Spiritual Thoughts

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A Letter to Awakening Humans TOBIAS And so it is, dear friends, we have heard your call.

. We have heard your prayers, we have felt your pain, and we know your confusion. That is why we bring this message to you. It has found its way to you on the wind. Its found its way to you through your processes you might call the Internet through a friend who has given this to you, or perhaps strictly what appears to be at random, but we have heard your call and your prayer. We have come to answer. I am Tobias of the Crimson Council, an angelic order thats here to work with teachers of consciousness both on Earth and in the other realms. I join together today with the angelic beings who come from a place of love and compassion to support you and to love you. We also bring together this message from a group of human angels. They are in human form on Earth right now, but they are indeed angels. They have been exploring consciousness and Spirit and God for eons of time. They are physically embodied on Earth right now. They could be your next door neighbors, your family members or friends, perhaps people you dont even know. But they are on Earth right now serving as a new type of teacher and a guide. They have been exploring the realms of new consciousness and New Energy and the whole concept of I Am, which means Spirit, God, integrated with self on Earth right now. We gather together the energies of the angels, of Spirit and of this group on Earth called Shaumbra, to bring this message to you in answer to your call. Youre going through an awakening process right now and that is why you have received this letter. The awakening process could be one thats challenging, it can be deceiving, and it can be beautiful all at the same time.

You know youre going through a spiritual awakening process when you begin to question things that youve never questioned before, things like authority and structure; when you begin to question why youre here on Earth, what is the meaning of life, what is it that you should be doing right now. You know youre going through an awakening process when the way you solved problems in the past doesnt seem to work anymore. You know youre going through this entire awakening process when you know that theres more out there but you cant seem to put your finger on it. You know theres a greater way, but you dont know what that is. You know youre ready to go into a whole new level of living and understanding, but you dont know how to get there. You know youre going through an awakening process when you feel yourself withdrawing into you, when you feel yourself starting to not want so much external activity, when you dont need the stimulation or the drama that youve had in the past. You know that youre going into the awakening process when, in your quiet moments, perhaps late at night, you call out to God not knowing if there even is a God, at least in the old way. You call out for the higher being or the higher power somewhere out there. And you give a message totally from your heart, from the truest part of your being Dear Spirit, dear God, Im ready. From the truth of your being when you say, Dear Spirit, dear Eternal One, I am willing to do anything but I dont know what it is I should do. You know youre going through an awakening process where all of the old beliefs dont seem to be so true anymore, and the things that you held so near and dear to you now seem like memories of the past, the ways of the past. You know youre going through an awakening process when the things that used to be the dreams and

the goals, the desires of the human self no longer truly matter, but you dont know what matters anymore. If youre listening to this or reading this or have been touched by it in some way, were here to tell you that you are not alone. There are angelic beings on our side who are with you right now not some time in the future, not some time in the past that you dont remember so well but right now. And with a simple breath, your simple breath, it opens the doorway for us to be close to you, to love you, to remind you of your angelic origins, to let you know that we have the greatest compassion and love for you. You are not alone. With the simple breath in this very moment, it also allows in the love and the compassion of tens and thousands and thousands of humans on Earth right now who have gone through or are currently going through a very similar process the awakening of Spirit. They know what its like to lose those things that were near and dear to you. They know what its like for their belief systems to be challenged at every level. They know what its like for the things that came from the material world that were important at one time that start dissolving away. They know what its like to lose a relationship, or at least the illusion of losing it, so that they, and now you, can begin to have the relationship with yourself. With the simple breath you can open up and allow yourself to not be alone anymore. We know its been difficult and challenging, and we know so much of what youve gone through is very emotional and at times can be very dramatic. We know youve been trying to figure it out in your mind. Youve been using systems and structures and methods, and you still havent found the answers. Youve tried to analyze it, and its something that cant be analyzed. It can only be felt and experienced. Youve gone, many of you, and got counseling professional or just with friends and you know in your heart that the methods and the words that they tell you are

not truly fulfilling that deep inner yearning to know yourself and to know the Spirit in yourself. We know that there are times when you just want to disappear. You just want to fade away. Its not even about dying, its just about going out of existence. The challenges, the transformation, the changes can be overwhelming to the human, to the mind, to that aspect of you that has a type of blinder on, that doesnt see who you really are. It can be overwhelming and cause such duress that you choose just to go out of existence. But the angels that are with you right now and the human angels that are standing along side of you understand your journey. They have some messages for you today, first and foremost, that you are not alone. Secondly, that the process youre going through is actually quite natural. It may appear to be confusing and you may feel that you are lost, but what you are doing is very natural. You are allowing the old human faade and the illusion of who you thought you were to fade away. And as it fades away, what you begin to know in the deepest, most loving level, is yourself as God also; yourself as Spirit; yourself as divine, no longer limited by the old human identity but now understanding that you are eternal, that you are grand and that you can choose your own reality, even how you live on Earth right now. Those of us who gather around you share with you that all of the answers are within. Theyre not to be found with some gurus. Theyre not to be found with some angelic being, but the answers are within you. Living in this state of duality as you have been doing, living with the concept of light and dark, good and bad, masculine and feminine, youve also bought into a belief system that says the answers are somewhere else. But indeed they are within you. They come from the most true and the most precious place within, and they can be discovered in the quiet moment, in the moment of breath, in the moment of acceptance of yourself.

We share with you that there is no goal, there is no purpose, there is not some God in a far off heaven that is putting you through some maze or some obstacle course. But the reality is everything in your life is about your creation, your discovering of beauty, your discovering about the depths of reality. Everything that you are experiencing right now in your life is by your choice. There are no outside powers or beings who are making you do it. There is nobody dictating the destiny of your life. Youll discover that it all by your choice. Perhaps at some very deep or distant part of yourself that wanted to have the experience of going through life as you have known it up to now, but understand it is you creating it. And when you understand that and when you take ownership for yourself, you will actually begin to understand the beauty of your journey. Youll understand that you are not lost at all. You were just so deeply immersed in an experience, so filled with the richness even if the richness was painful at times, but it brought new depth and meaning to your soul. So on this day in this moment, in the awakening to your true self, it is a time to say goodbye to your old human self. Youve been trying to hang onto it and repair it and resurrect it, and now it is time to say goodbye to that human identity, to the limited beliefs, to the old paths of karma, of the old progression of lifetimes that kept you on the old merry-go-round. It is time to say goodbye to that. Part of you may feel sad about it. It is a death of consciousness, not a death of the physical body, but a death of consciousness. But as you say goodbye to the old self, you also release energies that were stuck or wounded, energies that dont serve you anymore and havent served you for many, many lifetimes. As you say goodbye to your old human self, you discover a new freedom. It is like taking off a costume or a suit of armor that is no longer needed. When you release the old human aspect, when you say goodbye, you are now

creating a space within you to allow in the grander self, the divine self, your angelic self, whos been patiently waiting off in the wings, waiting for you to finish playing this wonderful game or experience, waiting for you to make a choice to invite the true you, the divine you into this reality now. When you say goodbye to your human self, it brings up issues of fear, of death and of losing control. But dear friends, those are all illusions. When you let go of who you thought you were, you now make room to be everything that you truly are. There is that feeling that you are in right now that if you let go, you will fall into some perpetual dark abyss never to come back, never to be found, perhaps even just roaming throughout the dimensions and the universes lost. But this group of angels thats with you right now, the group of humans that is with you, have all gone through the experience and they all understand when you let go of who you thought you were, when you trust yourself on the most intimate, on the most beautiful level, you will now discover who you really are. This is your choice, of course. It is up to you. But you have called out to us, you have prayed to us, you have asked for the answers and thats why we have showed up today. In the awakening to your true self, you also say goodbye to the Earth as you have known it. Many call Earth Gaia, the land, the water, the skies. Gaia is an actual spirit that has attended to Earth, has been nurturing Earth, all of her elements, all of her animals and all of her forests, ever since the beginning of time on Earth. In the awakening to yourself and the releasing or the saying goodbye to Gaia, you understand that it is not another spirits responsibility to take care of this planet. It is your responsibility to be a part of it. The spirit of Gaia is slowly, slowly leaving so that you, all other humans can take responsibility for the water that you drink, for the land that you walk upon, for the sky that you see with your eyes, for all of the plant life and the animal

life. What a blessed and beautiful experience it is to thank Gaia for all she has done, to bid her farewell and to now accept the responsibility of this planet for yourself. In the awakening that you are going through, it is also time to say goodbye to human consciousness as you have known it. You will never be the same again. Recently, Earth moved into a new era and a new realm. We call it the new consciousness or the New Energy. In this new consciousness all things change. The Earth, human consciousness and humans are evolving right now. The change that you see outside of you could appear to be chaotic. It could appear that things are unraveling, everything falling apart. It could appear that there are shortages of critical goods. It could appear that things are on constant edge. It is time to let that go as well, because humanity is going through an incredible transformation process. Theyre going through important changes, and what appears to be a lack of fuel and oil is actually more about new developments in technology, new energy sources. Instead of using old fossil fuel, the discovery of new fuel. What appears to be shortages of food is really about taking a look at how to take care of the biology in a new way, how to feed it in a new way, how to grow crops in a new, efficient and natural way. Changes in governments, changes in politics are all part of the process. It is easy to go into fear and worry about whats going to happen to the world right now, but this group of angels and this group of humans, they know its just evolution. They know that the change can appear to be chaotic, but the natural law of evolution and expansion are at work right now, and youre participating in it. Its about saying goodbye to the world as you have known it, even in terms of finance, prosperity and wealth. For oh so many years on Earth, the wealth, the power, the money was focused in just a few places and held by just a few people or consolidated in a few countries. And in the new

consciousness that imbalance no longer works. So the wealth, even the balance of what you would call power, are redistributed. It doesnt mean anyone gets any less, it just means those who were behind now catch up. The worlds not falling apart, the world is evolving. The world is redistributing. The world is becoming more balanced and equitable. In the awakening process things can appear to be dark. Things can even appear to be evil. Things can appear to be very confusing, but we are here to tell you that it is just evolution. The world will go on. The New Energy will come in. The new understandings of science and math, the understandings in technology and education, are all coming about right now. The awakening process can be lonely, because it is about rediscovering who you are without having others tell you, without having others belief systems shape and create your life. We know youve been going through a very dark and lonely and sometimes very sad part of your life, feeling so lost and confused, like no ones listening. But these angelic beings and human beings want to let you know we have heard. We do know who you are. We do know what you have been going through. And we want you to know that you are never alone. Your process of awakening will continue to unfold and as it does you will see the beauty in it. You will see how you as a divine being have actually planned it for yourself. You will see that the fear goes away. The illusions of duality go away to be replaced by the knowingness of the oneness. We bring you this message today from the angels, from the humans, and from all who are going through the awakening process that you are not alone. And so it is.

Conversation with GOD - Lord Shiva, I AM Shiva! I have come! I have come to you through this messenger. I have come! Shiva is my name. Shiva! I AM Shiva! In India, which is a far-away country in respect to so-called western civilised world, I am respected as the Highest Deity. Millions of people worship me, pray to me and make sacrifices to me. I am the Supreme God and I have a severe temper. However, I am the best friend of the people devoted to me, and they can spend time in communication with me, enjoy my presence and our mutual communion. But I am very severe with those people who do not respect God and have forgotten about their Divine nature, who do not worship God within and outside them. God is everything. God is everything surrounding you as far as you can see. You are God too. Yes, you are God in incarnation, but your Divine nature can be manifested only when you meet certain demands necessary for this. I will tell you what you have to do in order to become God. First of all, you should love and respect God in everything surrounding you. There is nothing in the world separating you from other particles of life irrespective of whether it is a tiny ant or the most advanced Guru. You are all the forms of life, but simultaneously you are a personification of the Deity within your limited physical shape. But it is precisely your physical shape that separates you from your innate divinity. This shape has been imparted to you temporarily in order to enable you to test yourselves in earthly life during many millions of years, coming through thousands and thousands of embodiments on earth. You have been using this shape for the purposes set up by God. God wishes to manifest Himself through your

physical shape. Your task is to give God an opportunity to be manifested through you. You have to bend yourselves to God who you are in reality. This is the task of every man. You must take care of your shape, keep it fit, and nourish it with all the necessary elements. Nevertheless, you must never forget that you are God, therefore you cannot do things unworthy of God. Look back at your life and at its circumstances. Do they correspond to the Divine Pattern? You have to pay attention to all the aspects of your life. What do you eat? What do you wear? Whom do you communicate with? How do you treat your relations and friends? They are also gods in the physical shape. And your attitude to them must be similar to your attitude to God. You can attend a temple or a church. You see icons there. You worship these Gods. But there is no big difference between you and the people surrounding you and Gods in the temple. All of us represent manifestations of the Deity. Yes, all of us are at different levels of manifestation of the Deity, but it does not make a big difference. Do agree that if you treat yourself as God and if you treat the people around you as Gods, you life will change. The longer you are able to keep the image of the Deity in your consciousness, the sooner your life will change. That is why it is necessary for you to have a representation of God at home or at your work place. It is very important for you to have a model for imitation before your eyes. As your world is a world of shapes, it is very important for you to visualise God before you continuously, knowing that you are indivisible with Him. Do you agree with me? You gradually become one and indivisible with the images which you are keeping in your consciousness and to which you are aspiring.


Look at everything surrounding you at home, in the street. Pay attention to those images which you are staring at when looking at advertisements filling up your TV programmes. Do you think all this resembles the Divine reality? I offer you the cheapest way to become God. You simply have to guard yourself against imperfect images and to surround yourself with perfect Divine images. It does not matter to which religion or faith these images belong. These must be images raising your consciousness and enabling you to dwell in a more perfect state of consciousness, and maximising your approximation to the perfect Divine vibrations as much as possible. I am Shiva. I seldom come through people who do not adhere to the Hindu beliefs. People in the West cannot respect and treat God correctly. That is why I advise you to learn the traditions of India as the country which managed to save the traditions of respect for God and in which the people who spend their lives in service to God are highly appreciated. There is no other country in the world with such conditions for the service to God as in Mother India. I love the people of this country and I aspire to dwell in the people of India. At present the foremost task is to bring up the new generation in the tradition of respect for the older generation and for God dwelling in every man. Any external image of God is necessary for you just to remind you about your Divine nature and about the Divine nature of the people surrounding you. The respect for God has nothing in common with religion. Religion represents an external path which is necessary on a certain level, but you should not pay too much attention to this path. In India there are many temples where people serve gods. But there are also many wise men and yoga teachers in this country who teach people to respect the Deity in their


hearts and who show them how to obtain a direct communion with the One within themselves and with gods who are always ready for it. I promise to come to each of you who appeals to me in your heart. I will come and help you to resolve the most urgent problem which delays your spiritual evolution. My energies and vibrations are very hard for you to bear because I am all continuous motion. I am fire, water and air. I am all in continuous motion, in continuous dance. I AM Shiva and I have been happy to communicate with you today.

Hsin Hsin Ming Verses On the Faith Mind The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind. When the deep meaning of things is not understood the minds essential peace is disturbed to no avail. The Way is perfect like vast space where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess. Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject that we do not see the true nature of things. Live neither in the entanglements of outer things, nor in inner feelings of emptiness. Be serene in the oneness of things and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves. When you try to stop activity to achieve passivity


your very effort fills you with activity. As long as you remain in one extreme or the other you will never know Oneness. Those who do not live in the single Way fail in both activity and passivity, assertion and denial. To deny the reality of things is to miss their reality; to assert the emptiness of things is to miss their reality. The more you talk and think about it, the further astray you wander from the truth. Stop talking and thinking, and there is nothing you will not be able to know. To return to the root is to find the meaning, but to pursue appearances is to miss the source. At the moment of inner enlightenment there is a going beyond appearance and emptiness. The changes that appear to occur in the empty world we call real only because of our ignorance. Do not search for the truth; only cease to cherish opinions. Do not remain in the dualistic state avoid such pursuits carefully. If there is even a trace of this and that, of right and wrong, the Mind-essence will be lost in confusion. Although all dualities come from the One, do not be attached even to this One. When the mind exists undisturbed in the Way, nothing in the world can offend, and when a thing can no longer offend, it ceases to exist in the old way. When no discriminating thoughts arise, the old mind ceases to exist. When thought objects vanish, the thinking-subject vanishes, as when the mind vanishes, objects vanish.


Things are objects because of the subject (mind); the mind (subject) is such because of things (object). Understand the relativity of these two and the basic reality: the unity of emptiness. In this Emptiness the two are indistinguishable and each contains in itself the whole world. If you do not discriminate between coarse and fine you will not be tempted to prejudice and opinion. To live in the Great Way is neither easy nor difficult, but those with limited views and fearful and irresolute: the faster they hurry, the slower they go, and clinging (attachment) cannot be limited; even to be attached to the idea of enlightenment is to go astray. Just let things be in their own way and there will be neither coming nor going. Obey the nature of things (your own nature), and you will walk freely and undisturbed. When thought is in bondage the truth is hidden, for everything is murky and unclear, and the burdensome practice of judging brings annoyance and weariness. What benefit can be derived from distinctions and separations? If you wish to move in the One Way do not dislike even the world of senses and ideas. Indeed, to accept them fully is identical with true Enlightenment. The wise man strives to no goals but the foolish man fetters himself. This is one Dharma, not many: distinctions arise from the clinging needs of the ignorant. To seek Mind with the (discriminating) mind is the greatest of all mistakes.


Rest and unrest derive from illusion; with enlightenment there is no liking and disliking. All dualities come from ignorant inference. They are like dreams of flowers in the air: foolish to try to grasp them. Gain and loss, right and wrong: such thoughts must finally be abolished at once. If the eye never sleeps, all dreams will naturally cease. If the mind makes no discriminations, the ten thousand things are as they are, of single essence. To understand the mystery of this On -essence is to be release from all entanglements. When all things are seen equally the timeless Self-essence is reached. No comparisons or analogies are possible in this causeless, relationless state. Consider movement stationary and the stationary in motion, both movement and rest disappear. When such dualities cease to exist Oneness itself cannot exist. To this ultimate finality no law or description applies. For the unified mind in accord with the Way all self-centered straining ceases. Doubles and irresolutions vanish and life in true faith is possible. With a single stroke we are freed from bondage; nothing clings to us and we hold to nothing. All is empty, clear, self-illuminating, with no exertion of the minds power. Here thought, feeling, knowledge, and imagination are of no value. In this world of Suchness there is neither self nor other-than-self.


To come directly into harmony with this reality just simply say when doubt arises, `Not two. In this `no two nothing is separate, nothing excluded. No matter when or where, enlightenment means entering this truth. And this truth is beyond extension or diminution in time or space; in it a single thought is ten thousand years. Emptiness here, Emptiness there, but the infinite universe stands always before your eyes. Infinitely large and infinitely small; no difference, for definitions have vanished and no boundaries are seen. So too with Being and non-Being. Dont waste time in doubts and arguments that have nothing to do with this. One thing, all things: move among and intermingle, without distinction. To live in this realization is to be without anxiety about non-perfection. To live in this faith is the road to non-duality, Because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind. Words! The Way is beyond language, for in it there is no yesterday no tomorrow no today. /


Parmenides - On Reality (fragments of a poem) Now then, I will instruct you; hear what I say: Two paths are open to investigation. The first says: being is and non-being is not. It is the path of certainty, because it follows the truth. The other says: being is not, therefore non-being is. This misdirected path, I tell you, cannot lead to a sound conviction For, if this statement were true, it would not be possible for you to conceive of non-being, nor to name it. Speaking and thinking necessarily arise from being, because being is. And non-being is not. I invite you to reflect deeply on this point, And to move away, in your search, from that other path As from the one traveled by those ignorant mortals Who are the men of two minds: the uncertainty which resides in their hearts Misleads their wavering reason. They are swept along, Deaf and blind, benighted, the masses without discernment Who pretend that being and non-being are simultaneously identical And different, they for whom, for any statement, the opposite is equally true. No power will ever bring non-being into existence. So direct your thinking away from this path of exploration. May habit, so often resumed, not force you to return to it, With eyes blinded, ears filled with noise And mouth with words, and may your intelligence alone resolve this contentious issue. Only one path remains for us to pursue: Being is. And countless signs prove That being is free from birth and death Because it is complete, immutable and eternal. It never was, it never will be, because it is completely whole in the now, One, endless. What beginning, indeed, should we attribute to it? Whence would it evolve? Whither? I will not allow you to say or to think that it comes from


nothingness, Nor that being is not. What exigency would have brought it forth Later or earlier, from non-being? Thus, it can only be, absolutely, or not at all. Our firm innermost conviction will never admit That something can spring forth from nothingness. In this way the goddess of Justice, forbidding birth and death, Preserves without respite the existence of being. Whereas the question was to resolve Whether being is or is not. We must therefore decide to abandon as false The second hypothesis, the path which can neither be thought nor formulated, And to hold to the first, which is the path of the truth. How could what is, one day cease to be? How could it have, one day, come to be? What is born, is not, neither what is to be born. Thus dies birth and thus dies death. Within being there remain no differences because it is completely identical to itself. There is not, here, something more that comes to break continuity Neither, there, something less: but everything is filled with being. Thus it is all continuous: being adjoined to being. On the other hand, maintained motionless by powerful links, It is without beginning and without end, since birth and death Have been rejected as contrary to our intuition of truth. Remaining itself, existing within itself, supported by itself, Thus, immutable, it remains in the same place because the powerful necessity, Hemming it in from all sides, keeps it firmly unified. That is why it is not permitted that being be unfinished, Because there is nothing missing in it; unfinished, it would be missing everything! Thought is identical to being, and so it is for the object to which thought refers; Thus there is nothing, and there will never be anything, outside of being Which Destiny


compels to an eternal bliss. Thus, To be born and to die, to be or not to be, To change place or appearance, All of these events are but names superimposed by mans ignorance. Being the ultimate, it is everywhere complete. Just as an harmoniously round sphere Departs equally at all points from its center. Nothing can be added to it here nor taken away from it there. What is not, cannot interrupt its homogeneous existence. What is, cannot possess it more or less. Out of all reach, Everywhere identical to itself, beyond all limits, it is.


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