First Focus: Vol. 32, No. 29 July, 2009

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Attendance Report July 12

Sunday School 85
Worship 139
First Focus
First Baptist Church, Hamilton, Texas
Advancing the Gospel
Vol. 32, No. 29 July , 2009
Our Tithes and Offerings....
Gifts to the Budget
July 5 3,860.50
July 12 4,428.74
Average Weekly Needs 5,350.48
FBC Revitalization 1,005.00
Summer Music Camp 400.00

Total Gifts July 5 $5,833.74

Sunday Personnel July 19

Barbara Caraway, Garry Diaz, Nancy Diaz,
Sharon Felton, Brandon Haile, Joyce Spencer
David Courtney, Don Jones, J.T. Massingill
Sunday School - Clydell Massingill,
E-mail Address

Joyce Spencer
Rev. Eric Coleman, Minister to Youth
Rev. John Woods, Minister of Music

Church Nursery - Holly May,

Church Office - 254/386-8141

Candace Stroud
2-3 Year Olds
Rev. Keith Felton, Pastor

Shawna Cozby, Cody Lee

First Baptist Church

Hamilton, TX 76531

Children’s Church
Justin Cozby, Jon Lengefeld
220 S. Bell Street
P.O. Box 673

Deacons on Call for July

Jerry Munson - Team Leader
Mason Bullard, Brenda Edins, Jon Lengefeld
From the Shepherd’s Shop‹
Shop‹ A N NO U N C E M E N T S Our Sympathy and Prayers. Our love and
support, sympathy and prayers go out to
by Pastor Keith Felton
the family of Dale Chilton, who went to be
Life of the Church with Christ this past week. We join together
Sunday, July 19
Included in this week’s ‘FIRST FOCUS’ is John Sunday School 9:45 am as a family of faith and pray for this family as
Wood’s letter of resignation he read this past Worship 11:00 am we celebrate Christ’s gift of eternal life.
Sunday. We are all saddened by this announcement, Children’s Church for Pre-K thru K 11:00 am If you have not turned in your baby
but realize God is directing John and Lindsay to the Tuesday July 21 bottles for CareNet,
place He has for them to minister on a full-time Stewardship Committee Meeting 6:00 pm
basis. I’ve told many folks since Sunday that John is Wednesday, July 22 please do so as soon as possible.
a ‘rare bird’ in the ministerial landscape. He has a Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 6:00 pm Thanks, Saundra Lengefeld UPDATE - HOPE FOR KIDS…Our hope for
genuine heart for God and the church. He has a Ekklesia - Youth 6:00 pm tomorrow.
tenacity for doing things the right way. He goes Thursday, July 23
above and beyond what would be considered the Ladies Crafts 9:00 am We have nearly reached our goal. We still
expected call of duty. He has the unusual AA Meeting 8:00 pm
need 127 boxes at last count. We are
combination of a high intellect and down-to-earth LOOK OUT!... confident we can collect the remaining number
people skills. He has a boldness to ‘sing to the Lord
a new song’ and not settle for the status quo. I have Here They Come! of boxes by the end of July. The deadline has
been extended.
worked with enough ministers in my time to know
Making disciples is one of the most fundamental components
that John is extraordinary and realize just how Register now for Summer Music Camp. Grab a
of Jesus’ teaching. Just think back to Jesus’ commissioning We would like to say how GREAT First Baptist
missed he will be. registration form from the church office and get signed
of the disciples….’Go ye therefore and make Church is in meeting the needs of our school
up. There are limited spots available, so get signed up
disciples…’ (Matthew 28). Disciples are those that commit
I also know that if God has been working in John’s quickly! Tell your family and friends to mark their children!
themselves to the study, teaching, and living out of their faith
life to reposition him, then I’m confident God calendars for July 27 to July 31 for Summer Music
in the context of their life story. So how is this accomplished?
realizes the void we will have and is working on Camp 2009, where we'll be learning and performing
We are made into disciples through the study and teaching of Thank you, again, from the Hope for Kids’
what our future holds for music ministry. The "Good Kings Come in Small Packages."
God’s word. This is exactly what we are accomplishing Committee.
Personnel Committee will be doing its job in getting through our Wednesday night Bible study for students. This
the wheels turning regarding this ministerial Scholarships Needed for Summer Music Camp 2009.
is a time to gather together in fellowship and study. We meet
If you’d like to make it possible for a child to attend
opening. I look forward to working with them and every Wednesday night at 6 pm in the Youth & Family Life
Summer Music Camp this year, please fill out the form
the Music & Worship Committee as we move Center to accomplish this purpose. For the next few weeks
in the church office. Your gift is needed and
forward in the days ahead. we will be studying the book of James to see what this book
has to teach us about the Christian life. I invite you to check
The renovation to our Sanctuary is coming along it out and join us for this time of discipleship. As recorded in
Acts 2, the early disciples met in their houses and broke 2009 BIBLE 365
nicely. Our Buildings & Grounds Committee and Remember in Prayer… bread daily as they studied and fellowshipped. This is the Day 190 - 2 Samuel 19:11-20:13, John 21:1-25,
Interiors Committee have been working overtime in Ruby Webb Mack Cole Psalm 120:1-7, Proverbs 16:16-17
Bobby Varner model we are following for our Wed. night bible study. We
making sure the remodeling is going according to Bill Chappell Jace Williams Diane Franklin Day 191 - 2 Samuel 20:14-22:20, Acts 1:1-26,
specifications. Our Stewardship Committee has been Kaley Neie Hilbig Leslie Smith will have dinner every other week during our youth group
Jim Payne Psalm 121:1-8, Proverbs 16:18
keeping a close eye on expenditures and you all Nelson Shave Rosa Gillham fellowship as we study the book of James. If you haven’t had
Dr. Randy Lee Day 192 - 2 Samuel 22:21-23;23, Acts 2:1-47,
Gwen Wallace Pam Jones the opportunity to check out our fellowship I invite you to
have done a fantastic job in our Pledge Campaign. Connie MQueen Psalm 122;1-9, Proverbs 16:19-20
Earl Cowley Micha Paris Norma Marwitz come and hang out with us and enjoy some dinner and
We are thrilled about the progress of Phase One of Frankie Ellingberg Day 193 - 2 Samuel 23:24-24:25, Acts 3:1-26,
Renee Smith Nelda Donahoo fellowship. I look forward to seeing you there!!
the Revitalization Plan and can’t wait to get back in Jack Pettit Patty Gillham Psalm 123:1-4, Proverbs 16:21-23
Beverly Price
our newly enhanced worship space. I ask for your Dick Dixon Jackie Weaver Betty Ann Beard 7.15.09 – Chinese Food Day 194 - 1 Kings 1:1-53, Acts 4:1-37, Psalm 124:1-
patience as we continue to worship in the Youth & Tony Rogers David Clark Jeff & Sarah 8, Proverbs 16:24
7.29.09 – Submarine Sandwiches
Family Life Center. I pray you will make the DeWanna Alsouissi Jacki Crusenberry Ensor Day 195 - 1 Kings 2:1-3:3, Acts 5:1-42, Psalm
commitment to be present during this unique time of Ray Groves Ken Beazley 125:1-5, Proverbs 16:25
Kaci Castillejha Shane Donahoo In His Grip,
revitalizing our facilities. Day 196 - 1 Kings 3:4-4:34, Acts 6:1-15, Psalm
The Family of Dale Polly Wallace
Chilton Eric Coleman 126:1-6, Proverbs 16:26-27
Mildred Riddle

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