Secret Society of The Cambridge Apostles

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The document discusses the Cambridge Apostles secret society and its influence over British politics and policies for over a century. It names Lord Tennyson and Bertrand Russell as two of the most influential members who have directed 'evil' policies. It also mentions Kim Philby and Donald Maclean as members who were Soviet spies.

The Cambridge Apostles is a secret society formed at Cambridge University in the 19th century. Some of its most influential members mentioned are Lord Tennyson, who controlled British politics until the 1890s, and Bertrand Russell, who succeeded him. Other members include Kim Philby and Donald Maclean.

According to the document, the Cambridge Apostles have served as the 'organized epistemological and political warfare force' of the British establishment. Through its members in influential positions, it has aimed to 'undercut, subvert and defeat threats to the rule of the City-of-London-based oligarchy and its international allies.'


January 4, 1980

Page 8

Who's Behind Kim Philby?

The Secret Society of the Cambridge Apostles

by Christopher R. White

Alfred Lord Tennyson, the cult controller of British politics down to his death in the 1890s, and his successor the evil Bertrand Russell. Most of the evil that has afflicted the world in the past one hundred and forty years can be put on the tally sheets of their account.

Since approximately 1822 the elite of the British Secret Intelligence Service has served its apprenticeship in a Cambridge-based secret society known as the Apostles. Operating primarily out of two colleges, Trinity and King's, it is this society which has consistently in the intervening period provided strategic direction and continuity to the evolution of British policy. Viewed from the outside the society must appear to be the repository of just another group of ivory tower think tankers. The Apostles appear as an informal private grouping at Cambridge University which took its nickname during the nineteenth century. It meets regularly at the university, but is funded by the membership, which also gathers for yearly reunions. New members are nominated by Apostles in good standing, and must be voted

into the group unanimously. The university generally regards the Apostles as a "debating" and "essay writing" society. The reality is far different. The Apostles in fact represent one of the greatest concentrations of evil in the world today. That evil is represented by the two figures whose careers and lives have almost spanned the existence of the society to date. They are respectively Alfred Lord Tennyson, the cult controller of British politics down to his death in the 1890s, and his successor the evil Bertrand Russell. Most of the evil that has afflicted the world in the past one hundred and forty years can be put on the tally sheets of their account. Tennyson and Russell have been to the Apostles what Aristotle was to the ancient cult of Apollo at Delphi. They have been the high priests of the cult of Isis for most of the modern period to date. The Cambridge Apostles and the graduates of that society, known by the old Persian word for intelligence officer, "angel," are the organized epistemological and political warfare force which has deployed to undercut, subvert and defeat threats to the rule of the City-of-London-based oligarchy and its international allies. To accomplish that objective they have deployed the old delphic methods of the Persian intelligence officer Aristotle. The Soviet Angle Exposure of the Apostles nest at this point serves a vital strategic objective. The Cambridge Apostles are ultimately the key controllers of British triple agents Philby and Maclean who were penetrated into the Soviet Union to work for the Apostles' cause. Under their influence Soviet policy has been shifted in recent weeks increasingly into line with overall British objectives. This shift is seen most clearly in Third World policy. At the conclusion of the fifth annual Round Table discussion between London's Royal Institute for International Affairs and the Soviet-based institute, Imemo, of which Maclean is a part, Inozemtsev, the Director of that institute, declared that while Soviet participants disagreed with certain aspects of British policy, there exists, nonetheless, broad agreement on the Third World. In the period since then, the Colombian Communist Party has changed its line to now oppose nuclear energy, without which Colombians will die. And the Moscow-based World Peace Council has entered into an international alliance with the environmentalist movement to line Moscow up, for now, behind the forces in the West opposing technological progress.

This pattern of developments can be ascribed to the work of Philby, Maclean and their allies within the Soviet bloc itself. Under that influence a virtual coup has been pulled off within Soviet policy making circles to effect a shift away from hitherto standing commitments to seek a war-avoidance course through support of continental European initiatives to build a new monetary system that will secure peace through the capital intensive development of the Third World. The new line by contrast, if not corrected, will greatly increase the risk of the outbreak of war in the period ahead, while condemning the Third World to genocide through starvation and disease under the International Monetary Fund's "conditionalities" policies. The package as a whole, however the Soviets might rationalize it to themselves, bears all the hallmarks of the controllers of Philby and Maclean, namely, the Cambridge Apostles. To focus political attention on that group now is to contribute to securing a necessary defeat for Cambridge's allies within the Soviet Union, while also weakening the principal overall control center for the international operations of the British oligarchy. The Apostles' Method Often described as a student debating society, the Apostles society is in fact a principal training ground for the methods of the priests of the British oligarchy. It was from such a "student debating society" that Philby, Burgess, Maclean and Anthony Blunt were deployed into the famous Cambridge Communist cell in the 1930s. However, the Apostles controlling influence over socialist or communist groups and movements predates the 1930s considerably. It is the case that behind every socialistic or communistic movement that was spawned in 19th century Europe, the Cambridge Apostles or their direct predecessors, the Pantisocratics of Samuel Taylor Coleridge can be found. The Apostles have not limited themselves to the formation of left-leaning cults. They have cheerily embraced the entirety of the political spectrum. And have also mothered religious cults. The modern Islamic fundamentalist movement, for example, is a child of the Cambridge Society through the efforts of E. G. Brown and Wilfred Scawen Blunt. These two, the sponsors of Al-Afghani's 1904 Persian uprising, were the trainers of Kim Philby's father, St. John Philby. Philby and Maclean have been deployed into the Soviet Union to continue that Cambridge centered cult-building tradition and to subvert the Soviet leadership by so doing. The same methods were, and are deployed against the U.S.A.

The capability for a society to progress is a function of the quality of ideas and culture with which the ruling institutions of that society are imbued. The Apostles have consistently deployed to seek out and destroy the individuals and ideas which most threaten the rule of the British-centered oligarchy. They are the proponents of the irrational in the conduct of human affairs. Since Plato, at least, the difference between man and dumb animals of lower species has been rigorously defined. Man is distinguished from the lower beasts by the higher cognitive powers, creative reason which has enabled man to increase his species' mastery over nature through the development of scientific knowledge and the technological applications of that knowledge. Such mastery is reflected in the increasing population potential of the human species, which makes further scientific breakthroughs necessary to ensure a basis for continued human existence. To survive, it is not possible for man to tread the waters; he must make progress by lawfully extending his mastery of the universe of which he is a part. Human historical existence and progress thus demonstrates that the lawfulness of the universe is characterized in such a self-developing way. Theology of Unreason The Apostles are advocates of a directly contrary view adequately summed up in Charles Babbage's work Science and Theology. In that location, Babbage argues that the characteristic lawfulness of the universe is fixed, but subject to arbitrary interventions of a deity who can change the rules. Man can adapt to the fixed laws, and abide by the new laws after they have been changed. He cannot, however, know the higher lawfulness by which the universe as a whole develops. For the Apostles, progress is not necessary, but merely one in a series of preferences that may be expressed in much the same way an individual chooses lunch in a delicatessen. Such a view reduces man to a mere travesty of a talking beast, and denies the importance of even the individual human being as a necessary contributor to the development of the species as a whole. It is thus lawful that the Apostles, like Bertrand Russell, should be moral imbeciles and bestialists. Kim Philby's characterless and lying autobiography, published in Moscow in 1968 five years after his supposed defection, thus establishes his moral and intellectual worth as well as his credentials as an Apostle. He makes no mention of the project on which he has been and still is engaged. These two mutually contradictory views are

"Kim'' Philby, shown here in Moscow with his Soviet wife.

represented by two tendencies in human history, the one associated with Plato and his followers, the other with the Delphic Persian intelligence agent Aristotle. Human history has been fought out as a war between the elite representatives of both tendencies for the minds of the sheep-like populations. The Apostles, in deploying their efforts against the Platonic successors of America's founding fathers, such as the Marquis de Lafayette, Friederich List, the German scientists Bernhard Riemann and Georg Cantor, have sought since their inception to eradicate the sources of the scientific ideas which make human progress possible, and to take advantage of the sheeplike backwardness of populations to wipe out the broader influence of such ideas, represented by political forces committed to technologically-vectored policies of progress. The Apostles and Marx Through his adult life, Karl Marx was split between these two tendencies. In the concluding Trinitarian section of Volume III of Capital, for example, he associates himself clearly with the humanist conception of necessary progress. Such a conception is otherwise reflected in Marx's support for Lincoln's "Union" policies during America's second war against Britain. On the other side, Marx's work was dogged by the pitfalls of his contradictory, unresolved efforts to find a mathematical description for the ordering

Aristotle (right), high priest of the cult of Apollo, attempted to brainwash his student Alexander the Great, using the same methods employed by the Apostles today, and failed. In the end, Alexander was assassinated.

processes effective in a society undergoing sustained progress, at the end of volume two of Capital. Marx was thus sucked into support of every radical "anti-capitalist" group that Cambridge threw in his direction, thereby ensuring that neither he, nor the Apostles-created movement with which he was associated, broke from their assigned role as a blunt instrument against the policies of sustained technological progress the Cambridge group hated. Philby and Maclean were assigned to the modern version of that effort early in the 1930s. The Cambridge Communist cell of which they were a part was set up as a pilot project in a long range epistemological subversion effort, coordinated at that point by Cambridge economists John Maynard Keynes, and Keynes' homosexual lover, the Italian aristocrat and Communist Party member Piero Sraffa. They were helped in their efforts by the raving Viennese positivist, Wittgenstein, who had been brought into Trinity College Cambridge by Bertrand Russell during World War I. The project was designed to create a linguistician's model of Marxism, adapted through the appropriate algebraic rigmarole for use on emerging computer technology. Though the techniques for achieving this had been worked out from the beginning of the present century, the project took off with the formation of the Strategic Bombing Survey, whose target lists for bombardment were drawn from flow chart-like simulations of economic

processes. In the immediate aftermath of the war, under the direction of Hungarian immigrant to Britain Nicholas Kaldor, the Strategic Bombing Survey approach was shifted into the Department of Applied Economics at Cambridge and readied for application in post-war economies. Countries targeted first were in the Third World and East Bloc, where, as participants stated, economic growth would not interfere with the predictive capabilities of the model. The same effort was, later on, directed against the United States, with the establishment of the Cambridge computer model facilities at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School in Philadelphia. The Case of Joan Robinson One of the key spokesmen for the project has been Philby and Maclean's comember in the original early 1930s Communist cell, namely Joan Robinson. Robinson's publications from the early 1940s onwards are indicators of the progress of the project, and intersect the successive phases of the deployment of Philby and Maclean into the Soviet Union itself. Thus, in 1951 and 1953, when Maclean was sent over and Philby's cover was being dressed up for future use, Robinson was writing her introductory essay to Rosa Luxemburg's Accumulation of Capital, a sketch on how the categories of Marx can be transformed for computer application; and her more elaborated The Production Function and Theory of Capital. And again in 1964, shortly after Philby's defection, and in the same year that Imemo was re-established with Maclean in the lead, Robinson was the contributor to a volume celebrating the work of Michal Kalecki, a Polish Planning Commission contributor to the work of the Cambridge school. The same collection contains a piece by the Wharton School's Director, Lawrence Klein, on the compatibility of econometrics computer methods as applied in both capitalist and socialist countries so-called. It is since the reformation of the Imemo operation in 1964 that the systems analysis approach has blossomed inside the Soviet Union. The same general approach has of course been applied to Third World economies through the activities of Robinson's boss, Nicholas Kaldor, and her husband, Austin Robinson. It is the Cambridge approach, the offspring of the Apostles' activities in the 1930s and 1940s, which is at the basis of the computer systems associated with Erwin Laszlo's UNITAR organization and with the University of Sussex facility in England with which Laszlo's outfit is affiliated.

In all these operations it is not the computer or the computer system which is of primary importance. Computerized methods have merely been used to establish a framework of pseudo-science within which factions ammenable to the fundamental irrationality of the Cambridge School can be oriented, and world discussion of policy options defined in a way that is acceptable to the same crew of Angels and Apostles. Such a set up has been deployed to condition an international agenda and factional line-up in such a way as to be conducive to the objectives of Britain's London-centered oligarchy. Within that, Philby and Maclean have been deployed to shift Soviet weaknesses and vulnerabilities into the desired channels. The overall, continuing evil of the Apostles' capability rests on deploying that international political network now on behalf of the objective of reducing the world's population by half. The Cambridge Apostles, as befits those who helped Hitler rise to power, are now in the process of perpetrating crimes worse than anything Hitler ever contemplated. The Philbys, the Macleans, the Kleins and the Laszlos are complicit in that objective. Their efforts, if allowed to succeed, will create the conditions for a virtual "new dark age," if not a general thermonuclear war. The Apostles' continuing network of evil must be rooted out and destroyed.

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