Gib Convention Card
Gib Convention Card
Gib Convention Card
Click here to see GIB's conv ention card. In general, the GIB robots on BBO use the 2/1 system described below. You can cl ick on any of GIB's bids for an explanation, and pause your mouse over a bid you plan on making to see how it will understand it. Click here for help understanding these explanations. Please drop us a line at if you spot any errors in this d ocument. Overview 2/1 Game Force with 5 card majors, strong NT, strong (17+) jump shift, weak 2 bi ds and a strong artificial 2?. HCP vs Total Points Gib uses both old fashioned HCP (A=4, K=3, Q=2, J=1)) and Total points (HCP+3 for void, 2 for singleton, 1 for doubleton, but short suits containing an honor are reduced by 1 point). It sometimes uses 8421 points when cuebidding (A=8, K=4, Q=2, J=1). It will usually force to game if it thinks it has 25 Total Points between the two hands.
*NEW* How GIB Defends It's difficult to describe precisely how GIB defends. It doesn't use rules and g uidelines, like humans often do. It simulates hands based on the auction, using double dummy analysis to determine the average result of each defensive play, an d chooses the one with the best average. Sometimes this simulation comes up with the same choice that a human would make (there's a good reason for some of the guidelines -- they actually work well), but not always (some of our rules of thu mb have become popular simply because they're easy to remember and "good enough" ). When it has a choice of equivalent cards, it will choose based on leading and signalling conventions. GIB doesn't interpret your signals or make many inferences from the play, it use s simulations based on the auction. However, it's usually able to figure out tha t when you lead an honor, it's part of a sequence. GIB usually leads passively against NT (read the book Winning Notrump Leads to u nderstand why). Don't assume it's leading its longest suit. When you lead, it do esn't assume you're leading your best suit, which is why it doesn't always retur n the suit like a human would. In suit contracts, GIB's opening lead is frequently a side singleton or doubleto n, to try to get a ruff. When it leads a suit bid by the opponents, this is almo st always the reason. If it leads an honor that's part of a sequence, it uses standard honor leads (K from AKx, A from AK doubleton). If it leads from a long suit, it leads 4th best (but see above: it doesn't always lead its long suit). When leading from 3 small , it leads top of nothing against NT, low against a suit contract.
It doesn't use any signals when making discards, it just tries to make safe disc ards. In a suit contract it will frequently discard from a short suit while it h as trumps left. Otherwise, it tends to discard from a long suit that's safe to s horten. When it's following to partner's opening lead, it will give an attitude signal: High spot card with an Ace or King High spot card with a Queen behind dummy's Ace or King Low in any other situation When it's trying to win the trick in third hand, it will play the lowest of equa ls. Otherwise, when following suit it gives standard count signals (high = even) ; an exception is when it's forced to play equivalent cards in a doubleton, it w ill randomize them because of "restricted choice". Bidding Basic Approach Opening bids 1? could be 3 if 4333. 2? response is forcing, inverted 1? usually 4 unless 4432. Opens 1? with 4-4 in the minors. 2? response is forcing, inverted. 2? response is forcing for one round, but not game force. 1? 1? normally show 5 in all seats. Opens 1? with 5-5 in spades and clubs. 1M-2M direc t raise shows 7-10 points. 1N response is forcing. Jacoby 2NT. Splinters. Two-way game tries. 1NT balanced 15-17 HCP, may have a 5-card major (GIB treats 17 with 5-card major as 18). Followups: 2? strong, artificial. 22+ HCP 2? 2? 2? weak 2 bid. Disciplined, with honors in the suit 2NT
Responses and Rebids Opening jump rebid (1?-1any-3? for example) promises 6+ card, 17-20 HCP Opening major rebid after 2/1 response does not promise 6 cards in the suit. Jacoby 2NT Raising responder's suit usually promises 4 cards, but will occasionally rai se with only 3 Competitive Auctions 1-level overcall shows 5+; 8-17 HCP; 9-19 TP. However, might overcall 1-majo r with decent hand and a strong 4-card suit. GIB uses the law of total tricks. Takeout doubles to 4? Negative X and Responsive X up to 3?, Support X up to 2? (GIB may do support X with Kx). Weak jump overcalls (aggressive, 3-9 HCP, no allowance for vulnerability) Cappelletti when opponents open 1NT (aka Hamilton) Lebensohl after 1NT, double of weak 2, and after reverse. Michaels cue bid Unusual NT (GIB only does Unusual NT with intermediate hands, xx-KQxxxx KQxx x for example)) Unusual versus Unusual, lower cue = limit raise or better (GIB does UVU, but doesn't alert it with this name) Sandwich 1NT (by passed hand only) Truscott after partner's opening doubled (aka Jordan) Western Cue bid (GIB doesn't alert western cue with this name) Other conventions and treatments Fourth Suit Forcing (1?-1?-1?-1? is artificial game force, 1?-1?-1?-2? is ga me forcing with spades) New minor forcing (one-way) Roman Key Card Blackwood. GIB doesn't like to use Gerber, but it will respon d appropriately Strong (Soloway) jump shifts by unpassed hand, fit jumps by passed hand. Notes GIB is quite aggressive at the faster (basic robot) settings. It likes to re double, so careful with those sacrifices.
Vulnerability does not affect opening/overcall decisions. GIB seems to consi der vulnerability and form of scoring only when thinking about leaving in a doub le for penalties, and other competitive decisions (they get used when performing simulations and estimating the expected value of different outcomes) Conventions that GIB does not play Drury, reverse Drury Gambling 3NT Namyats Bergen or Reverse Bergen Raises DONT Puppet Stayman Two-way Game Tries After a single raise of a major suit, GIB plays two-way game tries. The next step (1?-2?-2?, 1?-2?-2NT) is a short-suit game try, showing unspec ified shortness. Responder can bid the next step above that (2NT or 3?) to ask w here the shortness is. Opener bids the short suit, or bids his major if the shor t suit is one of the step suits. Any other bid below 3 of the major is a long suit game try, at least a 3-car d suit with some honors. After 1?-2?, 2NT is a LSGT in spades (since 2? would be a short-suit game try). 3 of the major is a general strength game try, showing about 17 points with no singleton or void (GIB rarely makes this bid, since this would probably be a 1NT opener). Roman Keycard Blackwood (RKCB) RKCB is a 4NT bid that, unlike regular Blackwood, asks for "keycards" instead of Aces. There are always 5 keycards - the 4 Aces plus the King of the agreed trum p suit. If no trump suit has been clearly agreed, the King of the most recently bid suit is typically counted as the 5th keycard. Responses to 4NT RKCB 0314: 5? 0 or 3 keycards 5? 1 or 4 keycards 5? 2 or 5 keycards, but no Queen of the agreed suit 5? 2 or 5 keycards plus Queen of the agreed suit 5NT An even number of keycards plus an unspecified void 6x An odd number of keycards with a void. If 6x is below 6 of the agreed sui t then the void is in the suit bid. If 6x is a bid in the agreed suit then the v oid is in an unspecified higher-ranking suit. After the 5? and 5? responses, the 4NT bidder can bid the next step that is not a signoff in order to ask for the Queen of the agreed suit. Then: Bidding the agreed suit at the cheapest level denies the Queen of the agreed
suit. Bidding a new suit promises the Queen of the agreed suit plus the King of th e suit bid. Bidding 5NT promises the Queen of the agreed suit and denies a side King tha t can be shown below 6 of the agreed suit.
A subsequent 5NT bid by the 4NT bidder (regardless of whether or not an ask for the Queen of the agreed suit has taken place) asks for specific Kings. The 5NT b id promises that all of the 5 keycards and the Queen of the agreed suit are acco unted for. Then: The responder to RKCB is entitled to bid a grand slam if he thinks that 13 t ricks rate to be available. If the responder to RKCB has a King that is lower-ranking than the agreed su it, he should bid that suit at the 6-level. If he has more than one such King, h e should bid his lowest-ranking King. Otherwise the responder to RKCB should bid 6 of the agreed suit.
DOPI after interferences: Interferences after 4NT (whether RKCB or regular Blackwood) is handled by th e DOPI convention. Double with 0 keycard (or ace, playing regular blackwood), pass with 1 keyca rd (or ace, playing regular blackwood).
After a 1N opening bid If the opponents overcall 2? (Cappelletti any 1-suited hand), Double is Stayman and all other bids as below. If the opponents overcall with a double, all system s are on. After any other interference, Lebensohl is used. 2? 2? r 2NT Invitational (does not promise a 4-card major) 3?/3? 5+ card suit. Forcing to game 3?/3? Smolen (forcing to game with 4 of the suit bid and 5 of the other major) 4NT Invitational to 6NT. 2? 4 hearts (could also have 4 spades) 2? Invitational with 4 spades 2NT Invitational, denying 4 spades 3?/3? 5+ card suit. Forcing to game 3? Invitational 3? Artificial slam try with at 4+ hearts, usually balanced 4?/4? Splinters (singleton or void in the suit bid, 4+ hearts, int erest in slam) 4NT Invitational to 6NT 2? 4? (denies 4 hearts) 2NT Invitational (does not promise 4 hearts) 3?/3? 5+ card suit. Forcing to game Stayman (promises at least one 4-card major unless inviting 3NT). No 4-card major 2?/2? Invitational with 5 of the suit bid and 4 of the other majo
3? Artificial slam try with 4+ spades, usually balanced. 3? Invitational 4?/4?/4? Splinters (singleton or void in the suit bid, 4+ spades, interest in slam) 4NT Invitational to 6NT 2? Jacoby Transfer Bid (promises 5+ hearts). Opener would normally bid 2 ?, but can superaccept with a maximum and 4-card heart support. After 2?: 2? 5+ hearts, 5+ spades, invitational to game. 2NT Exactly 5 hearts, invitational to game. 3?/3? 5+ hearts, 4+ card suit. Forcing to game. 3? Invitational with 6+ hearts 3NT Exactly 5 hearts. Choice of games (4? or 3NT). 3?/4?/4? Splinters (6+ hearts, singleton or void in the suit bid, in terest in slam) 4? 6+ hearts, no singleton or void, mild slam interest 4NT Exactly 5 hearts. Invitational to 6? or 6NT 5NT Choice of slams (6? or 6NT) 2? Jacoby Transfer Bid (promises 5+ spades). Opener would normally bid 2 ?, but can superaccept with a maximum and 4-card spade support. After 2?: 2NT Exactly 5 spades, invitational to game. 3?/3? 5+ spades, 4+ card suit. Forcing to game. 3? 5+ spades, 5+ hearts. Forcing to game. 3? Invitational with 6+ spades 3NT Exactly 5 spades. Choice of games (4? or 3NT). 4?/4?/4? Splinters (6+ spades, singleton or void in the suit bid, in terest in slam) 4? 6+ spades, no singleton or void, mild slam interest 4NT Exactly 5 spades. Invitational to 6? or 6NT 5NT Choice of slams (6? or 6NT). 2? Minor Suit Stayman (Usually at least 54 in the minors, forcing to gam e) Opener would normally bid a 4+ card minor if he had one, but can bid 2NT with 3343 or 3334 distribution. If responder's next bid is 3 of a major, he is promising a singleton or void in that suit, but not necessarily slam interest 2NT Minor Suit Transfer (Promises 6+ clubs. Opener must bid 3?) If responder's next bid is 3 of a new suit, he is promising a singleton or void in that suit, but not necessarily slam interest Responder's 3NT rebid is a mild slam try (usually balanced). Responder's 4NT rebid is RKCB 3? Minor Suit Transfer (Promises 6+ diamonds. Opener must bid 3?) If responder's next bid is 3 of a new suit, he is promising a singleton or void in that suit, but not necessarily slam interest Responder's 3NT rebid is a mild slam try (usually balanced). Responder's 4NT rebid is RKCB 3?/3?/3? Singleton or void in the suit bid, at least 4 cards in the othe r 3 suits, no 5card major, forcing to game. 3NT Signoff 4? Gerber 4? Texas Transfer (Promises 6+ hearts, opener must bid 4?) New suit rebid by responder is a cuebid. 4NT rebid by responder is RKCB. 4? Texas Transfer (Promises 6+ spades, opener must bid 4?) New suit rebid by responder is a cuebid. 4NT rebid by responder is RKCB. 4NT Invitational to 6NT 5NT Invitational to 7NT After a 2N opening bid
3? Stayman (promises at least one 4-card major) 3? No 4-card major 3?/3? Smolen (forcing to game with 4 of the suit bid and 5 of the other major) 4?/4? 5+ card suit. Interest in slam 4?/4? Signoff bids 4NT Invitational to 6NT 3? 4 hearts (could also have 4 spades) 3? Artificial slam try with 4+ hearts 3NT Choice of games (4? or 3NT). Promises 4 spades. 4?/4? 5+ card suit. Interest in slam 4NT Invitational to 6NT 3? 4 spades (denies 4 hearts) 3NT Signoff (promises 4 hearts) 4?/4? 5+ card suit. Interest in slam. 4? Artificial slam try with 4+ spades 4NT Invitational to 6NT 3? Jacoby Transfer Bid (promises 5+ hearts). Opener would normally bid 3 ?, but can superaccept with a maximum and 4-card heart support. After 3?: 3? 5+ hearts, 5+ spades, interest in slam 3NT Exactly 5 hearts. Choice of games (4? or 3NT) 4?/4? 5+ hearts, 4+ cards in suit bid, forcing to game 4? Mild slam try with 6+ hearts 4NT Exactly 5 hearts. Invitational to 6? or 6NT 5NT Choice of slams (6? or 6NT) 3? Jacoby Transfer Bid (promises 5+ spades). Opener would normally bid 3 ?, but can superaccept with a maximum and 4-card spade support. After 3?: 3NT Exactly 5 spades. Choice of games (4? or 3NT) 4?/4? 5+ spades, 4+ cards in suit bid, forcing to game 4? 5+ spades, 5+ hearts, choice of games (4? or 4?) 4? Mild slam try with 6+ spades 4NT Exactly 5 spades. Invitational to 6? or 6NT 5NT Choice of slams (6? or 6NT) 3? Minor Suit Stayman (usually at least 54 in the minors, forcing to gam e) Opener would normally bid a 4+ card minor if he had one. Otherwise he w ould bid 3NT. If responder's next bid is 4 of a major, he is promising a singleton or void in that suit 3NT Signoff 4? Gerber 4? Texas Transfer (Promises 6+ hearts, opener must bid 4?) New suit rebid by responder is a cuebid. 4NT rebid by responder is RKCB. 4? Texas Transfer (Promises 6+ spades, opener must bid 4?) New suit rebid by responder is a cuebid. 4NT rebid by responder is RKCB. 4NT Invitational to 6NT 5NT Invitational to 7NT Soloway Jump Shifts GIB plays Soloway Strong Jump Shifts by an unpassed hand in uncontested auctions . A jump shift shows one of the following types of hands: Strong rebiddable suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls (A=2, K=1), no side 4card suit Solid suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls, may have a side 4-card suit
Rebiddable suit, 18+ HCP, 4+ controls, 5332 or 6322 shape. Rebiddable suit, 17+ total points, 4+ controls, 4-card support for opener's suit Opener can rebid his suit to show 6+, raise responder or bid RKC Blackwood with 3+ support, bid a side suit to deny support and show least KQ in the suit, or b id NT at the cheapest level to show any other hand. Jump shifter shows which type of hand it had with its next bid: With types 1 or 2, it rebids its suit, jumping to game with a minimum and so lid suit (note that it never shows the side suit in type 2). With type 3, it bids NT or raises NT to game. With type 4, it raises opener's suit with no side shortness, or bids its sho rt suit (this is why it can never show its own side suit a new suit is a splinte r in support of opener).