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107 'Ophiel' Asral Projection Lesson Seven

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First Course Copyright (C) 1970 by Edward C. Peach All rights reserved. No part of this course of lessons, in part nor in whole, may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the holder of these rights, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address the above ********************* END OF PAGE ********************* Dear Student, With the receipt of this lesson you have now completed half the entire course. Actually, if you have done the Work called for you will have completed 90% of the Course Work. It is always the foundation practices and studies of any course that is the most important, and that determine your real success or failure. If you do not feel that you are making progress at this point, then the fault can be none other than your failure to carry out the preliminary work called for. Go back and work out a new schedule that will include all the preliminary practices, and continue them, and continue your Dream Diary, until success is yours. You can still go on with the course, but be sure to continue these preliminary practices. Many students fail because they are interested only in what seems exciting and easy. Give them the nittygritty of Occult Work, and they lack the discipline and drive to follow through. Are you one of those who expected that Magick was easy? It isn't, but it is worth every ounce, every pound and every ton, of effort you put into it.

Sincerely, Director of Studies The Gnostic Institute.

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By Ophiel Lesson Seven We will now leave the section dealing with the "Little System" and proceed to the next logical step/development, as given in the textbook, titled, THE ART AND PRACTICE OF ASTRAL PROJECTION, the kind/type of Astral Projection called, and known, as The -Dream Method (of Astral Projection.) This Dream Method, to my knowledge, first appeared in a book written by and Occultist author named Mr. Oliver Fox, in, or about, the early 1920's. I said, in my first book, that, apparently, this book was a one-edition affair and was never reprinted; but in saying that I was wrong and mistaken as, since then. (1961) The book has been reprinted. I am again today (1968) not sure of its present status so I won't say anything except to say contact the Gnostic Institute, and if it is in print, they will probably have it in stock. If it is in print, you should have it in your library for study and reference. Also, you can try the second-hand book market and see what comes up. In this book, called Astral Projection. Mr. Fox teachers a distinct system of a type of (Astral) Projection, which he named the Dream Method of (Astral) Projection. I want to digress here for a few lines and discuss some of these names, projections. In other places in your textbook, and in other books, I continually speak about the "Planes" and the differences between them. Generally speaking form "projections" are made to the lower planes only, not to the "higher" planes because on the "higher" planes no forms can, and do, "exist". On those "higher" planes all forms "fade" out and become only emotions or even "exist" in a dreamlike idea state/stage, and, I repeat no "forms." Keep this in mind. So now even though Mr. Fox speaks of Astral Projection, and so does Mr. Muldoon, they are really talking about "Etheric" and lower Astral Plane Projections and not much else higher. Ponder on this. Mr. Fox's system is a very good system and is easily followed and used I am very much indebted to Mr. Fox's work as his system was the first that I found that was halfway useable. In fact it appears, on second thought, to have been the first do-it-yourself-system ever given out to the Occult Public. I gained much through this Dream Method system and you should too. It was through this basic system's work that I was enabled to discover many other basic things, which I pass on to you, including the "Little System." THE BASIC IDEA OF MR. FOX'S SYSTEM IS THAT YOU LEARN TO "WAKE UP" IN THE MIDDLE OF A DREAM AND, BY ASSUMING CONTROL OF THE DREAM, DEVELOP A KIND OF PROJECTION. The only drawback and confusion to this system is the big question mark about dreams, Dreams, what are they??? We will not get bogged down into this Dream Morass. No two psychologists or schools in the world apparently agree upon the exact shades of meanings about dreams. And this is true because there are all kinds of dreams and all kinds of dreamers, and many different kinds of dreams mean many different kinds of Things. So we will discard all of that and deal with only simple dreams, per se. So to proceed: I said in the textbook, on page 38, that IT SEEMS TO BE TRUE THAT THERE IS ANOTHER LIFE "OVER THERE" THAT YOU "LIVE" WHEN YOU SLEEP "HERE". There is an Occultist by the name of Neville Goddard who has mentioned this idea some few times in his lectures. He even calls the "other side" place Woodland. No! Wait a minute: here is Woodland! I forget now what he calls the "other Place". I mention this because he is the only Occultist

who has advanced this kind of idea that I am aware of. I have tried to interview him to expand this idea but he has turned distant in the last few years, and I couldn 't get through. However, it is better that you test these things for yourself and never depend on the idea of some expert, or some Master helping you, as there are no Masters who will help. When this "other side" idea popped up, I thought, at first, the "life" "over there" was automatic or, rather, I didn't know what to think. Now I have come around to the idea that you have to, and can, build a life over there - another life, to complement/supplement this life. On each of the inner planes on "up" a ways, you have a sort of organised "body" to which you can transfer your centre of consciousness, (as I said elsewhere in my textbook.) (Also remember I said all bodies and forms pass out away "on up.") I note that in much of the material given so far, and in much of the material to come, there will be a noticeable amount of overlapping, and a great many different applications of Astral-Etheric projections will become manifest and obvious; and this is as it should be and is what your Occult Training consists of. I can see now, after the passage of some years since I first wrote the book, that the key to a vast section of the Occult lies in the learned/developed ability to enter the Inner Planes and operate there or, in other words, in first developing personal Astral Projection, you begin to acquire "Occult Powers." I said, also on page 38, that it appears that a great many things can be done "over there" that can greatly effect "here". This, of course, is now more obvious to me than ever, and I marvel that I didn't see it before. I suggest that you ponder on this until you absorb its full and complete meaning. I suggest, also, that the Creative Visualisations work given in my second book is also a definite type of projection work. In your Creative Visualisation work you undoubtedly project your consciousness to the Plane of the Reflecting Ether and operate there. And, also, imagination is some kind of a projection, too. Please consider this point, too. This is about the limit I can state for reasonable sureness at this point/time. It seems clear though that before you can enter into and develop the desirable possibilities of this "second" inner life, you should learn, and practice, all the basic work such as is given in this textbook, and the material as given in my other books, those written and look for those to come (I hope). Also some various little essays on certain definite Occult subjects have been written and are available and you should look for them and get them and study and practice them, and make them a part of your life processes. There is a matter that is important to you as a presumably developing student that I had better insert here at this point. I mentioned the matter in the textbook, but I think I will go over it again and re-emphasise the whole thing. To the best of my recollection, Mr. Fox did not mention this subject very emphatically; but recently several student persons have mentioned this subject to me again so I will go into it here and now. I said in the textbook, page 45, "As you make your FIRST ENTRANCE into these Inner Planes --- a lot of very funny things happen, the reasons for which I will explain later." (I never did explain "later" there, as it was a little advanced.) During the dream just enough to KNOW that you are dreaming! For example, I just woke from a nap in which I had a vivid dream, which I now remember as a mish-mash. I had made no attempt to awake during this dream! Mr. Fox calls the part awakening/arousal the critical facility, and he meant by this, in detail, that you are awake enough, just enough, to seize upon some appearance, some circumstance, in the dream picture and by analysing that circumstance, come to KNOW that you are dreaming! Of course, if you arouse too much, you awake; if you arouse too little, you drop back to sleep, deep sleep, and this is where the crux of the whole matter lies. In the textbook I gave the dream example of light green horses pulling a little auto down a street. Now you know this sight would bring you to a dead halt if you saw it in a real street. In a "dream street" you "look" at it with indifference just as if it were real.

The actual development of your critical dream facility comes in an old fashioned enough way, just wanting to develop it. I found that thinking repeatedly during the daytime for several successive days in succession could bring on a dream session during the night that would be satisfactory in all ways - one in which you would have a good dream in which you would arouse enough to say, Hey! Im dreaming, so let's go!" And then follow the textbook's instructions - I cannot give them better here. Please read the textbook part carefully on pages 47-48. As far as I can find, this section is an original with me, no one else mentions it except possibly Yram in slight - detail. The simple truth seems to be that once you are on the/an Inner Plane, you progress along on up. Hence, the noted changes are, "walking". Etheric walking is easy - Astral walking is non-existent; you think-glide. The chapter on the Dream Method is jam-packed with profound Occult Knowledge, and many sidelines are covered Study it hard.

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From the Director of Studies.

Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why do you think that the ability to Astral Projection leads to the development of other Occult Powers? What is the meaning of the various loud noises, voices, visions, and peculiar feelings that you may experience on first entering the Inner Planes? What is the important faculty you must develop to make the Dream Projection method work well? What would be an obvious difference between and experience of etheric projection on a higher astral or mental projection? What do you think about the idea of a life "over there?' Practices 1. The Etheric Projection work, and the preliminary Dream Work, including your dream diary, is really all that you need to prepare for the Dream Method of Projection. The Etheric Projection preparation will have cultivated your faculty of observing the memory, and the examination of dream scenery should have awakened your critical faculty and should automatically result in your being able to take control of your dream.

You have already started the practice of attempting to dream about the Etheric Projections stations, and to fall asleep while practising the Etheric Projection route. The next

step is obvious - determine to dream that you are projecting to some place specific, some place you know well, and especially some place you do visit in the physical body often enough to verify any unusual details you note down in your dream/astral trip. One day (night) you will realise that you have taken conscious control over your dreams and cam make your day and night life one continuous stream of Occult activity. Recommended Reading 1. Fox, Oliver: "ASTRAL PROJECTION". The classic book on Astral Projection, and especially in the Dream Method. The author also covers a conscious system involving the "Pineal Door".

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