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New York Science Journal 2017;10(8) http://www.sciencepub.


The Influence of the Digital Revolution on the Architectural Trends and its Impact on the Architectural
Thinking in the Beginning of the 21st Century

Alaa Aldeen Alsayed Fared1, Ahmed Ahmed Kamel Metwally2, Abdel Salam Ahmed Soliman3
Professor of Architecture Faculty of Engineering Al Azhar University, Egypt
Visiting Assistant Lecturer in Architectural Engineering Department–Faculty of Engineering, Obour Institute for
Engineering & Technology-Cairo-A.R.E, Engineer in the New Urban Communities Authority - El-Shorouk Cairo -
Architecture Faculty of Engineering Al Azhar University, Egypt

Abstract: A great deal of technological changes took place in the last two decades, such as computer sciences and
applications, which guaranteed the absolute domination of digital technologies above all; this was the beginning of
so called digital revolution. Since architecture is very much connected to the community, it individuals and
activities, there was a strong connection between contemporary architecture and digital revolution; since the
architectural innovation has become integrally connected between human creativity and artificial intelligence, which
is represented in tangible and intangible, and realist and virtual. Considering architectural innovation and creation
processes as presented in architectural design stages, they are considered the base point of professional interest of
architects. This means that architectural design has a special significance as they represent the direct product of
architectural innovation and creation process, and that is why the architects pay attention to involve the available
cutting edge technologies for the interest of architecture, through the development of architectural innovation and
creation process and the use of digital technology and its applications for the interest of the innovation process. That
is why it was necessary to study the technological effects of the digital revolution and its applications in the fields
related to architecture, and the reflection of all that is on the contemporary architectural thinking, and the new
architectural innovation and creation it presents. That is the field of the study.
[Alaa Aldeen Alsayed Fared, Ahmed Ahmed Kamel Metwally, Abdel Salam Ahmed Soliman. The Influence of the
Digital Revolution on the Architectural Trends and its Impact on the Architectural Thinking in the Beginning
of the 21st Century. N Y Sci J 2017;10(8):89-105]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). 12. doi:10.7537/marsnys100817.12.

Keywords: New Modernity – Fractal – Intellectual Trends – Digital Revolution – Constructional Technology.

1- Technological Development and its technologies architecture, the fractal architecture and
Influence on the Modern and Contemporary others.
Architecture 1-2 The Digital Technology and the Late Twentieth
1-1 Introduction & Preliminary Century and the Early Twenty First Century
During the middle of the nineteenth century, the Architecture
influence of the industrial revolution on architecture The late twentieth century witnessed rapid
became conspicuous, along with the development of advancement in the science fields through what is
the construction materials, among which: glass, Iron & known by the digital revolution, which changed the
steel, reinforced concrete, and other materials. This led form of life. This revolution also had its influence on
to the capability of unprecedented vertical extension of architecture; the computer programs were used in
the buildings, especially with the invention of the many fields, the most important was its contribution in
electrical elevator by the American Inventor Elisha producing new architectural formations; known as
Otis (1811-1861) in (1854), the thing that prompted "digital formations", through finding three-dimension
the same direction. imaginative models to imitate the reality where the
During the twentieth century, the direct influence primitive details are accurately shown, as well as other
of technology on the architecture was apparent either applications.
in the materials, construction methods, execution The Technological Development and its Influence
methods, or others. This was obvious through various on the Contemporary Architectural Trends
architectural trends which prevailed along this century, During the last two decades, the world witnessed
starting from the heading towards the modernity an unprecedented revolution in the fields of
architecture, the international model architecture, then developing the digital technology and its applications
the late modernity architecture, and finally the post- along with establishing new items for the architectural
modernity architecture, the use of advanced structure, where these new items became various such

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

as using fractal forms, primitive geometric forms, architecture and this contemporary architectural trend
organic forms, or hybrid forms with all their types, as are concerned with deconstructing architecture mass
well as other architectural trends such as the trend of into a number of similar and incongruous units, and
"new modernity", "imaginative / virtual architecture", then they are rearranged and assembled in a different
and other trends. These trends were not able to be shape other than anything traditional and ordinary.
developed and used if it were not for the development What distinguishes this architectural trend is that it
in the digital technology and its applications in the destroys any differences between drawing and
field of architecture, the most important of these sculpture and merging them in a new and
modern architectural trends: contemporary architectural crucible. It describes the
2- 1 Fractal Forms natural shapes such as the mountains, sea waves, tree
The fractal form is considered one of the most branches, tree leaves, snow balls and others. This
important developments in architecture "post architectural trend is generally divided into three main
modernity". This trend refers to the fact that the types:
rational thinking is complemented by the contradiction 1- Cinematic Sectioning
between the two opposites; for instance it works on 2- Zigzag & Shard Forms
suspicion of the seriousness of the surface meaning, 3- Collision & Inclination Forms
the form and the superficial identification between 2-1-1 Cinematic Sectioning
them, in this context the Architect Peter Eisenman The American theorist and architect (Charles
says: Jencks) likened fractal forms to a form of cinematic
Architecture shall be moved away from the sectioning, such as pictures are in sequence and
stagnancy of these contradictions and their values such similar and not identical but in the end it forms a
as the contradiction between the construction and the wholesome, as an example of such buildings the
ornamentation, and between abstraction and project of the Yokohama pier port terminal in Japan on
personification, and between the person and the land. 1987-2002. It was designed by (foreign office
The architecture has to begin exploring the medium architect) group. It is a marine passengers station
between these contradictions. The fractal is the enemy designed as an extension of the ambient ecology
of the traditional architecture, as it affirms that the through set of shocking surfaces that cover the various
traditional values and creeds are by no means correct, elements of the project where loads is transferred to
while this direction is still rousing arguments on the the ground through these surfaces which suit the
international level, as it is rejected by some people Japanese topographic rocky nature influenced by
such as the critic Wolfgang Pehnt, who describes it as earthquakes. The building expresses real revolution in
being an aesthetic disaster, the aestheticism of absurd, architectural form and synchronizes with the ambient
ugliness, and assault. natural ecology from the uncut of the shape and its
At the same time, many of the international reflections on cross section and internal spaces3-(shape
architecture pioneers adopts it like the famous 1).
architect Philip Johnson and others. This kind of

Shape1: (The Yokohama Pier Port Terminal), (Gaban, 2002 by the architect Foreign Office Architect)
Source Csanbashi_Pier/3-3-2017

2-1-2 Zigzag & Shard Forms Architecture The works of The American Jewish architect
(Daniel Libeskind) are considered the most

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

distinguished works of this architectural trend. One of to Jewish claims) which he expressed in two axes that
the most famous models executed through this trend is cross with the main axis. The zigzag line expresses the
the Jewish Museum, Berlin in Germany in 1999, in course of history and feeling of troubles as the
which the zigzag & shard forms were used. It pedestrian cross flying beams in the building6. The
represents sudden fractions with no links to any limits building openings are executed in random irregularly
or angles representing fractal of David's hexagon star. longitude, as if they represent the stabs the Jewish
He also used main axis of movement points to places body got from the enemies (as they claim) along the
where the famous Jews lived in Berlin to express Jewish history that extends for tens of centuries!!!!
continuity and eternity of Jewish existence in (shape 2).
Germany despite of the holocaust and exile (according

Shape 2: (Jewish Museum, Berlin), Germany, Berline, 1989-1999, by the architect Daniel Libeskind),
Sourse http://en.wikipedia./Jewish_Museum_Berlin/20-3-2017

2-1-3 Collision & Inclination Forms Stata lap for computer and intelligent sciences in
The famous architect Frank Gehry is considered Massachusetts state in America in 2004 where mass
one of the pioneers f this trend. He sees architecture as design expresses conflict of ideas between scientists of
a democracy that expresses various ideas in conflict. different specializations who work inside this center7.
He expresses this through these collision shapes in his This produces new ideas and supports spirit of
forms. One of his most famous forms, designed innovation and invention. (shape3)
through this trend (Ray and Maria stata center), is

Shape 3: Stata lap for computer and intelligent sciences (Ray and Maria stata center), in Massachusetts state in
America (2004) by the architect Frank Gehry
Source http:/// 20-3-2017

Gehry's project dancing house in Czech Prague shapes and dimensions designed with the help of
(1996-1992) shape 4, which is considered a model of computers, plus several other models. Gehry executed
fractal forms and its attitude to produce collision and this with the same attitude such as (Walt Disney
inclination forms7. It embodies two dancing persons Concert Hall) in L.A in 2003 and other models.
and 99 concrete panels were used with different

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

Shape 4: (dancing house) Prague Czech (1992-1996) architect Frank Gehry

Source http:/// house 20-3-2017

2-2 Primitive Geometric Forms Designed by the British architect (Norman

Building forms are linked to Primitive Geometric Foster) the project mass takes the shape of baseball
Forms with sphere, cone, cylinder, pyramid, prism, ball or inclined and deformed egg. It was designed to
and other shapes. They are shapes easily to be give the least surface exposure to sun- the sphere has
recognized and awarded. Such shapes in human mind surface area less than the surface area of a cube with
are linked to clarity and beauty. The architect task lays the same volume with 25% -the north façade is
in confirming shapes drawings with ornamental lines covered with normal glass while the southern façade is
on the mass body or the inclined shape cross with designed to cover the upper stories of the building the
similar shape or with straight shape, without this rest lower stories to hinder sun rays computer
drawing the shape loses a lot of its influence on the programs and technologies to let the building
reciever8. accomplishes the highest environmental capability
One of the most important models executed of saving 65% of the energy capacity compared to other
distinguished forms through this attitude is using similar traditional office buildings. Special programs
Geometric Forms the building of (London City Hall) were used to study the effects of sun rays on the glass
2000-2002. cover of the building and its spaces and the
architectural analysis of the building 9-(shape 5).

Shape 5: London City Hall in the city of London in England (2000-2002) By the architect: Norman Foster
Source http:/// London City Hall 4-4-2017

2-3-3 Organic Forms Organic flora forms is considered one of the form
The organic form attitude in architecture aims at that inspire and blast architectural creativity and
the beauty integrity which means the integrity of the innovation 3 the American Architect (Frank Lloyd
members in performing their tasks and the nature form Wright) employed it in innovating the mushroom
of the building conditioning the ambient environment. column of the Johnson laboratories. It is also used by
Generally, it is divided into two main types: the British architect (Norman Foster) in his building of
1-Flora Forms (Swiss Re or 30 St Mary Axe) in London-England in
2- Fauna forms 1997-2004-(shape 6).
2-3-1 Flora Forms

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Shape 6; Building of Swiss re company or 30 St Mary Axe in London-England on (1997-2004-) (Norman Foster)
Source http:/// 30 St Mary Axe 8-4-2017

He developed pineapple fruit shape using It is an architecture which takes its inspiration
computer by employing external mesh on the shaped from the animals body formations in addition to
as specific cells and woks as a substitute to the inspiration of the human body 8, one of the main
traditional columns. The building with its special models executed according to this trend is the building
design save energy consumption reaching 50% of the Turning Torso tower in Malmo Sweden (2001-
compared to similar traditional buildings. By using 2006) made by the Spanish architect "Santiago
spiral yards, it makes differences in air pressure which Calatrava" where he inspired the shape of the human
generate internal air current. The building façade torso in his sculptural design. The tower building has
consists of two glass layers surrounding a vacuum the shape of nine separate knuckles penetrated by
which ventilated by electronic directed curtains. The concrete spinal chord which contains vertical
form of the building is designed to increase the usage distribution elements and the elements of the tower
of day light and makes watching external natural building services. The concrete tiles stand from the
scenery available to those who stay in the depth of the structural core and twisted in 90degree angel from the
building 3. bottom to the summit of the tower reaching 190 meters
2-3-2 Fauna Forms height12 –(shape 7).

Shape 7 the building of the turning torso tower in Malmo Sweden (2001-2006) made by the Spanish architect
"Santiago Calatrava".
Source http:/// turning-torso 10-4-2017

Caltrava repeated employing this body element human eye where the sky dome is the eye pupil and
in the building of (Ciutat de les Arts I les Ciencies) in the ceiling is the eye lid open and close as a real eye.
the city of Valencia in Spain (1996-2009) where the When the body is reflected on water, the eye image
building represented human eye shape and the shows utterly. The eye lid guarantees an axial system
movement of its eyelid around in a mass design rising mounted on central torsos fixed with stops, when the
from water, which open and close in a sticking out moveable skeleton opens it reveals the internal ball
shed that rise and sink. and illuminates it, that makes it look as if it floating,
The architect showed his creativity in designing then the space beside the planetarium becomes
this building. The shape design and the movements completely or partially covered or uncovered
that the skeleton of the building can do depicts the according to the ceiling position6-(shape 8).

New York Science Journal 2017;10(x)

Shape 8: City of arts and sciences in Valencia Spain (1996 -2009) the Architect Santiago Caltrava
Source http:/// ciutat_de _artsi les ci %c3%A8ncies_/ 12-4-2017

her design, where the building designed to be raised

over the ground on cone shaped legs with different
sizes similar to the style of le Corbusier columns of
which he raised his famous form in Marseille13-(shape

2-4 Complication /hybrid forms

2-4-1 Undulation forms
Undulation forms is considered one of the
modern and contemporary architecture attitudes based
when it is founded on digital technology and its
applications in architecture forms. It is called
undulation forms, it is a type of architecture that uses
Shape 9: (Phaeno science center) in Wolfs burg in computer programs that deduce digital undulated
Germany of the architect Zaha Hadid (2000-2005) forms, besides supple elastic shapes that couldn’t be
Source http:/// phapeano- obtained by traditional means of design and drawing 3.
science- center_/ 20-4-2017 The most important model of this form trend is
(Experience Music Project in Seattle in 2000in
One of the important models which inspired its Washington designed by the architect Frank Gehry.
formations from the fauna forms is (Phaeno science His design shows the application of supple surfaces in
center) in Wolfsburg in Germany of the architect Zaha forming the external building7 (shape10).
Hadid (2000-2005) who borrowed the animal shape in

Shape 10: (experience music project in Seattle in) 2000 designed by the architect Frank Gehry
Source http:/// EMP-Museum/ 20-4-2017

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

2-4-2 Helical forms around lineal center, with the rise upward and set out
Old classical architecture knew how to employ to the infinite, and it confirms the feeling of turning
Helical forms since it was innovated as ornamental upward or downward which magnifies the vital
element in classical Greek order through ionic order dynamic energy in the space, which increases the
where the columns carried a volute crown which psychological familiarity with the surrounding
enabled it to spread through Comosite Order in the environment and that what contemporary architecture
Roman architecture. It has been shown later in an tried to tackle in an abstract philosophical form.
awesome unique innovation in the Islamic (Staten Island Institute for Arts and Sciences) designed
Architecture in Iraq, where it was implemented in by the American Architect Peter Eisenman in the
Samrra mosque minaret, then in Egypt in the mosque Island of Staten in USA (1997-2001) is considered one
of Ahmed Ibn Tolon before it was reproduced again in of the most accomplished examples regarding this
modern architecture by (Frank loyed Wright), the trend. Where models of movement and the building
modern architect in Gogenhim Museum in New York. shape are mixed by putting white taped volutes in the
His ideas was based on accomplishing the rising half transparent glass, making traffic movement is a
volute space effectuating the main space of the source of volutal form. Computer was used in
museum building resembling the shape of a cliff14. arranging set of panels and sections. They rise and
From engineering and architectural point of turn in adjacent movements that give interactive
view, Volute shape expresses the continuous transfer design with motion7. (shape 11).

Shape 11: the project of (staten island institute for arts and sciences) designed by the American Architect Peter
Eisenman in the island of staten in USA (1997-2001)

2-3-3 Crystal forms

Shape 12: the project of (muse des confluences) in the French city of lyon (2007-2014) designed by the Austrian
(Coop Himmelblau Group).
Source: http://fro

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

Bauhause school pioneers defined the crystal forms. As future visions are differed by the means of
world as it is the world of symbolism and the free absolute contradiction with the past.
spirit and as a bridge to what is beyond nature. (Walter And introducing new unfamiliar formula using
Groupius used crystallization to express the trend to technological achievements which doesn't bear
break static solid shape for the perpendicular surfaces serenity inside the old days sickness, (Fractal or
by entering dynamic inclined surfaces11. Deconstruction forms) search for new ideas never
By the end of the twentieth century and the handled before whether in (Modernity) or (Post
beginning of twenty fist century architects headed to Modernity) forms. Some researchers 8 of those who
employ crystal prism form, the main representation of oppose this trend see this vision is against past and at
this trend is the project of (Muse Des Confluences) in the same time against future. It occurred as a result of
the French city of lyon (2007-2014) designed by the the state of cultural despair at a time where humanity
Austrian (Coop Himmelblau Group) it is a museum and the world witness conflicts and disputes, so it
specialized in natural sciences and human civilization depends on a belief that present is the final form of
where blue and grey crystal glass formations were existence paving the path to the appearance of new
internally lightened to express this trend to work as a thinking trend called (New Modernity) forms.
bridge to what is beyond nature15 –(shape 12). (New Modernity) forms goes far away from most
Reviewing these trends of architecture and of the big visions of the future which (Modernity)
contemporary architectural thoughts, it is now clear called for. Instead of that it tries to deal with present
that the computer and its technologies, and problems using digital technology and employing it
applications contributed in developing architectural with optimistic future expectations.
forms and changing it from ideas into tangible reality, One of the prominent defendant toward (New
this took place by computer programs by designing Modernity) is the French architect (Jean Nouvel) who
untraditional forms besides the aid of aerodynamic in thinks that the most important factor in the coming
executing these shapes or forms, in addition to analyze stage is not represented in the whole history of
and study the wind effects on them. architecture, but every thing continues in the world the
2-5 New Modernity Architecture in mean time because he doesn’t think that buildings
Through the last three decades of the twentieth belong to the future. It should be smart enough and
century, new trends expressing future architecture benefit from the available technologies, it must also
exist, in the seventies and eighties architects were attract feelings and senses. Briefly you can say" every
interested in shaping the form of (post modernity) event has its own speech".
which reflects the future picture through reanimating This vision based on care in present is the care
the past heritage in a different way by respecting the for future. What happens now effects strongly on
architectural and cultural and civilized heritage of the architecture in the future. One of the main buildings
societies in a modernized way and untraditional style, Jean Nouvel designed on (New Modernity) trend is the
some people may see this trend has founded project of Paris philharmonic in France, of which he
conservative image depending on reviving the past but started executing from 2006 expected to end on 2014.
with no expression of contemporary technology and Its designs is inspired by the hidden feelings music do
specially with the clear appearance of information to the audience, and the flow of imaginations and
revolution and its different influences. The main flying in heavens, so the lines of the building flow and
evidence of those who believe in that idea is the float easily and smoothly inside and outside the
disappearance of the works of many who adopt this building. The building is not consisted of stories in the
trend, in the lead of this notion, the pioneer of this traditional meaning but it consists of place levels flow
architectural trend (Michel graves) who on the through each other till they interfere and float. This
opposite of other architects who adapt late modernity feeling is accomplished technologically through smart
architecture before as their interest as fully directed to constructional suspension system for these levels
future, trying to reach modern contemporary and which made of steel. The formations consists of levels
developed form, achieve great deal of flexibility and turnings and smallest details were tested by means
through the ideal use and ambition to express of modern technology, to give the most accurate level
technology. It was achieved by what this architecture inside the halls in order to give the receiver this
bear of scientific features about science and advanced attractive feeling and senses requested visually before
technology and what will be discovered in the future. auditory. This leads to a continuous harmony among
By the beginning of the ninety's of the 20th all elements inside the hall 17 (shape 13).
century, the trend was about Fractal or deconstruction

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Shape 13: (Paris Philharmonic- Philharmonie de Paris) in the French city of parise (2006-2014) Architect) Norman
Foster): Source

The future form study will depend on what new materials and what results from them in new
already happening on the real world in present, testing shapes and forms arose the dawn of forms ideas based
and highlight it as a future assumption. Thus we can on constructing building. 24
found future vision of the new forms, its dimensions One of the main building models executed
based on modern technology which has developed fast according to this architectural trend is the German
by the beginning of the 21st century, which in turn (Pavilion at the Expo 67 Montreal) which the German
forms the input to Future Architecture. By pondering Engineer (Frei Otto) designed, as the light structure
these different trends of contemporary architectural Otto used on the shape of a tent covering enormous
thoughts, it is obvious how computer and its space of this exhibition is considered new innovated
techniques and applications contribute in developing form. The idea of a tent is an old one but the
architectural formations and changing it from solid architectural formation and its acquaintance with the
ideas into tangible reality using to design the building and internal space in addition to structural
untraditional architectural formations programs, development made its form innovative. One of the
whereas it has been benefited from computer programs most important examples that explain the extent of
to produce such (digital formations) by finding technological developments affects on the
imaginary three dimensional models to simulate architectural formation in the second half of the20th
reality which all spatial details show accurately. century, is Sydney opera house (1973-1957) designed
The role of Modern and contemporary by the Danish architect (John Utzon). By the structure
technology was not only about programs and taking of Sydney opera house, modern technology helped
advantage of it to draw new languages and vocabulary executing the husky concrete ceiling made of husk
for the architectural formation but also it extended to concrete on the shape of overlapped sails that form the
technological development in the fields of building structural shape of the building. It became as the
and developing construction materials and developing milestone of the city of Sydney. The Spanish architect
of construction material. It also extended to other (Santiago calatrva) used the same husk concrete
developed technologies made by digital revolution in structure when he made the design of Tenerife opera
several fields such as light technologies and plastics house 2003 in the Spanish Canary Islands.
industries and other applications that make a colossal With the existence of the techniques of (Digital
and effective role to spur architects to innovate new Revolution) which included its reflections and effects
creations. Consequently, all these have effect on in the field of architecture, and the developing of
contemporary international forms ideas and thoughts. digital technology and taming it to draw new
3- The Effects of Technological Developments on languages and vocabulary of architectural formation,
Contemporary International Forms the abilities of modern digital technology was not
A lot of developments and innovations in the mere accomplishing design creativity of the
field of building have its big role to spur architects to architectural shape but its influence extended to
creativity thus they fulfill their creative architectural methods of executing structure materials where digital
ideas and dreams where used technology in making a technology interacted to produce smart materials
lot of buildings is the main motive of forms ideas and innovated as a result of interfering traditional materials
thoughts specially in the 20th century. The with tiny electronic systems3.
requirements of building and its needs for innovating

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This smart materials are identified as materials simulate the skeleton structure and the building shape.
that have developed technological characterizations It was impossible to design it by drawing or designing
capable of changing and transform to suit the traditional methods. The museum with its unique form
surrounding circumstances. It also has the ability to depicts important model of Gehry works which
sense energy and store it till needed plus being of light considered important models of sculpture and Organic
weight, heavy duty, remote controlled and easy to forms of which he employed Titanium as a structure
install and dismantle. New materials have been material 18 (shape 14).
employed in a developed way in the architectural form
because of its vast abilities in the field of free artistic
formation. Some examples for these materials:
titanium, glass, aluminum and plastic materials and
photo technologies such as (LCD) and others. These
materials have a great role in changing architectural
formation language one of such material is:
3-1 Titanium material and form trend to
(sculptural forms)
Sculpture forms are known since the beginning
of history. Over many historical civilization man used
to sculpture his home and form it in several methods.
During modern times architects employed their Shape 14: (Guggenheim Museum, Blbao), in the
formation abilities to apply available techniques to Aspania city of Blbao (2007), Architect (Frank Gehry)
produce (sculpture forms). One of the distinguished Source
architects is, Antonio Gaudi who was skillful in his 4-2017.
distinguished works in employing modern structure
materials at this time to serve his form trend toward 3-2 Aluminum Material
(Sculptural forms)8, as in Casa Mila in Barcelona Aluminum is considered one of the lightest
(1905-1915) and the church of the sacred family in structure materials weight compared to volume. Its
Barcelona (Sagrada Familia). During the second half density is one third of iron and copper, besides
of the twentieth century, the Husk Concrete has been aluminum has other important characterizations such
used to produce (Sculptural forms), for instance as: its high resistance of rust and good resistance to
Sherzad 1987, TWA company building in John fire as it is not burning as it melts but on 660
Kennedy Airport in New York In 1962 designed by centigrade degrees, and it is relatively late degree
Eero Saarinen and Opera Sydney. burning to reach, its great resistance of erosion makes
With the existence of the digital technology, it long living material. Aluminum is used in our region
material of titanium was employed to do the active in windows frames, besides it is sometimes used for
role in producing (Sculptural forms). Titanium is a covering few building structure elements (columns
bright light weight metal in addition it is stainless and beams). It may be resulted from our lack of
white silver colored used specially in making strong information about different kinds of aluminum and its
alloys specially with aluminum and iron. First characterizations, though these characterizations could
discovery of titanium was in the year 1791. And it was determine the fields that we can use Aluminum.
not used outside laboratories till 1932 when it was Within the second half of the twentieth century,
prepared for commercial use whereas military aluminum industry has been developed to play big role
industries consume enormous quantities of titanium in structure industry and to also contribute largely in
alloys in aircraft and jet engines industries as it is light construction field. It is used on a large scale in
and strong. construction. It contributes a lot in the architectural
In the field of architecture thanks for Frank formations and also in suspension ceilings, in addition
Gehry who employed titanium panels in covering a lot to pre-manufactured buildings as well as in executing
of his works. (Guggenheim Museum Bilbao) in Spain space ceiling units and walls covers and fine isolating
in 1997 is considered the most important building in sheets and others. The most important model of which
which Gehry used the material of titanium. Gehry aluminum is employed as principal structure material
borrowed the shape of a ship in his design of the is (the Imperial Museum North) in Manchester,
museum in this coastal city and used titanium panels England in the year (1997-2001) designed by the
like fish scales which contributed in giving the architect (Daniel Libeskind) where he used bright
building Organic expression. Also, computer aluminum sheets to cover ceilings and walls
technology alsohas been used by using one the most completely that made the building shining in the day
important available program back then (catia) to light. Using aluminum in covering the building added

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expressions of strength to the military memorial (transparency) and (simplicity) in designing the
structure so the visitor felt as if he is inside an external facades and executing it as thinking method
aircraft20 –(shape 15). achieved through using glass surfaces to cover these
facades. The second half of the twentieth century
witnessed a great development in (glass) industry and
its applications, new types of glass appeared and also
many available kinds of glass developed like
strengthened glass, glass tiles, glass fibers and others.
The advanced technologies made glass with special
sensitivity to light and heat known these types which
adopt with amount of light and heat in the building 8.
Thus glass participated greatly in the
architectural formation in the digital technology age as
a transparent material or reflective material of what is
around it from buildings and nature. It also gives the
building neutrality if it was used as flat area but if it
Shape 15: (Imperial War Museum North) in the was used as separate and movable sheets, it gives a
England city of Manchester (2007)) Architect (Daniel changing awesome shape.
Libeskind) One of the most important buildings that show
Source http: Imperial_War_Museum_North/25-4-2017 the importance of glass as a building material during
this era the structure of (Torre Agbar) in the Spanish
3-3 Glass And Thinking Architectural Attitude city of Barcelona (1999-2004) designed by the French
(new transparent forms) architect (Jean Nouvel) which is considered the third
Glass continued to be domineering modern highest building in Barcelona17. It became a new
structure material since using it for the first time in a symbol of the city. The color of the building changes
contemporary manner in the middle of the twentieth as a result of using outer glass cover, where heat
century in the construction of the (Crystal Palace) in sensors were put around the tower. This sensors
London in the year (1851) to witness the first half of regulate the opening or closing glass curtains which
the twentieth century depending on glass by several resulted in reducing consumption of power used by
thinking architectural trend like (international style) air-conditioners -(shape 16).
trend. This trend approved the conceptions of

Shape 16: (Torre Agbar), in the Aspen city of Barcelona (2007), Architect (Jean Nouvel): Source

Prada store in Tokyo in the Japanese capital all types of lenses (convex –bulbs etc) Herzog and
designed by Swiss Architects (Herzog & Demeron) Demeron describe them as optical interactive units
(1999-2003) is considered the most important models between the user of the building and the surrounding
of which glass was used in a different way. Glass is environment-(shape 17).
used in the building façade as units of crystals includes

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

Shape 17: (Prada Store, Tokyo (, in the Jaban city of Tokyo (1999-2003), Architect (Herzog & de Meron).

3-4 Light Technologies And Architectural Thinking 3-4-1 (LED) technology

Trend To Produce (imaginative and assumptive (LED) technology is an abbreviation of light
forms). emitting diode, this technology depends on covering
The digital era accompanied with increase façade with group of glass discs and through computer
dependence on modern digital technologies as it program lightening of each disc is controlled with led
appeared through buildings as models of this trend, lighting technology. The building facades are changed
one of this models is using screens in the buildings as into active interaction facades using screens where
a part of the wall formation as a result walls changed every disc represents the building unit of the façade. In
into information transfers consequently, it has become day light, discs are used as reflective mirror of
a part of many future and new designs. The effect of lighting. One of the most important buildings that use
these electronic facades differ according to the type of this technology is the façade of Korean shopping mall
technology used. There are several types of building in Seol South korea in the year (2003-2004).
technologies among these advanced technologies designed by UN studio group (shape 18).
(LED), (PIX), (LCD).

Shape18: (Korean Shopping mall building) in the Korya city of coal (2003-2004), designed by the architect (UN

3-4-2 Light (PIX) Technology in the occasion of celebrating the city as the capital of
It is circular florescent lighting units combined the European culture in the year 2003. Designed by
with external facades, and by the means computer team of British architects (Peter Cook) and (Colin
special programs, the façade is turned into large Fournier). The building shows cook architectural
screen. One of the important buildings which trends toward innovative formation of the building
implemented the (PIX) light technology is the (modern mass, using of modern technology which one of it is)
art museum –Grazer Kunsthause or Graz Art Museum) light technology (PIX) in the external facades and the
in the city of Grazer in Austria 2000-2003. It was built body of the building, besides his special vision of

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

accepting the other (Friendly Aliens). Or being technology elements together with what the traditional
familiar with whatever strange. That what cook's red-tiled-covered buildings represent 21. (shape 19)
philosophy expresses, by combining all modern

Shape 19: Use PIX technology, (Imperial War Museum North) in the England city of Manchester (2007), Architect
(Daniel Libeskind)
Source http: Imperial_War_Museum_North/25-4-2017

3-4-3 LCD the Digital House Project in the USA (1997-1998) by

They are flat limited –thickness screens consist the two Iranian architects (Hariri & Hariri) where the
of 6 layers that contain number of colored molecules elements of this digital house were distributed around
or mono colored. They work with very little electronic digital axis skeleton made of iron covered with glass
energy and it is used to show by using computer. and made of liquid crystal material (Active Matrix
Special screens with (TFT-LCD) technologies may be liquid Crystal Displays) the walls of the rooms contain
used, that can be seen in direct sun light where the (l CD) screens to substitute screens of personal
lightning degree is as 4 times as the normal lightning. computers, for example in bedrooms or following the
LCD technologies is used in designing many virtual guests in the dining room and other
modern and contemporary buildings, one of them is applications include all house spaces22 –(shape 20).

Shape 20: Use LCD technology, (Digital House), United States of America (1997-1998), For the two architects
(Hariri & Hariri)

Thus we see that architecture is affected very technology in a continuous state of update, all the
much by this enormous technology developments the abovementioned is to serve forms and thinking and
world witnessed during information revolution and architectural innovations.
digital revolution era. This development included all The pace evolution has gone so fast in the fields
aspects of architecture as architects started using every of specialized programs, added to that construction
new and available way of architectural expression and material industry and both the execution means and
structure systems and structure materials to make

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

the used erection systems. These have fulfilled a lot of

contemporary architecture requirements.
4- Technological influences on architecture future
and mental forms trend in the 21st century
Communication technologies made a revolution
in the world of institutional structures and work places
in offices or administrative buildings which led to
medical surgeries operations, banks transactions
selling, purchasing operations and governmental
services, libraries and museums. All of these are being
implemented through computer technologies.
With the growing benefits of capabilities of the
systems and the internet in a more developed manner
in the 21 century, it is expected to have a radical Shape 20: (Mega structure), (City Life Project, Milan),
change in life systems and work systems inside the In Milan (Italian) (2011 - 2014), For the architect
cities, consequently changing styles of the current Arata Isozaki
buildings take place, in addition to its function to the
various functions. In general, change is expected to
include the three components of architecture: 4-1-2 Omitting some traditional spaces8:
(function), (form) and (construction). The new life in the information technology era
has led to decreasing social relations between people,
4-1 The Function part in the new buildings type
A change in the functional pattern is expected to thus it is expected to cancel some job spaces based on
take place. This change represented in two axes: these social relations. Some examples for these spaces
First: Jobs of the building are interfered as many are (halls, guest reception rooms) in residents'
whereas different and various functions could gather building. It is already canceled in many residence
under one ceiling (Mega Structures) and at the same because of the closeness created by the developed
building. means of communication, specially mobiles, internet
Second: Some jobs are canceled or omitted, and its applications, and others.
It is expected to cancel some other spaces from
consequently omitting some spaces that used to do
these jobs in the traditional types of building. It may the buildings like public halls to deal with the crowds
reach the omission of the whole building as its jobs do in administrative buildings and banks because of the
not exist anymore in the society. great abilities of the internet, which make it available
4-1-1 Multi functions structures (Mega Structure) to get administrative services and transactions done
They are the structures that have more than one without need to move from your place before your
job or one activity at the same time in one Mega personal computer at home or at your workplace.
Structure, as Archigram intellectual pioneers group Shops will change into store rooms for goods, as
called them. They are the buildings that contain part or showing goods will be on the internet in special sites.
a whole of the city activity. One building could A person can choose what he wants to get at home
contain a whole residential district or a whole after paying its price in store bank account to reach the
neighborhood.24 consumer at home he also can follow the goods while
One of the pioneers of this trend of the moving from shop to home.
contemporary architect is (Rata Isozaki) the Japanese Future and health care experts expect the present
architect who suggested the idea of forming an trends move away from the traditional types of
integrated community which consists of service hospitals and direct toward emergency hospitals and
structure complex from hospital to laboratories, social external clinics.
services centers, trade center, conference hall and With the development of the (E-mails) capacities
others. All these facilities exist Inside one building which reach to the ability of sending digital mails and
under one ceiling. He also took in consideration pictures etc. It is expected to affect post agencies
different systems of services such as school system, buildings leading to end these building or decreasing
library system, pollution control system, artistic its size at least and that what happens in many
services and others. Thus he classified three types of countries in the world.
city work systems (control), (services) and With the increase of (video conferences) idea, it
information. The center is linked with neighboring substitutes the present conferences and this may lead
residence by web of generators to produce power- to clear some halls in the buildings which specialized
(shape 22). in holding these conferences (conference halls)
besides saving costs of travel and residence.

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

4-2 Visual Arts in the New Types of Architecture plus capabilities of its new digital elements in linking
It is confirmed now the effects of information elements and thinking of design operations with
revolution on the types and shapes of contemporary architectural product.
and future architecture. It is linked with group of 5-Results & Recommendations
considerations, of which the most important is the 5-1 Study Results
spirit of technology that dominates the era and affects 1- Digital revolution introduced enormous
the shape of the buildings and their styles, I addition to capabilities that helped developing digital technology
the change expected to happen in the internal design of and enabled it to draw new languages and
the buildings and its jobs and the formation of their vocabularies to the architectural formation, the thing
spaces, and consequently reflect on the outlook of the which made architecture design operation become
building. The shape of digital house for instance will creative operation without any hindrance horizons
differ from what is traditionally known as house. It is before the architect to innovate and create new
expected that stereotyping will dominate in the architect and opened new unprecedented architectural
building in addition to some other factors in forming formation with the aid of most recent computer
the systems of control and how to connect private technologies programs.
electronic sets and information webs. 2- What the international architectural fields
The architectural shape and job of the new shop witness today as a result of the effects of digital and
will be different from the known shop, as the shape of information revolutions and computer programs
the shop internally and decorations attract consumers technology whether in the field of architecture design
to it will practically atop to exist, customers are or developed or smart structure materials or modern
attracted to goods which they can be seen on structure styles represent new stage or era that forms a
electronic sites.25 large step to transition in the international architecture
4-3 The Structural Part in the New Forms Types with the beginning of the second decade of the 21st
Regarding the expected spread of automatic century.
operations of the buildings through the perception of 3- As a result of architectural creativity that
(digital architecture) that is close to the perception of contemporary digital technology in the field of
(smart architecture), buildings will develop through drawing new languages and vocabularies to the
sensitive surface between internal space and external architectural formation, this allowed developing
environment. The outer cover will be developed into a several former architectural thinking trends like the
new outer cover dominated by good qualities and attitude of fauna formations but with new forms and
innovation that are taken from the used technology in innovated technologies. Other new trends also
structure. appeared that could not be executed but without the
But in the case of (digital forms) spread in their aid of digital technology like the attitude toward the
comprehensive conception by controlling all inner production of fractal or deconstruction, primitive
activities in the building, it will consequently affect geometric forms and new modernity forms etc.
structure materials choices and structure style. The 4- With the appearance of the digital revolution
relation between structure and architecture will vary technologies, the effects of modern digital
according to the nature of every building individually. technologies were not mere accomplishment of
In the case of mega structures which are multi creative design of architectural form, but they
jobs and expected to spread and its role becomes extended their effects to the ways of execution and
apparently clear in the present century decades. The structure materials, where digital technology
relation between structure and architecture will be of interacted to produce smart modern materials
that type called (true structural high tech) and in the innovated as a result of the interaction between
case of (digital structure) with electronic control traditional materials with electronic systems.
systems the type of relation between structure and 5- Being smart materials that were produced as
architecture will be of the type called structure a result of digital revolution technologies, they were
symbolized. Architecture changes and develops considered materials that have developed
according to technological development the world will technological characterizations able to change and
witness. (Architecture) as art, science and industry is transform to suit ambient circumstances. They have
forever will reflect every development the present the ability to feel energy stored and release it as
world witnesses8. needed, so it was employed in a developed way in the
It is clear from what is mentioned above that architectural formation because it enjoy vast abilities
(digital tectonics) will play the main role in design in free artistic formation. Thus appeared new
operations and architectural innovation in the future. architectural trends like producing imaginative or
Analysis studies will change both individual cultural verbal form and other modern form trends.
view and sociological view of the architectural design

New York Science Journal 2017;10(8)

6- It is expected with the great magnifying should care for supporting serious scientific research
benefits of the abilities of web systems in a way more to employ modern digital technologies and its
developed in the near future fundamental change that applications and develop it in architectural fields to
will occur in life style and work in the city. It will be adequate society's conditions, abilities and its needs.
followed by change in present buildings and facilities 6- The importance to search the future of
in all kinds and jobs, also changes in the way these architecture and its importance through regarding
different jobs are performed. Such things require great sociological changes and variables that was
restudy of space elements forming various types of resulted from modern digital technologies and their
building from the side of architects. various applications that changed many basics of
7- As a result of technological and technical buildings' functions and how to secure the
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