because “it is the command of
God that women should be subject to men . . . and by good obedience a wise woman gains her hus-
band’s love and at the end hath what she would of him.” She must never nag, “for the heart of a man
findeth it hard to be corrected by the domination and lordship of a woman.”
Women served as members of the Second Estate when they became nuns. Nunneries provided
refuge from the world for some, but others were offered to the church as a gift, to provide prayers and
salvation for their families’ souls. Nunneries were run by women, and some women became powerful
as abbesses who ran the daily lives as well as the spiritual lives of their charges. However, no matter
how powerful an abbess became, she was still under the supervision of a male bishop.
It was in the Third Estate that women of the Middle Ages reached equality with men in some
functions. Some women practiced such professions as medicine or law. In 1322 in Paris, a woman
named Jacoba Felicie was put on trial by the medical faculty at the university for practicing medicine
without a degree or license. A witness, perhaps a satisfied patient, testified that “he had heard it said
that she was wiser in the art of surgery and medicine than the greatest master or doctor or surgeon in
Another female doctor, who taught at a university in Italy, was so famous for her beauty that she
lectured behind a veil so her male students would not be distracted.
The only medieval woman known to have earned her living by writing was Christine de Pisan.
Schooled by her father in Latin, philosophy, and other branches of science, she became a favorite at the
court of Charles V of France. Her husband and her father died within three years of each other, leaving
her with three children to support. She began to write poetry, and she sought royal patronage, which
she found in Charles’s court. In this poem, she wrote of the sorrow she felt as a widow:

Stellar Reading Medieval Times
Primary Source Chapter 4

So I make no plaint of my piteous mourning,

But laugh when I would rather weep,
And without rhyme or rhythm make my songs
To conceal my heart.

Women of the Third Estate were also members of some craft guilds. Although they were not per-
mitted in all guilds, women held monopolies in some, usually in the spinning, ale-making, and some
food and textile trades.
When peasant men were called to war or were away serving their lords, the wives they left
behind managed their holdings. Peasant families depended on their earnings from crops, so if the men
were away, the women had to do the work, even though they earned less for the same job.
Although records about medieval women are not nearly as numerous as those about men, from
the few examples that are available, it is clear that women played essential roles is the health and pros-
perity of the society of the medieval world in which they lived. They were able to accomplish much
but were given little credit.


1. How were women’s lives different in the Middle Ages than they are today?

2. How were a woman’s opportunities limited by her class and birth? In what areas did women
make significant contributions to medieval life?

3. How did women of each estate face their own challenges? How did they meet them? Which
estate do you think had the most difficult life?

4. Of the women that you read about, whom do you admire the most and why?

Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4


llah has chosen a unique destiny for each man and written it in the path of the stars. I studied

A how to read the stars during the years I spent in Cordoba. During the long nights I spent with
El Cid under the Valencian moon, I read his stars, and there I could see that, though he had
been born in a fortunate hour where battle was concerned, some shadow had fallen over his life. My
Cid told me that fortune’s wheel may raise a man one moment and crush him the next. Then he confid-
ed to me how, by the cruel hand of fate, he had lost his only love, Gimena. His fortunes had changed in
the course of one day, and I had unknowningly played a part in that change.

Rodrigo and Prince Sancho were hailed as heroes after the fall of Alcocer. Both of them recov-
ered quickly from their wounds, though Rodrigo bore the scar I gave him across his face for the rest of
his life. There were two puzzles that troubled Rodrigo about the battle: Why had no one seen Prince
Alfonso or his squire during the fray, and who had thrown the Castilian spear at Prince Sancho? In his
secret heart, in a place Rodrigo would not allow himself to dwell, he greatly feared that one question
answered the other.
Prince Sancho and Rodrigo spent much time within the walls of Alcocer. After the city was lost
to the Castilian army, my father sent me back with reinforcements, but we were not able to liberate the
city. This meant that Alcocer and Zaragoza were both required to pay an even larger tribute to King
Ferdinand than we had before. Of course, this did not soften the hostility we felt toward the king, and
we took whatever chance we could to strike out at him.
At least half of Prince Sancho’s time was spent at the palace in Burgos, and Rodrigo, as his
squire, accompanied him there. When Rodrigo was in Burgos, he spent as much time as he could with
Gimena. This did not go unnoticed by Gimena’s father, Count Gormaz, who kept a careful watch on
his only child, nor by Rodrigo’s father, Don Diego Lainez. The two knights discussed an alliance
between their houses, and a wedding day was set for the week following Rodrigo’s nineteenth birthday.
By then, Rodrigo would have finished his service as Prince Sancho’s squire and proven himself worthy
of becoming a knight. This was an honor usually reserved for a squire’s twenty-first birthday, but
because Rodrigo had been made a squire when he was twelve, rather than the usual fourteen, his seven
years of service would expire two years early, and so he could plan to marry early.
The idea of early marriage was pleasing to
both Gimena and Rodrigo, as their love had only
grown stronger over the years. Everyone in the
court of Burgos was happy about the wedding, even
Prince Alfonso, who thought he would finally be
rid of Rodrigo at last. There was only one person
who did not share in this joy, the Princess Uracca.
Her love had also deepened over the years, but
because it was a love without hope, it became a
twisted vine of love and jealousy that finally bore
the fruit of hate. The Princess knew she would
never have Rodrigo as her own, but she was deter-
mined that if she could not have him, then Rodrigo would share her misery. They would both live
without love, and in that there would be a kind of secret union.
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

Just before his nineteenth birthday, Rodrigo began preparing for his knighthood ceremony. This
was to be the most important day of his young life. Prince Sancho and Rodrigo were staying in
Alcocer at the time, and both regretted that they could not return to Burgos for this special day, but
Alcocer was in danger again.
My father and the caliph of Alcocer, realizing that they would never conquer King Ferdinand
without aid, had formed a new alliance with the powerful coastal city Valencia. Valencia was a long
way from Zaragoza, one hundred and fifty miles, but its seaport made it an important strategic ally.
There had even been talk of summoning more aid, from the powerful Almoravide Muslims across the
Strait of Gibraltar, in Africa.
On the eve of the day Rodrigo was to be knighted, he
confessed his sins to the priest of Alcocer, Father
Jeronimo, inside the cathedral. King Ferdinand had made
a Christian cathedral out of the mosque there, another blas-
phemy perpetrated by the Castilians in our city.
Rodrigo was given his ritual bath and then dressed in
the purest white. He had been fasting the whole day for
the cleansing of his soul, and that night he began his vigil
in the chapel. Rodrigo had been kneeling in prayer for
several hours when, just after midnight, shouts rang out
from the watchtowers.
Our army from Zaragoza was back, this time fortified with an army of Valencian troops as well.
We had encircled the city and began shooting flaming arrows over the walls. We felt sure of victory
because our allies inside the city had been warned of the attack and had armed themselves beforehand
to strike the Castilians within the walls as we attacked from without.
Prince Sancho, who had been in the chapel with
Rodrigo, and was prepared to dub him a knight when his
vigil was over, quickly took up his weapons as Rodrigo
ran for his armor and helped the prince dress for battle.
“I did not think that you would have to serve me
as a squire again, Rodrigo, but it would seem the Moors
have other plans. Quickly, arm yourself, get our horses,
and meet me at the gates.”
Rodrigo did as he was commanded, but he had to
battle his way to the stables. Fighting had broken out all
over the city, and the Moorish men of Alcocer had
opened the gates to let our armies in. Within minutes, the city was engulfed in flames, and it seemed
that anyone who remained would be burned to death, so the fighting moved out onto the plain. We
fought all night by the light of the burning towers, and as dawn finally came, we saw with despair that
it was the Christians again who had the upper hand. Somehow, even with our vast numbers and the
element of surprise, we had been bested yet again. It was a bitter herb to swallow, but I rallied my
men to my standard, and we rode up the river Jalon, to escape.
The knights of Castile were too exhausted to pursue us at that moment, but we knew that the pur-
suit would come. Prince Sancho finally found Rodrigo again, and although both were weary with
fatigue, this time neither one of them was badly hurt.
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

“I am sorry I could not knight you this

morning as we both had wished,” said Prince
Sancho, “but you have proven yourself more
worthy of knighthood this night than a year of
praying could have done. Kneel Rodrigo.”
Rodrigo was too stunned to resist, and as
the prince wiped the bloody blade of his sword
on the grass, Rodrigo knelt before him. The
prince then tapped Rodrigo lightly on each shoul-
der. “Do you solemnly swear to uphold your
duties as my vassal and swear to wield your
sword in the defense of Castile whenever you are
called to do so?”
“I do so swear, my lord,” declared Rodrigo, with a new surety in his voice.
“Then rise, Don Rodrigo de Vivar. You are now a fully vested knight of the realm of Castile and
Rodrigo rose and clasped Prince Sancho’s hand. Their eyes met, and the years of loyalty and
respect were reflected there.
“And now, Rodrigo, I am sorry to tell you that your first duty as a knight will be to go after the
Moorish army and destroy them before they reach the safety of Zaragoza again. They have been thorns
in our sides long enough; it is time that we teach them a lesson they will not forget. I would go with
you, but I must return to the city and try to restore some kind of order before it is too late.”
“I beg your leave to be one of the party,” said a deep, brusque voice.
Both Rodrigo and the prince were astonished to see that the request had come from Father
Jeronimo, the priest of Alcocer.
“Your duty is to God, not to the army,” said the prince, “and there are many wounded who need
you to perform the last rites.”
“I cannot think of a more Christian duty than defeating Moors, and if I do not strike a blow for
what they did to my Church, then I fear that God will never forgive me. There is a time to pray and a
time to fight, my lord, and this is my time to fight.”
“All right, priest, but if you get yourself killed, you will know that God has spoken against you.”
“You may feel free to leave that between myself and God, my lord. I have always been on the
best of terms with Him.”
Rodrigo gathered his force together, mounted Babieca, and rode with his column up the river
after my army. My men’s strength was spent from the long night of fighting, but what weighed on
their hearts like a millstone was the knowledge that we had been defeated once again. It seemed to us
then, as it seems to me now, that we will never be rid of the Christians who beset us. Men who are
weary in spirit do not ride as swiftly as those who have felt the thrill of victory, and it did not take long
for Rodrigo and his men to catch up with us.
When we heard their horses behind us, we turned to face them for one more battle. My men felt
defeated before the fight began, but we did our best. It was then that I faced Rodrigo for a second
time. I recognized him by the scar I had given him and by his splendid horse, which had now turned a
brilliant white, the sign of a true Andalusian. My strength returned as I remembered how I had last
defeated this young Castilian, and again we fought, our swords meeting with sparks of fire.
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

We fought on horseback blade against blade for

what seemed like hours. My arm began to feel as though
it were solid lead, as I warded off blow after blow.
Finally, I realized that my strength would soon fail, and
my horse, well bred and powerful as he was, was no
match for Babieca, who continued to ride circles around
him. Our battle had taken us to the midst of the river,
which also tired my mount. Rodrigo had just ridden
around me once more, when I did not turn in time to
ward off his blow. His espada delivered a crushing blow
upon my helm, and I fell from my horse, unconscious.
When my men saw that I had fallen, they surrendered to
Rodrigo’s army.
When I regained consciousness, my head felt like a ferrier’s hammer was pounding on it. My
arms also ached, as they were chained to a yoke that was strapped across my neck and shoulders. I had
been wounded before, but this was the worst pain I had ever known. As I looked about me, I saw the
prince of Valencia, who had ridden with us into battle, chained beside me, and all my men lined up
behind me, and I knew that we were prisoners, all. I did not worry so much for myself or the
Valencian prince, for I knew that we would command a handsome ransom, but I feared that my men
would be put to the sword right there on the banks of the Jalon. Then something happened that I could
never have expected, and that changed all our fates forever.
I was now totally helpless as I stood before Rodrigo and he looked into my eyes. I expected to
see some combination of hatred or triumph there, but that is not what I saw; what I saw was respect.
The priest, who was armed as a warrior, asked, “Should we kill them now, so we can return to the
“No, Father,” said Rodrigo. “No, we will not kill them; we shall let them go.”
“But that is treason,” shouted the priest. “These Moors have no right to live after what they did to
our town. Prince Sancho will put us to death if we let these Moors go.”
“Don’t forget, it was their town first,” said Rodrigo. “We have been killing each other for years,
and what has it brought us? Peace?”
Then I spoke from beneath my yoke. “If you kill me, my lord, my father will not rest while a
single Christian is alive in Alcocer. He will ride against you with a vengeance more terrible than you
can imagine. Only caution has kept him from making an alliance with the Almoravides from across
the sea; if you kill me, all caution will be gone.”
Then Rodrigo looked me in the eyes and asked, “Do you solemnly swear never to attack King
Ferdinand or his subjects again?”
As I looked into Rodrigo’s face, I felt a new hope stir in my heart of a world that held the
opportunity for peace. I knew that, just as he would be considered a traitor for letting me go, I would
be considered a traitor by my own people for swearing never to fight the Castilians again, but at that
moment the promise of peace was irresistible, so I swore: “I, al-Mutamin, prince of Zaragoza, pledge
my friendship to Rodrigo of Vivar, and allegiance to his sovereign lord, King Ferdinand of Castile.
May Allah strike the eyes from my head and the flesh from my bones if I break this pledge. In the
name of Allah.”
“You cannot let them go, Rodrigo,” said the young squire Alberto. “We will all be hanged for
this treason.”
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

“No, Alberto. I am the leader of this troop, and you cannot be blamed for following my orders.
Only I will bear the consequences of my actions, and I am willing to take the risk. I am only nineteen,
but I have fought the Moors for much of my life and I am tired of it. We have here an opportunity to
try peace, and I am going to take it.”
Rodrigo then unchained my wrists and removed the yoke from my neck. My men and I mounted
our horses. Just as I was about to ride away, too stunned by what had happened to argue, I turned back
to Rodrigo and said, “Among my people, we have a word for a warrior who has the vision to be just
and the courage to be merciful: We call such a man “El Cid,” the lord, and so you shall be known to
me and those of my city as long as we both shall live.” Then I spurred my horse and rode at the head
of my men back to the city of Zaragoza. I worried about what I would tell my father once I arrived, for
I never considered breaking my sacred oath, and I never did fight against Castile again, but, consumed
by my own thoughts, I did not consider the trouble that would come to Rodrigo for this act of mercy.
When Rodrigo and his men returned to Alcocer, Rodrigo went straight to the prince and con-
fessed what he had done. Prince Sancho was deeply troubled, as he had no recourse but to return
Rodrigo to the court at Burgos, where he would be tried for treason.
Meanwhile, at Burgos, Gimena had been busy preparing for her wedding day. She was Count
Gormaz’s only child, and, in between the daydreams she entertained of her
future happiness with Rodrigo, she worried about leaving her father.
As she was packing some of her dowry into the beautiful ornate
trunks her father had ordered for her, Princess Uracca entered her chamber.
Gimena bowed to the princess, who then signaled her to rise. “I see that
you have not heard the news of Rodrigo,” said the princess, with a prac-
ticed look of concern on her face.
“No, your majesty, I have not. What has happened to Rodrigo? Can
you tell me?” asked Gimena, her voice fraught with worry.
“Yes,” said the princess, with the smile of a cat for a mouse, “I can
tell you.”
Just then, Gimena’s father, Count Gormaz, stormed through the door.
“What is it, Father?” asked Gimena. “Has Rodrigo been hurt?”
Count Gormaz looked at her with troubled eyes. “I only wish he had been hurt; it would make
things so much easier. Do you love him so much, Gimena?”
“Two names only mean love to me, Father and Rodrigo. Father, what has happened to Rodrigo?
You must tell me.”
“Gimena, I have no wife and no son. Only you can carry my name, and I will not let you dishon-
or it by marrying Rodrigo. I should have had a son.”
“Rodrigo will be your son, Father. What dishonor could he possibly bring to our family name?”
“Could you love a traitor, Gimena?” asked the princess slyly.
“Since I love Rodrigo, that question can never have meaning, your highness.”
“You are young. You can learn to love again,” said the count.
“Could I learn to love another father?” asked Gimena.
“Rodrigo is a traitor,” said the princess. “He is to be tried before the king within the hour.
Accompany me, and you can see his guilt for yourself.”
Count Gormaz led the way to the throne room, and Princess Uracca seated herself upon the dais
with King Ferdinand and her brothers Prince Sancho and Prince Alfonso.
After the royal family took their seats, the court herald announced, “This court is convened by
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

order of his royal highness King Ferdinand I, King

of Castile, Leon, and Asturias. Count Gormaz has
brought the charge of treason against Rodrigo Diaz
de Vivar, son of Don Diego Lainez. Who will speak
for Rodrigo?”
“I will,” spoke Don Diego, Rodrigo’s father.
He looked very old and troubled as he stood before
the court.
“Count Gormaz, lay your charge,” instructed
the herald.
The count looked young and powerful beside
the aging Don Diego. “This is not a charge I would
bring lightly against any man, especially a man who
was soon to have been my son. But a man who
could free Moorish kings, the sworn enemies of our
King Ferdinand, son or no son, I must call such a
man a traitor.”
“I would like to hear how Rodrigo answers these charges brought against him. Bring the prisoner
forward.” At the king’s command, two guards brought Rodrigo forward in chains. “Release him from
these chains. You have always proven yourself to be a loyal subject, Rodrigo, and have fought many
battles beside my son in our wars against the Moors. How do you explain your actions? They certain-
ly have the appearance of treason.”
“Sire, it is true that I let the Moors live. During that last battle I fought with the caliph’s son, I
lost my taste for battle. He is a man I admire, for he is a valiant warrior, and I suddenly asked myself,
why are we killing each other? True, there have always been wars between us; they are Moors and we
are Christians, but fighting just leads to more fighting. It seemed to me on that morning that an act of
mercy might break the cycle of war and give us a chance for peace. We have fought battle after battle
over Alcocer, and nothing has ever stopped the Moors from attacking again and again. I believe that
the caliph’s son is an honorable man, and he has sworn his allegiance to you, your majesty, and prom-
ised never to fight against any of your subjects again. This seemed a better path to peace than killing
or ransoming our captives.”
“Treason!” shouted Count Gormaz. “He admits his treason. You have no choice, Sire, but to put
him to death.”
Then Don Diego stood up to his full height and answered. “Your Majesty, he slurs the honor of
our family; this cannot be. I too was once the king’s champion, and I demand satisfaction.”
“That was many years ago,” said the king gently. “Perhaps it is best to leave the matter in our
“No, Sire, there were things said here that cannot be forgotten by those in this royal assembly.
Count Gormaz, I looked forward to the uniting of our two families, but now I am grateful that dishonor
will not beset my house. Count Gormaz of Oviedo, when you call my son a liar, I say you lie.”
Count Gormaz struggled to control his anger. “I am the king’s champion. I would not want to
shame my blade with an old man’s blood, yet no man can call me a liar and live.”
“Liar!” shouted Don Diego.
The count’s anger boiled over, and taking his silver gauntlet in his hand, he stepped forward and
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

struck Don Diego a fierce blow across the face, drawing a fine line of blood across his cheek. Don
Diego then drew his sword to face the count. The count struck several blows, and Don Diego warded
them off as best he could, but his strength could not match the count’s, and it seemed that the fight
would soon conclude in Don Diego’s death.
Just then Rodrigo rushed forward and took his father’s sword from his trembling hands. “Your
quarrel is with me, Count Gormaz. You will not shame my father so. Apologize to him, so that he
may have his name back, clean and unstained.”
“I cannot apologize,” said the count. “I have no
pity for those who have outlived their usefulness, but if
you want to fight me Rodrigo, I will oblige you.”
“Count, do not stain my life and Gimena’s with
your blood. Apologize to my father. People will only
esteem you the more for it.”
“I see you have courage and honor, and now I
remember why I once thought you were worthy of
becoming my son, but I will not apologize.” The count
raised his sword and struck at Rodrigo, forcing him to
defend himself. Rodrigo warded off the count’s blows
as the fight began in earnest. It was not a fair fight.
Count Gormaz was a very fit forty and, as the king’s
champion, had fought dozens of times in hand-to-hand
combat. Although Rodrigo had proven himself in
many battles against the Moors, most of his fighting
had been done on horseback, and he was not an expert
at hand-to-hand fighting as the count was. He did his
best to defend himself, but the count was heavier and
well-muscled, and Rodrigo’s arms began to tire as he wielded the heavy-bladed mandoble. The count
struck Rodrigo on the arm, slicing a deep gash that bled freely. As Rodrigo drew back in pain, a cry
came from the crowd. Her father turned toward Gimena’s voice, and Rodrigo’s blade, though aimed at
the count’s sword, swung wide, and the count was impaled on Rodrigo’s sword. The count staggered
backward, gasping and holding his chest as blood began to bubble from his mouth. Then the count
fell, never to rise again.
Rodrigo and Gimena both knelt at the count’s side and listened to him utter his last words.
“Father, Father!” cried Gimena, cradling his head in her lap.
“Avenge me as my son would, Gimena,” whispered the count. “Don’t let me die unavenged.”
Rodrigo clasped Gimena’s blood-stained hand across her father’s lifeless body. “I did not seek
your father’s life, Gimena,” he said desperately. “You must believe me.”
“No, you did not seek his life, but you knew he could only answer as he did, and you were pre-
pared to kill him. You have bought your honor with my sorrow,” answered Gimena bitterly.
“There was no other way for me. I could not let my father fight, nor leave his name dishonored.
The man you chose to love could do only what I did. “
“Did you think the woman you chose to love could do less than you? I will make myself worthy
of you, Rodrigo; I will learn to hate you!”
“Sire, I call for justice,” shouted Gimena, as she faced the dais where all the royal family stood,
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

stunned by what had happened. “This man who already stood

accused of treason has killed the king’s champion; surely now he
must die.”
King Ferdinand felt anguish in his heart because, as the
fight began, he had thought to stop it but concluded that the con-
flict would resolve itself once first blood was drawn. Now he
blamed himself for the catastrophic conclusion.
“Guards, arrest this man. He will sit in the dungeon while
we prepare for his trial.”
Rodrigo was led away in chains to await his trial the fol-
lowing day. He spent an uncomfortable and doubt-filled night,
wondering about the wisdom of what he had done. Had it indeed
been treason to let the Moors go? Rodrigo turned the idea over
and over in his mind as he paced his dark, narrow prison cell.
Early the following morning, the nobles of Burgos met for
Rodrigo’s trial. He was summoned to the throne room and was
once more confronted by the men who would judge him.
It was at this moment that fortune’s wheel turned again, and
Rodrigo’s luck returned to him. Just after the guards had taken
the chains from Rodrigo’s wrists, the doors to the throne room
were thrust open, and King Ferdinand’s brother, King Ramiro of Aragon, strode into the hall accompa-
nied by five strong knights.
“I will not stand on ceremony, Ferdinand,” said King Ramiro in a strong, commanding voice.
“Three times I have written you on the matter of the city of Calahorra and have received no answer.
The city of Calahorra belongs to Aragon, and I have come to claim it.”
Prince Sancho stepped forward to answer the claim. “The city of Calahorra has always belonged
to Castile. His Majesty, King Ferdinand of Leon, Castile, and Asturias denies these claims.”
King Ramiro marched closer to the throne and issued the challenge. “Ramiro, King of Aragon,
by the grace of God, does this day challenge King Ferdinand to meet him in battle on the plains of
Calahorra with all the forces he can command. To the victor in this battle and his heirs, the city of
Calahorra shall belong in perpetuity.”
King Ferdinand rose to face his brother, “No, our Christian kingdoms are threatened by the
Moors, and yet you would have us fighting among ourselves. What greater comfort could there be for
our enemies than to see two Christian kingdoms tear each other apart?”
“There is another way, Ferdinand,” said King Ramiro with an ominous smile. “Why not let
Calahorra’s fate be decided by single combat between your champion and mine?”
“Now I know why you have so suddenly appeared to press this ancient grievance, Ramiro. Your
spies must have gotten the word to you very quickly that our champion is dead.”
“Surely you don’t think that I could have gotten word that fast, Ferdinand. If your champion is
dead, it is simply a coincidence of timing and nothing more. But surely there is more than one man in
Castile who is worthy to be called the king’s champion. What about the man who killed your champi-
on? Surely the honor should fall upon him.” Then King Ramiro threw his gauntlet to the ground. “The
gauntlet lies there. Let one man come forward now, or give up Calahorra.”
Rodrigo shook off his guards and stepped forward, stooping to pick up the gauntlet; then he
bowed before the King. “Sire, let me pick up this gauntlet.”
Stellar Reading Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

Prince Alfonso, who had felt a secret glee at Rodrigo’s troubles, could not stand the thought of
his return to honor. “Father, you cannot entrust the fate of an entire city into Rodrigo’s inexperienced
hands. Besides, he stands accused of treason; surely the honor of the king’s champion should be
beyond reproach.”
Prince Sancho, who had felt helpless to aid Rodrigo until this moment, turned and spoke to his
father. “Father, let Rodrigo fight. He killed our champion in a fair fight. What man has a better claim
to his place?”
The king looked at Prince Sancho seated at his right hand with understanding in his eyes. “I
know the respect you have for Rodrigo, my son, but Aragon’s champion, Don Martin, has killed twen-
ty-seven men in single combat. Do you think Rodrigo should risk his life in this way?”
“Sire,” called Rodrigo, “I stand accused of treason, as well as killing Count Gormaz. I have not
had a chance to answer these charges. You have not judged me. Let me now offer myself before the
highest judge. If I am guilty, God will direct Don Martin’s lance to my heart. If I am innocent, let
God be my shield.”
The king was moved by Rodrigo’s speech but was unsure of the proper course. He turned to
Alfonso seated on his left hand. Alfonso whispered to his father, “A whole city is at stake, and surely
Rodrigo would have lost the fight if Gimena had not distracted the count.”
“The point is,” said Prince Sancho from the right side, “he did defeat our champion, and I have
seen his valor on the field. Rodrigo is a great warrior, worthy of becoming the new champion.”
King Ferdinand, still unsure, looked to his third child, the Princess
Uracca, seated beside Prince Sancho. The princess’s heart had born much
upheaval that day. She had despaired when Rodrigo had stood accused of trea-
son, and she felt fear and triumph as he fought the count. She had rejoiced as
she watched Gimena’s love turn to hate. Then she had felt anguish again as
Rodrigo was placed in chains. Now she held Rodrigo’s fate in her hands. In
one way, she would feel a great relief if he died, and perhaps in time her love
would fade, but now she still loved him too much to be the agent of his death,
and so she spoke, “Let him fight, Father. He has much to fight for.”
The king saw the wisdom of his daughter’s words and so with determina-
tion he said, “Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, take up the gauntlet, and may God give
you strength.”
And so, Rodrigo lost his love and gained his life in the course of one day. Whether the fortunate
star under which he had been born would choose to shine on him as he fought for the honor of his king
and country, only the contest for Calahorra would prove.

Stellar Reading Medieval Times
Reading Comprehension El Cid: Chapter 4

Read the following questions and circle the letter of the answer that best completes it.

1. Rodrigo knows in his heart that the answer to the puzzle about the arrow that shot Prince Sancho
is that
a. Sancho was shot by a Moorish archer.
b. Sancho was wounded by al-Mutamin.
c. Sancho’s injury was an accidental shot from Alfonso’s bow.
d. Alfonso or Vellido wounded Sancho.

2. Rodrigo and Gimena’s marriage is arranged by their fathers primarily because

a. the two young people are in love.
b. the two are well past the usual age of marriage.
c. the fathers want to form an alliance between their houses.
d. their marriage is the king’s idea, and the fathers want to please him.

3. Everyone is happy about the upcoming marriage except

a. Prince Alfonso.
b. Prince Sancho.
c. King Ferdinand.
d. Princess Uracca.

4. Rodrigo’s knighthood ceremony is interrupted by

a. an attack against Alcocer by Moorish forces.
b. a call back to Burgos.
c. a need to ride to Burgos for reinforcements.
d. Prince Alfonso’s jealousy.

5. Al-Mutamin’s forces have decided to attack Alcocer again for all of the following reasons except
a. they have formed a new alliance with the powerful city Valencia.
b. they have formed an alliance with ben Yusuf and his Almoravide army.
c. they have made secret plans with the Moors of Alcocer to attack the city from within and
without simultaneously.
d. they take the city by surprise by attacking at night.

6. Rodrigo is dubbed a knight

a. on the field of battle.
b. in the chapel at Valencia.
c. in the palace at Burgos.
d. by Father Jeronimo.

7. When Rodrigo and al-Mutamin fight for the second time

a. al-Mutamin is killed.
b. Rodrigo is injured.
c. they develop respect for each other’s skill and valor.
d. al-Mutamin takes Rodrigo’s horse.

Stellar Reading Medieval Times
Reading Comprehension El Cid: Chapter 4

8. Rodrigo frees al-Mutamin and the caliph of Valencia for all of the following reasons except
a. Prince Sancho has ordered him to do so.
b. he is tired of fighting the Moors.
c. he believes al-Mutamin will honor his pledge not to fight against Castile again.
d. he thinks that freeing the Moors might give them a chance at peace.

9. Al-Mutamin gives Rodrigo the title of El Cid because

a. Rodrigo has defeated him in battle.
b. it is a name given warriors who have the courage to be just and merciful.
c. it is a name of disrespect.
d. Rodrigo has not killed him.

10. Count Gormaz considers Rodrigo a traitor for all of the following reasons except
a. Rodrigo acted without authority when he let the Moors go.
b. the count believes that releasing enemies of the kingdom is treasonous.
c. Rodrigo has broken his engagement with Gimena.
d. released enemies will return to fight another day.

11. Don Diego challenges Count Gormaz to fight because

a. his youth and vigor make it probable that he will defeat the count.
b. he is sure that Rodrigo will fight in his stead.
c. the count has stained the honor of his family name and must be challenged.
d. Don Diego is the king’s champion and is sure to win the fight.

12. Rodrigo kills Count Gormaz because

a. he in angry with the count for dishonoring his father.
b. it is the only way Gimena will be free to marry him.
c. he wants to become the king’s new champion.
d. Gimena’s cry distracts the count, and Rodrigo kills him accidentally.

13. The count’s last words to Gimena are that

a. he loves her.
b. she must avenge his honor.
c. she should marry Rodrigo and be happy.
d. he is happy that he had a daughter rather than a son.

14. When Rodrigo kills her father, Gimena

a. forgives him because he acted out of honor.
b. demands that the king put him in prison.
c. asks the king to make Rodrigo his new champion.
d. decides to make herself worthy of Rodrigo by hating him forever.

15. Fortune’s wheel turns for Rodrigo when

a. he is chosen to fight for the contested city of Calahorra, rather than to be tried.
b. King Ramiro asks him to fight for Aragon.
c. Gimena becomes a nun.
4.2 d. he dishonors his family by killing Count Gormaz.
Vocabulary Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

Read the following sentences and see if you can figure out the meaning of the underlined vocabulary
words from the context. The sentences are listed in the order they appear in the story, so if you want
more context clues, you can look them up. Also, name the part of speech of each vocabulary word as it
is used in the sentence. When you finish, check your answers in the dictionary, and then write your own
sentence using the vocabulary word.

1. His fortunes had changed in the course of one day, and I had unknowningly played a part in that
a. destiny b. misfortune c. alliances d. enmities
part of speech:

2. There were two puzzles that troubled Rodrigo about the battle: Why had no one seen Prince
Alfonso or his squire during the fray, and who had thrown the Castilian spear at Prince Sancho?
a. night b. skirmish c. conspiracy d. meeting
part of speech:

3. King Ferdinand had made a Christian cathedral out of the mosque there, another blasphemy per-
petrated by the Christians in our city.
a. indulgence b. beautification c. improvement d. sacrilege
part of speech:

4. He had been fasting the whole day for the cleansing of his soul, and that night he began his vigil
in the chapel.
a. ceremony b. conclusion c. watch d. knighthood
part of speech:

5. Within minutes, the city was engulfed in flames, and it seemed that anyone who remained would
be burned to death, so the fighting moved out onto the plain.
a. overwhelmed b. illuminated c. destroyed d. pacified
part of speech:

6. Somehow, even with our vast numbers and the element of surprise, we had been bested yet again.
a. outdone b. surprised c. ambushed d. sabotaged
part of speech:

7. “I beg your leave to be one of the party,” said a deep, brusque voice.
a. smooth b. soft c. loud d. gruff
part of speech:
Vocabulary Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

8. My men’s strength was spent from the long night of fighting . . . .

a. paid b. exhausted c. renewed d. invigorated
part of speech:

9. “If you kill me, my lord, my father will not rest while a single Christian is alive in Alcocer. He
will ride against you with a vengeance more terrible than you can imagine.”
a. battalion b. retribution c. weapon d. hatred
part of speech:

10. I worried about what I would tell my father once I arrived, for I never considered breaking my
sacred oath, and I never did fight against Castile again, but, consumed by my own thoughts, I did
not consider the trouble that would come to Rodrigo for this act of mercy.
a. eaten b. swallowed c. overwhelmed d. resisted
part of speech:

11. “You have always proven yourself to be a loyal subject, Rodrigo, and have fought many battles
beside my son in our wars against the Moors. How do you explain your actions? They certainly
have the appearance of treason.”
a. disloyalty b. allegiance c. contempt d. valor
part of speech:

12. Her father turned toward Gimena’s voice, and Rodrigo’s blade, though aimed at the count’s
sword, swung wide, and the count was impaled on Rodrigo’s sword.
a. skewered b. cut c. lacerated d. concussed
part of speech:

13. “To the victor in this battle and his heirs, the city of Calahorra shall belong in perpetuity.”
a. for a lifetime b. forever c. till death d. until it is taken away
part of speech:

14. “Now I know why you have so suddenly appeared to press this ancient grievance, Ramiro. Your
spies must have gotten the word to you very quickly that our champion is dead.”
a. sorrow b. onslaught c. surprise d. complaint
part of speech:

Vocabulary Medieval Times
El Cid: Chapter 4

15. “Besides, he stands accused of treason; surely the honor of the king’s champion should be beyond
a. reach b. aspirations c. criticism d. reluctance
part of speech:

16. The princess’s heart had born much upheaval that day.
a. contentment b. distraction c. turmoil d. ambition
part of speech:

Stellar Reading Medieval Times
Discussion Questions El Cid: Chapter 4


1. What truth does Rodrigo fear to face about the mysterious Castilian spear that hit Prince Sancho?
Why do you think he is reluctant to believe what seems to be the obvious answer?

2. Why are Don Diego and Count Gormaz happy to arrange the marriage between Rodrigo and
Gimena? How will they each benefit from this union? Whom do you think will benefit the
3. Why has Uracca’s love turned to hate? Do you think that if she were free to marry Rodrigo they
would be happy together? Why or why not?

4. Why do the Moors of Zaragoza decide to fight against Alcocer again? What strategic advantages
do they have this time? With so many advantages, why are they defeated?

5. When Rodrigo is knighted on the field of Alcocer, how has he proven himself worthy of knight-

6. Why does Rodrigo free his Moorish captives? Why are his actions considered treasonous? Do
you think that he made the right decision in letting the Moors go? Why or why not?

7. What vow does al-Mutamin make in exchange for his release? How might his vow be consid-
ered treasonous to his people? Whose actions do you think are more heroic, al-Mutamin’s or

8. Why does al-Mutamin name Rodrigo, El Cid? How is the name appropriate for him?

9. Why do you think that Uracca is anxious to bring Gimena the news about Rodrigo’s “treason”?
How does Gimena react to the news? How does she show her loyalty to Rodrigo? Why does the
count believe that Gimena’s marriage to Rodrigo would dishonor his family? Do you think he is
right? Why or why not?

10. Why does Don Diego insist on fighting Count Gormaz even though he cannot hope to win? Why
does Count Gormaz fight Don Diego, even if there is no honor in it? Do you think that the code
of honor by which the two men live is more good or bad?

11. How does Rodrigo kill the count? How do you think he feels about his victory? What does the
count make Gimena promise to do for him? Do you think he is fair to ask it of her?

12. Do you think that Gimena feels more hate or love for Rodrigo? Explain.

13. How is Rodrigo saved from the ordeal of a trial? How will he prove his innocence? How has
fortune’s wheel turned for him again? Do you think he will be able to defeat Aragon’s champi-
on? Why or why not?

Writing Medieval Times
Persuasive El Cid: Chapter 4

A persuasive essay begins with an issue on which there are two or more different opinions. The first
step you, as a writer, must take is to decide what opinion you want to support. If you are unsure about
which side you want to argue, begin with a FOR and AGAINST chart. On the chart, list the best rea-
sons you can think of to be for or against the issue. You need at least three reasons for each side to
make a well-considered, balanced decision.

Imagine you have been given the topic: Should students have less homework? Look at the follow-
ing FOR and AGAINST chart to see reasons on both sides of the argument.

FOR: less homework AGAINST: less homework

1. Less homework would allow students time to 1. Too many students can’t read or write at grade
do other activities, such as take music lessons level and have low test scores.
or play on a sports team.
2. Learning to be responsible for homework now
2. With less homework, students would have is the best preparation for college.
more time to spend with their families.
3. There is not enough time in school for stu-
3. Children need some time to play and just be dents to learn everything they need to know.

For persuasive writing, think of an OREO, like the cookie. Look at the following graphic organ-
izer to see how OREO will help you write a persuasive essay. Think of the middle as “triple stuff”—
you need three good reasons and examples in the middle to be persuasive.
Remember: If persuasive points you wish to show, do not forget your OREO.

Explain the situation and express your

O pinion.
1. R eason and E xample
2. R eason and E xample
3. R eason and E xample
Review your reasons and restate your
O pinion.

Writing Medieval Times
Persuasive El Cid: Chapter 4


Writing Situation: Rodrigo takes a huge risk when he lets al-Mutamin and his men go. He knows that
many people at the court will consider what he has done treason, including Gimena’s father. Count
Gormaz agreed to the marriage of Gimena to Rodrigo because he thought that the match would bring
honor to his family name; now he feels such an alliance would bring only disgrace.

Directions for Writing: Imagine that you are a noble at King Ferdinand’s court and a friend of the
count’s. Write a letter to him in which you persuade him to either forgive Rodrigo and allow him to
marry Gimena or call off the marriage.

Organize your essay as follows:

Paragraph I: Explain the situation, and express your Opinion about whether the marriage should be
allowed or called off.

Paragraph II: State a Reason and Example to support your opinion.

Paragraph III: State a second Reason and Example.

Paragraph IV: State a third Reason and Example.

Paragraph V: Provide a counterargument and a convincing rebuttal.

Paragraph VI: Restate your Opinion.


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