First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church First Baptist Church

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Our Mission

The First Baptist Church of Hamilton, Texas is a diverse family of First Baptist Church
believers unified in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to
glorify God through worship, missions, the study and sharing of holy Sunday, May 23, 2010
Scriptures and loving service to all people.

How to Join the First Baptist Family

By Baptism—If one professes faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, the church
may receive that person as a candidate for church membership through
believer’s baptism. If you are a member of another denomination and
have never been baptized, or have been baptized in a mode other than
immersion, the church may receive you for membership through

By Transfer of Membership—The church may receive a person as a

member upon transfer of membership from a Baptist church of like
belief. We will be happy to arrange for this transfer.

By Statement—If you are a member of another denomination,

membership does not transfer from one denomination to another. You
may join by your statement, which is your testimony of your acceptance
of Christ as Savior and your Scriptural baptism by immersion.

Welcome Team
Cody Catoe, Dewayne Clover, Dick Dixon,
Bridgette Haile, Holly May, Joyce Spencer

Deacons On Call
David Courtney - Team Leader
Cody Catoe, Jimmy Edwards, Don Haile

Rev. Keith Felton ............................................................ Pastor
Jacob Sensenig……………………………………..Minister of Music
Sharon Felton .................................................. Minister to Youth 220 South Bell Street
Maria Weaver ................................................................ Pianist Hamilton, Texas 76531
Ben Griffin .................................................................. Organist (254) 386-8141
Ann Maxwell ...................................................... Office Manager
Welcome to Worship The Life of the Church
Welcome to Our Guests! We are honored that you have come to worship God with our
Welcome Keith Felton family of faith today. During the coming hour we will worship Christ in a variety of ways. We
will engage our hearts, our minds, our bodies, and our voices to give our Creator the best
Invocation Brenda Edins worship we can offer. You are invited to participate in whatever way you are able. We know
that visiting a new church is a very important occasion and we are praying for you this morning.
Call to Worship Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Hymn 51
Fifth Sunday Fellowship Luncheon...on the Fourth Sunday of the Month! Due to
Memorial Day Weekend, our 5th Sunday Fellowship Luncheon will be today after worship.
Celebration of God’s Leading Come enjoy a time of food and fellowship.
He Leadeth Me Hymn 461
Graduating Seniors’ Recognition - We are recognizing our graduating seniors today: Dylan
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Hymn 462 Craig, Taylor Foster, Melody Perret and Jimmy Quigg.
Texas World Hunger Banks - We are emptying them today, take them back and start filling
Scripture Exodus 5:20, 14:10-12, 16:2-7, 17:2-3 Youth again! Thanks for your support of the efforts of Texas Baptists to serve 'the least of these'.
2010 Vacation Bible School - Make plans now to be a part of 'SONWORLD ADVENTURE
Pastoral Prayer Keith Felton PARK - an amazing world of adventure where kids learn how making the right choices makes all
the difference! VBS is for ages 4 to entering 6th grade and it will be held at FBC June 6 -10
Handbell Offering I’m Just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger Chandler Craig which starts on a Sunday night. There will be a snack supper at 5:30pm and the VBS program
Handbell Choir will start at 6pm and end at 8:15pm. If you need a ride to VBS, please call the church office.
Care Net Baby Bottle Banks … at the back of the sanctuary. Return them Sunday morning,
June 5 or before, if they are full.
Recognition of Graduates Sharon Felton
Our Sympathy and Prayers. Our love and support, sympathy and prayers go out to the
family of Jaime Mosher, who went to be with Christ this past week. We join together as a
Hymn of Assurance Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Hymn 354 family of faith and pray for this family as we celebrate Christ’s gift of eternal life.
Visit Us Online at Don’t forget to use this great new resource to
Offertory Prayer Alyce Poteet help spread the word about God’s work at First Baptist Church.

Offertory Meditation It Is Well With My Soul Chandler Craig This Week

Handbell Choir Sunday, May 23
Deacons’ Meeting 8:30 am
Sermon SOMETHING HAPPENED ON THE Keith Felton Sunday School 9:45 am
Children’s Church for Pre-K thru K 11:00 am
WAY TO THE WILDERNESS Worship 11:00 am
Recognition of Graduating Seniors 11:00 am
Invitational Hymn ‘Wherever He Leads I’ll Go Hymn 367 5th Sunday Fellowship Luncheon 12:00 pm
Experiencing God Small Group Bible study 5:00 pm
Monday, May 24
Celebration of Decisions Handbell Choir Rehearsal 5:30 pm
Wednesday, May 26
Adult Bible Study and Prayer Meeting - Karkalitis Hall 6:00 pm
Benediction Sanctuary Choir Practice 7:00 pm
Thursday, May 27
All selections used by permission, CCLI #716214 Ladies Crafts 9:00 am
AA Meeting 8:00 pm

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