5.BJT Small Signal Analysis - Part1
5.BJT Small Signal Analysis - Part1
5.BJT Small Signal Analysis - Part1
Amplification in the AC domain
For the analysis and design of the dc and ac components
of BJT network, we can separate the analysis of dc and ac
response of the system.
First, we make a complete dc analysis of a system and
then the ac response can be determined using a
completely ac analysis.
Amplification in AC Domain
In this chapter, the amplification will be expressed as
voltage gain (Av) and current gain (Ai)
AC & DC Supplies
DC supply
AC components
AC supplies
AC equivalent
To do analysis in ac-domain, the circuit has to transform
into its ac equivalent circuit
There are four steps have to be taken:
1. Set all DC source to zero (grounded)
2. Replace all capacitors with a short-circuit equivalent
3. Remove elements that will be bypass by the short-circuit
4. Redraw the network for convenient look
AC equivalent
Consider a voltage-divider bias configuration:
AC equivalent
Step 1: Set all DC source to zero (grounded)
AC equivalent
At input:
Vi Veb I e re
Ii Ie
Vi I e re
Zi re
Ii Ie
CB Configuration
For output, I0 = -IC due to the two-port reverse current
V0 will be determined later when load (RL) is inserted
For Z0, it will be determined by the transistors output
Notice that the slope
remains the same for any
input current
And the slope is very close
to a perfect horizontal
This means the resistance
is infinity (Z0 )
CB Configuration
If a load (RL) is connected at output terminal, voltage gain
(Av) and current gain (Ai) can be defined
Vi I i Z i I e re Ii Ie
V0 - I 0 Z 0 -(- I c )( RL ) I e RL I 0 - I c -I e
V0 I e RL RL I 0 - I e
Av Ai -
Vi I e re re Ii Ie
CB Configuration
A load is connected at the output terminal:
CB Configuration
For npn transistor, the only difference is the current flow
For this case the current Ii and I0 are reversed resulting in
Ii = -Ie and I0 = IC = Ie
Problem 5.5
For the common-base configuration, an ac signal of 10
mV is applied, resulting in an emitter current of 0.5 mA.
If = 0.980, determine:
a. Zi
b. V0 if RL = 1.2 k
c. Av
d. Z0
e. Ai
f. Ib
Problem 5.5
Convert the CB And then convert it into the
configuration into its re equivalent circuit:
equivalent circuit:
Problem 5.5
ac voltage,Vi = 10 mV
Ie = 0.5 mA
= 0.980
small letter subscript for ac
capital letter subscript for dc
Problem 5.5
a) As for Zi = re:
Vi Vi 10m
Z i re 20
I i I e 0.5m
- I0
V0 - I 0 RL -(- I c ) RL I e RL
(0.980)(0.5m)(1.2k ) 0.588 V
Problem 5.5
V0 0.588
Av 58.8
Vi 10m
d) For Z0, by removing the RL will result in high
impedance (open-circuit equivalent):
Problem 5.5
e) For current gain, Ai = Io / Ii:
I 0 - I C - I e
Av - -0.980
Ii Ie Ie
f) All BJT have the same current equation:
Ie Ib Ic
I b I e - I c I e - I e (1 - ) I e
(1 - 0.980)0.5m 10 A
CE Configuration
Lets consider a CE configuration using an npn transistor:
CE Configuration
Transforming into its
equivalent ac model: Same with CB
configuration, at input
terminal the current must
flow from terminal B to E
(equivalent to a diode)
At output terminal, the
collector current is
dependent to the base
current, Ic = Ib
(equivalent to a
dependent source)
CE Configuration
Transforming the ac equivalent model into re equivalent
CE Configuration
In order to convert the re model in Figure 1 to re model in
Figure 2, the current Ie need to independent by not depending
on Ib and Ic. As for that re need to be reconfigured
Figure 1 Figure 2
CE Configuration
In dc, the emitter current IE = ( + 1)IB. The equation still
remains the same in ac condition:
I e ( 1) I b
All the input parameters will be:
Vi Vbe I e re ( 1) I b re
Ii Ib
Vi ( 1) I b re
Zi ( 1)re
Ii Ib
However, in ac, is usually sufficiently larger than 1, so the
Z i re
CE Configuration
For output, I0 = IC and V0 will be determined when RL is
For Z0, it will be determined by the transistors output
Notice that the slope is different from various input current
As for that, a resistance r0
connected from terminal C to E
is equivalent to this slope
(Z0 = r0 )
CE Configuration
The complete re model for CE configuration:
CE Configuration
For a load situation:
Problem 5.7
Using the model given, determine the following for a
common-emitter amplifier if = 80, IE = 2 mA and r0 = 40
a) Zi
b) Ib
c) Ai if RL = 1.2 k
d) Av if RL = 1.2 k
Problem 5.7
a) From the re model given, Zi = re:
26 mV 26m
re 13
IE 2m
Z i re 80(13) 1.04 k
a) Ib can be obtained from IE:
I E ( 1) I B
IE 2m
IB 24.69 A
1 80 1
Even though IB is a dc current, Ib = IB due to the current can only
flow in one direction (diode equivalent):
I b 24.69 A
Problem 5.7
c) For Ai, examine the Ii and I0 first:
For I0, r0 and RL is in parallel. In that case,Vec can be
I b ec ec
r0 RL
I b r0 RL (80)(24.69 )(40k )(1.2k )
Vec 2.301 V
r0 RL 40k 1.2k
From Ohms law:
Vec 2.301
I0 I L 1.918 mA
RL 1.2k
Problem 5.7
As Ii is equal to Ib, the current gain can be obtained now:
d) For Av:
I 0 1.918m
Ai 77.68
I i 24.69
h ie = re h ib = r e
h fe = h fb = -
h oe = 1/r o