Part 3

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5-BJT Transistor Modeling The key to the small-signal approach is the use of ac equivalent circuits or models.

There are

two methods regarding the equivalent circuit to be substituted for the transistor, the hybrid parameters and the re model .A model is the combination of circuit elements,
properly chosen, that best approximates the actual behavior of BJT under specific operating conditions, In summary the ac equivalent circuit of BJT amplifier is obtained by: 1- Setting all dc sources to zero-potential equivalent and replacing them by a short circuit connection to ground.

Fig 5-1 Transistor circuit under examination

Fig 5-2 the network of Fig5-1 the short circuit equivalent 2-replacing all capacitors short circuit equivalent. 3-Removing all element bypassed by the short circuit equivalents introduced by steps 1 &2 4-Redrawing the circuit in a more convenient and logical forms (Fig5-3).

Fig 5-3 small-signal ac analysis 5-use the hybrid or re equivalent circuit of the BJT to complete the equivalent circuit of the amplifier 6- Finally, the following important parameters are determined for the amplifier: 1-Input impedance Zi 2-Output impedance Zo 3-Voltage gain Av


4-Current gain Ai 5-phase relationship () The re Transistor Model The re model employs a diode and controlled current source to duplicate the behavior of a transistor. A current-controlled current Sources is one where the parameters of the current source are controlled by a current else where in the network, in general BJT transistor amplifiers are referred to as current-controlled device. Common-Base Configuration (CB)

Fig 5-4(a) CB BJT transistor (b) re Model for the configuration of (a). ac resistance of a diode can be determined by the equation rac=26mV / ID Same equation can be used to find the ac resistance of the diode of Fig5-4(a) if we simply substitute the emitter current as follows:

e of re was chosen to emphasize that it is the dc level of emitter current that determines the ac level of the resistance of the diode of Fig 5-4(b). Substituting the resulting value of re in Fig 54(b) will result in the very useful model of fig 5-5

Fig 5-5 CB re equivalent circuit For the CB, Zi range from a few ohms to a maximum of about 50 If we set the signal to zero (Vi=0) then Ie = 0A and Ic = Ie = (0A) = 0A,Resulting in an open-circuit equivalence at the output terminals

For the CB configuration, values of Zo are in M range for CB the input impedance is relatively small and the output impedance quite high




Fig 5-6 Av=Vo/Vi for CB

Fig 5-7 approximate model for a CB npn transistor configuration Example 3: CB configuration with IE=4mA, =0.98, and an ac of 2mV applied between the base and emitter. Determine the Zi . Calculate Av if a load of 0.56k is connected to the output terminals, find the Zo and Ai Solution:


Common-Emitter Configuration (CE) For the CE configuration the emitter is common between input and output ports of amplifier. Substituting the re equivalent cct for npn transistor will result in fig5-8, IB is the input current while IC is the output current


Fig5-8(a) CE BJT (b) approximate model

Fig 5-9

Zi using the approximate model


Fig5-10 re on input impedance For the CE configuration Zi defined by re rang from a few hundred ohms to the k range, with maximums of about 6-7 k [5-5]


Fig 5-11 ro equivalent circuit

Fig 5-12 Determining Av & Ai for the CE



Fig5-13 re model for the CE configuration Example 4: =120 and IE=3.2mA for CE configuration with ro=, determine

Common-Collector Configuration (CC) For the CC configuration the model of CE configuration is normally applied.


The Hybrid (h-parameter) Equivalent Model re model for the transistor is sensitive to the dc level of operation of the amplifier. For the hybrid equivalent model the parameters are defined at an operating point that may or may not reflect the actual operating conditions of the amplifier For the basic three-terminal electronic device there are two ports (pairs of terminals) of interest. The set at the left will represent the input terminals, and the set at the right, the output terminals.

Fig5-14 Two port system For each set of terminals, there are two variables of interest [5-8a] [5-8b] The parameters relating the four variables are called h-parameters from the word hybrid (V& I) Set Vo=0(short circuit the output terminals) and solve Eq[5-8a] for h11

=hi() short circuit input impedance parameter Set Ii equal to zero by opening the input, the following will result for h12

=hr open circuit reverse transfer voltage ratio Eq[5-8b] Vo=0 by shorting the output terminals, will result for h21

=hf short cct forward transfer current ratio Again opening the input leads by set Ii =0 and solving for h22

=ho(S) open-circuit output admittance Since each term of Eq[5-8a] has the unit volt, let us apply KVL in reverse to find a circuit that fits the equation as in shown Fig5-15


Fig5-15 Hybrid input equivalent circuit Since each term of Eq[5-16b] has the units of current, let us now apply KCL in reverse to obtain the circuit of Fig5-16

Fig5-16 Hybrid output equivalent circuit. The complete ac equivalent circuit for the basic three-terminal linear device is indicated in Fig5-17 with a new set of subscripts for the h-parameters.

Fig5-17 complete hybrid equivalent circuit

The circuit of Fig5-17 is applicable to any linear three-terminal electronic device or system with no internal independent sources. Common Emitter Configuration (CE) The hybrid equivalent network for the CE configuration is shown Fig5-18, Note that : Ii = Ib Io=Ic Vi=Vbe Vo=Vce

Fig5-18 CE configuration, (a) graphical symbol (b) hybrid


Common Base Configuration (CB) The hybrid equivalent network for the CB configuration is shown Fig5-19, Note that: Ii = Ie Io=Ic Vi=Veb Vo=Vcb

Fig5-19 CB configuration (a) graphical symbol (b) hybrid The networks of Figs 5-18 & 5-19 are applicable for pnp or npn transistors. There are three different sets of h-parameters (Table 5-1).

Table5-2 lists typical parameter values in each of the three transistor configurations

Approximate CE & CB hybrid equivalent circuit Since hre & hrb are normally small quantity, their removal is approximated by hre ~ 0 and hreVo = 0, resulting in a short-circuit equivalent for the feedback element as shown in Fig5-20 The resistance determined by 1/hoe & 1/hob are large enough to be ignored, in comparison to a parallel load, which can be replaced by an open circuit equivalent for the CE and CB models,

Fig5-20 Effect of removing hre & hoe The resulting equivalent circuit (fig5-21) is quite similar to the general structure of the CB & CE

Fig5-21 approximate hybrid model


Hybrid versus re model CE configuration

Hybrid versus re model CB configuration Fig5-22 Hybrid versus re model (a) CE configuration (b) CB configuration [5-9] [5-10] [5-11] [5-12] Note that the minus sign in Eq[5-12] account for the fact that the current source of the standard hybrid equivalent circuit is pointing down rather than in the actual direction as shown in the re model of fig 5-22b Example 5:


Fig5-23 CE hybrid cct for Ex 5:


Fig5-24 CB re model of Ex 5: SUMMARY 1-Amplification in the ac domain cannot be obtained without the application of dc biasing level. 2- For most applications the BJT amplifier can be considered linear, permitting the use of the superposition theorem to separate the dc and ac analyses and designs. 3- A model is the combination of circuit elements, carefully chosen, that best approximates the behavior of a BJT for a particular set of operating conditions. 4- When introducing the ac model for a BJT: a. all dc sources are set to zero and replaced by a short circuit connection to ground. b. all capacitors are replaced by a short-circuit equivalent. c. all elements in parallel with an introduced short-circuit equivalent should be removed from the network. d. the network should be redrawn as often as possible. 5- The input impedance of an ac network cannot be measured with an ohm-meter. 6- The output impedance of an amplifier is measured with the applied signal set to zero. It cannot be measured with an ohmmeter. 7- For all transistor amplifiers, the no-load gain is always greater than the loaded gain. 8- The gain from source to load is always reduced by the internal resistance of the source 9-The current gain of an amplifier is very sensitive to the input impedance of the amplifier and the applied load. 10- The re model for a transistor is very sensitive to the dc biasing network of the amplifier. 11- An output impedance for the re model can be included only if obtained from a data sheet or from a graphical measurement from the characteristic curves. 12- For the common-base configuration, the input impedance is generally quite small and the output impedance quite large. In addition, the voltage gain can be quite large, but the current gain is always very close to 1. 13- For the common-emitter configuration, the input impedance generally is approximately a few kilohms, and the output impedance is relatively large. In addition, the common-emitter configuration can a have a relatively high voltage and current gain.


14- The parameters of a hybrid equivalent model for a transistor are provided for a particular set of dc operating conditions. However, four parameters are provided rather than the two that normally appear for the re model. For some applications the reverse transfer voltage ratio and the typical output impedance normally found in the re model can be quite important. Equation


6-BJT small signal Analysis 1-Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Configuration (CE) Input signal Vi is applied to the base of the transistor , recognized that the input current Ii is not the base current but the source current, while the output current Io is the collector current. The small-signal ac analysis begins by: 1- Removing the dc effects of Vcc and replacing the dc blocking capacitors Cl and C2 by shortcircuit equivalents, resulting in the network of Fig6-2. Note in Fig6-2 that the common ground of the dc supply and the emitter resistor permits the relocation of RB and RC in parallel with the input and output sections of the transistor

Fig 6-1CE fixed bias configuration

Fig6-2 removal of effects of VCC, C1, C2

2-Substituting the approximate re small-signal equivalent circuit for the transistor of Fig6-2 will result in the network of Fig6-3 performing following results

Fig6-3 re model to the network 3- The next step is to determine , re, and ro The magnitude of obtained from a specification sheet The magnitude of re determine from a dc analysis of the system The magnitude of ro obtained from a specification sheet Zi from fig6-3 [6-1] If RB>>10 re then [6-2] Zo Determined when Vi=0 , Ii = Ib=0 , resulting in an open-circuit equivalence for the current source, the result is shown in fig 6-4

Fig6-4 Determining Zo for the network


[6-3] If ro 10 RC

[6-4] Av the resistor ro and RC are in parallel, and But

So that

And [6-5] If ro 10 RC

[6-6] Ai


[6-7] If ro 10 RC and RB 10 re

[6-8] For checking

[6-9] Phase Relationship: the negative sign in the resulting equation for the Av reveals that a 180 phase shift occurs between the input and output signals, as shown in fig6-5


Fig6-5 180 phase shift between input & output The simplicity of moving from one model to other by: hfe = and hie = re Example 1: For the network of Fig 6-6

Fig 6-6 Solution:


Zo Av


As a check



2-Voltage Divider Bias (bypassed CE configuration)

Fig6-7 voltage divider bias Configuration Substituting the approximate re equivalent circuit will result the network of Fig7-8.

Fig6-8 substituting the re equivalent circuit into the ac equivalent network [6-10] Zi [6-11] Zo with Vi = 0V resulting in Ib = 0 A and Ib = 0A

[6-12] If ro 10 RC [6-13] Av since RC and ro are in parallel

[6-14] For ro 10RC




[6-16] For ro 10 RC


[6-18] For checking [6-19]

Phase Relationship: the negative sign in the resulting equation for the Av reveals that a 180 phase shift occurs between the output Vo and input Vi Example 2:

Fig6-9 Example 2 (f) Find the parameters of parts (b) through (e) if r0 = 1/hoe = 50 k and compare Solution:

The approximate approach:


(e) The condition R' 10re (7.15 k 10(1.66K) = 16.6K is not satisfied, Therefore

The condition ro 10RC (50K 10(6.8K) = 68K) is not satisfied. Therefore

3-CE Emitter-Bias Configuration a- Un bypassed Un bypassed configurations appears in Fig6-10. Substituting the approximate re equivalent model will result in Fig.6-11

Fig6-10 CE Un bypassed configuration

Fig6-11 re equivalent for circuit of fig6-10

[6-20] Is normally much greater than 1, the approximate equation is the following


Fig6-12 the input impedance of an un bypassed CE Since RE is often much greater than re


[6-22] Zi [6-23] ZO with Vi set to zero, Ib = 0 and Ib can be replaced by an open - circuit [6-24] Av

[6-25] Zb =(re + RE) gives [6-26] For the approximation Zb RE [6-27] Ai


[6-29] Phase Relationship: the negative sign in the resulting equation for the Av reveals that a 180 phase shift occurs between the output Vo and input Vi


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Effect of ro Zi

[6-30] Since the ratio RC / ro is always much less than ( + 1) For ro 10(RC + RE ) Since +1 the following equation is an excellent one for most application: [6-31] Zo

[6-32] However, ro >> re and

This can be written as 1/ < 1and re/RE <1 a sum usually less than one. The result is a multiplying factor for ro greater than one. For =100, re =10, and R E =1k:

Which is certainly simply RC . Therefore [6-33] Av


rO 10RC [6-35]


Ai [6-36] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b- Bypassed CE configuration If RE of fig6-7 is bypassed by an emitter capacitor CE the complete re equivalent model can be substituted resulting the same equivalent network as for fig 6-8 Example 3: For the network of fig6-13, without CE (un bypassed) determine:

Fig6-13 Example 3: Solution:


rO 10RC is satisfied. Therefore Av

Compared to -3.93 using Av -RC/RE Ai

Compared to 104.85 using

Ai RB / (RB + Zb )


Example 4: Repeat the analysis of Example: 3 with CE in place Solution:

Example 5: For the network of fig6-14, determine (using appropriate approximation)

Fig6-14 Example5: Solution:

(b) The ac equivalent circuit is provided in fig6-15. The resulting configuration is now different from fig6-11 only by the fact that now

Fig6-15 ac equivalent Testing condition of ro 10(RC + RE) and ro 10RC are both satisfied. Using appropriate approximations yields


Repeat Example 5: with CE in place

4-Emitter-Follower Configuration Since the output is taken from the emitter terminal of the transistor as shown in Fig6-16, the network is emitter-follower. The output voltage is always slightly less than the input signal due to the drop from base to emitter, but the approximation Av 1. The fact that Vo "follows" the magnitude of Vi with an in-phase relationship for the emitter-follower. The emitter-follower configuration used for impedance-matching purposes, it presents high impedance at the input and low impedance at the output

Fig 6-16 Emitter-follower configuration

Fig6-17 re model for network of fig 6-16


Zi [6-37] [6-38] [6-39] [6-40] Zo

[6-41] Construct the network defined by the equation above; the configuration of fig 6-18 will result

Fig6-18 the output impedance for Emitter-follower With Vi set to zero [6-42] Since RE is typically much greater than re, the following approximation is [6-43] Av the voltage divider rules

[6-44] Since RE is usually much greater than re, (RE + re ) RE and





[6-47] Phase Relationship: the resulting equation for the Av reveals that the output Vo and input Vi are in phase for the emitter-follower configuration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Effect of r0 Zi

[6-48] Ro 10RE is satisfied


ro 10RE


[6-50] ro>> re [6-51] Av

[6-52] Ro 10RE is satisfied and we use the approximation +1


[6-53] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example 7: For the emitter-follower network of Fig6-19 determine;

Fig6-19 example 7: Repeat part (b) through (e) with ro = 25K and compare result Solution:


Matching the earlier result Therefore, a good approximation for the actual results can be obtained by simply ignoring the effects of ro for this configuration. The network of fig6-20 equations changed only by replacing RB by R' = R1 R2 Fig6-21 will also provide the input/output characteristics of an emitter-follower but includes a collector resistor RC. In this case RB is again replaced by the parallel combination of R1 and R2. The input impedance Zi and output impedance Zo are unaffected by RC since it is not ret1ected into the base or emitter equivalent. In fact, the only effect of RC will be to determine the Q-point of operation

Fig6-20E-follower with voltage divider

Fig6-21 E-follower with RC


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