Black Holes
Black Holes
Black Holes
Until the 1960s, most astronomers and physicists thought of black holes as science fiction, not real science. Many popular movies and television shows portrayed them as cosmic vacuums sucking up everything in sight or as tunnels through which one could travel in time to another dimension. Black holes were theoretic objects that were predicted by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which was published in 1916. The theory of relativity describes a four-dimensional universe known as spacetime (the three dimensions of space plus the fourth dimension, time). Although the theory suggested that black holes could exist in spacetime, even Einstein thought of them as mathematical curiosities and doubted their real existence. Einstein died (1955) before the term black hole was coined by John Wheeler in 1967.
The existence of black holes is now accepted science. However, we have no technology that allows us to see them, and the evidence for their existence remains circumstantial.
Black holes are the evolutionary endpoints of massive stars. They are what huge stars, more than 10 times as massive as the sun, become when they have burned up all their fuel at the end of their "lives." Obviously, stars are not living organisms, but they do go through various stages during their existence, and they don't last forever. To understand how black holes are formed, we have to understand the life cycle of stars.
What Stars Become When They Exhaust Their Fuel and Die
Mass of Star Before it Collapses (in solar mass) < 1.5 1.5-3 >3
Emitted Radiation Estimates of the Mass of Black Holes Based on the Movement of Visible Objects Around Them Gravitational Lens Effects
Emitted Radiation: A black hole's gravitational forces are so great that gases circulating near a black hole are expected to revolve more rapidly or accelerate as they fall into the black hole. This acceleration creates increased friction and therefore more heat. Radiation emitted from the superheated gases can be detected and measured by Xray telescopes such as the orbiting Chandra Xray Observatory. Scientists can conclude that a black hole exists in the area from which the radiation originated. Click here to view an image of the Chandra Xray Observatory.
Mass Estimates from Orbiting Objects: This technique involves measuring the movement of objects around a suspected black hole to calculate the black hole's mass. Scientists look for a star or disk of gas behaving as if a large mass is nearby, and then estimate the mass of the suspected black hole by observing its effect on the visible object. Using photos of other galaxies taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, for example, astronomers have been able to estimate the speed of particles circling around a core object. From this information, they can estimate the weight of the core object. In one galaxy (NGC4261), scientists were able to calculate the weight of the core object to be 1.2 billion times that of our sun, and from this, estimated its gravity to be 1 million times as strong as our sun. Based on these data, they concluded that the center of that galaxy must be a black hole. Click here to view a Hubble Space Telescope photograph of the core of galaxy NGC4261.
Gravitational Lens Effects: The use of this technique to detect black holes is based on the principle from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity that gravity can bend light. The idea is that an object with very strong gravitational forces, like a black hole, lying between earth and a more distant object, could behave like a lens, bending the light from the more distant object and bringing it into focus. In fact, astronomers have photographed the temporary brightening of a distant galaxy produced by the gravitational lens effect of an invisible object passing between the galaxy and earth, presumably a black hole.
There are two basic types of black holes: non-rotating (Schwarzchild) and rotating (Kerr) black holes. The latter, which are created by rotating stars, are probably more common.
Most astronomers now believe that there are 100 million black holes in our galaxy alone. However, others believe this is an underestimation. Stephen Hawkings, for example, believes that there are more black holes than visible stars. He estimates than there are more than 100,000 million black holes in our galaxy alone, and we're just a tiny part of the universe!