Agrochemicals in Tea Industry

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Introduction grochemicals are constantly under the scanner toady in view of ever increasing health and environmental concerns. A number of agrochemicals are used in a tea field. Those that enhance productivity are fertilizers and plant growth regulators while those that are used for protecting the crop are pesticides which include both fertilizers and pesticides. Work on fertilizers in tea was initiated at Tocklai as early as 1920s where ammonium sulphate proved most efficient1. In subsequent trials during 1930-39 inorganic fertilizers were found to be superior to organic manures2. A Memorandum entitled Nitrogen supply to tea by H.R. Cooper was published in 1946 for benefit to the tea planters. Phosphate and potash fertilizers came much later3,4 and were mostly used in young tea fields only while mature tea plants were nourished only with nitrogenous fertilizers till 1960s. The fertilizer recommendations have evolved over the years and currently it emphasizes balanced nutrition based on yield and soil status. The tea plantations in eastern India also suffer from a large number of pests leading to significant crop loss5. Therefore, adequate pest control measures are necessary. The methods used consists of sanitation, cultural practices, mechanical means, etc., and use of chemicals. But for immediate protection, use of chemicals is the most preferred choice. Were it not for the planters constant fight to protect their crop, the tea production would have been badly affected. The consumption of pesticides in India is one of the lowest in the world about 0.5 kg/ha, but pesticide use in tea in general is said to be several times
* Analytical Services Department, Tea Research Association, Tocklai Experimental Station, Jorhat 785 008, Assam, Email:

higher than in other crops. In an earlier survey, Borbora and Biswas6 reported that the requirement of pesticides was about 7.4 to 16.8 kg or L of formulations/ha, while the average pesticide consumption in the Dooars during the period 1998-2000 was 14.2 kg or L/ha per year7 reflecting the severity of pest situations in the region. Pesticide residue in tea has been a major challenge to the Industry in recent times due to ever increasing global demand for quality8. As a result, the use of pesticides has become increasingly difficult today even though pest pressure is on the increase and further aggravated by climate change9. Overview of Fertilizer use in Tea Plantations Managing soil health is a formidable challenge to ensure productivity, profitability and production target. Due to prolonged monoculture, considerable changes have occurred in the tea soils of eastern India. Soil compaction, intensive leaching of bases and increased acidity1, low nutrient holding capacity and reduced biodiversity of the tea soils are some of the consequences. Over a 40-year cropping of tea, up to 252 tons/ha of organic matter were reported to be lost from a 90 cm soil profile along with depletion of considerable amounts of nutrients10,11. The unabated depletion of organic matter and nutrients leads to decline of fertility and productivity of tea soils. In a survey carried out in 84 soil profiles in Upper Assam tea gardens it has been observed that bulk density greater than 1.6 g/cc was associated with significant yield decline. The water stable aggregate (05 to 2mm sizes) positively correlated with yield. Tea fields with low to medium soil available potash (<100 mg/kg) had significantly lower yield compared to fields with adequate soil potash (>100mg/kg). Similarly tea fields with low to moderate soil organic carbon status (< 1%) showed a mean yield of 1.8

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tons made tea/ha while those fields with adequate (>1%) organic carbon showed a mean yield of 2 tons/ha17. For sustaining a high productivity of tea, the soil needs regular supplementation with fertilizers. An average crop of 2000 kg made tea/ha will remove around 100 kg nitrogen, 20 kg phosphate and 40 kg potash per ha per year from soil in addition to nutrients locked up in the bush frame. The high nutrient removals, low nutrient retention capacity of tea soils and the low fertilizer use efficiency are important considerations while determining fertilizer uses. Field trials showed that for sustaining a crop of 2300 kg made tea/ha, nitrogen not exceeding 140 kg, phosphate 20-50 kg and potash not exceeding 140 kg would suffice. Survey data from a large number of tea estates also corroborated these results and in 80% of the surveyed tea gardens, this NPK dose was optimum for producing 2500-3000 kg made tea/ha. The possibility of sustaining a productivity level of 3500 kg made tea/ha or more by marginal increase of nitrogen over 165 kg along with 50 kg phosphate and 165 kg potash was also indicated from the data13. An old estimate showed a requirement of about 50,000 tons of nitrogen, 15,000 tons of phosphate and 30,000 tons of potash per year for tea plantations in this region14, though these figures would change now with inclusion of a large number small growers. Tea plantations of this region more or less follow Tocklais recommendation on fertilizers. The nitrogen between 120 and 165 kg N/ha, phosphate @ 2050 kg P2O5/ha are applied by majority of the estates. Soil analysis report continued to serve as a guideline for potash manuring. Split application of fertilizers received wider attention and most of the estates applied N & K in two splits. A few estates tried even three split applications during early spring (March/April), pre monsoon (May/June) and autumn (September). Young teas were generally given NPK mixture mostly on lines suggested by Tocklai in 4 splits upto 3rd year and 2 to 3 splits during 4th and 5th year of planting. Some estates applied 2040 kg sulphur/ ha in areas with low soil sulphur status (below 40 mg/kg) based on soil analysis report after sulphur was recommended in 199415. However, as the response to this nutrient was not consistent in some areas, the recommendation is kept at abeyance at present. Urea, rock phosphate, single superphosphate and muriate of potash are extensively used in tea fields. Frequent DAP sprays in tea nurseries is a common practice which often leads to excessive top growth at the expense of the roots. Among the micronutrients, foliar sprays of zinc is used widely as a regular practice in tea plantations either alone or mixed with urea since response to this nutrient was reported by

Tocklai16. Replanted tea fields particularly on light textured soil were shown to be benefitted by boron. There is a tendency in some gardens to use fertilizers at high rates or to emphasize only on nitrogen while phosphate is used in alternate or every third year and skipping potash. Such imbalanced nutrition leads to decline of productivity. Fertilizer application at high rates causes amide (theanine) toxicity in roots leading to damage of feeder roots, depletion of starch from the roots and even death of plants in extreme cases17. It will also lead to considerable leaching and runoff loss leading to contamination of nearby water bodies and ground water. Therefore, only regular application at recommended rate is to be ensured as cessation of fertilizer nitrogen even for a year, depressed soil nitrogen, shoot nitrogen and yield of mature tea. A study on productivity trend in 83 tea estates spreading over 35,423 ha in three agro-climatic regions of Northeast India showed a decline of productivity from 1720 years of age irrespective of cultivars and agro-climatic conditions18. Though the underlying causes were not clear, the deteriorating soil conditions over prolonged monoculture and depletion of nutrients or nutrient imbalance compounded by poor physical conditions of the soils appear contribute significantly. It is therefore necessary to periodically examine the changes in the status of various nutrients in soil at regular intervals to determine potential deficiencies to prevent serious shortfall in yield. A number of tea garden soil samples tested in our NABL accredited laboratory at Tocklai recently showed very low levels of available phosphate never encountered before (George, 2011 unpublished work). This could be an indication of imbalanced nutrition or unintentional use of spurious fertilizers. In either case its a concern and needs a serious look. Future Directions in the use of Fertilizers In view of environmental concerns and the need to reduce the carbon footprint and cost of production, it is essential for planters to shift to integrated nutrient management (INM). INM will be the correct approach towards sustained productivity and soil health in the near future. The conjunctive use of chemical fertilizers, organic manures and bio-fertilizers that enhances nutrient use efficiency, soil health, crop yields and profitability should receive wider attention by the tea planters. There will be need to augment supplies of organic manures, fertilizers, biofertilizers and soil amendments to have INM on a sound footing. Attending to site specific nutrient management and planning for biomass generation within the tea estate


in all available spaces will be another thrust area. Due to continuous monocropping for prolonged periods, the soils under tea plantations are likely to have deficiencies of micronutrients as well. Therefore, proper soil assessment and effective planning to correct the deficiencies will be another priority.

Overview of use of Pesticides in Tea Plantations TABLE 1. Approved chemicals for use in tea in India and their EU Herbicides are the largest used positions pesticides in tea plantations unlike other Sl Chemicals with CIB Activity EU Positions / crops in the country. Their use began No. label claim for use in MRLs (mg/kg) in the sixties19 and soon became popular tea in India as chemical weed control is cheaper than 1. Ethion Acaricide 3 manual methods . Weed control for 2. Dicofol Acaricide Withdrawn / 20 particularly six months from April to 3. Fenazaquin Acaricide Not tolerated /10 September has positive and significant 4. Propargite Acaricide 5 effect on the yield of tea as weed 5. Sulphur Acaricide compete with tea for nutrients, moisture, light and space and also harbour pests 6. Fenpyroximate Acaricide 0.1 and diseases. The predominant weed 7. Deltamethrin Insecticide 5 flora in tea fields includes broad leaf, 8. Dimethoate Insecticide 0.05 grasses and ferns. However, under 9. Diflubenzuron Insecticide 0.1 adverse growing conditions, the tolerant 10. Neem formulations Insecticide (0.01 for Azadirachtin) or hardy species of weeds become predominant and lead to increased 11. Fluvalinate Insecticide Not tolerated / 0.1 herbicide use . Paraquat, 2,4-D and 12. Phosalone Insecticide Lost authorization in Europe glyphosate are extensively used 13. Diazinon Insecticide Lost authorization in Europe herbicides in tea fields and oxyfluorfen, 14. Flufenoxuron Insecticide Not tolerated /15 glufosinate ammonium, simazine and 15. Profenophos Insecticide 0.1 diuron are used in a limited scale. Due to conducive environmental conditions more than 100 species of arthropod pests, belonging to different groups of insects and mites, have been recorded in tea plantations 20. The tea mosquito bug, thrips, jassids, looper and red slug caterpillar, red spider and scarlet mites are of considerable economic significance. Some minor pests have also appeared recently as a major threat in some gardens. Tea plants in the region also suffer from primary diseases of the foliage, stem and the roots. Though the quantum of crop loss due to their combined infestation is not precisely known, it is estimated to be up to 14 percent21,22 but at times could be much higher. Tea production in Assam has received a severe setback in the first
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Quinalphos Thiamethoxam Fenpropathrin Hexythiazox Copper oxychloride Hexaconazole Propiconazole Diuron Glyphosate Simazine 2, 4-D Oxyfluorfen Glofosinate ammonium Paraquat Endosulfan* Fungicide Fungicide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Insecticide Insecticide Insecticide Insecticide Insecticide Not tolerated / 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.05 Fungicide 40

fortnight of June, 2010. There was about 50% crop loss compared to the previous year for this period. The reasons being incessant rains for about a fortnight and accompanying low temperature slowing down growth of new foliage and a devastating attack by tea mosquito bug. All efforts to protect the crop yielded little success as no pesticides applied were retained on the foliage. Small opportunities that came in between rains were utilised by

Not tolerated / 0.05 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.5 Pending Court case / 0.05 Not tolerated / 30

*( Endosulfan has been banned by the supreme Court of india for 8 weeks w.e.f. 1305 2011 for production, use & sale all over India -an Ad-Interim order in the Writ Petition (Civil) No. 213 of 2011.Source: CIBRC website dated 17.6.2011.)

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the planters but only with the little choice left with them, the synthetic pyrethroids. For this highly valued early season crop due for export, they could not use any other pesticide due to restrictions abroad. Approved Pesticide use in Tea in India vrs Regulations/Restrictions Out of 230 pesticides registered by Central Insecticide Board (CIB) in India, only about 34 odd chemicals have been approved for use in tea. A number of approved chemicals have either been withdrawn or are not tolerated abroad (Table 1). In addition to low MRLs, a number of widely used pesticides have been withdrawn in Europe. The reasons being negative risk assessment, lack of manufacturers support, lack of toxicological data and/or adverse public opinion. Japan has adopted their positive list systems for agrochemicals with effect from May 2006. With their uniform level of 0.01 mg/kg set for 2,4-D, oxyfluorfen, simazine and fenazaquin, it has become necessary to avoid these products in gardens exporting teas to Japan. The residues of these pesticides in food are not tolerated in Japan and hence no MRLs have been assigned and in its place ULs (uniform levels) given to clearly distinguish them from other pesticides. ULs have been assigned to gibberallic acid and triacontanol and thus it calls for a halt to indiscriminate use of foliar sprays of plant growth regulators in tea as well9. Need for Pesticide use to be in Sync with Regulation The higher surface to mass ratio of tea shoots23 and shorter intervals between treatment and plucking (harvest) as compared to other crops make it difficult to keep the residues low while high temperature conditions during tea processing in the factory offers scope for degradation of pesticide residues. However pesticides invariably leave residues and their indiscriminate use will render the teas unsuitable for consumption and trade. Therefore, proper evaluation of safe plant protection schedules is of utmost importance. A series of supervised field trials were conducted at Tocklai to study the dissipation and terminal residues of a number of pesticides in tea. Results indicated that residues declined rapidly with time24,25,26 but only a few chemicals leave residues below the MRLs (Table 2). Those pesticides that leave residues near or slightly above MRLs in 7 days should be restricted to spot sprays only should their use become inevitable in the plucking period. Plucking tea shoots 3-4 days after application of

TABLE 2: Terminal residues (mg/kg) of Pesticides in made tea

Pesticides Pre-harvest interval (days) 7 14 Endosulfan 7 14 Quinalphos 7 14 Ethion 7 14 Chlorpyriphos 7 14 Lambda-cyhalothrin 7 14 Propargite 7 14 Deltamethrin 7 14 Cypermethrin 7 14 Fenpropathrin 7 14 Fluvalinate 7 15 Fenvalerate 7 14 Terminal Residues (mg/kg) 1.9 - 15.5 0.26 - 8 1.47 - 10.5 1.15 - 1.26 0.02 - 0.08 < 0.02 0.59 - 2.8 0.02 - 0.03 0.07 - 0.57 0.1 - 0.21 0.06 0.18 0.04 0.15 10.1 19.8 < 0.7 - 0.82 0.15 0.02 0.16 - 0.0.39 <0.05 0.05 1.38 0.12 0.78 -1.8


0.24 0.34 0.41 0.05

pesticides will stand a great risk of exceeding MRLs. If the residues are close to the MRL in 7 days, it should only be used as spot sprays only if its use becomes inevitable in the growing season. The use of quinalphos in tea should be restricted to non-flushing season only as the Indian MRL is very low (Table 3). Similarly, ethion used as per GAP conforms to both Indian and EU MRLs but not that of Japan. The use of neonicotinoids as per GAP conforms to Japan but not to EU MRLs. The use of fungicides hexaconazole and propiconazole should also be restricted, as far as possible. Residues of copper fungicides in made tea 7 days after treatment conforms to Indian MRL but exceeds the EU MRL. Thus the use of all pesticides as a blanket spray needs to be avoided as far as possible. The Government of India has introduced the Tea Distribution and Export Control Order 2005 and other


measures for food safety in an effort to offer the consumers quality products. National MRLs have been fixed for pesticides, metals and mycotoxin in tea and the list is being extended (Table 3) TABLE 3. Indian limits for contaminants in tea
Pesticides / Metals Green Tea Black Tea Kangra Tea

empty containers and old stocks and regular monitoring of invoice tea samples for residues and other contaminants. Future Directions in the use of Pesticides in Tea Plantations Pesticide use in tea plantation will become increasingly difficult in the coming years. Pesticides are to be used only as a component of IPM and in sync with the regulations. There is also a need to look for new molecules. The near future will definitely see replacement of a host of old chemicals like ethion, dicofol, endosulfan etc with new molecules. There is a shift towards water soluble compounds and use of neonicotinodes are likely to increase. The preference will be to include safer compounds, that fits well in IPM with a scope for alternation to manage resistance and those having practically achievable MRLs. There will also be a need to improve the efficiency of pesticide delivery at the target. References
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Anon, Tocklai Experimental Station 1911-1991, TRA Pub. Tocklai, p 232. (1992). N.G. Gokhale, Nitrogenous fertilizers for tea. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci., 4 : 205-214 (1955). F. Rahman and R.N. Roy, Response to Potash at Borbhetta. Two Bud, 17(1+2): 3-4 (1970). S. K. Dey, Importance of potash manuring. Proc. 25th Bienn. Conf. Tocklai, pp 82-97 (1971). G. M. Das, : Pests of tea in North East India and their control. Memorandum No. 27 , Tocklai Experimental Station, Tea Research Association, Jorhat, Assam, India.India. pp. 332-339 (1965). B.C. Barbora and A. K. Biswas Use pattern pesticides in tea estates of N.E. India. Two and A Bud, Vol. 42(2) : 414 (1996). S. Sannigrahi and T. Talukdar, Pesticide use pattern in Dooars tea Industry. Two and a bud 50 : 35-38, (2003). A. K. Barooah, Pesticides residues in tea, MRLs and new regulations. Proc. 34th Tocklai Conference, TRA Pub, p 127-136 (2005). A K Barooah and Monorama Borthakur and B K Barthakur. Reducing Chemical load in tea: Chemicals used in tea, implications of recent regulations, approaches to limit their use and beyond. Paper presented in Tocklai Centenary International Conference, Delhi, May 10-11 (2010). N.G. Gokhale, Effect of continous cropping and manuring on the fertility status of tea soil.Proc. 17th Ann. Conf. Tocklai, p 13-18 (1960). S.K. Dey, The 1967 Soil survey and other problems. Pro. 24th Ann. Conf. Tocklai, p 1-11 (1967). H. Goswami, A.K. Barooah, K.K. Gohain, B.P. Saikia, A. Baruah and A. Dutta, Soil parameters for higher productivity of tea. Two Bud 48 (1):26-30 (2001). A K. Barooah, Mineral Nutrition in Tea. In B K Goswami (ed) Lecure Notes for Field Management in Tea, TRA Pub, p141-152 (2008).

Metallic Contaminants (mg/kg) Lead Copper 10.0 150.0 10.0 150.0 10.0 150.0

Pesticide Residues (mg/kg) Ethion Quinalphos Dicofol Glyphosate Fenazaquin 5.0 0.01 5.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 0.01 5.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 0.01 5.0 1.0 3.0

Mycotoxins (mg/kg) Aflatoxin Additional Pesticides Propargite Deltamethrin Propiconazole Fenpyroximate Fenpropathrin Paraquot Hexythiazox Endosulfan Oxyfluorfen Hexaconazole Thiamethoxam Flumite 10 2 0.1 0.2 1.0 0.05 0.01 5.0 0.2 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.03 MRL (mg/kg) Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 7. 8. 6. 0.03

TRA has been constantly engaged in creating awareness among the tea planters on pesticide residues and MRL through seminars, conferences, and bulletins as well as special workshops held recently to sensitise all stakeholders. Some of the ways being recommended to planters to minimize residues of pesticides in tea are: monitoring and early detection of pests, use of only recommended pesticides, avoiding repeated use, allowing sufficient waiting period between treatment and harvest, resorting to spot treatment, as far as possible avoiding blanket sprays, using pesticides only at recommended rate, method and time, periodic monitoring of all inputs for quality control, maintaining hygienic conditions both in field and in factory, proper disposal of excess spray fluid,



11. 12.


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14. 15.

B.C. Barbora. Fertiliser Use in Tea. Two Bud . 38 (1&2): 1-2 (1991). A.C. Barbora and J. Sarma, Need of Sulphur in Augmenting Yield and Quality of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Proc. 32nd Tocklai Conf. TRA Pub., p 77-90 (1994). N. Borpujari and S. K. Dey, Zinc requirement of tea in N.E. India. Two Bud , 29 : 40-47 (1982). Durga Barua, Effect of long term application of Nitrogen Fertiliser on yield of tea. Two Bud , 37(1) : 1-3 (1990). P. K. Karmoker, P. K. Bordoloi and P. K. Borpatra Gohain. Impact of age and planting material on productivity of tea. Two Bud 48 (1) : 17-20, (2001). J. Chakravartee. Weed control in tea. Two Bud 41 (1) 2 11, (1994). Monorama Borthakur, A K Barooah, M Sharma, A Rahman and K Bora (2010). Current trends in population dynamics of tea pests in northeast India & strategies for their management. Parer presented in the IXth European Congress of Entomology ECE2010 held in Budapest (Hungary) 22 to 27 August.

21. 22. 23. 24.

B. Banerjee, Concepts of pest control today. Two Bud, 18(2) : 50 (1971). A. R. Sen, Losses from pest and Diseases. Two Bud 50: 35-38, (2003). Chen Zongmao and Wan Haibin, Factors affecting residues of pesticides in tea. Pestic. Sci. 23 : 109-118 (1988). A. K. Barooah and M. C. Borthakur Residues of alphamethrin in tea and its potential daily intake., J. Pestic Sci. 6 : 161-166 (1994). A K Barooah, J. N. Kalita, P. D. Collier and B. C. Barbora Residues of pesticides in made tea and hot water brew. Proc.32nd Tocklai Conference, TRA Pub p 196-211 (1994). A K Barooah. Terminal residues of pesticides in tea. Proc. National Seminar on Pesticide Residues and their risk assessment, held at NIN, Hyderabad, Jan 20-21, p 103-106 (2005a). A.K. Barooah, Aradhana Barooah, M.P. Adhyapak, I.K. Phukam, A. K. Dutta and K. K. Gohain, Generation of data on heavy metal contents in tea. Two Bud 49: 24-29 (2002).

16. 17. 18.


19. 20.





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