BB 03303320340
BB 03303320340
BB 03303320340
Azotobacter Chroococcum Mass Culture for Production of BioFertilizer, Its Sustained Efficacy on Nitrogen Fixation and Crop Productivity in Mulberry Garden
Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Berhampore - 742 101, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
Abstract :
Mulberry is cultivated by farmers for its leaves, the sole food for silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) for commercial production of raw silk in Sericulture Industry. As mulberry is a perennial crop can be maintained for several years in the field, selection of suitable land and follow-up of recommended package of practices are inevitable for maintenance of potential productivity of the variety selected for cultivation. As the quality of mulberry leaves alone contributes about 38.2% for the success of silkworm cocoon crop, quality linked leaf productivity of mulberry leaves can be achieved through adequate supply of all required input into soil. Nitrogen is one of the important macronutrient required for mulberry in larger quantity. In order to reduce the high cost involved towards nitrogenous chemical fertilizers and to maintain the soil health in an eco-friendly way Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) approach in agriculture sector became popular and the same has been followed in mulberry cultivation as well in recent years. Use of different kinds of microbial inoculants as biofertilizer to fix atmospheric nitrogen in mulberry garden brought improvements in soil health maintenance and helps to reduce nitrogenous chemical fertilizer requirements and expenditure to farmers considerably without affecting the quality linked productivity. Keeping in view of the above an experiment study was conducted to ascertain the consistent efficacy of Azotobacter chroococcum inoculants @ 108-9 cells per g charcoal carrier material used as nitrofert bio-fertilizer application in mulberry garden during July to September 2012 crop. S1635 mulberry variety in Paired Row System [PRS] of plantation with (150+90) x 60 cm spacing under irrigated condition with two treatments i.e., T1 as control with basal dose of application of 20 MT FYM ha-1 year-1 in two split doses and recommended 336:180:112 NPK ha-1 year-1 in 5 split doses and in T2, except 50% of N replaced by 20 kg nitrofert biofertilizer ha-1 year-1 in 5 split doses all other nutrients and package of practices as followed in T1 with 13 replications in CRD. Average leaf yield of 7.35 & 7.34 and total biomass of 12.95 & 13.0 tons ha-1 obtained in T1 and T2 respectively and quality of leaves on economic characters found without significant difference between the treatments revealed the consistent efficiency of Azotobacter chroococcum in fixing atmospheric nitrogen in the soil of mulberry garden to reduce nitrogenous chemical fertilizer and expenditure without affecting the quality linked leaf productivity and mass culture of the bacteria for preparation of Nitrofert biofertilizer, its application techniques are discussed in the paper.
Key Words : Mulberry leaf, bio-fertilizer, biological nitrogen fixation, eco-friendly soil health, potential
1. Introduction :
Mulberry is cultivated by farmers for its leaves, the sole food for silkworm ( Bombyx mori L) for commercial production of raw silk in Sericulture Industry. As mulberry is a perennial crop can be maintained for many years, selection of land and follow-up of recommended package of practices are inevitable for quality linked potential productivity throughout. Further the quality of mulberry leaves as single factor contributes about 38.2% for the success of silkworm crop (Miyashita, 1986), adequate supply of all required input into soil is very much essential. In India, during the Green Revolution period more emphasis was given for increase unit area productivity of crops which facilitated in indiscriminate application of inorganic chemical fertilizers, chemicals to control various pests and diseases without considering the soil health maintenance for long-term use for agriculture purposes resulted in considerable damage to the soils of agriculture land. It was reported that out of 235 mha of cultivable area, soils of 166 mha have been damaged (Swaminathan, 1994) in the country, necessitated alternate methods to improve the soil health. Excessive uses of nitrate and phosphatic fertilizers have led to extensive contamination of surface and ground waters (Dahama, 2003). To complete life cycle normally, living organism requires a large numbers of substances from outside are called nutrition. Green plants being autotrophic, requires only inorganic substances from outside (Pandey and Sinha, 1972). An essential element is defined as one whose absence prevents plants from completing its life cycle or one that has clear
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Conclusion :
It may be concluded that the maintenance of A. chroococcum bacteria culture and mass multiplication in Walkmans culture medium under laboratory conditions for production of Nitrofert bio-fertilizer is viable. Nitrofert bio-fertilizer application @ 20 kgs. ha-1 year-1 in 5 split doses in mulberry garden helps to reduce upto 50% nitrogenous chemical fertilizer requirement and saves expenditure without affecting the quality linked productivity, in addition it improves the soil health in an eco-friendly way.
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