Week 6 'Intuition'

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A Nine Week Course



By Beelzebub

Intuition is a sense that allows us to capture certain kinds of information that we could
not otherwise get from our mind or from our five senses. It is one of several psychic
faculties that can be developed on these courses and can be very useful to have.

With intuition we can get a sense that, for example, something is not right, or it could
tell you to do something when everything else tells you to do something else.

The information reaches us from a spiritual part that is located in the higher
dimensions, therefore, we can be forewarned of danger and other things because
events that are going to happen often take place in the higher dimensions first and
information from those dimensions can reach us here.

Everyone carries this sense to a certain extent and probably most have experienced it.
The problem however, is that most people do not develop it or pay attention to it.

The main problem is the mind, that is because the ‘intuitive hunch’ arrives from the
spiritual part to the physical world, but in most of the cases the mind comes in and the
initial intuitive feeling to do something is overridden by the mind and then we say that
we should have followed our feelings.

Once the connection between the spiritual part and the psyche in the physical body is
interfered with by the mind through reasoning, then, the intuitive information is gone.
Only when you recall back can you realise that the original feeling you had was the
right one, but once you reason you spoil it.

For example: You are in a supermarket and your feeling is to join a rather long queue
instead of a shorter one next to it, but you reason and say, this one is shorter, it will be
faster. However, what happens next reveals that your reasoning was wrong, because,

in the short queue, a problem appeared; the credit card machine doesn’t work, they
have to call someone in and the person is delayed, etc, the shorter queue became a
lengthy wait.

This example clearly illustrates that intuition gives us beforehand information, if you
like, it can see ahead. Due to this capacity, intuition can warn you of danger and you
must follow the initial ‘hunch’ as it is commonly called, but if you reason, you can get
into trouble.

I will give an example: My wife went into a bus, she was going to sit in one of the
seats at the front of the bus, but she suddenly had the feeling of not doing it and went
to the back of the bus to the higher deck and sat there. Outside it was pouring down
heavily with rain, suddenly the people at the front of the bus in the lower deck started
screaming, what had happened was that a lid attached to the floor of the bus in the
lower deck burst open and water started pouring into the bus, of course people got
their shoes and their clothes wet.

Intuition can also give information that we need without us having much prior
information about it, by simply following the intuitive feeling. Here is another
example; my wife and I arranged to meet at real estates to sign a lease at a certain
time. We arranged for a friend to give her a lift in her car as I was going straight there
after doing some errands. Our friend asked my wife for the address of the office and
the name of the real estate, but my wife didn’t know it. They arrived to the area, but
they didn’t know where to go, then she decided to follow her intuition, she started
walking in the direction her intuition was telling her, she walked through streets here
and there, then suddenly she felt a pull towards one real estate which had a tiny door,
but she dismissed it and carried on and our friend was way ahead of her. Then she
decided to call our friend and go back to the place were she felt that pull, they went in
and there I was about to sign the lease.

When I first heard about using intuition I had an opportunity to apply it soon
afterwards, I was driving in the countryside around narrow country lanes when I
suddenly had this feeling that I should slow down, I decided to listen to that feeling,
so I slowed down and drove around the bend in the road very slowly, not being able to
see what was around the corner, as I went around it I saw that a tree had fallen into the
road, had I not slowed down I would have driven straight into it.

On several occasions I have been in a city that I didn’t know and got lost. I guided
myself using intuition right across those cities, exactly to my destination each time,
without using a map.

Intuition is a marvellous sense that also helps with the interpretation of symbols and
teachings in dreams and in the Astral world. Although they may not make much sense
to the mind you can intuitively capture their deep meaning. As you progress in this
work that will happen to you more and more, it will be an inspiration to you to grasp
their deep meaning and know what you need to do.

Generally dreams have a symbolic side, If you look at a dream plainly there may be
nothing much to it, but when you recall your first intuitive feeling about it when you
wake up, you know that it is referring to a certain aspect of your life, it is giving

information about a person, a situation, etc and you know what it is and what is going
to happen or what message is in there for you. In this way you gradually begin to
interpret your dreams and the symbols in them. It is very useful for inner
development, because as you gradually remember your dreams more and more you
intuitively know that a particular dream is telling your what aspect in your life you
must change, what egos you urgently need to work upon, which situations are
harming you, or are harming others, etc.

We can capture the meaning of symbols that we are shown in the Astral with
intuition, a particular symbol may sometimes have different meanings and the right
one can be grasped through intuition. It’s important though not to tell any esoteric
symbols that you may see in the Astral to anyone, because secrecy is very important
there and if you tell others, whoever they are, you may not be shown any more for
some time.

Sometimes in the Astral or in a dream a being can appear in front of you, sometimes
telling you different things, through intuition you can tell if that being is good or evil
just by looking at them and using that sense. If you look into a beings eyes, the evil
ones can often be discovered for what they are, their eyes can uncover them, thereby
preventing you from being mislead by what they are saying.

When you do this work seriously then the sense of intuition works to its full potential
then you can intuitively capture the reality of cosmic truths and Esoteric scriptures,
although for the reasoning of the mind a particular thing may seem impossible,
intuitively you know the way it really is.

Intuition is such a useful sense with great potential, it is worth increasing its
performance, because it is usually very rusty as it is and doesn’t work as well as it
could. Fortunately there are ways of increasing it; by learning to use and trust it, by
increasing it with the spiritual work and by using a mantra that increases it’s

This mantra acts on the chakra of the heart which has the faculty of intuition. The
information that comes from the spiritual part to the physical body is sent to a tiny
atom in the heart, if this chakra does not work very well then we miss out on its
information and listen more to the reasoning of the mind.

The mantra we are going to use is the vowel ‘o’ (as in oh).

With each breath you pronounce the vowel ‘o’ until you run out of breath, as in the
mantras for astral projection, you breathe in through the nose and as you breathe out
you pronounce the vowel ‘oooooooooooooooo…’ Do it out loud to start with and then
gradually go quieter until you only pronounce it mentally. As you are pronouncing it,
you imagine a disk rotating in the heart area; the lotus flowers of the chakras, which
resemble a disk rotating. You must pronounce the mantra and the same time visualise
the disk rotating in your own heart area. I should also point out that this mantra not
only helps with intuition it also helps with astral projection.

To correctly imagine the direction that the chakra rotates, imagine it rotating like a
plate on a table rotating clockwise.

Also, the chakra is only temporarily activated, so to activate it fully and permanently,
it is necessary to do the spiritual work.

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Questions and Answers

Q. You wrote that we may be shown esoteric symbols in the astral plane and that
we should keep these secret. Could you tell me what kind of symbols you mean?

These are ones that are specific to the path, which you will have more information
about if you take the Experiencing Astral Travel and Journey to Enlightenment

There are also teachings that are very personal and these are best kept private.

There are however things that can be experienced by anyone, for example, projecting
into your room, travelling to a place that exists on earth, etc.

It's important to use your intuition to tell which is which and, if in doubt, don't say

A. I'm having dream after dream about my cousin being involved in an activity
that is spiritually harmful. On the physical plane, though, he denies doing the
activity. Short of following him around (which I refuse to do), I have no way to
substantiate my intuition. I sense that he's in danger, but what can I do about it?

It could be something that is not yet happening, but could happen in the future, but it
could also be due to some aspect within yourself.

Whether it is happening now or not, you can only explain things to him, it is his
choice what he does with the information that you give. But being a good example
and answering his questions if he asks can sometimes also help.

I was in the car driving about when I saw a car up ahead parked at the side of
the road, and I looked into the car and saw a guy sitting in it and I thought it was
someone I knew. But when I got closer to the car and looked in at this guy it was
not him, and I thought to myself he looks nothing like him how could I have
thought this was him. But as I drove on I noticed the real Patrick coming down
the road on a bicycle and I just started laughing. This sort of thing happens to
me all the time. What is this? Intuition?

Also I've noticed lately that I know what people are going to say next, before
they say it. I've always been able to do this same as the above experience, but I
cant bring it on it just happens. I can sometimes finish entire sentences. Ok

sometimes some sentences have only a few possible outcomes and perhaps that's
what is going on some of the time, but there are other times when I couldn't
know (or am I deluding myself). Is this intuition or something else?

You could have picked up on waves of thoughts and emotions emitted by Patrick that
travel astrally via the fifth dimension when he was getting closer to you.

It and the conversations could have some intuition in them but they are more to do
with telepathy.


 Copyright, Mark Pritchard 10 th May 2002 www.mysticweb.org

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