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The Synergy Between Design and Technology

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The Synergy between Design and Technology; Beckoning for Engagement _______________________


In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Beckoing for Engagement |

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

ABSTRACT: ............................................................................................................................................ 3 ESSAY: ................................................................................................................................................... 4 REFERENCE:........................................................................................................................................ 11

The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Beckoing for Engagement |

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

The evolution of technology has consistently pushed design into a new era of infinite boundaries, where designers are able to manipulate individual human responses. Known as interactive architecture, viewers are invited and encouraged to participate within a designed environment. This thread subsequently allows the designer to create a mesmerizingly ephemeral and transient experience between both entities through an assemblage of modern day technology, graphic design, sound and visionary aesthetics.

Beckoing for Engagement | The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

This paper titled The Synergy between Design and Technology; Beckoning for Engagement, investigates the semiotics behind interactive architecture and its ground breaking development throughout history which has revolutionized the 21st century. The information, which has been embedded within this essay, has been sourced through a variety of primary, secondary and tertiary resources, which evocatively discuss the possibilities of interactive architecture. The main source referenced in this essay is a journal article produced by IDN magazine titled Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible and novel Interactive Architecture by Michael Fox and Miles Kemp. Both of these sources discuss a variety of ground-breaking technological advances in digital computing, motion sensors interfaces and programming; which have allowed designers to create astonishing interactive environments which are not only visually engaging but also enable memories and a sense of community to be developed within their audience. The following paper correspondingly dissects the contextual upbringing of architecture, by assessing the philosophical characteristics of the traditional methodical and utopian characteristics of modernist architecture during 1890 to 1940 and compares it to the ideologies of post modernism (1940 to today). In doing so, this essay highlights how post modernism in design challenged the pre-existing rules of architecture, subsequently allowing digital technologies, sensory imagery and virtual spatiality to grow in the form of Interactive Architecture. Furthermore, this essay concludes by evaluating Michael Mozers Adaptive Home and Microsofts groundbreaking Microsoft Home. Both of these designers use ground breaking technology to create interactive architectural environments outside of a gallery context in public areas and embody the characteristics of contemporary postmodernism.

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

Described as an object with a roof and walls for human habitation, buildings eminently communicate with human beings. Buildings describe and define the types of people we become, they build our environment and internally affect our experiences and environmental upbringing. This essay provides a detailed analysis and review into the changes, which have occurred since the 1920s modernist architecture movement to today. Conveying a juxtaposition of the cold harsh barren landscape and charisma of the international style to the warm welcoming community building aesthetics of the postmodernist contemporary architecture. Discussing the notable Villa Sovoye created by Le Corbusier and Minoru Yamasakis Pruitt-Igoe buildings, which collectively epitomize the plain functionality, geometric aesthetics and regimented rules and principles of the modernist movement. Both of these buildings emblematically accentuate how modernism in architecture failed to positively fulfill the utopian dream of society during the 1920s and 30s. The downfall and urban failure which these two buildings caused is compared to the rising technological advances and growth in architectural designs of today which evocatively create interactive and adaptive environments for their occupants to enjoy.

After the chaos and disparity of World war two, at least 15% of urban European populations were left poverty stricken, living in urban slums. The realities of these dark, Source: Architectural Review, Peter isolating prisons subsequently caused many Buchanan, 2012. architects to develop an idea of a utopian dream. This booming concept, communicated that through urban planning and designing architects could create desirable living conditions, which would internally aid working conditions and availability to public health. Modernist architects evoked that this improvement could simply be made through the power of sunlight and fresh air in European buildings. Nederlands architect Jacobus Oud ruled A fundamental starting point. Is to situate the houses in relation to the sun. (Jacobus Oud, 1932. Turton, International Style, page 17.)
Figure 1. Large windows and outdoor areas at Villa Sovoye

The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Beckoing for Engagement |

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

Some modernists, like Le Corbusiers went as far to say that th rough the incorporation of sun balconies and terraces one could discover the Figure 2. antidote to the diseases of the modern city, Rust stained balconies at the tuberculosis and rickets. (Jacobus Oud,1932. Bauhaus School Turton, International Style, page 17.) As seen in Figure 1. This obsessive fixation with the curative Source: Kahn, 1998. powers of the sun resulted in many modernist architects featuring too much glass in their designs, which when put into practice caused the interior of the building to become over heated. Similarly the popular feature of concrete roof terraces, caused issues in winter, as they were unable to be used. This mle of man vs. nature ultimately caused the modernist architectural dream buildings to become undesirable discoloured and rust stained eyesores within society as seen in Figure 1. of The Bauhaus School. Thus overall the ambition of this dream failed to consider and cater for the social dynamics of humanity and interactions.
Beckoing for Engagement | The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Villa Soyage created by Le Corbusiers prominently conveys how the modernist dream within architecture ultimately failed. 1918, Le Corbusiers developed the theory of Purism which sought to refine and simplified architectural design by forbidding unnecessary ornamentation, which in his view ultimately prevented the pure form of constructive materials to be viewed. In doing so, Corbusier created an algorithm of strict rules and principles, which allowed architectural buildings to be created with factory and industry precision and efficiency through the application of glass, steel and concrete. This concept of Purism is undoubting conveyed in Corbusiers groundbreaking book titled Vers une Architecture(1923.) which passionately intones his ideal view of a house as a machine for living in. (Le Corbusier, 1927.) Preaching that society could be standardized and come back from the horrible effects of world war two. By removing traditional domestic architectural features of ornamentation, modernist buildings were left unprotected and exposed against the temperamental wilds of the weather. Villa Soyage was notoriously known for its negative climatic features which prevented its residents from comfortably living within their house. Removing creature comforts from the domestic

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

interior of Villa Soyage Corbusier effectively disabled himself from truly igniting a home which communicated with the residents and allowed them to create a comfortable environment.

The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

This failure is typified through Corbusiers addiction and thorough abidance to his five points towards new architecture in the amalgamation of Villa Sovaye. For instance due to the poor construction of the house and complex flat roof terraces and balconies, Villa Sovoye experience many leaks. As explained by Madame Sovaye It is raining in the hall, its raining on the ramp and the wall of the garage is absolutely soaked [.] its still raining in my bathroom, which floods in bad weather. (Media Culture Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4 'Climate'.) The house was overall damp, cold and isolating due to large openness of the rooms, large glazed windows and the poor quality materials used to construct the ceilings and walls. Corbusiers lack of foresight into how the natural environment would interact with his design and building material selections negatively impacted on the overall ambiance and comfort of the house. In fact the outcome of these living conditions were far from Le Corbusiers ultimately utopian dream and urban planning scheme which seeked to improve public health conditions and clearly brought inadequate amounts of sunshine and fresh air. As Van Doesburh states Le Corbusiers architecture disrupted the wall and in doing so destroyed the division between inside and outside (Van Doesburh, 192, H.N. Abrams. New York: 1971. Pg. 187) inhibiting it from performing its duty roles as a home which in Corbusiers own words is suppose to provide shelter against heat, cold and rain; a receptacle for light and sun; and provide a certain number of cell appropriate to cooking, work and personal life. (Le Corbusier in De Boton, 2006:57.)
Figure 3. Leaking Bathroom is Villa Sovoye Source: Andrea Gaffney, 2008.

Beckoing for Engagement |

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

Figure 4. Pruitt-Igoe Vandalised Source: Pruitt-Igoe Myth Documentary, 2011

Figure 5. Pruitt-Igoe Slums Source: Pruitt-Igoe Myth Documentary, 2011

The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Beckoing for Engagement |

Another prime example of modernist architectures inability to create positively welcoming environments is conveyed through the history and effects of Minoru Yamasakis Pruitt-Igoe public housing scheme in 1950. Based on Le Corbusiers principles Pruitt-Igoe today disreputably marks the death of the modernist dream, after being demolished in 1971. Pruitt-Igoe consisted of thirty-three eleven-story high-rise blocks made up of small individual apartments. Yamasaki placed multiple large corridors, outdoor balconies, communal rooms (e.g. Laundromat) and elevators within his design to increase social interaction between the communities of residents. However due to low socioeconomic patterns and poverty, which existed within the community of St Louis, Pruitt-Igoe became synopsis for crime. These corridors, which attempted to encourage residents to interact with each other, contrastingly provided a perfect opportunity for muggings and offences to occur. The architectural hubris became stripped of its residents, vandalized and segregated within society. (Figure 4 and

5.) As identified by Architectural Forum in 1951 which described the building as a ramshackle houses jammed with peopleand rats and vertical neighborhoods for poor people. ("Slum Surgery in St. Louis," Architectural Forum 1951: page 128-136.) PruittIgoe significantly exposes how Modernists architects fixation with purism and rationalism disabled them from appropriately designing an environment and building which suited the needs and facilities of the society it was being placed within.

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

Through the evolution of technology and sociology, architecture has made groundbreaking developments, where designers are able to manipulate and create interactive human environments, which send a positive atmosphere to its inhabitants. By looking to the fails of modernism, post modernism came to life, identifiably understanding the need for human interaction within architecture. Interactive architecture creates a variety of dynamic environments and objects which are able to communicate a certain message or emotion amongst its viewers, through pragmatic and humanistic features. These complex motions and connections have been made conceivable through contemporary architects ability to adapt a postmodern mindset, evaluating their agenda/audience and understanding the extensive ability of computation, which exists today. This computation technology fundamentally allows architectural designs to create virtual and physical models, using sensor and kinetic technology. Through interactive architecture, designers internally reshape communities and allow a platform for positive connections between people and their environment to occur.
Figure 6. The Adaptive House Source: http://www.cs.colorado.edu, 1990.

The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Figure 7. The Adaptive House sensory panel Source: http://www.cs.colorado.edu, 1997.

Mozer, 1997.) Thus learning how to best accommodate for the needs of its tenants. For instance, these sensors have the ability to continuously monitor the climatic temperature of the interior rooms within the home; turning on thermostats and coolers, tracks ambient light; opening doors and windows when appropriate, tracks he sound and motion of its occupants and finally takes

Beckoing for Engagement |

Purchased in 1991 by Associate Professor Michael Mozer, The Adaptive House, in Boulder, Colorado influentially stands as a prime example of how technology and automation within architecture has revolutionized the living environments and interactions of people today. The Adaptive House is a full-scale building, which has over seventy five sensors and five miles of conductors installed, which essentially allow the house to program itself by observing its inhabitants as they live their lives (Michael

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

note of hot water usage. Figure 7. shows an examples of a sensory panel which has been installed within the home, the left side of this sensor monitors temperature, ambient light and sound, whilst the right side of the sensor is a speaker which allows the house to talk to its inhabitants. The system also has the ability to predict the behavior and movement of its occupants, evaluating when/which rooms will be used and when its owners will leave and return home. By doing so, unlike Le Corbusier s Villa Sovaye, The Adaptive House is fundamentally able to anticipated and carry out the desires of its inhabitants, providing maximum comfort and also anticipates energy consumption.

Figure 8. The Microsoft home, kitchen interface. Source: http://www.networkworld.com, Ms. Smith, 2011.

The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Figure 9. The Mircosoft Home, personalised teen bedroom. Source: http://www.networkworld.com, Ms. Smith, 2011.

This growth and advancement in technology within architecture is evident within the design of the Microsoft Home. Built in 1994, it continues to push the boundaries and possibilities of interactive architecture today. The Microsoft home harmonizes the ability of technology and the intuition of man, allowing its inhabitants to control and adjust all corners of their home providing an insight into the future of design. The home essentially runs on a central network together, using radio frequency identification data to create virtually interactive environments. For example inhabits are able to use their mobile phone device as a universal remote control, allowing them to tangibly control room lighting, temperature and electrical devices from the palm of their hand. Grace, the Microsoft Home Computer system has the ability to verbally communicate with its inhabitants, updating them with their daily appointments, emails and messages, provide information about weather and current traffic circulation. Grace even goes one step further, allowing the inhabitants to check the inventory of their fridge or pantry using their mobile phone, and has a highly interactive touch sensitive kitchen counter

Beckoing for Engagement |

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

top which is able to recognize ingredients placed on the counter, suggesting appropriate recipes and instructions which suit this food group (Figure 8). The interactively design teenage bedroom also using high-resolution projection software, to ignite four surrounding walls to provide a platform of social interaction. The teenager is able to change the projected image to suit their mood and interests, check social media and play their favorite music (Figure 9). The Microsoft Home exemplifies how through postmodern architecture and design, technology can positively impact the type of people we become, our environments, experiences and the way we socialize.

By providing a detailed analysis into the disparity of the modern and postmodern design movements, one can clearly identify the importance between the synergy of design and technology and the major role it plays within architecture today. It is evident that modernist beliefs and values of rationalism and purism inhabited, architects like Le Corbusier and Minoru Yamasaki from creating desirable environments, which engaged and interacted with their residents of Pruitt-Igoe and Villa Sovoye. Today architects look to problems which modernist architecture encountered and identify the importance of utilizing technology within design to build and manipulate experiences and memories. This is identifiably shown through the Microsoft House and the Adaptive House, which build a foundational relationship with its owners
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The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Beckoing for Engagement |

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

Art Interactive | New Media and Audience Involved Art. 2013. Art Interactive | New Media and Audience Involved Art. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.artinteractive.org. [Accessed 15 August 2013]. Architectural Review. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.architectural-review.com/the-bigrethink-farewell-to-modernism-and-modernity-too/8625733.article. [Accessed 28 August 2013].

THE BIG RETHINK: Farewell to modernism and modernity too | View | Architectural Review. 2013. THE BIG RETHINK: Farewell to modernism and modernity too | View | American public housing: Why the Pruitt-Igoe housing project failed | The Economist. 2013. American public housing: Why the Pruitt-Igoe housing project failed | The Economist. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2011/10/american-public-housing. [Accessed 1 September 2013]. Bill Kynes -What is postmodernism? - YouTube. 2013. Bill Kynes -What is postmodernism? - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtGrf7I5SIQ. [Accessed 16 August 2013].
Beckoing for Engagement | The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

EXPLODING THE MYTH | More Intelligent Life. 2013. EXPLODING THE MYTH | More Intelligent Life. [ONLINE] Available at: http://moreintelligentlife.com/content/arts/explodingmyth. [Accessed 14 September 2013]. Fox and Kemp, M.F and M.K, 2009. Interactive Architecture. 1st ed. Princeton Architectural Press. (Accessed 15 August 2013)

Heller and Balance, S.H and G.B, 2001. Graphic Design History. 1st ed. Allworth Press. (Accessed 14 August 2013) How climate influenced early Modernist architecture and the International Style: a study of key events, architects and buildings and their relevance to current practice. 2013. . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.idbe.org/uploads/Turton,%20P.%20%282012%29%20How%20climate%20influen ced%20early%20Modernist%20architecture%20and%20the%20International%20Style%20a


In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

%20study%20of%20key%20events,%20architects%20and%20buildings%20and%20their%2 0relevance%20to%20current%20practice%20small.pdf. [Accessed 16 August 2013]. Michael C. Mozer. 2013. Michael C. Mozer. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~mozer/index.php. [Accessed 29 August 2013].

Microsoft Facility Helps You Make Yourself at Home in the Future. 2013. Microsoft Facility Helps You Make Yourself at Home in the Future. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/features/2011/aug11/08-08MicrosoftHome.aspx. [Accessed 30 August 2013]. Microsoft's Home of the Future: A Visual Tour - CIO.com. 2013. Microsoft's Home of the Future: A Visual Tour - CIO.com. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.cio.com/article/597693/Microsoft_s_Home_of_the_Future_A_Visual_Tour. [Accessed 30 August 2013].

Microsoft Home pushes boundaries of the future - seattlepi.com. 2013. Microsoft Home pushes boundaries of the future - seattlepi.com. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.seattlepi.com/business/article/Microsoft-Home-pushes-boundaries-of-the-future1215784.php. [Accessed 31 August 2013].

Modernism: Design in a Nutshell (4/6) - YouTube. 2013. Modernism: Design in a Nutshell (4/6) - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDCEtnXlA4Y&list=SPhQpDGfX5e7CJ87BDeuTdXTpxl 0YM2Tdb. [Accessed 17 August 2013]. The New Eco-Architecture: alternatives from the Modern Movement | Archive | Architects Journal. 2013. The New Eco-Architecture: alternatives from the Modern Movement | Archive | Architects Journal. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/the-new-eco-architecture-alternatives-from-themodern-movement/174137.article. [Accessed 1 September 2013]. Nitsh, Myerscough, Goodmin, Nihalani, Mistura, Stocker, Egg Office, P-06 Atlier, Rama Studio, Uebele, K.N, M.M, T.G, A.N, B.A, E.S, E.O, P.A, R.S, B.U, 2013. Embellishing your everyday surroundings. International Designers Network, Volume 20 No.1, 25- 62. (Accessed 14 August 2013) Postmodernism: Design in a Nutshell (6/6) - YouTube. 2013. Postmodernism: Design in a Nutshell (6/6) - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at:


The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Beckoing for Engagement |

In researching the modern design movement I have encountered Interactive Architecture in Architectural-Review The Big Rethink: Farewell to Modernism and Modernity Too (2012) and IDN Shedding New Light on the Art of the Impossible. (2013)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKomOqYU4Mw&list=SPhQpDGfX5e7CJ87BDeuTdXTp xl0YM2Tdb. [Accessed 17 August 2013].

The Pruitt-Igoe Myth a Documentary. 2013. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth a Documentary. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.pruitt-igoe.com. [Accessed 29 August 2013]. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth. 2013. . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.pruittigoe.com/temp/1991-bristol-pruitt-igoemyth.pdf. [Accessed 14 September 2013]. 2011. Shedding new light on the art of the impossible. International Design Network, Volume 18 No.2, 5-12. (Accessed 14 August 2013)

World's "Smartest" House Created By CU-Boulder Team. 2013. World's "Smartest" House Created By CU-Boulder Team. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/1997-11/UoCa-WHCB-131197.php. [Accessed 29 August 2013].


The Synergy between Design and Tehnology;

Beckoing for Engagement |

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