The Times of League: Secular Democratic Social Justice Flag Will Fly Over The Red Fort

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Postal Registration No : TN/CNI GPO / 051 / 2012 to 2014

National Unity Communal Amity Cultural Identity Social Justice Rule of Law Dignified Democracy


Issue - 9 Shavval 1433 Sept - 2013 Pages - 8 Monthly Price : Rs. 10/Annual Subscription : Rs. 120/-

Volume : 3

the Indian parliament BJP is the opposition party and the UPA headed by Congress is the ruling party. The BJP has wasted away all its time in distrubting the proceedings of the parliament. The BJP criticizes the policies of the UPA but it never put forward an alternative one. Concrete plans could be implemented only if the parliament is allowed to function. The BJP is hell bend to stall all the progressive measures of the government. Presently Indian rupee hits low to the dollar. Owing to this, the state of Indian economy has been plummeting causing apprehension of creating internal difficulties and external problems. BJPs negative political approach is responsible for this pathetic state of Indian economy. In this period of crisis the BJP expected that Manmohan Singhs government would advance the general election but it was totally disappointed as it was now clear that election to parliament would be held in 2014 after the expiry of the present term of the parliament. The BJP is languishing under the illusions that it will win the election scoring 272+seats, form the government thereby it will be empowered to remove Muslim Personal Law, to implement Common Civil Code, to build Ram Temple at the site of the demolished BabriMosque to outlaw the practice of monotheism ,to establish idol worship and polytheism and ultimately to establish a Hindu Rastra. The BJP has announced that NarenraModi would start his election campaign in Tiruchy ,the heart of Tamil Nadu on Sep 26 and it has started the ground work and appeal the masses to assemble in huge number to prove that the people of Tamil Nadu are longing


By: Prof K.M. Kader Mohideen

concerned the stances of some of the local parties remain uncertain. The founder of Peoples Democratic Party Parivendar stated that his party would support BJP. Weekly magazines in the state have been flashing the statement of the founder of Gandhi People Party Tamil AruviManyan that chances are bright for an electoral alliance among the MDMK,DDMK and BJP. On the other hand it is believed that the Congress is coming under the DMK Alliance and the DDMK will support this alliance. The VKC and the IUML will continue in this alliance. It is widely talked that this Mega Alliance will infiltrate in all the parliamentary constituencies including the Puducherry and this Mega Alliance will sweep the poll. The other opinion floated is that DDMK will join the alliance to be headed by Congress. Some political pundits predict that there will be a BJP Front, AIADMK Front DMK Front, DDMK Front, Congress Front and PMK Front and the Tamil Nadu voters will be put to dilemma to elect their candidates. There is uncertainty to predict the trend of general Election. All the opinions electoral alliance appears like climbing on a precipice. Whatever will happen will happen. But it is beyond all our doubts that the staunch adherents of Democratic, Secular and Social justice policies will hoist the Independent Day Flag on the Red Fort. If you have any doubt in this throw it away. Be firm that Secular, Democratic and Social Justice Flag will fly on the top of the rampart of Red Fort.

for the BJP rule in the center. Modi thunders as the propaganda cannon of the BJP. None yet from the congress emerged to counter Modi. In Tamil Nadu the print and electronic media have unleashed a calculated propaganda implicitly expressing their intention through their writings that BJP is going to capture power at the center. As far as the Tamil Nadu is

Honble E. Ahamed Minister of State for External Affairs inspects the Indian Haj mission setup in the Holy city of Makka to overseas the arrangements for the Indian Haj Pilgrims
September - 2013


Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideens Letter to Honble Rahmankhan demanding compansation for the affected Muslim youth
Honble Shri K. Rahman Khan Minister for Minority Affairs 11th Floor,Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Most Respected Sir, May God Almighty shower His Choicest blessings upon us all and upon our beloved country. It is well-known fact that in the name of implementing the unlawful Activities prevention Act, most of the Muslim youth, innocent in nature, are rounded up for terror activities on false, concocted doubtful charges and they are treated as trial prisoners for a very lenghty time, even for years and at the end they are freed stating that no changes were proved against them. In the national council of IUML held in khozicode last December 2012 we have passed a resolution urging upon the central government to put an end to the indiscriminate arrests of innocent muslim youths on false charges. Our national president E. Ahamed has written letters to the honble Prime Minister and to your goodselves too. We come to know that your goodselves have condemned this type of wrongful arrests of innocent Muslims and we whole headtedly appreciate your efforts in this regard. We also learn from the news reports that appeared in Times of India (20.08.2013) that you have urged upon Shri Shushil Kumar Shinde, the Honble Home Minister that the government should come forward to provide free legal assistance for such doubtful cases to get fair trial. It is gratifying that the Honble Home Minister has responded to your appeal favourably giving assurance in this regard. We all wish you success in such good endeavours. We also welcome and appreciate the decision of the Cental Government to set up 39 special Courts across the country to take up the terror cases registered by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Almost all such cases are of the Muslim youths as accused. The Muslim community will certainly express its thanks to your goodselves for such welcome developments at the centre. In this context we would like to place before you a suggestion for your serious consideration. The innoecent Muslim youths who were made to languish in jails for years for no fault of theirs are at last freed stating that no changes were proved against them. The youths who have lost their prime youthful years in jails come out frustrated, spoiled and despair of their future. We request your goodselves to think of the pitiful lives of this most unfortunate youths of our community. No one in the country, neither the govenment nor the court nor the Police Department thinks of the frustrated unfortunate innocent youths who have been destroyed mentally and spiritually in the custody for no fault of theirs. It is nothing but inhuman on the part of the Agencies which have destroyed the youthful lives of the innocent Muslims. Is it not fair to ask for adequate sufficient compensation for such youths? Is it not justice to demand the government come forward to help these youths rebuild their shattered lives? It is our earnest appeal to your goodselves that these matters should be taken to the notice and favourable consideration of the government of India. All are aware that arrested, accused persons under the National Security Act are presented before a Review committee to go into the details of the charges made against them and to verify the genuineness of such charges. If they are found to have been taken into custody under false, doubtful charges, they are let free. We would make an earnest appeal to your goodselves to utilise this kind of legal mechanism in the cases of the innocents accused under false terror acts. When the Reviw Committee finds the innocence of the accused, they should be immediately rushed to their native homes with due dignity. It is our earnest belief that under the prevailing circumstances such a legal mechanism as the Review Committee shall help and protect the innocents from the tyranny of the falsified minds at the helm of affairs. On behalf of Indian Union Muslim League this demand has been consistently repeated for the sake of protecting the innocent from the clutches of false charges and torture. We earnestly appeal to your goodselves to consider this suggestion seriously and to do the needful in this matter. May God Almighty shower his choicest blessings upon us all in our beloved country. Chennai 22-08-2013 September - 2013 with best of regards

yours sincerely

(Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen)


Abdul Rahman M.P., emphasises the need for Amendment of Child Marriage Act
M. Abdul Rahman M.P. empha sised in the Parliament the need for amending the child Marriage Act. He vehemently argued stating the variour reasons for the Amentment of the Act. He stated the following objects and reasons while introducing the bill. STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS Child marriage is rampant in India. As per UNICEF report, forty seven percent, of girls in India are married before eighteen years of age. Forty percent of the child marriages take place in India. It is also a fact that most muslim majority countries have minimum age of marriage ranging from fifteen to seventeen years. The minimum age of marriage for boys either the same of slightly higher. India has set the minimum age of marriage as eighteen years for female, but as is the case in many countries, the law is questions regarding marriage, the decision in cases where the parties are muslims, shall be on the basis of the Muslim personal Law. (Shariar), The Muslim Personal Law is also in conforrnity with the Quran in permitting the age of under eighteen for marriage of girls. The Delhi High Court has also upheld, on the basis of the Mohammedan Law, the right of a Muslim girl to contract marriage at the age of fifteen years. Therefore, there is a need to amend the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 in conformity with the Muslim Personal Law or the Shariat. The Bill, thereefor, Seeks to reduce the minimum age for marriage in case of a male from twenty one to eighteen years and in case of female from eighteen years to fifteen years and in case of female from Eightee years. Hence this Bill

Parliament Proceedings

difficult to enforce in rural areas where historical, cultural and economic factors often outwiegh legal restriction. Communities, irrespective of their religion, feel that with the implementation of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, a large number of marriage in the country are fit to be annualled, which will affect the lives of women on many

counts ranging from inheritance of property to maintenance of families and children. IN Islam, intellectual and physical maturity and womens credible permission are precrequisities for a marriage to be valid. Section 2 of the Muslim personal Law (Sharist) Application Act, 1937 provides that in all

Dowry deaths: One woman dies every hour in India

woman dies every hour due to dowry related reasons on an average in the country, which has seen a steady rise in such cases between 2007 and 2011, according to official data. National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) figures state that 8,233 dowry deaths were reported in 2012 from various states. The statistics work out to one death per hour. The number of deaths under this category of crime against women were 8,618 in 2011 but the overall conviction rate was 35.8 per cent, slightly above the 32 per cent conviction rate recorded in the latest data for 2012. The number of dowry deaths in the country has seen a steady growth during the period between 2007 and 2011. While in 2007, 8,093 such deaths were reported, the numbers rose to 8,172 and 8,383 in 2008 and 2009 respectively. In 2010, 8,391 such deaths were reported, according to the NCRB. The agency is the central nodal department to collect and process crime statistics at the


national level. Police officials who deal with these crimes feel blame a variety of reasons. SumanNalwa, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Delhi Police (Special Unit for Women and Children), said the problem is not only limited to the lower or middle class. Higher socio-economic strata is equally involved in such practices.

Even the highly educated class of our society do not say no to dowry. It runs deep into our social system, she said. The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, prohibits the request, payment or acceptance of a dowry, as consideration for the marriage and dowry here is defined as a gift demanded or given as a precondition for a marriage. The existing law has certain loopholes and needs to be made

stricter. Despite the amendments made to the Dowry Act in 1983, good results are still desired to be achieved, Nalwa said. However, KaminiJaiswal, a senior Supreme Court lawyer, says improper investigations by the police at the initial stage of a case slow down the process of judicial proceedings. We need quick conviction in such cases. Our judicial procedure has become very slow, police does not record a case at initial stage, she said. According to Nalwa, at times it is easy to get bail in the cases which are registered under the section 498 (a) of the IPC which deals with the subject of husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty. National Commission for Women chairperson Mamata Sharma said the sole reason for such a huge number of deaths is the non-implementation of the law correctly. Police are required to be sensitised and the public needs to be made aware of their rights and laws. Then only we can achieve affective implementation of such laws, she said.

September - 2013


Muslim Leadership
Dear friends. Assalaam o Alaikum I got so excited reading various views that at least here is a group of intelligent people who are actually discussing to find a solution to the issues that r troubling the community n the country. Actually in my opinion the answer is simple, look inwards to our faith Islam. It has already taught us gave us all the answers. Our ideal Mohammad Mustafa SAW already gave example thru His life.. Now in the typical situation of our country (which is undoubtedly the best in the world-and i am not just saying but really mean it as i have travelled almost all over the world) how can we really face all the challenges. I feel the weakest link in the big picture here is lack of political leadership, we just dont have any. We may have Muslim MPs n MLAs but they either belong to organisations who have only provided lip service to the community or there r a few individuals who got political power by fluke. They were fortunate to be there to encash the sentiment of the community at a particular time. They float from one party to other because their motive is to gain power any way possible. There is no ideal no ideology. I dont mean to imply here that have not done anything at all for community. They may have but too little n too far in between.... Now remember what did our prophet SAW asked us to do in His last sermon. STAND UNITED AS ONE UMMAH. NO DIFFERENCE IN CAST, COLOUR RICH OR POOR. Are we really united in any manner at all. Post independence two major decisions were taken regarding Muslims & their political situation in the country. One by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad sahab whose famous speech was that now Muslims of India dont need their political party n all Muslims should join congress who will take care of all their problems. After 60 odd years congress created a sachhar committee and told Muslims of India that O Muslims our 60 odd years of rule have made your life so miserable that you r now worst than those people who used to clean your houses n toilets. And here is a certificate of this by justice Rajinder Sachhar. (As if we really didnt know n needed that). The audacity is that they r asking our vote again or else..... On the other hand there was another decision made in south India at Madras now chennai on 10 March 1948. Maulana Mohammed Ismail the founder of Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) said Muslims of India need their political organisation more than ever now, not because they have to rule n make governments in states n centre, but to safeguard their interests that will be provided by the laws and constitution of our country in assemblies n parliament to remind the ruling gives. about their promises towards minorities. I beg to all of you to please compare the situation of Muslims in north n south of India in each n ever sphere of life be social, economical, education - they r much better than us because they followed what Founder of Muslim league Maulana Ismail said and we followed Maulana Azad. Please spend some time to find out what Muslim league leaders have done. Study the records of the proceedings constituent assembly between 1948-52. They r there for all to see on parliament of India website. You will know who said what about personal

Khorrum Anis Omer

National Secretary - IUML (sharia) laws. Reservation for Muslims. Proportionate electoral representation. The list is just endless n I can go on n on.... The point is that even today we r sooo divided socially n politically and more over I dare say impressed by a word taught to us - secularism which we probably dont understand in its true sense as to what it really means - it means that we keep our religion our faith separate from our lives. Now tell me as Muslim can you make your decisions minus your faith n your sharia. u can either be secular or a muslim. The choice is entirely yours as to what u like to be... We have to stand united politically with such organsation that not just make false promises to safeguard our interests but have actually done it since independence. AND THERE IS ONLY ONE SUCH ORGANISATION - INDIAN UNION MUSLIM LEAGUE.

False terror cases destroying families, say Muslims

terror cases against young Muslim boys was the main concern expressed by the minority community members who gathered here to take stock of the promises made by the UPA government. Muslim youth are charged with terrorism and are later acquitted. This destroys them and their families, said MohdShahid of Aligarh Muslim University. He was speaking at a seminar on UPA II and Muslim Expectations organized by the Aligarh Movement magazine at the India Islamic Cultural Centre here Friday evening.


Agreeing that sometimes injustice is done due to the bureaucratic and police system inherited from the British, Congress leader AneesDurrani said either the youth who are framed in false terror cases or the community leaders should seek compensation from the government. Mohammad Adeeb, MP, said: No change has come in the mindset of police and administration. So nothing can be done till the mindset is changed. Noting there are many instances where Muslim youths have been wrongly framed in terror cases, journalist AshishKhetan said:

Islamic terror too is a reality. There should be no politics of victimhood. There should be justice for all, the innocents who are killed in terror incidents and those who are wrongly blamed for it, said Khetan. The meeting also took stock of the promises made by the UPA-II government. A lot of promises were made when UPA-II came to power in 2009 but there is little implementation of them, said Jasim Mohammad, editor of the Aligarh Movement magazine. The government is making joke of Muslims as we have been

continuously believing in the Congress, said Farhat Ali Khan, OSD of Jamia Urdu. The Congress should fulfill its promises, noted film director and social activist Mahesh Bhatt said. The core ideology of the Congress is secularism which is not its monopoly but a tradition of our forefathers, he said. Among the other issues raised by the community leaders were jobs for youth, implementation of Sachar panel report, a bill to curb communal violence and minority institution status for Aligarh Muslim University.

September - 2013


Muslims of Nepal
ituated in the lap of Himalaya, Nepal is located in South Asia. The average length is 885 km. east to west and average breadth is about 193 km, north to south. The area is 1,47,181sq km. The country is situated between the two most populous countries of the world India and China. Nepal is a land locked country. There are a number of world famous peaks including the Mount Everest. Historical records suggest that Muslims have inhabited Nepal for last 600 years although many people believe Muslims came here much earlier. Kashmiri Jame Masjid, situated on the kings eay only a few hundred meters form the kings palace, stands testimony to these early arrivals. Later, another grand mosque came into existence on the same road a few hundred meters south of the first the Nepali Jame Masjid. During the reign of King RatnaMalla in 15th century A. D. Muslims entered into the Kingdom as traders. King of Chaubise in western Hill invited Muslim fire experts to train their soldiers in 17th and 18th centuries. For decades Muslim traders from Kashmir and beyond have used the Nepalese route for business with Tibet. Many are believed to have married and settled in Nepal. A big influx of Muslims from India took place in 1857 when the then British government crushed the largely Muslim led rebellion against their rule in India. Scores of people fled the country and came to hide in the remote mountains and hills of Nepal. Many of them never returned to their homeland. Nepal, particularly Kathmandu, saw arrival of another group of Muslims more recently in the 1950s. The Chinese occupation of Tibet was heavy and cruel on religious communities, Buddhists and Muslims, alike. They had to abandon their homes and settle in India as refugees. Some of them finally came to live in Nepal. A good number of Muslims have always been present in the southern plains; even before these areas were formally annexed to Nepal by King Prithivi Narayan Shah and other kings of the country. With the annexation, the land as well as its inhabitants, including Muslims, became part of

Nepal as a natural process. Nepal has an open border with India. Passports and visas are not required for the nationals of one country to travel to another. With some restrictions and reservations, they can live and work in each others country. Hence, there is always a back-and-forth migration of people across the border. Along with others, Muslims have always come from India to settle in the bordering districts of Nepal. That explains the overwhelming concentration of Muslims in the southern plains of the country called Terai. Nepal is divided into 75 administrative units called districts. According to the 2001 census each and every district of the country has Muslim presence. Of them Humla district in the Midwestern Development Region has only 1 Muslim whereas Rautahat in the Central Development Region has 1,06,111 (19% of the total population of the district). The Muslim population of Kathmandu (the capital) district is 11,982 (1%). (Census of 2001; Source: internet edition of Statistical Year Book of Nepal 2003; np) Major cities with significant Muslim population are Nepalgunj, Birgunj, Janakpurdham, Biratnagar, Rajbiraj, Krishnanagar,Bhairahwa etc.

country. The majority of Muslims are employed in this occupation. Only a small minority has land of their own enough to feed self and family. The remainder is landless laborer. Besides agriculture some educated Muslims are employed in service sector, both government and private. But there is no reliable data on it. Tibetan and Kashmiri Muslims are engaged in business. Economically Katmandu Muslims are better off than the Muslims in the Terai who are mostly farmers. The hilly Muslims are generally bangle sellers and also have very small agricultural land. Some also work as tailors, rickshaw pullers etc. and their life is very hard. The community owns no top business house. Many Muslims, as their non-Muslim countrymen, migrate to India, the Gulf countries and Malaysia for employment.

Islamic schools
Nepalese Muslims are lagging behind in the field of education because of poverty and lack of social organization. Although there are primary schools called maktabs in many Muslim villages and communities, they are being run very inefficiently. None of them has strong financial support. Local donations are very difficult to come by because people are poor themselves. Students have to sit on the floor. The buildings leak in rainy season. There is lack of qualified and trained staff. They are paid paltry sum as salary. They leave whenever a better job is offered. Few villages and communities have higher schools of learning. Many have a curriculum solely based on traditional Islamic subjects ignoring the national course of study. Only a minority has combined both. A few of the latter group, has bee recognized by the government so that the students after graduating from the school can appear in the board level examination held by the government. There are only a handful of big Madrasas (High School of Islamic teachings) in the country. Their problems are same as cited in the first paragraph of this section. In the last few years they have started

Socioeconomic condition of Nepalese Muslims

Nepal is a very poor country. The per capita income is only 240 US dollars. Forty-two per cent people live below poverty line. The Nepalese government does not maintain socioeconomic data on the basis of religion. But it can be safely assumed that Muslims fall in the lower rungs of socioeconomic Nepal is basically an agriculture

sending representatives to some Gulf and other Muslim countries to collect donations. They have met with only partial success. For lack of higher institutions of Islamic learning inside the country, most students go to India to get Islamic education. Some of them also travel to Saudi Arabia and Egypt for the purpose. More recently, Nepalese Muslims in general and Islamic institutions in particular, have started facing a new problem. After 9/11 the madrasas are looked upon with suspicion. They are suspected to harbor terrorism despite vehement denial by the concerned management bodies. The courses of study are being scrutinized. They are pressurized to dilute their Islamic content and add more secular subjects. These institutions feel threatened. The number of Muslim students in secular government and private schools and colleges is negligible. They cannot afford the expensive education in private institutions. Government schools are few and far in between. Their absence is particularly noticeable in Muslim localities. If the number of Muslim students is few in schools it is even fewer in colleges and universities. Their number is virtually nil in professional courses like Medicine and Engineering. Financial burden once again is the main cause. Secondly, they are less able than others to successfully face the highly competitive admission tests. This is reflected in the small number of Muslim professionals in the country. For example, there are fewer than 200 Muslim doctors, only a handful of them holding postgraduate degree. More recently, some Muslim organizations have come forward to address this issue. Al-Hira Educational Society is establishing and running a dozen schools, some of them English medium with government and Islamic curriculum woven together. Students Education Foundation, in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank of Jeddah, provides scholarships to students in Medicine, Engineering, Forestry and Agriculture etc. With their combined efforts, signs of positive change have started appearing.

September - 2013


Civil society memebrs try to break myth of Gujarat model of development

A group of civil rights activists from Gujarat and Delhi organised a day long programme on Saturday at the Constitution Club on Between the Lies: Breaking the Myth of Gujarat Model of Development. The speakers included Mahesh Pandya, Director of ParyavaranMitra, Gujarat; Prof Hemant Shah, HOD, Economics, HK Arts College, Gujarat; Prof. Shiv Visvanathan- CSDS; DrHarvardhanHegde, Spine & Orthopedics Surgeon; Pankti JogAdvocacy Coordinator,Janpath, Gujarat; D.L. Sheth-Honorary Senior Fellow & former Director CSDS, Delhi; ZakiaSomanBMMA, Gujarat and Bharat Jhala, KisanAdhikarManch, Gujarat. The specter of the countrys descent into fascism stares at us. The long reign of the UPA has not halted or arrested the march of the communal fascist forces; indeed there seems today to be a greater acceptance of ideas that we would call fascist. The strident demands for death penalty whether for alleged rapists or terrorists the impatience with rule of law; the acceptability among the young urban people of a man as a potential Prime Minister, who is totally autocratic, this desire for a strong authoritarian leader, all again point to the circulation and reception of fascist ideas. Communal Governments in various states Gujarat, MP, Chhattisgarh are preparing themselves for a long innings. In Karnataka, the internal squabbling and fracturing of the communal forces in the state have led to their ouster from the government, however the intimidation of minorities has become routine pointing to the deep roots of communalization of society, which may not necessarily change with a change of regime. There have been several low intensity riots at least since last year across the country: Gopalgarh (Rajasthan); Faizabad and Kosi (UP), Dhule (Maharashtra), which really points to the potential return of communalism to the centre-stage of Indian politics. It also indicates the fragility of communal peace and the continuing communalisation of the police force at the local thana 5% it is highest in India (Source:Ministry of agriculture, Gujarat,2010-11) In Gujarat 26 districts have 225 blocks in which 57 are dark zone blocks. (Source:Ministry of agriculture, Gujarat And annual report Narmada nigam, 2011-12) 455885 Applications are pending for agricultural power connection as on March, 2011 (Source:Ministry of agriculture, Gujarat,2011-12 ) Close to half of the states children under the age of 5 (44.6 %) are known to be suffering from malnutrition. 70 per cent are said to be anemic while 40 per cent are underweight. (Source:planning commission report-2012-13) In 8 districts and 3 Talukas of Gujarat, 2494 teachers posts are vacant. In 4 dist of Gujarat, approximately 978 schools are running with only 1 or 2 teachers. (Source: RTI filed by VinodPandya GOG reply to RTI, 2011-12) (Source: A report by NGO Ahmedabad WomensAssosiation Gujarat-AWAG-(TIMES NEWS NETWORK, 25 thJan 2013 ) The Deputy Speakers post is left vacant by the Gujarat Government for a decade. (As per article 178 of Indian constitution, it is compulsory) Assembly runs on an average for 30-32 days a year. No Lokayukta appointed since last 10 years. Gujarat has organized 3716 Employment festival as per Government of Gujarat own record 10 lacks educated youth are unemployed and a total of 30 lakh people are unemployed. (Source: NASSO report,GOI,2011-12) NSSO data show that in Gujarat , growth in employment has dropped to almost zero in the past 12 years A recent CAG review on accounts of the States is an eye-opener when it comes to Gujarat, the latters high claims notwithstanding. Allegedly there are Rs 16,706.99 crore worth of financial and land allotment irregularities with resultant negative impact on delivery on economic and development fronts (Source: CAG report 2011-12)

level, which openly target the minority community in times of violence, as the video of the Dhule violence graphically illustrated. On the one hand, one sees locallevel riots engineering machinery gearing up, and on the other the cleansing and anointing of Modi as the development man. The rise in the power of the middle class via a corporate media, which aggressively pushes the agenda of corruption-free efficiency at the cost of issues of social justice, secularism and democracy movements, is further pushing the Indian polity towards the Right. A symptom of this can be seen from the rising clout of Godmen is a sign of the alienated middle class seeking short cuts for maintaining status quo. In fact, the possibility of Modis candidature has pushed our politics much farther to the Right, as various political formations compete with each to seduce the same social base and the same corporate media. The jingoism around terrorism is an example of this alarming trend. Gujarat model of Development is being sold as THE model of development to the gullible middle class. Like all fascists Modi presents a model of efficiency and effective rule to a beleaguered nation and like most fascists this model of efficiency and growth is based on lies, half-truths and a million dollar PR industry. But such a moment when a fascist alternative is being sold to civil society, is also the moment which can produce a creative challenge. Todays seminar will offer such a challenge by putting every creation of the Modi PR machinery under the scanner. A vast range of data on the Gujarat

model of development will be presented today and expose his lies. These lie along several dimensions - his destruction of democratic institutions in Gujarat, scams of enormous proportions. FACT SHEET: In 10 years 60,000 small scale industries have been closed down. (source: Director, Department of Economics and Statistics, Government of Gujarat.2011-12 ) Gujarat ranks 5TH in F.D.I. (source: Director, Department of Economics and Statistics, Government of Gujarat. & Report by reserve bank of India.2011-12 ) The states total debt was less than Rs 10,000 crore when the BJP first came to power in Gujarat in 1995. Gujarats actual debt has mounted from Rs 45,301 crore in 2001-02 when Modi took over to Rs 1,38,978 crore on December 30, 2012. The debt would mount to Rs 2,07,695crore as per the state governments budget estimates by 2015-16. (source: Director, Department of Economics and Statistics, Government of Gujarat. & Gujarat assembly question hours2011-12 ) Gujarat is at 8th position in agricultural growth. Gujarat is never achieved 10% growth in Agriculture sector. As per Government of Gujarats own statistics from year 2005-2006 to 2010-2011, growth in GSDP in Agriculture and Allied sector is 3.44% only-not double digit or 10%. (source:Gujarat economics and statastics department, govt. of Gujarat And Times Of Indiahttp:// ahmedabad/Gujarat-ranked-8thin-... @ArchiveDigger) In Gujarat VAT on fertilizer is

September - 2013


Meet the newly recruited young Muslim IAS officers

with full energy and fresh ideas, want to do something for the country and the community. This year 30 Muslims cracked Civil Services exam some of them were felicitated by Zakat Foundation of India here at India Islamic Cultural Centre on 29th August 2013. Dr. Syed ZafarMahmood, former civil servant, has made hard efforts in last few years through the Zakat Foundation of India to increase the presence of Muslims in the civil services. His efforts were well applauded by eminent personalities present at the felicitation program. Former Delhi High Court chief Justice RajendarSachar, former secretary, Petroleum Ministry, Mr. HK Khan and former IFS, Mr. Ishrat Aziz were all praise for Mr. Mahmood. They congratulated the young civil servants and wished them their bright career. One by one, seven successful fellows of Zakat Foundation came up to the dais and thanked MrMahmood and Zakat Foundation generously for the valuable support. They also tried to inspire the new batch of fellows preparing for the civil services. On the sidelines of the program, Muslim Mirror interacted with some of the young civil servants to know their mind what they want to do for the country and the community and how they are going to bring change to one of the most corrupt bureaucratic system of the world.

They are very young, brimming

Ours is one of the most corrupt bureaucratic systems in the world. As a young civil servant, whats your plan, how are you going to change it? As the young generation is going up, we are getting a change also. And being a Muslim, we will have to be a Muslim civil servant that is a faithful and honest officer. Every year many Muslim youths from Kerala are getting selected for civil services. How do you think this is going to change the lot of the community in Kerala? Kerala Muslim community is more developed in education because their political system is also very strong. Many people are getting educated. Now there is 100% education including among Muslims. This is benefitting their ratio in civil services also. And when more people are joining it the community will grow more.

interest in civil services. They are also getting success. This year as many as 11 youths from Kashmir cracked the civil services. The positive message from this development that goes to the entire Muslim community and the entire country is that Kashmiris are doing excellent in education also and want to make improvements in the system.

higher studies.But during recession my corporate bank scholarship was scuttled then i had to look for some other alternative. As a young civil servant, how are you going to bring changes in the corrupt bureaucratic system of the country? If the constitution and laws already existing in place are applied in true letter and spirit, there are lots of chances of improvement. The system itself can be reformed from within. There is no requirement that we overthrow it entirely by revolution or some movement. The system has provision to weed out bad things from them. But what we need is effective implementation of the policies being formulated and a dedicated cadre of officers.

Sayyid Rabbi Hashmi (Kerala)

I am very thankful for my teachers, friends and family for their support. Zakat Foundation of India provided us best available coaching and best bank of faculties and scholars in my preparation for interview. They have done a good job and in my preparation their role is very important. You come from Kerala one of the most Muslim populated states in the country. Do you think more Muslims coming to civil services will help the community in Kerala to go ahead? Truly.ZafarMahmoods Zakat Foundation held several camps in Kerala since 2009 and selected many candidates for the preparation of civil services. Many of them have cracked the civil services. I am very proud of my friend Mohammad Ali Shihab who set up an orphanage in Kerala. He is in civil services. All these are contributing to the welfare of the community. You know well that our bureaucratic system is one the most corrupt in the world. How are you going to make it a clean job for you? UPSC is planning how most able persons are brought to civil services and how to make it better. Even then this is a reflection of the society. Even in bureaucracy society will reflect. I understand that introduction of fourth paper on Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude all are in this direction

WaseemAkram (Uttar Pradesh)

You have got success thrice in three years in civil services every year improving your rank. You come from Moradabad one of the most backward Muslim districts in Uttar Pradesh. How do you see your success for the community, for Moradabad and you? It is an encouraging sign. Lots of fellow community members are starting planning. Many of them have come to Delhi to start preparation for the civil services. Some of them have even qualified the recent prelims. Lets see what happens. But it has been an encouraging wave for them. They are feeling that in governance and administration there is a place for them. But earlier there was no such thinking in them. They always looked themselves as outsider. You are an engineering graduate from JamiaMilliaIslamia. What prompted you to opt for civil services? I had been in contact with some of the aspiring civil servants preparing. I had the privilege of living nearby the Hamdard Study Circle. I would meet some of the candidates who were preparing for civil services. I was mainly attracted by the exposure and experience they were getting. So I thought why not I and decided to go ahead. After engineering, my original plan was to go abroad for

Anees C (Kerala)
Who would you like to give credit for your success? Thank you very much for wishes from Muslim Mirror. I have seen your website, you are doing wonderful job. I would like to give credit for my success to Allah Almighty first of all, and the family who supported me throughout these years, and the community which has done lots including the Zakat Foundation of India, the Hamdard Study Circle. Why did you decide to opt for civil services? Civil Services was my childhood ambition. My father was working in a university. He used to advise me regarding the backlog of Muslims in services including civil services, so it was a childhood ambition and gradually the ambition grew along the time.

Naveed Trumboo (Kashmir)

Who would you like to give credit for this success? First I thank the Almighty who gave me the success. My parents who were all support for me all the way; during the one and half years of preparation, they encouraged me and inspired me and fulfilled all my requirements, my sister was also very supportive. My teachers, guides and counsellors all supported me. I thank all of them. For last some years, many youths from Kashmir are clearing Civil Services. Couple of years ago, Shah Faisal from the valley had topped the civil services exam. How do you see at the development? It is a very positive development. It is good that youths from Kashmir, who were always interested in education, are showing keen

September - 2013

Published : 4th of Every Month.

20 % cut in Haj quota


20 per cent cut in Haj quota has been made by the government of India. Owing to the large scale renovation and construction in the the two Holy cities of Mecca and Medina, Saudi government has cut requested the reduction in pilgrims from all over the world. From the original 123,908 seats, this year only 120,303 people will be able to go on pilgrimage though the Haj Committee of India, that manage the pilgrimage of mostly poor people, selected though a lottery system. There has thus been an over all reduction of 3605 pilgrims. Accordingly 20 % cut in the quota of all states were made. However, there has been an additional selection of 1137 Haj pilgrims from the waiting list, in which Uttar Pradesh, that send highest number of pilgrims have benefited. UP originally has 33114 quota, but this year only 32173 lucky pilgrims were nominated through the Haj Committee. However, in the revised list due to vacancies arising out cancellations, 568 additional pilgrims have been selected from the Waiting list. The advisory by the Saudi government has also affected the Hajis going through private operators as there has been considerable cut in their numbers too. Saudi government has reduced the number of pilgrims from KSA by 50 % and from other countries by 20 % this year due to construction and renovation.

As per the requests of the government of Saudi Arabia, an overall

MDFCs & SCAs are mere Eye wash M. Abdul Rahman M.P. lashes at the pony acts of the Agencies
In a letter written to the Honble Minister for the Minority Affairs, M. Abdul Rahman MP Lashed at the pony activities of the Minorities Development and Finance Corporations (MDFCs) and State Channelising agencies (SCAs) brranding them as near eye wasj. The TOL (Times of Leauge publishes his letter tp acquainten the Leaders about the facts.

MSF State Conference

Chennai, Oct 5, 2013 M.K.Stalin and Kunhalikutty to participate prof: K.M.Khader Mohideen Announces The organizing committee of the MSF , the student wing of the
IUML ,resolved in its meeting to conduct a state conference on oct 5 ,2013, at PeriyarThidal ,Chennai. This was announced to the press by the party All India General Secretary and the State President prof:K.M.KhaderMohideen during his press meet in Tiruchy on Oct 3,2013. He briefed that the conference would discuss all the matters pertaining to the education of the minority students including speedy educational loan annulment of current education loan setting up of minority students hostel in all the districts in the state. The conference would appeal the central government to set up a branch of Aligarh Muslim University and one central university out of five proposed by the central government in the state of Tamil Nadu. The conference should shed light on the evils of communalism and cartelism and propose ways and means to eradicate such evils from the student community. The conference would propose necessary steps to educate the students to protect them from the evils of terrorism alcoholism and drug addiction . The party All India Treasurer the Kerala State Minister P.K.Kunhalikutty and the DMK Party Treasurer M.K.Stalin would grace the conference.
The Times of League - English Monthly - R.Dis. No. 1765/10 published by Mohamed Ismail on behalf of Muslim League Publication Trust, published at 36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Mannady, Chennai - 600 001 and printed by K.A.M. Muhammed Abubacker at Madras Media Press No, 36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Mannady, Chennai - 600 001. Editor : Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen,

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