32 Samss 008

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Materials System Specification

32-SAMSS-008 12 May 2008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Standards Committee Members
Sabri, Hasan Abdulrahman, Chairman Sabban, Mahmoud Abdulrahim, Vice Chairman Beckenbach, Joseph William Fagihi, Ali Saoud Hussain, Khaleel Ma'Atug Issa, Mohammad Abdallah Jamea, Khalid Hamad Khalifah, Khalifah Sa'Ad Khowaiter, Abdul Rahman Othman Odan, Nabeel Mohammad Saeed, Mustafa Taher Saffar, Adel Abdullah

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Scope............................................................ 2 Conflicts and Deviations............................... 3 References.................................................... 3 Design........................................................... 4 Pulse Air System Requirements................... 8 System Performance Requirements............ 10 Electrical and Instrumentation...................... 11 Protective Coatings...................................... 15 Design Drawings.......................................... 15 Inspection.................................................... 16 Testing Requirements.................................. 16 Guarantee.................................................... 16 Export Packing, Marking and Shipping........ 16

Appendix I - Protective Coatings....................... 17 Appendix II - Filtration Testing Requirements... 22

Previous Issue: 26 October 2005

Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013 Page 1 of 26

Primary contact: Makki, Younes Habib on 966-3-8746637

CopyrightSaudi Aramco 2008. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

Scope 1.1 This Specification together with the Purchase Order covers the minimum mandatory design, performance and testing requirements for combustion gas turbines inlet air filtration systems. These environments could be subject to any combination of dry, high ambient dust, salt concentrations, fog and high humidity conditions. The intent of the inlet air filtration system is to limit the ingestion of airborne contaminants such as sand, dust and alkali metal salts so as to prevent gas turbine compressor erosion, fouling, cooling air passage blocking and hot corrosion of the turbine section components. The system specified herein is intended for continuous duty, high efficiency air filtration. Air filtration systems covered by this Specification are limited to the automatic pulse-jet self cleaning type. The system may be a single stage comprising the pulse-clean element alone, or a two-stage system comprising the pulse-clean element with a second stage high performance barrier filter. Barrier style filters alone may be considered for offshore applications, if supporting information related to similar experience is submitted through the Company or Buyer Representative for review and approval by the Chairman, Gas Turbines & Diesel Engines Standards Committee, Consulting Services Department. Air filtration systems shall be supplied by qualified experienced Vendors who must have: a) b) c) 1.5 Previously manufactured at least two systems of similar type and design. Shown a satisfactorily system performance of at least three years of continuous fielded service. Proven through testing that the proposed system meets the Type Test requirements outlined in paragraph 11 of this Specification.




Compliance with the provisions of this Specification does not relieve the Vendor from the responsibilities of furnishing equipment properly designed to meet the specified operating service conditions. Alternative designs may be proposed. Products of comparable type and quality may be submitted for the Buyer's written acceptance with the Quotation.


Conflicts and Deviations All requests to deviate from this Specification and any conflicts between this Specification and other applicable Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications
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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

(SAMSSs), Engineering Standards (SAESs), Standard Drawings (SASDs), industry standards, codes and forms, shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the Chairman, Gas Turbines & Diesel Engines Standards Committee, Consulting Services Department. The deviations shall be separately listed by the Vendor in his quotation and shall refer to the relevant paragraph numbers. 3 References The selection of material and equipment and the design, construction, and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this Standard shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted. 3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents 32-SAMSS-100 Form 175-325515 3.2 Industry Codes and Standards American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM A36/ ASTM A36M ASTM A283/ ASTM A283M ASTM A123 & ASTM E376 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars Hot Dip Galvanization Combustion Gas Turbines Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements Air Filtration System: Inlet, for Gas Turbines or Centrifugal Compressors

American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME B1.21.1 ASME B16.5 ASME B31.1 ASME B1.1 ASME B1.13M ASME SEC VIII D1 American Welding Society AWS D1.1 Standard Welding Code Steel
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Pipe Threads, General Purpose Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Power Piping Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) Metric Screw Threads - M Profile Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

National Fire Protection Association NFPA 70 Process Industry Practices STF05501 STF05511 STF05520 STF05521 STF05530 SAE International SAE J 726, 1993edition Air Cleaner Test Code, Recommended Practice Fixed Ladders and Cages Fixed Industrial Stairs Pipe Railing for Walking and Working Surface Details Details for Angle Railing for Walking and Working Surfaces Grating Details National Electric Code

U.S. Army Corps Manual 136-300-178 4 Design 4.1 General 4.1.1 The inlet air filtration system shall be suitable for operation with the combustion gas turbine as specified in the Purchase Order description, and the environmental conditions specified based on the site's specific meteorological and seismic data as specified in the data sheets. Unless otherwise specified, equipment shall be assumed to be installed outdoors in a high ambient dust desert area, with relative humidity ranging from zero to 100%, and condensation that may develop as the ambient temperature sufficiently drops within the same day of operation.
Commentary Note: Surface temperatures may reach 70C when exposed to direct solar radiation.



The following ground sample analysis can be considered typical for an inland site:

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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

Constituent Silica Calcium Magnesium Alumina Potassium Sodium

Quantity (% of Sample Volumetric) 50 32 9 5 3 1

The hot desert regions of the Arabian Peninsula are subject to extreme fluctuations in wind force both daily and seasonally. The particle size distribution of airborne particulate varies greatly with wind velocity. Analysis of airborne particulate gives the following distribution:
Size Range (micrometer) 0 -1.5 1.5 - 6.0 6.0 - 12.0 12.0 - 20.0 20 plus Percent (Volumetric) 50 25 15 5 5

During severe dust storm conditions, the airborne dust concentrations may be up to 0.57 g/m and the sodium quantity may increase by a factor of ten. 4.1.4 4.1.5 The aerodynamic design shall be such that air intake velocities are uniform across the entire filter area. Inland environment installations shall be considered if located further than 12 km inland from the nearest point on the shoreline. Coastal environment installations are defined as any location on land within 12 km of the shoreline and all locations over open water. Where two-stage systems are proposed, the first stage shall be selfcleaning and shall be capable of meeting the performance requirements alone, and the second stage barrier filters shall be considered as a back up to the primary self-cleaning stage.



Structure Construction 4.2.1 The filter house shall be of a bolted and welded design fabricated from hot rolled sheet steel. The Clean and Dirty Air plenums sheet steel shall be at least 3.0 mm ( inch) thick (ASTM A36M/ASTM A283M or equivalent) and shall be reinforced with steel members. Reinforcements shall also be

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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

provided, as needed, to reduce the movement of filter cartridges during pulsing and to completely eliminate any potential vibration issues The unit shall be designed to withstand a minimum pressure differential of 3 kPa (12 in. water gauge). All seams and joints shall be airtight. 4.2.2 All structural strength welding shall be continuous, and continuous seal-welding shall be used in places th are not self-draining or where crevice corrosion is likely to occur. The edges of tightly contacting surfaces shall be completely seal welded. All welding shall be as per AWS d1.1 procedures or JIS/EN equivalents. Where assembly requires bolting, all holes shall be pre-drilled. All bolting shall comply with ASME B1.1/ASME B1.13M or equivalent standards. For coastal environment locations, heat treated high strength bolts shall be used for structural joints. The minimum tensile strength of the bolts shall exceed 1,034 MPa (150,000 psi). Corrosion resistant coated lock-washers shall be provided on all bolting. All nuts and bolts used inside the clean air plenum during assembly shall be welded after assembly to prevent air leaks and loose hardware from entering the turbine. All filter retainers or clips shall also be corrosion resistant coated. The filter house assembly shall be manufactured in pre-fabricated subassemblies of suitable size to facilitate transportation and minimize site erection work. Sub-assemblies shall be provided with lifting points. When specified in the Purchase Order, the filter house shall be capable of being lifted as a complete assembly and placed on a prepared foundation, using suitable lifting points provided for this purpose. Inlet air filtration horizontally mounted filter elements type system are not acceptable. All filter elements shall be changeable from the upstream side. Filter change-out shall be achievable without shutting down the gas turbine. Filter elements shall be designed for easy installation and quick change out, avoiding blind assembly, ungasketed washers and other undesirable assembly features. Where blind assembly cannot be avoided, lead-in devices shall be provided on the element or filter house to facilitate assembly. The precise method of filter element assembly and sealing shall be submitted for information through the Company or Buyer Representative to the Chairman, Gas Turbines & Diesel Engines Standards Committee, Consulting Services Department.
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4.2.5 4.2.6

Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines


The design shall be such that inlet air is drawn from a point not less than 3 m (10 ft) above grade level to avoid ingestion of heavy ground level dust and sand during windy conditions and ground heated air during high ambient temperature conditions. The exact elevation shall be as specified in the Purchase Order. Stainless steel trash screen with 25 mm (1 inch) maximum square mesh of minimum 5 mm diameter (6 gauge) wire or rod shall be provided. The trash screen shall be supported at the downstream face of the inlet silencers. Tack welding of the trash screen is acceptable. All bolts and fasteners shall be also tack welded. On multi-level installations, suitable means shall be provided to elevate replacement filter elements to reach upper level. Safe personnel access shall be made for inspection downstream of the filters. Access shall be using bolted gasketed door requiring manual disassembly. Automatic or gravity weighted by-pass doors are not permitted. Components having inspection or service intervals of less than 10,000 hours shall not be installed inside the clean air plenum. Platforms and other suitable access shall be provided to service these components. For multi-level installations, access shall be provided to the clean and dirty air sub-plenums for access to all filter banks, pulse air piping, solenoids and valves. Stairyways to each level shall be provided. Access ladders alone are not acceptable. The grating shall be in accordance with PIP STF05530, and the railings shall be in accordance with PIP STF05520 and STF05521. Also, stairs shall be in accordance with PIP STF05511 and ladders and cages shall be in accordance with PIP STF05501. Anchor bolts shall be according to the relevant paragraphs of 32-SAMSS-100.


4.2.9 4.2.10

4.2.11 4.2.12



4.4.6 4.3

Structure Galvanization 4.3.1 All support structure materials, except ASTM A193, ASTM A194, ASTM A490 or ASTM A490M bolts, and crane rails, shall be galvanized, unless painting is specified in the Contract Documents. Steel embedded in concrete (including ASTM A36, ASTM A307 and ASTM F1554 anchor bolts) shall be hot-dip galvanized. Zinc plating is not acceptable.
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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines


Galvanizing of steel shapes, plates and hardware shall be in accordance with the following ASTM specifications: a) b) Steel shapes and plates - ASTM A123. ASTM A325 Type 1 or ASTM A325M Type 1 bolts and corresponding nuts and washers -ASTM B695 (or ASTM A153/ ASTM A153M when approved by the Buyer). ASTM A36 / ASTM A36M threaded bar or ASTM A307 bolts and corresponding nuts and washers - ASTM A153/ASTM A153M or ASTM B695. All bolts, nuts, and washers shall meet required mechanical properties after galvanizing.


d) 4.4

Filter Elements Structure 4.4.1 Sealing gaskets shall be attached to the filter elements such that new gaskets are provided at each filter change. A metal stop or similar device shall be incorporated to ensure correct gasket compression. Where applicable, filter media shall be glued to the face guard or the wrapping cord at sufficient locations to maintain adequate pleat spacing. The filter element manufacturing date (month/year) shall be permanently marked on the exposed end cap of each new or replacement element. The markings shall be sufficiently large to be readable from the installation platform closest to the elements. The filter element and the end caps shall be sufficiently strong to allow a 30 cm (1 ft) drop to the metal walk floor without disabling damage to the filter element. In coastal and foggy areas, the filter element shall be made of water repellent materials. Second stage filters, if proposed, shall be located downstream of the pulse-clean stage and shall be made of materials that meet the environmental requirements of the first stage pulse air filter.



4.4.4 4.4.5

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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

Pulse Air System Requirements 5.1 Operation and Materials 5.1.1 The air pulse system shall be designed to effectively operate with a normal pulse air gauge pressure of 560 to 700 kPa gauge (80 to 100 psig). Instrument quality air, with excessive pressure fluctuation control features (e.g., air surge drum, if needed), shall be used for pulsing. The pulsing system shall be able to operate on a continuous basis (with and without a differential pressure trigger) and timed basis (with the unit operating or on standby). The overall self cleaning design shall be such as to minimize flow and pressure perturbations due to pulse cleaning. In no case shall more than 15% of the filter elements in any module be pulse cleaned simultaneously and in no case shall more than 5 % of the total filter elements be pulse cleaned simultaneously. Flexible hoses shall be stainless steel armored, with integral connectors. The hose length shall not exceed 600 mm. The hose lining shall be suitable for the process and operating conditions. Rubber or rubber-like connectors are not acceptable. 5.1.6 The air filtration system shall be provided with automatic dust evacuation system and procedure for dust disposal and to minimize reingestion of pulsed-off dirt back into the filter elements. For the pulse air system, all components shall be 316 or 316L stainless steel. All welded components shall be 316L.

5.1.2 5.1.3



5.1.7 5.2

Instrumentation 5.2.1 Each separately controlled filter stage shall have a pressure transmitter and an active back-up pressure transmitter with separate pressure sensing lines, either of which acting alone shall be capable of activating the pulse-clean mechanism. Failure of either pressure transmitter shall automatically activate the pulse-clean mechanism. Using a transmitter, the pulse mechanism shall be activated by a high pressure set point and deactivated by a low pressure set point or by allowing the mechanism to complete a minimum of six full cleaning cycles.
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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

5.2.3 5.2.4

Solenoid valves and air diaphragm valves shall have coated bodies to become corrosion and UV resistant. An electronic timer shall be provided for automatic starting and stopping of the pulsing system while the turbine is either operating or shut down. The timer shall have three or more selectable pulse starting times in a 24 hour period and a selectable number of cleaning cycles and/or stopping times in a 24 hour period. A manual switch shall be supplied to initiate pulse cleaning independently of the pressure transmitter settings. High set points, low set points, pulse frequency, pulse duration and, where applicable, number of full cleaning cycles shall be field adjustable. All adjustable parameters shall be factory set by the Vendor. The Vendor shall supply details of the range of field adjustment available on these parameters.

5.2.5 5.2.6

System Performance Requirements 6.1 The filter system shall be sized to handle both the gas turbine inlet air and any GT enclosure ventilation requirements. The filter system design shall be based on 105% of the total turbine system volumetric air flow requirement (including cooling, ventilation and pressurizing air) at 15C and 100 kPa (14.5 psia) ambient site conditions. The air to media velocity shall not exceed 1.5 cm/s (3.0 feet per minute) through the pulse-clean filter element (Media) in the case of vertically hanging cylindrical cartridges. The updraft velocity into the filter bank shall not exceed 1.52 m/s (300 feet per minute) and the vertical velocity between filter elements shall not exceed 2.54 m/s (500 feet per minute). The filter system shall meet the filtration testing requirements of Appendix II. The system shall be capable of operating continuously during simulated dust storm conditions with an inlet dust concentration of 0.57 g/m, when tested in accordance with the requirements in Paragraph 11 of this Specification. The initial pressure drop shall not exceed 0.2 kPa (0.75 inches water gauge) across the filter elements and 0.4 kPa (1.5 inches water gauge) across a single stage of the filter system. The pressure drop across all filtration and screening stages of the complete system shall not exceed 0.625 kPa (2.5 inches water gauge).


6.3 6.4


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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

The pulse-clean cycle shall be initiated at not more than 0.625 kPa (2.5 inches water gauge) pressure differential across the self-cleaning filter elements. 6.6 The filtration system shall be capable of self cleaning back to the acceptable operating pressure drop from a pressure drop of not less than 2.5 kPa (10 inches water gauge) across the pulse clean stage.

Electrical and Instrumentation 7.1 Both The instrumentation system and the electrical equipment shall comply with the electrical area classification requirements designated in the Purchase Order or on the approved electrical area classification drawing. Wiring 7.2.1 General power wiring, for circuits up to 600V to ground and a maximum current rating of 15A, shall be stranded copper; flame retardant PVC, XLPE or XLPO insulated; size 14 AWG minimum; have an insulation minimum temperature rating of 90C and shall comply with NFPA 70 or IEC 60502-1. Instrumentation signal wiring shall be stranded copper; flame retardant PVC, XLPE or XLPO insulated. The minimum wire size shall be: a) 16 AWG single twisted pair/triad from instruments to the nearest skid mounted junction box. Cables carrying analog signals shall also be shielded. Smaller wire size may be accepted if substantiated by field experience and a written approval is obtained from the Chairman, Gas Turbines & Diesel Engines Standards Committee, Consulting Services Department. 18 AWG for multi-twisted pair/triad cables from junction boxes to other junction boxes, marshalling cabinets, or control system. 22 AWG for multi-conductor cable inter-cabinet wiring.



b) c) 7.2.3 7.2.4

Pair/triads of multi-twisted pair/triad control cables shall be numbered. Except for thermocouple wiring a) Power and signal wiring shall be color coded as follows:

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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

AC Supply: Phase Black

DC Supply
Positive Red or red sleeve over any color except green Negative Black or black sleeve over any color except green -

Signal Pair
Positive Black

Signal Triad
Positive Black

Neutral White Ground Green or green with yellow trace

Negative White

Negative White

Third Wire Red

b) c) 7.2.5 7.2.6

Thermocouples shall be as per ANSI MC96.1. Blue color insulation or jacket shall only be used for intrinsically safe installation.

Splices are not permitted in wiring. When wiring must be extended, connections shall be made via terminal blocks. Wiring connections shall be made to channel (rail) mounted terminal blocks. These terminal blocks shall have tubular box clamp connector and compression bar or yoke for wire termination. More than two connections per terminal point are not allowed. Fused terminals shall be used for power distribution, alarm, and shutdown systems. Double Block and bleed arrangement for each one of the instruments, grouped in the 2 out of 3 shutdown logic, shall be provided to enable maintenance while the unit is in operation Different instruments signals shall be segregated from each other and from power wiring. Cables may be routed utilizing one of two methods: Instrument cables may be routed in conduits. The conduit installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 70. Armored cables may be routed on trays. For this option, the following guidelines shall be followed: a) The armored cable shall be suitable for the area classification where the packaged unit is installed (e.g., ITC, PLTC, MC, etc.).

7.2.7 7.2.8

7.2.9 7.2.10

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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines


The armored cables shall be routed on aluminum or stainless channel trays. Galvanized steel trays are not acceptable. The cable armor shall be either steel wire armor or interlocked metallic armor. The trays shall be elevated and shall not be mounted to the skid base plate unless protected by grating. Tray ends are bent to avoid having sharp edges. The glands at both ends of the armored cable shall be certified flameproof (EExd) gland. Where sealing is required by NFPA 70, the gland shall be certified (EExd) with a compound barrier seal (e.g., CMP Protex 2000 - PX2K).

c) d) e) f)


JB shall be 316 series SS and be IEC 60529 type IP66 or NEMA 250/NEMA ICS type 4X and shall meet the segregation requirements of paragraph 7.9. Instruments and JBs shall have permanently attached engraved phoenolic / laminate or plastic nameplates, showing tag numbers. Phoenolic nameplates shall be installed with two stainless steel screws. All packaged unit wiring, intended for interface with plant wiring and/or control package, shall be terminated in junction boxes. Interconnecting wires between skid mounted components, between skid mounted instruments and the skid termination panel, and between skid termination panels and control system panels shall be tagged. Each tag shall identify the device to which the opposite end of the wire is connected. Heat shrink or ferrule type wire tags with permanently embossed identification markings shall be used. The alarm and shutdown contacts shall be wired fail safe, (i.e., the alarm and shutdown contacts shall be closed during normal operation and shall open when the alarm or shutdown condition is reached). If relays are being used then fail-safe is: "Deenergize to alarm and deenergize to shutdown shall be standard" (i.e., the alarm and shutdown relays shall be normally energized). For shutdown systems, the initiating devices shall be independent, dedicated primary elements having their own individual process connections.


7.2.13 7.2.14


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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines


Instrument Piping and Tubing 7.3.1 The instrument piping and tubing installation shall ensure the reliable and accurate operation of the instrument(s) involved, and allow sufficient access for maintenance, calibration and testing. It shall be possible to test all alarm and shutdown initiating devices, without interfering with the process operation of the packaged unit. Instrument piping and tubing materials shall be selected to be acceptable for the expected working environment. Instrument tubing shall be adequately supported to eliminate any vibration transmission to the instruments or excessive load to the piping connection. Indicating differential pressure transmitters shall be provided across each filter stage and the overall stage. Each transmitter shall also be provided with isolation valves on the high and low connections in addition to the manifold valves. The transmitters shall be located side by side where they can be conveniently reached from platform or grade level. All threaded connections shall be tapered per ASME B1.20.1.

7.3.2 7.3.3


7.3.5 7.4

Where applicable, instrument connections shall be NPT female threaded and conform to ASME B1.20.1. Pneumatic signal and supply connection sizes shall be inch or larger, NPT female. Electric signal connection sizes shall be at least inch NPT female for transmitters, indicators, and solenoid valves. Instrument Piping and Tubing threaded fittings shall be forged carbon steel or stainless steel per ASME B16.11, and be Class 3000 for systems rated up to and including ANSI Class 900, and Class 6000 for systems rated ANSI Class 1500. A watertight (NEMA 4X) permanent lighting system of adequate capacity shall be provided for inspection and maintenance. The system shall be suitable for 120 volt, single phase, 60 Hz in accordance with outdoors non-classified area standards. Wiring shall be in rigid conduit, conduit fittings and terminal boxes. Threaded lighting fixtures shall have NPT female threads. A permanent lighting system inside the clean air plenum is not required. Electrical accessories and pressure transmitters shall be housed in weatherproof boxes per NEMA 4X in accordance with NEMA ICS 6 and NEMA 250 or IEC 60529 Type IP 65 with the exception of those in coastal areas corrosive environments which shall be in watertight boxes, per NEMA 4X or IEC 60529 Type IP 66. For hazardous areas, where specified in the Purchase Order, boxes
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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

shall also be explosion proof (NEMA 7). Wiring shall be in rigid conduit, conduit fittings and terminal boxes. 7.8 7.9 7.10 Solid state electronic timer/sequencer devices shall be housed per paragraph 7.7 and be installed at a convenient location to avoid radiant and convected heat. Control pressure transmitter shall be of the smart type. The high differential pressure indicating transmitter shall be wired to give a high pressure alarms on the turbine panel and in the central control room for each stage. The lower set point shall provide an alarm annunciation and the high set point shall be wired to shutdown the turbine. The alarm and shutdown set points shall not exceed the following: a) Single Stage System
Alarm Shutdown 1.00 kPa (4.0" W.G.) 1.75 kPa (7.0" W.G.)


Two Stages System

Pulse-Clean 1.0 kPa (4.0" W.G.) Barrier 0.5000 kPa (2.0" W.G.) Overall System 1.50 kPa (6.0" W.G.) 2.0 KPa (8.0" W.G.)

Alarm Shutdown

7.11 8

All pneumatic instrumentation shall pass leakage test of all piping and tubing.

Protective Coatings 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 The exterior and interior of the filtration unit shall be coated in accordance with Appendix I. The selected coating shall not contain vanadium, lead, mercury or any other heavy metals. Non-ferrous metal and stainless steel surfaces do not require painting. Welds, corners and edges shall be brush painted prior to application of the first spray coat to ensure adequate coverage in these areas.

Design Drawings The Vendor shall submit detailed structural, electrical, and instrumentation drawings that are proposed to be furnished, in accordance with this specification, through the
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Company or Buyer Representative for information to the Chairman, Gas Turbines & Diesel Engines Standards Committee, Consulting Services Department, prior to fabrication. 10 Inspection The filter system components are subject to inspection in accordance with the referenced Form 175-325515. 11 Testing Requirements Results of the required tests identified in Appendix II and certified by a Principal Officer of the Vendor Company, must be submitted with the bid proposal for evaluation purposes. Results of these tests shall serve to qualify the proposed filtration system as meeting the requirements and intent of the Specification. The type test results shall be subject to review and approval by the Chairman, Gas Turbines & Diesel Engines Standards Committee, Consulting Services Department. 12 Guarantee 12.1 The Vendor shall guarantee a minimum pulse-clean element life and performance (per section 6 of this sepcification) of two years of continuous operation in the environment as specified in the datasheet. The total filter element life, including storage and operation, shall not be less than five years from date of manufacture. The Vendor shall not, without obtaining the Buyer's written permission, alter the design, method of manufacture or change materials in any way from the original design as submitted and qualified by the testing specified, during the course of manufacture of a specific order. Changes to filter paper media and major changes in the method of construction or controls shall be re-qualified on the basis of all specified tests.



Export Packing, Marking and Shipping Export packing, marking and shipping shall be in accordance with the Purchase Order.

Revision Summary 12 May 2008 Major revision.

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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

Appendix I - Protective Coatings 1. A qualified sepecialized coating inspector as per NACE or equivalent shall be assigned to witness and inspect the coating application job including surface preparation and coating application. Quality control tests shall be followed and recorded. Epoxy Primer with two Epoxy top coatings shall be applied in three coats at 275-400 microns after cleaning the surface at cleanliness SSPC-SP-10 (NACE-2) with anchor profile at 40-65 microns. One coat primer 50-100 micrometers, minimum-maximum. Two or more top coats 150 micrometers, maximum per coat. Epoxy Primer with two Epoxy Top coatings shall be from the following approved coating materials: APCS-1B 5. Plasite 7103 + Plasite 7100-H Hempadur HB Primer 17300 + Hempadur Mastic 45881 Penguard Special + Penguard HB a) Devran 201 + Devran 224 b) Siprime 215 + Sipoxy-Shield 240 Amercoat 71 + Amercoat 383 HS Intergard 291 + Intergard 410 Sigmacover Primer 7413 + Sigmacover CM 7456 Wisconsin Hempel Jotun SIPCO SIPCO Oasis Ameron International Sigma


3. 4.

Other proposed two-component, high build polyamine epoxy-coating systems may be accepted provided they pass the testing criteria shown below, with the testing to be conducted by independent coating laboratory. Results of the tests shall be submitted through the Company or Buyer Representative for review by the Chairman, Gas Turbines & Diesel Engines Standards Committee, Consulting Services Department.

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32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines


Qualification Tests and Requirements 6.1 6.2 Epoxy coatings supplied in accordance with this Specification shall meet the requirements of SSPC-Paint 22. Applicable Physical Property Tests: 6.2.1 Package Stability of Paint When stored at 52 1C for 6 months in accordance with ASTM D1849, the sample shall meet the following requirements: a) b) c) d) 6.2.2 Weight loss 0. Skinning, pressure and corrosion 10. Settling - 6 or better. Grains, lumps, or streaks - 8 or better.

Spray Properties The ready mixed paint shall be easily applied to a vertical surface at the following dry film thicknesses with no tendency to orange peel, sag, creep or run: Epoxy primers: (APCS-1B): Epoxy topcoats: 150 micrometers (6 mils) 100 micrometers(4 mils)


Usable Potlife At 40C, the viscosity of the ready-mixed paint shall remain within the range recommended by the manufacturer for sprayability without additional thinning for not less than 1 hour.


Drying Times When tested in accordance with ASTM D1640, the Dry-Through (or Dry-To-Handle) Time shall be 8 hours and the Dry-To-Recoat Time shall be in accordance with suppliers published data sheets.


Test Panel Preparation 6.3.1 Test panels shall be ASTM A36 hot-rolled steel approximately 100 mm X 150 mm. Prior to preparing the surface, the condition of the test panel shall be equivalent to SSPC-Guide to Vis 1 Rust

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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

Grade A, Adherent Mill Scale. The minimum thickness of the test panel shall be 5 mm. 6.3.2 6.3.3 The test panel shall be abrasive blast cleaned to near white metal (SP-10 or Sa 2-). Profile of blasted surface shall be as follows: 40-65 micrometers (1.5 - 2.5 mils) APCS-1B. The profile shall be determined with replica tape. 6.3.4 Coatings shall be mixed, applied and cured in accordance with the Vendor's recommendations. The temperature of the test panel shall be 63 2C during coatings application. Dry film thickness shall be measured and recorded in accordance with SSPC-PA2 and shall meet the requirements in Table 1. Table 1 Dry Film Thickness (DFT) Requirements (Micrometer)
Primer (1 coat) 50-100 Top Coat (2 or more coats & max percoat) 150 System (Min 3 coats) 275 - 400


Performance Tests 6.4.1 Weather-O-Meter and Salt Fog Performance Tests Each panel shall be scribed in accordance with ASTM D1654 and exposed alternately in a Weather-o-Meter in accordance with ASTM D822, Procedure B, or ASTM G26, Method B, and a salt fog cabinet in accordance with ASTM B117. Panels shall be rotated every 100 hours until a total of 500 hours in each device has been achieved. At the conclusion of the test, each coating will be evaluated for and meet the criteria in Table 2.

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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

Table 2
Standard ASTM D714 ASTM D660 ASTM D661 ASTM D610 ASTM D1654 ASTM D 523

Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paints Evaluating Degree of Checking of Exterior Paints Evaluating Degree of Cracking of Exterior Paints Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces System Standard Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected Corrosive Environments to Specular Gloss (Polyurethane Coatings Only)

Acceptable Rating
No blisters No checking No cracking 10 Rating of Failure at Scribe shall not exceed 10. The reduction in gloss of the tested sample shall not exceed 20% compared to an untested sample


Adhesion Test a) Test panels shall be prepared in accordance with paragraph 6.3 except that the coatings shall be cured as shown in Table 3. Table 3
Coating Epoxy primer Epoxy intermediate coat Epoxy topcoat

Drying Time at 25 1C
72 hours 72 hours 5 days


Determine the adhesion of the prime coat to the substrate, intercoat adhesion, or cohesion of any coat of the painting system by using an adhesion tester, 450 kg capacity. Lightly sand the coated surface and aluminum dolly and apply an epoxy adhesive. Allow the adhesive to cure as directed by adhesive supplier. Scribe the coating and adhesive around the dolly prior to testing. Make a minimum of three trials and report the average. The average shall be at least 2750 kPa (400 psi).


Maximum Service Temperature The maximum service temperatures of the coating systems shall be 150C for APCS-1B. To verify compliance with these requirements, conduct adhesion tests on coated panels that have been prepared in accordance with paragraph 6.4.2 and then exposed in an oven for 14 days at the appropriate temperature listed above. The adhesion shall be at least
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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

90% of that obtained on samples prepared and tested in accordance with paragraph 6.4.2 but not subsequently exposed in an oven. 6.4.3 Salt Fog Performance Prepare two panels and apply the complete coating system. Scribe the fully cured coating system in accordance with ASTM D1654 and expose in a salt fog cabinet in accordance with ASTM B117, Salt Spray (Fog) Testing. This procedure shall be continued until the test panels are exposed for 500 hours in the salt fog cabinet. At the conclusion of the test, the coating shall be evaluated for and shall meet the criteria shown in Table 4. Table 4 Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
Standard ASTM D714, Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paint ASTM D660, Evaluating Degree of Checking of Exterior Paint ASTM D661, Evaluating Degree of Cracking of Exterior Paint ASTM D610, Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces ASTM D1654, Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments Falling Sand 8F No Checking No Cracking 9 Rust creep from the scribe shall not exceed 2.5 mm. Not more than 5% of the total average thickness has been removed.

Acceptable Rating

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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

Appendix II - Filtration Testing Requirements 1. Scope This testing procedure is for filtration system type testing that filter element manufacturer must meet to become an approved Vendor. This test procedure defines the test equipment, materials, conditions and procedure required to determine the initial pressure drop, collection efficiency, cleanability, and integrity of a pulse-jet self-cleaning air filtration system. 1.1 Test Equipment 1.1.1 The test equipment shall consist of a complete air filtration system including pulse-clean mechanism (as proposed by the Vendor to meet this Specification), airflow system, air sampling system and dust feeding system. The test filter system shall consist of a full size module, of at least 1.4 m/s (3,000 CFM) capacity, identical in component size, materials and fabrication to the proposed design. The air valve flow coefficient {C(v)} divided by the sum of the areas of the orifices in the blow pipe shall not be greater than in the proposed design. The airflow system shall consist of an exhauster with suitable controls and airflow measuring equipment to insure constant airflow throughout the tests. Airflow sampling shall be conducted using isokinetic probes and Gelman Closed Face Holders fitted with 0.45 micrometer type membrane filters or equal. The isokinetic probes shall be minimum length and the quantity of air sampled shall be measured by approved methods and corrected to standard conditions. The dust feeding system shall consist of a dust feeder and one or more compressed air operated dust injectors. The dust feeder shall feed the dust at a uniform continuous rate and the dust injectors shall disperse the dust uniformly across the air inlet face of the test filtration system. The dust injectors shall be configured per Figure 3F of SAE J 726, 1993 edition.






Test Materials 1.2.1 The test dust shall be silica and shall have a particle size distribution within the limits shown on Standard Drawing AE-036005.
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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines


For efficiency tests, dry sodium chloride (NaCl) particulate of 0 to 5 micrometer size (2 micrometer mean diameter) shall be added to the test dust to make a 90% dust and 10% NaCl mixture based on volume.


Test Conditions 1.3.1 The test airflow shall be maintained constant throughout the efficiency and dust capacity tests and shall not be less than in the proposed design. The pulse-jet cleaning mechanism shall be activated and operated continuously, except where otherwise specified, throughout the efficiency and dust capacity tests. Individual filter elements shall be pulse cleaned using the same pulse duration as in the proposed design. The dwell between pulses shall be adjusted on the test such that the cycle time to pulse all the filters shall be not less than in the proposed design. The pulse air pressure shall be maintained at a gauge pressure of 700 kPa gauge (100 psig). The test dust feed rate during the dust capacity test and the dust/NaCl mixture during the efficiency test shall be maintained constant at an inlet concentration of 0.57 g/m. The minimum relative humidity during the dust capacity test shall be 40% and at least one of the efficiency tests shall be conducted with an air inlet relative humidity in excess of 90%. The NaCl capture efficiency shall be based on the theoretical upstream and measured downstream NaCl concentrations. The quantity of test dust and the quantity of air sampled shall be selected to give a measured downstream sodium quantity of at least 5 times the minimum sensitivity of the sodium measuring instrument.






Test Procedure 1.4.1 Initial Pressure Drop The initial pressure drop shall be determined, using clean filters, at 80%, 90%, 100% and 110% of the proposed airflow. Where a second stage is proposed, pressure drop shall be determined overall and across the first stage. The system resistance shall be graphed as a function of media velocity.

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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines


Dust Capacity and Efficiency A three phase dust capacity and efficiency test shall be conducted to determine the following: Phase 1 - time taken to reach the stabilized pressure drop and achieve the minimum NaCl capture efficiency of 99.95%. Phase 2 - a real time test of 50 hours minimum duration to demonstrate a constant system resistance under simulated dust storm conditions. Phase 3 - a real time test to demonstrate the system ability to clean back from an abnormally high pressure drop (as might occur due to a temporary loss of pulse cleaning). The phase 1 test shall be conducted at the proposed flow rate, with test dust as defined in paragraph 9.3.1 at an inlet concentration of 0.57 g/m until the stabilized pressure drop is attained. The time to reach this pressure drop shall be recorded. The efficiency test shall be conducted at sufficient points during the period to determine the time and pressure drop at which the minimum NaCl capture efficiency of 99.95% is attained. The phase 2 test shall continue on from the phase 1 test utilizing the same equipment and filter elements. Test dust, as defined in paragraph 9.3.1 shall be fed continuously at an inlet concentration of 0.57 g/m for a minimum period of 50 hours. System pressure drop, first stage pressure drop if applicable, relative humidity, and dust feed shall be recorded hourly. NaCl capture efficiency shall be determined at the end of each 10 hour period. During this phase, the measured NaCl capture efficiency shall be not less that 99.95% and the system resistance shall not show a rising pressure characteristic. The phase 3 test shall be conducted at the end of the 50 hour period. The pulse clean mechanism shall be deactivated and test dust shall be fed continuously at 0.57 g/m until the pressure drop across the self cleaning stage reaches 2.5 kPa (10 inches water gauge). At this point, NaCl capture efficiency, system pressure drop, relative humidity and dust feed shall be recorded. The dust
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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines

feed shall be terminated and the pulse clean mechanism reactivated. The system shall be allowed to self clean back to the previously determined stabilized operating pressure drop, at which point the NaCl capture efficiency shall be measured. The time taken to reach 2.5 kPa (10 inches water gauge) pressure differentials, the number of pulse clean cycles and the time taken to clean back to the stabilized system operating pressure shall be recorded. The results of phase 1, 2 and 3 tests shall be plotted on a composite graph showing system resistance in inches water gauge, NaCl capture efficiency and relative humidity as a function of time.


Integrity of Filter Elements The Vendor shall furnish certified evidence that filter elements are able to withstand rough handling. This may be demonstrated by a minimum of 15 (fifteen) hours continuous shaker testing to U.S. Army Corps Manual 136-300-178 without sustaining structural damage or loss of dust collection efficiency. Shaker testing shall be performed on the filter element alone without transport packaging. Individual first and second stage filter elements shall demonstrate , through laboratory testing, their capability of withstanding 3.7 kPa (15 inches water gauge) pressure differential without degradation of filter performance and shall be able to withstand 6.2 kPa (25.0 inches water gauge) pressure differential without rupture of the media. Dust collection efficiency shall also be determined by testing. Using the same filter element as used in paragraph, the filter shall be loaded at the proposed airflow with the specified test dust up to 6.2 kPa (25 inches water gauge). Gravitational efficiency determinations shall be made at 3.7 kPa (15 inches water gauge) and 6.2 kPa (25 inches water gauge) based on the cumulative amount of dust fed. The technique and procedure shall be in accordance with SAE J 726, 1993 edition.

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Document Responsibility: Gas Turbines and Diesel Engines Issue Date: 12 May 2008 Next Planned Update: 12 May 2013

32-SAMSS-008 Inlet Air Filtration Systems for Combustion Gas Turbines


Test Report The test report shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following material: 1. Sketches showing the overall test set-up and details of each of the systems outlined in paragraph 1.1, including make and model of all measuring instruments and equipment. A graph of initial system resistance as a function of volumetric flow. Composite graphs of system resistance, NaCl capture efficiency and relative humidity as a function of time. Certified results of laboratory tests and rough handling tests on individual elements. Supportive test or operating experience, if available, demonstrating minimum 2 years operating life of filter media.

2. 3. 4. 5.

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