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isishape HiperEtch Innovative Structuring Materials to Simplify Your Display Production Processes - Efficient and Environmentally Friendly

49th SID International Symposium, Seminar & Exhibition, Exhibitors Forum, Los Angeles, CA USA, - May 18, 2011 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany Hans-Juergen Lemp, Head of Structuring Solutions EMD Chemicals, Robert Miller, Business Manager, LC and Emerging Technologies

1 2 3 4 5 6 Merck (KGaA) is not Merck (& Co.) but EMD Motivation Advantages of isishape Process description Application examples Summary & final remarks

Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Merck is not the same as Merck

Merck KGaA and the U.S. pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. have been two independent companies since 1917. Common historical roots: 1891 Merck & Co. founded in New York by Georg Merck, a member of the Merck family As a consequence of World War I, Merck & Co. was expropriated and became an independent company. Today, Merck & Co. holds the rights to the name within North America. Merck KGaA and its affiliated group companies operates there as EMD and holds the rights to the name Merck in the rest of the world.

In this presentation Merck stands for Merck KGaA, Darmstadt / Germany

3 Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Strategic intent
Structuring Solutions is an innovative and reliable partner to the photovoltaic and display industry. Based on our know-how and expertise we offer innovative chemical material concepts delivering to the users environmentally friendly structuring solutions for improved product performance and production speed.

Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Do you want to structure smart & simple?

Advanced Materials for New Production & Application Concepts

Easy, Fast & Environmentally Friendly

Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Structuring Solutions Merck

isishape HiperEtch Efficient Efficient alternative alternative to to photo photo lithography, lithography, plasma plasma and/or and/or laser laser ablation ablation for for structuring structuring Cut Cut down down process process steps steps Improve Improve performance performance Environmentally Environmentally friendly friendly Easier Easier & & faster faster production, production, supporting supporting Green Green Factory Factory approach approach
6 Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

One thing in common......

Layer structuring of semiconductors, passivation or ARcoatings, TCOs Sometimes selectively (no impact to the layer underneath)

Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Possibilities of structuring

Easy, fast & environmentally friendly

Screen Screen printing printing // Dispensing Dispensing Cleaning Cleaning Drying Drying


isishape processes
8 Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

The isishape process

easy, fast & environmentally friendly







Lowest Lowest waste waste water water impact impact Safe Safe working working environment environment Green Green Factory Factory concept concept

Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

isishape portfolio

TCO TCO Layers Layers

Functional Functional and and Antireflective Antireflective Layers Layers

Semiconductors Semiconductors (wafers (wafers and and layers) layers)

Metal Layers


SiO2 SiNx Al2O3

c-Si a-Si

Al Ag Cu

The chemical concept enables selective etching of layer systems. Other structuring solutions upon request.


Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Selective etching is possible











11 Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp


isishape HiperEtch 04S

130 nm ITO / glass ITO Key features
Screen-printable Screen-printable paste paste ITO ITO etching etching at at 100-180C 100-180C Smallest Smallest line line width width <60 <60 m m on on 130 130 nm nm crystalline crystalline ITO ITO thickness thickness Excellent Excellent cleaning cleaning of of ITO ITO glass glass and and screens screens with with water water Very Very low low concentrations concentrations of of organic organic compounds compounds and and etchant etchant in in water water after after rinsing rinsing Screen: Stainless steel Pattern: 25 m Etching: 170C, 180 sec Environmentally Environmentally friendly friendly process process (no ) (no HF, HF, no no Cl Cl2 2)


Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

isishape HiperEtch 09S

50 nm ITO / plastic film Key features
Screen-printable Screen-printable paste paste ITO ITO etching etching at at 100-150C 100-150C Qualified Qualified to to structure structure line line width width >100 >100 m m on on ITO ITO glass glass and and ITO ITO plastic plastic film film Good Good cleaning cleaning of of ITO ITO plastic plastic film film with with water water and and ultrasonic ultrasonic bath bath Screen: Stainless steel Pattern: Diamond pattern Etching: 120C, 180 sec Environmentally Environmentally friendly friendly process process ) (no (no HF, HF, no no Cl Cl2 2)


Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

isishape HiperEtch 11S

SiO2 on ITO / glass Key features
Screen-printable Screen-printable paste paste etching on ITO 100 100 nm nm SiO SiO2 2 etching on ITO (without (without ITO ITO damage) damage) !! without oven Etching Etching process process for for SiO SiO2 2 without oven Smallest Smallest line line width width 100 100 m m Excellent Excellent cleaning cleaning for for substrates substrates and and screens screens with with water water Screen: Stainless steel Pattern: Squares Etching: 3 min at room temperature Very Very low low concentrations concentrations of of organic organic compounds compounds and and etchant etchant in in rinse rinse water water


Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

isishape HiperEtch 17S

70 nm ITO / glass Key features
Screen-printable Screen-printable paste paste ITO ITO etching etching at at 100-180C 100-180C Smallest Smallest line line width width < < 50 50 m m on on 70 70 nm nm crystalline crystalline ITO ITO thickness thickness Excellent Excellent wetting wetting of of substrate substrate without without pinholes pinholes

Screen: Stainless steel Pattern: 30 m Etching: 120C, 120 sec
15 Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Very Very low low concentrations concentrations of of organic organic compounds compounds and and etchant etchant in in water water after after rinsing rinsing Environmentally Environmentally friendly friendly process process (no ) (no HF, HF, no no Cl Cl2 2)

isishape R&D sample 11-XW-03

50 nm ITO / plastic film Key features
Screen-printable Screen-printable paste paste Qualified Qualified for for fine fine line line printing printing and and structuring structuring (<70 (<70 m) m) ITO ITO etching etching at at 100-150C 100-150C (surface (surface temperature) temperature) Good Good cleaning cleaning of of film film substrates substrates and and screens screens with with water-jet water-jet only only !! Environmentally Environmentally friendly friendly process process (no ) (no HF, HF, no no Cl Cl2 2)

Screen: stainless steel Pattern: line pattern Etching: 120 sec at 120C (surface)


Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

isishape R&D sample 11-S-02

Silver nano wire on PET film Key features
Screen-printable Screen-printable paste paste Structuring Structuring of of Ag Ag nanowires nanowires or or CNT CNT on on PET PET film film at at 70-100C 70-100C Smallest Smallest line line width width 150m 150m on on PET PET film film Excellent Excellent cleaning cleaning of of substrates substrates Very Very low low concentrations concentrations of of organic organic compounds compounds and and etchant etchant in in water water after after rinsing rinsing Screen: Stainless steel Pattern: large stripes Etching: 70C, 5min Environmentally Environmentally friendly friendly process process (no ) (no HF, HF, no no Cl Cl2 2)


Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Advantages for the environment

Very Very low low organic organic concentrations concentrations in in the the rinse rinse water water lead lead to to excellent excellent BOD BOD and and COD COD values. values.

330 1240


Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Material system (layer thickness) and typically pattern dimension ITO ITO (130 (130 nm) nm) on on glass glass 40 40 m m

ITO ITO (50 (50 nm) nm) on on plastic plastic film film 30 30 m m (100 nm) on ITO SiO SiO2 2 (100 nm) on ITO Al Al (200 (200 nm) nm) 100 100 m m 50 50 m m

We provide:
Application Application support support on on inline inline equipment, equipment, Tailored Tailored formulations formulations with with customer customer specific specific properties properties including including non-contact non-contact methods. methods.


Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

isishape HiperEtch concept shows many advantages in display applications:

Excellent processing
Very Very good good line line resolution resolution (down (down to to 30 30 m) m) Standard Standard equipment equipment for for printing, printing, etching etching and and rinsing rinsing Low Low material material consumption consumption Fast Fast structuring structuring time time (100 (100 nm nm // minute) minute)

Environmentally friendly
Very Very low low organic organic concentration concentration in in rinse rinse water water Easy Easy cleaning cleaning without without organic organic detergent detergent products products contain contain no no chlorides chlorides isishape isishape HiperEtch HiperEtch
20 Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

Do you want to structure smart & simple?

Advanced Materials for New Production & Application Concepts

Easy, Fast & Environmentally Friendly



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Thank you for your attention! Please visit us at SID 2011 Exhibition, BOOTH NO. 719

The perfect pixel

Display Materials from Merck KGaA, Darmstadt / Germany
22 Exhibitors Forum SID 2011 HJ Lemp

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