One-On-One Expect To On A Regular Basis: States The Major

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Thesis project The thesis usually explores a topic that is related to a students academic major.

The topic selection itself should be a product of working one-on-one under the guidance of a faculty member selected by the student. Students should expect to meet with their thesis supervisor on a regular basis (at least once every two weeks, sometimes once a week, depending upon the stage of thesis development). The supervisor should take an active role in the process by offering ideas, helping the student refine and focus her or his interests into a feasible thesis project, working with the student to develop a realistic strategy and timetable, and providing resources, analysis, critique, and expertise to ensure the works successful completion. Before beginning the thesis, students are expected to complete a proposal that clearly specifies what you will accomplish during your thesis research. The thesis report identifies the problem; states the major assumptions; explains the significance of the undertaking; sets forth the sources for, and methods of gathering information; analyzes the data; and offers a conclusion or recommendation. Normally, an oral defense of the thesis is required.

1. (adj) Between two people only (n) a meeting or confrontation between two persons. 2. Trng i (v) 3. Mt cch thng xuyn 4. Cung cp/ ngh tng 5. Tinh chnh/lm thnh khn kho = to make a substance pure by taking other substances out of it = to improve something by making small changes to it 6. Kh thi (adj) 7. Pht trin mt chin lc kh thi 8. Bi ph bnh = a piece of written criticism of a set of ideas, a work of art, etc 9. Chuyn mn = expert knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity or job Ex: Chuyn mn nghip v, chuyn mn khoa hc, chuyn mn k thut 10. Ch nh r rng = to state something, especially by giving an exact measurement, time, exact instructions, etc 11. Xc nh vn 12. Cng vic m nhn 13. t ra = (FORMAL) to present something or make it known

1. one-on-one = one-to-one Ex: Teachers do not have much time for one-to-one contact with their students. 2. Expect Expect st from/of st/so Ex: That's not the sort of behaviour I expect of you! Don't expect sympathy from me! Expect (st) to do st Ex: You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a few months. House prices are expected to rise sharply. 3. On a regular basis 4. Offer ideas /ad / 5. Refine (v) Ex: the process of refining oil/sugar She has refined her playing technique over the years 6. Feasible /fizbl / = practicable /prktkbl / = workable / wkbl / = realistic /rilstk / Ex: Working at night wasn't a practicable proposition. / prpzn / 7. Develop a realistic strategy / strtdi / 8. Critique / krtik / (n) Ex: It's a funny but convincing critique of the fast food industry.

9. Expertise (n) Ex: Professional/scientific/technical expertise 10. Clearly specify st / spesfa / 11. Identify the problem 12. Undertaking / ndtek / Ex: I will give you an undertaking that I will work with the Prime Minister. 13. Set forth / f / Ex: His questions are set forth in his recently published book, A Certain Maritime Incident. One of the primary reasons why people fail to execute their goals is that they set forth unrealistic or overly complex goals.

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