The Alchemy of Magic

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Archangel Zadkiel Astrea Aurora

I am the Lord Merlin, through my beloved channel Astrea, in the first of a series of transmissions for workers of the light to assist them in their walk of ascension .. and of mastery. I bring to the earth plane many new dispensations of assistance and blessings .. to alleviate the burden of this path to mastery each of you walks .. to lighten the load .. and to bring cosmic tools, a set of tools beloveds .. to effect great change and transformation. Let us begin .. opening your channels of light to connect with the Source realms, and with mother earth .. creating a secure pathway of light through which may flood al the rays of celestial

delight the angelics wish to bring you. All the celestial rays of colour and of healing, of light and of transformation .. they bring to you .. creating a vibrancy in your field which casts to the outer extremities those dualities and sadnesses and fears and lacks .. and the voidal beings of light take these, transmuting to the void with light. And as you breathe, all the dimensions of your being receive a great influx of radiant light. And you are filled with knowledge of your divinity, able to experience the divinity which is uncovered .. within the vacuum created by the release of those former dualities. Able beloveds to know and to trust in those which are your deepest dreams and yearnings. For your heart holds mastery, holds the wisdom of all the ages, knows of both past and future .. knows of your destiny and of that which you hold. In the deepest core of your radiant heart is held the knowledge of your divinity and of the especial gifts you hold. Breathe deeply, and go deeply to your core where is held the inner knowing and truth .. beyond the doubts .. going deeper beyond the fears .. deeper beyond the challenges you feel at fully uncovering all that holds you from your magnificence, your mastery .. deeper, deeper to the very core of your heart where is held the knowledge of the divine one who is you, who holds no fears, no doubts, no uncertainties of the divinity held inherently at your core. Going ever deeper, beyond the experiences of the aeons that hold you back in memory of that which has transpired across these ages of man .. beyond the perceptions you have taken on as your own .. those of the collective of man .. deeper, deeper, beyond the pains and sadnesses, torments and loneliness of your various paths of life .. ever deeper to the very core of your radiant heart where is held no sadness, no perception of separateness, no experience of inability to express your divinity, or your divine talents and gifts .. to the very core of your being, wherein is expressed your divinity, your godliness. Passing through all the dimensions of your being, through all the dimensions of all of your existences .. to the radiant core of your unlimited being. And surrendering now, and offering up all the dualities you have passed within to reach this molten core of radiant light which is at the very centre of your being .. all that you have passed through ..

all the experiences .. all the patterns .. all the perceptions of negativity and of doubt and of fear and of anger and of inability and of loneliness, of separation, of no connection, of doubts of your abilities and fears that you will ever be able to plumb the depths of your being to express and embody those gifts you hold .. gathering up all of these dualities .. with the angelic ones who surround you gathering these .. lifting them aloft from your being. And now my magical field demagnetizes the electro-magnetic field of your being of all negativity, duality and distortion .. the field of Merlins manifestation of magical magnetism .. as the circle of fire of Purity and Astrea encircles the distortions and dualities that preclude you from experiencing all of your magnificence. Surrender these distortions and dualities that they may be demagnetized from your being, gathered by the angels, and placed inside the circle of fiery light .. and cut now by the sword of truth, which cuts away all that is not of light, all that is not of the truth of your original divinity, all that is not of your divine blueprint .. as all that is of duality is demagnetized and cast from your being. And what remains is the radiance and the beauty that is at your core, untouched by time and by experience .. holding your original divinity, your unique seed of godliness. As you breathe deeply to experience this seed of god which is you. And as you breathe and experience your divinity, it washes over all of your being, the light of the radiant heart spills over and holds you in a huge sphere of celestial light, containing all the healing and powerful rays of godhead .. healing all, transforming all the dimensions of your being to your original divine blueprint. And the angels bear you aloft and hold you with sweet desire, bearing you aloft in triumph and in love .. ever held by angels in love and desire .. for they hold the beauty of your radiant heart for you .. and sometimes they shine its light that you may have memory of the shining light you are. Their dream and desire is that you be restored to the fullest of the shining light that you are. And so it is beloveds. Enjoy this radiance, this effulgence of light that you are .. and know that you have a new tool which may always restore you to this place of beauty and of peace. This tool of cosmic healing is offered all workers of the light .. the manifestation of magic and its forcefield, its magnetic forcefield,

whose fuel is love. And when this is summoned, and the heart is opened and used as its fuel, the manifestation is universally offered to all those workers of the light .. and many are its uses. It is offered to demagnetize all that holds duality, and all that is not of light, divinity and original blueprint .. Merlins field of manifestation of magical magnetism .. if you will remember that this tool is offered you, it may release from your being all that holds you from divinity, from peace, from the expression of all that you are and be. And beloveds, of the alchemy practices I offer you .. these are based upon practicalities and upon elements of set practice .. and there is the wish to channel of these, that humanity may have the benefit .. and that those with pure heart and pure integrity, those workers of the light who seek to raise themselves out of the lower frequencies of mankind .. may have the tools required to set them free totally .. enabling them to access higher and more powerful frequencies of light .. and of magic and alchemy. And so it is that by drawing with this magical forcefield all that is of duality and distortion from your being .. used in conjunction with the forcefield of Purity and Astreas circle of fire .. and with their fiery sword of truth to cut away all that is of duality and distortion .. you may use these initially upon yourselves to restore your own equanimity, and peace .. coming to terms with your own dualities and patterns of distortion, and releasing these through the use of the tools you are given .. and to then offer the healing and the wisdom you have gained to those others not of the light, who yet are walking towards and seeking the light .. offered for humanity .. to release all those injustices and inequalities and hatreds and lacks .. lacks of love .. and of injustice and unfairness .. to effect great change and transformation for all. For beloveds, the time is nearing for a mass awakening of many of those of the mainstream .. and they also have need to reveal their blueprints of divinity .. and for karmic clearing and the release of genetic and collective distortions and patterns .. and great use and benefit is offered all by the use of this cosmic tool of healing and of transformation. These are of the next wave, these next ones to awaken .. and some are those who have resisted their path until now .. but will no longer be able to resist their ascension path .. and many will

awaken .. and there will indeed be a clamor for that which you offer. Those of the next wave of ascension, those who wish to walk in love, in light, in peace and fulfillment, not as teachers, but as conscious co-creators for world peace and harmony. For there are levels of the path to be walked, and some go ahead as world teachers, and others hold the energies that have been progressively created .. and go forth with these energies they hold, as conscious co-creators with godhead for peace, harmony, evolutionary growth back to godhead, and to ascension .. bringing the mass of humanity who follow .. with them. And so the path of the divine opens out beloved. There is not a scarce doubt that humanity will return to oneness with godhead .. and so the merry walk begins, and the pace steps up a notch .. for many are soon to awaken to their truth and to their blueprint. It is with the Lions Gate energies that streams of light codes have presented themselves to the next wave, the Fourth Wave of humanity .. those who will hold the energies generated by the leaders .. of the preceding waves. Will take the reins, take the baton, so to speak .. and race to the finish line of completion, of ascension, leading all of humanity .. for it is their gift to gather up within their fulcrum all that has been gained that is of positivity, of raising of consciousness, of gathering the frequency that has been reached, and of holding that frequency, holding it for those who follow, those followers who will be led by the Fourth Wave .. of the ordinary peoples of humanity, those who are not the leaders and the teachers, but the holders of the equilibrium that each of you individually has raised yourself to .. gathering this from here and there, from all the corners of the globe they will gather this energy you each have raised, and hold this, allowing this frequency to be that which all of humanity achieves. There is great fulfillment for the teachers and the leaders to observe this holding and raising of the energies which they have struggled individually to pull to themselves .. and to see this shared so gainfully with humanity. Not only each of the world leaders and teachers shares the benefit of that which they have attained in their path of mastery, of resolution of their negative patterns of karmic propensity .. nay, all receive this benefit they have pulled to humanity in their walk to greatness and magnificence. And honour is given each of you who have walked through your individual days and hours and weeks and months, and years beloveds, of the vale of darkness and struggle. And say

that you have walked this path for all of humanity to receive its benefit. And there may be a softening now of your paths, having achieved so much, and at personal cost to self in many cases .. and it is clearly seen the tiredness in each of you, for that which you have each offered is beyond comprehension in its complexity, its magnificence. And say that those who have wish to negate their soul contracts are allowed this softening now to occur of that which has been asked of them. And say that it is from our own hearts urgings and yearnings that you may each now consider the possibilities before you .. and for those who are finding great fulfillment in the self empowerment they now embody, there is the opportunity to play much larger roles. And for those who feel complete with the peace they each individually find within themselves, then the option is there for these to take a lesser role, and to continue their path at a pace more suited to contemplation and domestic peace .. and these options are offered you .. and time aplenty is there for personal consideration .. for the times for decisions are not of the yet .. but of the near. Beloveds, I Am Merlin, offering the first of many dissertations upon the manifestations of mastery.
Channeled with love by Astrea Aurora, Divine Channel

Astrea lives in the spiritual centre of Bali, immersed in and inspired by the culture and spirituality of the Isle of the Gods. Her gift brought to earth for humanity is that of her ability to repattern the electro-magnetic field and her Creation Codes and Elixirs which restore and repattern the light body to Original Blueprint. Sacred Mystery School training .

Channeled readings from the akashic records

Channeled readings of Life Purpose, Mission and Keepership your purpose upon earth and your gift for humanity

Creation Elixirs with channeled activations for restoration and healing of the light body Soul Signature, Galactic Presence and Highest Heart Dreaming Codes of sacred geometry Soul portraits

Light Body Repair Kit ... sacred geometry codes for repatterning of the light body

Please feel free to forward on copies of these channeled messages, however, it is asked that contact details are included of Astrea Aurora, who retains copyright, with all rights reserved. If you wish to receive Manifestations of Mastery regularly, or to contact Astrea for readings and enquiries,


Tel: : Bali +62 (0) 81 338 293 983
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