Damage Mechanism
Damage Mechanism
Damage Mechanism
SOFTENING (Spherodization) change in micstru after exposure to 440 to 760 where carbide phase r unstable and aggloremate into spherioridal form.Loss in strength &/or creep resi
microstructure change C,0.5 Mo,427593,strength,ductility,and/or creep Form of dealloying in which iron resi,carbide phase decompose to graphite matrix is corroded leaving corrosion nodules products & porous graphite cast irons white cast iron is not subjected to corrosion
Older vintage steel & C-0.5Mo under combined effect of defor & ageing,hardness incr,ductility ?& toughness decr Pre 1980 STEEL WITH LARGE GRAIN SIZE & C-0.5Mo
affected material CS,0.5mo chemistry,stress temp n time of exposure,not normally found,add 0.7%cr to eliminate,below 427 its very slow,types are is in where nodules are distributed randomly,doesnot usually lower creep resi,second results in chain or local planes of conc noduleswhere there is signific loss in load bearing cap + brittle fracture.FORMS- haz corresponding to low temp zone-eyebrow Non weld type is a formof localised graphi where there is plastic deform as a result of cold working
critical factors
Microstructure environment combination,i.e temp,degree of aeration,ph, time,occures in presence of moisture below 93,much damage during stagnant condt,graphite is cathodic to iron matrix.may affect adjacent component by galvanic corr Can occure in soft water,salt water,dilute acids,feedwater ppgs,pumps valves,
affected units
steel composition& mfg process,bessemer & open hearth Chemistry,microstr,exposure have higher impurities than time,& temp ...occures few hrs at BOF,fully killed Al with BOF not 552 but may take several yrs at suspectible,observed when cold 454,Annealed steel more worked & without SR,is a major resistant,Fine grained silicon killed concern for eqpt containing more resistant than Aluminium cracks, loss in strength is usally accompained by increase in ductility,Hot wall ppg in FCC,CCR,COKER old and no pwht Not easily nticable,metallography, 5%to9% CrMo it is the process of transforming carbides from finely dispersed to aggloramated
may not be noticable even after metallography,microfissuring,microvoid,sub visual,soft & easily gouged by surface crack or surface crack knife,metallographic exam
mitigation/inspection use higher Cr content related mechanism spehoridization which occures preferentially above 551
apply PWHT and consider buttering for old steel repairs blue brittleness is another form of strain ageing
selective leaching
Metallurgical change due to long term expo to 343-593,causes upward shift in ductile-brittle tran temp as measured characteristiced by surface initiated cracks by charpy,may be suspectible to Brittle occur in piping exposed to caustic,primarly fracture during startup & shutdown adjacent to non pwht welds,
form of cracking when certain molten metals come in contact with specefic alloys cracking can be sudden & brittle
loss of ductility due to penetration of H2 can lead to brittle cracking,can occur during mfg,wldg,or service that loss of tghness in alloys can charge H2 in steel (gaseous or containing ferrite due to aqueous,corrosive) exposure to 316 to 540 CS,LAS,400SS,High strength nickle base alloys 400 s.s,duplex,wrought & cast 300 ss,weld n weld overlay
2.25Cr-1Mo,3Cr-1Mo (to less extent) & CS,LAS, & 300SS, (Nickel based alloys are hsla Cr-Mo-V rotor steel. more resistant) CS,SS,LAS,HSS,Ni
cr content,amount of ferrite phase, & operating alloy steel comp,thermal history,metal occures when speceficcombintion of three condt must be present:H2 must temp,increase in ductile to temp & exposure time,Suspectibility is caustic strength,tempr,stress,cracking at metals come in contact with low be present within critical conc brittle tran temp will largly determined by presence of low caustic is possible if there is conc (50 - melting point metals like WITHIN steel,Strength level & occur,primary consideration is alloying elements Mg & SI,and tramp 100 ppm is sufficient to create Zn,mercury,cadmium,Pb,Cu,Tin,High microstructure must be operating in critical temp elements like cracking)Generally accepted that stress tensile strengts promotes crack or suspectible,stress above threshold range,effect of tghness is not phosphorous,tin,antimony,2.25Cr approaching yield r reqd for scc,conc can even if there is mutal contact,(SSfor HE must be present,H2 can come prononcud at opt temp but is developes more quickly at 482 than in occur as a result of wet n dry condt Zn,Copper alloys- Mercury,Alloy 400- frm wldg,cleaning in acid soln,high significant at low temp 427-440 but long term ex localised hot sp Mercury,Al-Mercury,HSS tempr h2 gas atm,wet h2s ser (shutdown/star CS Piping in h2s service in during fire galvanised zinc,cadmium hydroproc,FCC,amine, sws,more electric housing may melt and come suspectible if PWHT is noy eqpts that handle caustics,including in contact,S.S pipe contact with GI done,Storage sphere due to eqts mostly in hydroprocessing mercaptan removal units,improperly heat pipe,some crudes and p[rocess instru HSS,Bolts springs,reactors haz} most refining use ferritic steel units,ccr,fcc, traced pipes,as a result of steam cleaning. contain mercury 235BHN to non pressure boundary cracking II to weld in adj base metal but also occur in weld deposit or HAZ,SPIDER metallurgi change NOT can be confirmed thru impact WEB,Intragranular,oxide filled surface appears as brittle cracks in ductile Mostly surface breaking but also READILY seen by test,damage may eresult in breaking in as welded CS,cracking in mtl,intragranular,metallography,spect subsurface,occures at high metallography but can be catastrophic brittle fracture,install 300ss is transgranular & difficult to rographic analysis may be reqd to stresses& where microstructure is confir by bend/impact,increase blocks of orignal heat& impact test distinguidh from chloride cc confirm presence conductive such as HAZ, in hardness cannot be prevented if impurities & exposed to embrittling temp, pressurization seq to limit system pr to 25% of dp for temp below min pr temp (171-38 for new steel),carry pwht & rapidly cool,limit acceptance level of Mg,Si,Ph,Tn NA PWHT,STEAM OUT OF NON pwht WELDS SHD BE AVOIDED,WATER WASH BEFORE STEAM OUT,USE LP steam.Disperse caustic properly.WFMT,EC,RT,surface prep is usually reqd,PT not effective for finding tight scale filled crack,AET can be used for monitoring crack growth. Amine Cracking & carbonate cracking Use lower strength & tempered steel,reduce stresses,PWHT,Backing prevent contactno zinc or organic Zn of electrode,use dry coating on S.S,Cracks by electrodes,control shutdown & MT,PT,Because of high den of startup procedures,apply protective mercury RT can be used in excg lining,cladding,overlay,PT.MT,WFMT tubes, , H2 flaking,underbead liquid metal cracking, cracking,delayed cracking,hic, use low ferrite & avoid exposure can be reversible by heat treatment followed by rapid cooling.593,but re embrittle will be fast,insp by impact or bend test,increas in hardness is another indication not applicabl
Aggressive corrosion occuring in hydroprocessing effluent line & units handling sour water cs,300ss,duplex,nickel base alloy are more resistant conc,velocity,PH,Temp,alloy composition ,above 2% weight & increase vel it is very corrosive,nitrogen in feed is converted to ammonia reacts with H2S to form nh4hs,nh4 percipitates out of gas phase in reactor effluent stream at temp below 66,it causes fouling & plugging,nh4hs salt depozsit causes underdeposit corrosion presence of cyanides increases corrosion in fcc,coker by normally destroying sulfide scales hydroprocessing,fcc unit,stripper column ovhd sour water,fcc,sws,amine(regenerator ovhd,delayed oker downstream of fractioning tower general loss as well as localised in CS,low velocities leads to underdeposit corr, heat excg may show plugging,rapidly corrodes aadmiralty brass tubes and other alloys
general or localised corrosion often pitting under ammonium chloride or amine salts,often in absence in free water phase incr resis,cs,las,300ss,alloy 400,duplex,alloy 625 and titanium
corrosion general and localised is associated with dew point corrosion, all common mtl
aqueous alkanolomine cracking in systems used to remove h2s co2,form of alkaline scc,most found adjacent to non pwht welds c/s and las
conc,temp and water availability,ammonium cl salts may percipitate frm high temp stream as they are cooled depending on temp and conc,salts are hygroscopic,temp incr then corr incr,when they deposit above water dew point then water wash injection may be reqd
conc,temp n alloy compi,first droplet of water which condenses can be very acidic(low ph)monel,titanium is resistance,presence of oxidizing agents incr corrosiontitanium fails in dry HCL service
corrosion depends on design n operating practice,type of amine,conc,temp & vel.CS is suitable if designed n operated properly.lean amine generally non corrosive.HSAS above 2% can significantly incr corrosion.temp above 104 can tensile stress,conc,temp, crack more result in acid gas flashing & likely in lean MEA & DEA, cracking in severe localised corr if pr drop rich amine is associated with WET is high.velocity limit to 3 to 6 H2S cracking. fps
crude tower top,top pump around streams,reactor effluent streams,fccu and coker fractioning ovhds,
crude unit:limit salts,add caustic,filming amine. HYDROPROCESSING: limit good dsg with hydraulic balanced chlorides in hydrocarbon & make up flow,maintain velocities ( 10 to 20 fps hydrogenwater wash.CATALYTIC for cs)use resistant mtl ( alloy REFORMING: TREAT 825,duplex),design wash water EFFLUENTS,WATERWASH,FILMING injection with low o2 content,AL tubes AMINERT OR UT ,monitor feed are extremely suspect,use sampling of streams,maintain temp above salt fluid,ut,prt,ires,rfec & flux leakage,ec, deposition temp,probes n coupons erosion corrosion HCL corrosion
CRUDE: Top of vaccum tower,HYDROPROCESSING: Chlorides can come frm make up gas all non pwht welds in lean amine hydrocarbon feed,CATALYTIC including absorbers,regenerators, REFORMING and heat exchanger surface breaking flaw from ID primiraly in HAZ,parallel to weld.in weld metal cracks are transverse or longitudnal.at set on cracks are radial in base mtl,at set in they are CS,LAS general corrosion or parallelcracks more at external localised S.S may suffer cscc attachm welds,metallography CRUDE: Desalting,use titanium monel,water wash,caustic,amineHYDROPROCES SING: minimise chlorides,use resistant mtl ( no waterwash) CATALYTIC REFO: Same as pwht,use SS cladding or alloy hydroprocessing but use 400.water wash befor wldg,pwht n waterwashchloride steamout.WFMT,ACFM,AET treaters,UT,RT,PH SWUT,AET to monitor crack growth checkprobes,copon and locn ammonium chloride corrosion caustic scc,carbonate scc
uniform thinning,localised or localised under deposit attack.high velocity more localised proper operation.process temp should not exceed design values.proper control of reboiler temp.avoid build up of HSAS. Control pressure drop upgrade to SS,oxygen contributes to HSAS,proper filteration,inhibitors,UT,PRT, Coupons,probes amine stress corrosion cracking
Selective corrosion in which one or more constituent of alloy are preferentialy attacked leaving less density structure.mechanical property are significantly degraded Primarly Copper alloy,as well as ALLOY 400,and cast iron
FORM OF carburization resulting in localised pitting. Which occures in carburising gases andf/or process streams containing carbon n hydrogen.pits form on surface n containsoot or graphite dust. LAS,SS,Nickle
hard brittle surface layer due to exposure to high temp streams containing N2 compounds like ammonia or cyanides PARTICULARLY in reducing condt CS,LAS,SS
steel loses strength due to removal carbon is absorbed in mtl at of carbon n carbides leaving only iron elevated temp while in contact with matrix.occures during exposure to carbonaceous materila. high temp,fires
Process stream composition ,temp ,alloy composition.preceded by three condt must be carburization.it involves complex satisfied:exposure to carbonaceous series of reaction involving reducing time,temp,carbon activity.material mtl,temp high enough for gas such as hydrogen, methane, must be exposed to gas phase that diffusion,suspectible mtl.initially propane,482-816,saturation of metal has LOW carbon activity so that carbon diffuses at high rate n then matrix by carbu,percipitation of carbon in steel will diffuse at surface decreases.300 series are more carbides on surface n grain to react with gas phase resistant due to CHROMIUM bound,deposition of graphite frm atm constituent.loss in room temp tensile content.it results in loss of creep onto metal carbides,decomposition of strength and creep strength may ductility,ambient temp mech metal carbides under graphite,further occur. prop,loss of weldability,corrosion decompositio of graphite catalyzesd by resis, metal particles.In high nickle alloys metal dusting is without formation of metal carbides fired heater tubes most affected.coke deposit are source of fired heater tube,thermowells,catalytic an occur in any equip exposed to carbon.also encountered in reforming unit heater tubes,coker high temp.pressure vessel ethylene pyrolisis and steam heaters,gas turbines. reformer surnaces. depth of carburisation can be lin LAS wastage can be uniformbut confirmed by damage verified by usually in form of pits.carbon dustin Metallography.increase in metalography.carbon steel will be SS attack is local,appearing as deep hardness loss of pure iron. round pits.metallography shows heavy ductility,volumetric increase in carburization affected component,incr in ferromagnetism. select alloys with strong surface oxide or sulfide film formers.SULFUR INHIBITS carburization use metallography when cracking is there use RT,UT,MT SEVERE form is called metal dusting
Temp,time partial pressure of N2 and metal comp.temp shall be high enough for thermal breakdown of n2 from ammonia and for diffusion into metal.begins above 316 and is serious above 482. corrosion resistance is agffected.Alloys containing nickle are more resistant.(30% -80%) loss of creep ductility,ambient temp mech prop,loss of weldability,corrosion resis,
Ammonia synthesis plant,steam methane reformers,steam gas cracking plants. surface related and is dull,dark greyinitial stages can only seen by metallogrtaphy,at advanced stage very high hardness,nitriding of LAS upto 12% cr is accom by incr in volume.above 410 there is grain boundary nitriding,
addition of alloying elements will help,dealuminification can be prevented by heat treatment to producr alpha n beta microstructure.avoid partiucular exposures,cathodic or barrier coating may be effective.brass become reddish color,metallography ,reduced selective leaching
can be controlled by chemistry of gas phase n alloy selection.alloy steel with cr and MO form atable carbides and are More resistant.metallography n replication.it results in softening
use nickle alloys,change in surface color dull gray indicates nitriding.hardness 400 to 500 bhn.nitrided layers are MAGNETIC.metallography
catastrophic carburizationb.
Cracking due to stress relaxation during PWHT or in service at elavated temp.most often OBSERVED in heavy wall vessel.
at high temp metal component slowly deform under load below yield pt.time dependant deformation is creep.it leads to damage which eventaully leads to rupture
Flow of heat energy across tube wall Permenant deformationoccuring at will generate steam bubbles in relatively low stress level as a result ID.when heaty flow balance is of localised overheating.usually disturbed steam bubbles join results in bulging eventaully leads to together(DNB).rupture due to short localised corrosion due to rupture term overheating caustic conc or alkaline salts all fired heater tubes CS,LAS CS,LAS,SS
TYPE OF MTL ,GRAINSIZE ,stresses ,thk,stress conc,strength,weldg n heat treating condt.occures when creep ductilyis insufficient to accomdate strains reqd fro stress relief.Usually cracks are confined to HAZ.cracks are intragranullar n show little deformation.occures at grain boundaries.stress relief and stabilization treatment can cause this
function of mtl,load,temp,time an increase in 12 or increase in 15% stress can cut remaining life in half.low creep ductility is more severe for high tensile mtls,more prevalent at low temp in creep range or low stresses at upper creep range.more likely in coarse grain.not evidenced by detoriation of ambient temp prop.
temp time stress,usually due to flame impignment.time to failure will increase as internal pressure or loading decr.corrosion contributes due to loss of thk
Heat flux and fluid flow,improper flaming,anything that restricts fluid flow.failure occures as a result of HOOP STRESS
Major factors are presence of naoh,koh.used as neutralizers.conc mechanism must exist to build up caustic strength.can become concentrated by DNB,evaporation and deposition
heater tubes,low creep ductility failures occurred in HAZ at nozzles.weld joining dissimilar metals.
creep voids typically show at grainn boundary fissuring and then cracks intragranular but can be surface (metallography)noticable deformation may breaking.mostly observed in coarse be observed.occures at stress grain str of HAZ concentrators. minimise metal temp,avoid stress conc,higher pwht temp may help.it is not MINIMISE RETRAINT,PROPER reversible.avoid localised JOINT DSG,ADEQUATE PREHEAT overheating.associated with microvoid and TO BE APPLIED.USE SMALL fissuring ,1.25 cr 1mo & 1cr 0.5 mo are GRAINED STR.Avoid stress conc.long particular PRONE to low creep seam welds have mismatch and are ductility.fired heater tubes:-vt,thk,diametric suspectible.UT,MT,PT growth with go nogo . Stress relief cracking reheat cracking,short term overheating
FIRED boilers,waste HE,IN superheaters n reheaters during associated with boilers and startup when condensate blocks fluid steam generating equp.preheat flow exch,furnace tubes, localised typically grooves in boiler tubes.in verticle tubes it appears as circum groove.in open burst edges drawn to knife horizontal tube appears as edge.microstructure shows severe longitudal grooves.general corr elongation of grain structure due to rates above 79 very high above plastic defor 93 proper dsg,proper burner management and minimise ingress of alkaline salts.proper when DNB is developed tube rupture mixing of caustic.alloy 400 is will occur immediately.proper burner quite resistant.UT,PROPER management.avoid restriction of DSG N USE OF INJECTION flow.tubes to chk for bulging. PTS,RT,BOROSCOPE steam blanketing can cause caustic corr.SHORT term overheating Caustic gouging or ductile gouging,DNB
minimise localised tempr.proper burner management n fouling.use diffuse flame pattern.proprr dsg.maintain refractory,ir monitoring,thermocouples,ir scans creep stress rupture
corrosion of CS n other alloys resultin presence of h2 in high temp h2s general n localiused corrosionof from reaction with sulfue compounds in streamsat temp above 260.UNIFORM CS,LAS,haz may experience high tempin in absence of hydrogen LOSS inthk severe corrosion
hydrogen reacts with carbides in steel to form methane. Which cannot diffuse thru steel .loss of carbide causes loss in strength
corrosion due to acidic sour water containing H2S at PH betn 4.5 to 7.0
incr resis..CS,316,ALLOY 20,high silicon cast iron,high nickel cast iron,alloy b2,alloy c276 incr resis cs,1cr-0.5 mo..
carbon steel
alloy composition,,temp n conc,suspectibility is determined by ability to form slfide scale,increasing cr content incr resistance,PRIMIRALY caused by H2S ,begins at metal temp above 260
t5emp,presence of h2,conce of h2s and alloy comp.hydrogen incr corrosion,dhds has more corrosion than nhtu,increasinin cr content decr corrosion,
acid conc,temp,alloy comp,velocity,contamination & presence of oxidisers.corrosion of cs increase if vel exceeds 2 to 3 fps or at acid conc below 65%,high corrosion when acid is dependant on temp.hydrogen partial diluted pr,time n stress,
H2S content,ph temp,vel,oxygen conc,h2s partial pressure,h2s conc in sour water decreases as temp increases,h2s tends to decrease ph.in some instance ph above 4.5 forms thick sulfide layer,this promotes pitting
crude,fcc,coker,vis down stream of hydrogen injection breaker,hydrotreater,heaters fired with pointss,eqpts where high high temp oil,gas depending on s contents,boilers h2s streams are found
sulfuric acid alkalyation units (effluent lines,reboilers)& waszte water treat ment plant,acid usually hydrotreaters,catalytic ends up in bottomof fraction reformer,boiler tubes in very high pr towersmostly service overhead system in FCC GENERAL THINNING,LOCALISED,corrosi on in co2 may be accompained by carbonate stress cc 300 ss below 60copper alloy and nickleare generally not suspectibility,ut,prt,corrosion monitoring,sample water,corrosion probes
uniform loss of thk with formation of iron sulfide scale,scale is in multiple layers,shiny grey scale
can be minimised my material sele & proper velocity.acidified product can be washed out with caustic to use alloy with cr-mo,UT,velocity neutralise acids,ut,rt,probes & ratio & backscatter useful to detect coupons fissuring
high temp h2s corrosion in presence of high temp h2s corrosion in absence of hydrogen hydrogen not applicable
hydrogen damage
primarly occures in crude n vaccum units and downstream units CS,LAS,300SS. functrion of naphthenic acid content.temp sulfur content,velocity and alloy comp.increasing acidity incr corrr.TAN is a measure of acidity (ASTM D-664).NAC is associated with DRY hot hydrocarbon stream that do not contain free water.nac is determined by acidity of actual stream not the crude charge coz it depends on cuts.sulfur GOOD for nac.NAC removes suffide film.occures above 218 but reported as low as 177.NAC is destroyed by catalytic reactions in hydroprocessing.increase MOLY to reduce NAC.
corrosion of carbon steel in plants using phenol as solvent to remove aromatic compound from lubricating oil feed stocks incr resis..CS,304L,316L,ALLOY 276
LOCALISED PITTING OF CS general or localised cracking may be depending on water content.it is used accompained with as catalyst in polymerization HIC/SOHIC,BLISTERING incr resis. CS,304L,316L ALLOY 20 cs,cuni,alloy 400,.las,ss are generally NOT suitable
HF acid conc,temp,alloy comp, & presence of contaminants like O2 n acid conc temp and contaminant solid sulfur compounds.carbon steel forms phosphoric acid is non corrosive protect film in dry conc acid.loss of temp,alloy chemistry,water content,and unless water is present.corr incr with film due to high vel incr corrosion. velocity.corrosion is low below 121.CS and incr temp,most corrosion during BELOW 66 CS can be used LAS corrode rapidly in phenol service water washing at corrosion rate increase with above 232.dilute aqueous soln are very shutdown,contaminants increases INREASING water content.LIMIT corrosive.high vel promotes localised corr corr ( chlorides) cR+Ni+Cu to 0.20 max. HF Alkaliation units,flare ppg,above 66 high corr piping and eqpt in polymerization rates,isostripper,depropaniser,flange units,usually found in low velocity faces,he bundles,severe fouling may phenol extract facilities in lube plants areas result localised,general or severe thinning of CS.corr can be accompained by blistering,HIC/SOHIC.fouling will be there.non stress relieved alloy 400 is suspectible to scc when contact with general or localised corr of CS.and in tower moist HF vapours in presence of overhead service general and local;ised thinning of CS oxygen carbon steel below 66 shall be closely monitored,CAREFUL OPERATION OF UNIT,maintain strict control on water content,alloy 400 can be used is minimising blistiring HIC/SOHIC problems.use alloy c276 if alloy 400 cracks.UT,RT. HIC/SOHIC
heater tubes,transfer lines,vaccum bottom piping,HVGO,LVGO.High velocity causes problems.NAC found upstream of hydrogen mix points
blend crudes upgrade metallurgy,utilise chemical inhibitors use alloy with higher moly,use inhibiytors.UT,RT Monitor TAN and sulfur content coupons, probes,HYDROGEN PROBES SULFIDATION
proper mtl selection.max vel of 30fps.recovery ovhd temp shallbe maintained 17 above due pointtubes and headers in extract furnace must be 316l.alloy c276 can be used in areas of high VEL.UT,RT,PROBES,COUPONS NOT applicable
USE RESISTANT MTL TYPE 316L SS AND ALLOY 20 are effective at conc upto 85%,UT,RT,Probes n coupons not applicable
POLYTHIONIC ACID SCC NORMALLY OCURING DURING SHUTDOWN STARTUP or during opn when air,moisture due to sulfur acids formed frm sulfide scale on SENSITISED ss.USUALLY adj to weld.cracking may within minutes.LOCALISED
surface breaking cracks adjacent to cs WELDS under action of tensile stress n corrosion in carbonate containing system.ALKALINE SCC CARBON STEEL AND LOW ALLOY STEEL
Cracks develop under combined effect of cycilic loading n corrosion.initiates at stress conc
Form of enviro cracking initiates at surface of HSLA n CS with highly localised zones of high hardness
combination of environment mtl n stress,affected alloys may become sensitizes during mfg welding or hightemp service. Sensitization occures 400815.carbon content n thermal history have significant effect on sensitization use L grades but long term exposure to 399 will sensitize L grade.residual stress promote cracking all units using sensitized steel in sulfur atmosphere.fired heaters,he,fcc units(plenums,air rings,slide valves,cuclone,exp joints) in hydroprocessing unit,crude n coker TYPICALLY occures next to weld but can also occur in base metal.Cracking is intragranular...corrosion or loss is NEGLIGIBLE
stress,water usually aoccures at welds or cold worked areas,suspectibility increases with incr PH and carbonate conce.if equipment contains water phase with 50wppm of H2s at ph 7.6 or greater then equipment is suspectible. MOST PRELAVENT to fcc unit main fractioner ovhd condensing reflux system,ppg in potassium carbonate catcarb and co2 removal facilities of hydrogen mfg units
material,corrosive environ,cyclic stresses n stress conc.there is no fatigue load in this mechanism. rotating equip: galvanic couples betn impeller n pump shaft.DEAREATOR: residual stress promote cracks.IN CYCLING BOILERS due to start up shutdownn differential expansion
Hardness strength n stress.above 237 bhn. all piping n eqpt exposed to HF acid with hardness levels above recommended limit.hsla BOLTS A193 are more suspectibleB7M also suspectible if overtorqud only confirmed by METALLOGRAPGY,cracking is intragranular usually associated with weldments
brittle n transgranular BUT not parallel to weld away from TOE spider web branched multiple parallel cracks.little INTRAGRANULAR,oxide filled plastic deform,waterside of buckstay cracks,surface breaking attachment(RABBIT EARS) minimise galvanic effecyts,modify corrosive enviro,corr resis mtls,minimise stress(pwht)minimise use PWHT,USE CLADDING,(300ss,alloy weld reinforcement.startup slowly 400),waterwash prior to steam out or heat with proper chemistry,UT,MT.IN teratment.a metavanadate inhibitor can be CYCLIC boilersa 1st damage is used in co2 units of hydrogen mfg pinhole leak on tube at buckstay units,WFMT,SWUT, attachment
Flush eqpt with soda ash to neutralise sulfer .for furnace keep the firebox heated above dew pointto prevent acid forming.use L GRADES.thermal stabilization 899 to stabilise after wldg.ASTM A262.PT with sanding
PWHT,CE less than 0.43Alloy cladding.use alloy 400 WITH pwht.WFMT,Hardness test,
FUEL ASH HIGH temp metal wastage wen contaminats deposit n melt on metal surface of fired heaters,boilers,GT.Fuel oil that is contaminated with sulfer sodium potassium vanadium.slags dissolve the surface oxide n enhance transport of oxygen to form iron oxides.
hydrogen diffuses in titanium n reacts to form embrittling hydride phase.this can result in complete loss in ductility with no noticable sign of corrosion or loss of thk titanium alloysmetal temp,solution chem,n alloy composition.in specefic environment above 74and at ph below 3.PH above 8 or neutral p
sulfur n chlorine species in fuel will form sulfur dioxide trioxide,hydrogen chloride within combustion products at low enough temp these gases will condense to form acids
all conventional alloys conc of salt forming contaminants,metal temp,alloy compcorrosion occures only if metal temp is above the temp of liquid species formed.oil ash has vanadium pentoxide n sodium sulphate melting point below 538 is possible.for waterwall corrosion liquid speciies are mixture of sodium n potasium polysulphates melting point low as 371.for coal ash sodium n potassium irons trisulphate with melting point betn 544 -610.unburnt coal also adds carbon to fly ash.corrosion rates in reducing condt will be 2 to 5 times faster than oxidizing condt fired heater,GT,FUELS WITH VANADIUM N SODIUM,tube hangers operate at high temp than tubes n more suspec.coking of heater tubes can cause high heat severe metal loss associated with slagging.Metallographic examination n deposit analysis technic can be used.for oil ash corr of superheater n reherter appearance will be in 2 distinct layers.dark grey black appearance .ALLIGATOR HIDE.For waterwall cracks are circumferential
metal temp,solution chem,n alloy composition.in specefic environment above 74and at ph below 3.PH above 8 or neutral ph with high H2s.Galvanic contact promotes damage but can occur without galvanic couple.beta alloys are more tolerant to hydrogen than alph -beta alloys sour water stripper and amine unitsabove 74.can also occur in hydrogen atm at temp above 177 in absence of moisture or oxygen
conc oof contaminants,n operating temp of flue gas metal surface.Dew point temp of sulfuric acid is 138 n hydrogen chloride is 54 all fgired heaters which burn fuels containing sulfur in economiser section n stacks.HRSGmay suffer chloride SCC
Confirmed thut only metallograph n mech testing.bend test of crush test.tubes remain intact tillthe bundle is removed once removed it cracks as bundle flexces.Titanium shall not be used in amine or sour water where possiblity of leak is not general wastage n broad shallow acceptable pits.for SS cracking
Titanium shall not be used in amine or sour water where possiblity of leak is not acceptable,avoid galvanic couple,eddy current,metallography n mech test titanium n zirconium alloys only
maintain temp above dew pt in HRSG avois SS,sodium carbonate can be added to final rinse to neutralise,UT,VT,PT HCL CORROSION n chloride SCC
blend fuel source,opoerate below the temp of species.burner managementuse low excess oxygen in firingUSE 50% cr-50% ni.Visual insp,tubes need to be grit blasted hot corr, hot ash corr,oil ash corr