Green Sheet - July 26, 2009

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1412 W. Swallow Road

Fort Collins, CO 80526
Pastor Ralph Patrick
July 26, 2009
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost



We give thanks to God that you are joining us today!

Many of our guests are seeking a home church where they
can be part of the Fellowship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Peace with Christ is a congregation that is a family not an
“organization”. We are small enough to allow people to
know each other by name, and yet large enough to offer
opportunities for growth and service. What we “specialize”
in is not programs or productions, but simply The Gospel
of Our Lord Jesus. Christ, His Word, and the Cross are
what provide the foundation for faith and ministry. If you
are interested in learning more about Peace With Christ
Lutheran Church, please call the church office at 226-4721.
Pastor Patrick would welcome the opportunity to visit with
you personally.
THE TIME before the service may be used for prayer and
preparation. Read through the worship bulletin and familiarize
yourself with the service. A few moments spent this way will help
make the service more meaningful.


“I Am Weak, But He Is Strong” Guest Speaker: Rev.
Dr. Ken Klaus. God can do anything but He can’t
make sinners happy, on their terms. Christ makes it
possible to “live happily ever after”. (2 Corinthians
12:8-9) Listen to The Lutheran Hour Message on KOA, Denver
(AM850) at 6:00 a.m. and KFKA, Greeley (AM1310) at 9:30 a.m.

Peace With Christ Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600AM), at 9:00 AM



Next Sunday during both services will be the

installation of our new Parish Worker, Reena

will be held by Pastor Hein on

Mondays at 7:00pm.

Musicians and Vocalist - please consider

signing up for prelude, offertory or postlude
music this summer. Sign-up in the Narthex -

Orphan Grain Train Fish Feed

Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday,
August 23 at NOON. Please sign-up in the
♦ For the next 2 weeks, LWML is teaming up with Missions & Min-
istry in a congregation-wide effort to collect food, clothing and
other items for Ysleta Mission. LWML’s focus is SCHOOL SUP-
PLIES and stores are already advertising “Back to School” spe-
cials. Walmart sells crayons for 20 cents! The next time you’re out
shopping, please pick up a few items for our Friends in Christ on
the border. A basket is available for your donations in the Sunshine

♦ A Summer Craft Workshop will be offered Saturday, August 1st at

10am to work on projects for this year’s Holiday Craft Fair. All
supplies and instructions will be provided. A variety of simple
crafts can be completed with your help! For those looking for craft-
ing opportunities sooner than August 1st, Kay’s Angels continue to
meet most Mondays, 1:30- 3:30pm, all summer long.

♦ If you donated food for a potluck, VBS, or HIH this summer, please
stop by the kitchen to sift through the accumulation of unclaimed
items. We’d love to reunite you with your long lost casserole dish!

♦ Cheryl Harsen has made a request for jelly jars and pint-sized can-
ning jars. These jars will be filled with delicious preserves, apple
butter, etc. for LWML’s November Bazaar. If you have jars to do-
nate, please see Cheryl or give her a call at #229-1459.

TAG - August 4th at 11:30am

We will meet at the church at 11:30am and carpool to Gateway
Natural Area for a picnic. It is 5.2 miles up Poudre Canyon and
is wheelchair accessible. Bring a dish to share. Also bring
lawn chairs and outdoor games. Tableware and drinks will be
furnished. All older adults are welcome to attend this Older
Adult Ministry group.

Elitch Gardens: We will go on Wednesday, July

29. Sign-up soon as tickets need to be pre-
ordered, cost is $24 which covers your ticket,
snacks and gas. Parents are needed as drivers too!
Waterskiing: The Fosters have invited the youth members &
parents to a waterskiing party at their home on Saturday, August
1, 10:00am - 2:00pm. Please bring a side dish to share and be sure
to sign-up.
Parents: Please sign-up to help with scrip sales during the sum-
mer months -- Thanks!
Service Project: Sign-up to help with yard work for the Brown


Thank You - “Pat and I would like to express our

most sincere and heartfelt thanks for the surprise an-
niversary celebration last week. It was Quite unex-
pected, but Greatly appreciated. Thank you for the
time and effort that went into planning and setting up,
for the beautiful cake and coffee, and for the many
cards and kind expressions of love. We are blessed
with you! Thank You!”

Thank you to everyone who has brought food and

clothing for the St. John’s Lutheran Church food
pantry and closet. You have been a blessing to
many families. During the first two weeks of Au-
gust we will be collecting school clothing for teens
and elementary kids, shoes, jeans, shorts, t-shirts, school sup-
plies, cereals (dry and hot), tomato products, pasta, rice, flour,
soup, tuna, bread, and buns. Coordinators: Bill & Tracie
Roth, 221-8586 and Troy & Joy Bauder, 482-9549.
Collection dates: August 2 and 9.
Family Education Night
Back to school is quickly approaching, which means it’s
time to think about FED nights once again! There will be an
organizational meeting Wednesday, August 5th at 5:30 for
anyone interested in helping this year. Also - if your group
would like to sponsor a FED night meal as a fund-raiser,
we’d love to have you do so! Be thinking about this and
more information on signing up will be forthcoming. The
first night for FED is planned for September 9th. Plan to
put Wednesday evenings in your family schedules this year.
Thank you, Lisa Bernhardt, FED Coordinator

In Our Prayers: We remember-

Those who are ill, hospitalized, or recovering from surgery: Jake
Schroder, Nadine Lueker, Rosalee Blumenshine, Bill Smith, Sheila
Kido (mother of Deborah Kido), Doug Reed (brother of Diane Kettleson), Zoe
Jones (Infant daughter of Josh and Jamie Jones), Kevin Rodenbeck, Marilyn
Craig, Marilyn Hudson

Those who are not able to attend church: Margaret Ziehm, Carolyn
Brown, Arline Young, June Schwarck, Marie Rubel, Jean Upham

The World, North Korea, Iran

Seminary in South Africa - work being done there & in


U.S. Soldiers throughout the world.


One mistake brought to my attention in the new directory.

The corrected page is in each mailbox, please add to your

We pray that [God's] kingdom may come to those who are not
yet in it, and, by daily growth that it may come to us who have
received it. "Dear Father, we pray, give us first Your Word, so
that the Gospel may be preached properly throughout the
world. Second, may the Gospel be received in faith and work
and live in us, so that through the Word and the Holy Spirit's
power, Your kingdom may triumph among us. And we pray
that the devil's kingdom be put down, so that he may have no
right or power over us, until at last his power may be utterly
destroyed. So sin, death, and hell shall be exterminated. Then
we may live forever in perfect righteousness and blessedness".

From this you see that we do not pray here for a crust of bread
or a temporal, perishable good. Instead, we pray for an eternal
inestimable treasure and everything that God Himself pos-
sesses. This is far too great for any human heart to think
about desiring, if God had not Himself commanded us to pray
for the same. But because He is God, He also claims the honor
of giving much more and more abundantly than anyone can
understand [Ephesians 3:20]. He is like an eternal, unfailing
fountain. The more it pours forth and overflows, the more it
continues to give. God desires nothing more seriously from us
than that we ask Him for much and great things. In fact, He is
angry if we do not ask and pray confidently. (paragraphs 53-


2005,2006 by Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission. All rights reserved. To
purchase a copy of CONCORDIA, call 800-325-3040.

Worship Services 8:00 am &

Today (Communion) 10:45 am
July 26 Education Hour 9:30 am

Monday Worship Service 7:00 pm

July 27 M ‘n M’s 7:00 pm

July 28

Wednesday Bible Study 8:45 am

July 29 Elitch Garden’s Outing 9:00 am
King’s Men’s Bible Study 6:00 pm

July 30

July 31

August 1

Sunday Worship Services 8:00 am &

August 2 (Non-Communion) 10:45 am
Education Hour 9:30 am
Installation of Reena
July 26 8:00 am 10:45 am
Materials: Millie Miller
Greeters: Bill & Fran Watson Patricks
Guest Book: Sherrie Norman Julie Ward
Reader: Ray Kaiser Wes Nierman
Ushers: Pete White Chris Dunker
Marv Grueber Paul Carlson
Chris Dunker Nick Allison
Doug Kettelson
Nursery: Rachel Buchleiter Molley Patrick
Acolytes: Brianna Lacey Amanda Nierman
Crucifer: Robin Toomey Zach Diem
Audio Support: David Nierman Ron Pichel
Organist: Norma Thaemert Shawna Prevedel
Elder of the Month: Art Pforr

Flowers on the Altar in Celebration of the marriage of

Henry Mowry, son of Lisa & Randy Bernhardt to Sarah Strong

Flowers on the Altar in Celebration of

Gary & Delores Lebeda’s 60th Anniversary
August 2 8:00 am 10:45 am
Materials: Leising
Greeters: Arv & Barb Witt Pat Cribbs
Guest Book: Pichel
Reader: Carolyn Huisjen
Ushers: Ken Keeney Bob Cribbs
Dan Krueckeberg John Huisjen
Ron Pichel

Nursery: Hoys Carolyn Huisjen

Acolytes: Libby Hoy Wyatt Allerheiligen
Audio Support:
Elder of the Month: Ray Kaiser

Flowers on the Altar in thanks & praise for Reena

Prayer and Study

Date: July 26 - August 1

Luther Quote: “God does not want mere hearers and repeaters
of words but doers and followers, who practice their faith in a life
of love. For a faith without love is not enough; it is in reality no
faith al all but only appears to be faith. Just so a face seen in a
mirror is in reality no face but only appears to be a face.”
Bible readings for the week:

Sunday: Psalm 52; 1 Chronicles 1-5

Monday: Psalm 53; 1 Chronicles 6-10
Tuesday: Psalm 54; 1 Chronicles 11-15
Wednesday: Psalm 55; 1 Chronicles 16-20
Thursday: Psalm 56; 1 Chronicles 21-25
Friday: Deuteronomy 32:1-4; 1 Chronicles 26-29
Saturday: Habakkuk 3:2-19; 2 Chronicles 1-3

Transforming Churches Network — July 16-31

The Transforming Churches Network (TCN) provides
training and resources to help congregations fulfill their
role as “mission outposts.” TCN is a non-profit partner
organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
dedicated to revitalizing churches.

Daily Prayers:

Sunday: For the TCN learning communities, which are composed of

pastors and key leaders up to 10 different churches. The communities
meet every four to six weeks to share devotions, prayer, and what
they’ve learned through the revitalization process.
Monday: For the Groups Ablaze! process, designed to help local
congregations reach out to their unchurched neighbors through small
group methodology. Groups Ablaze! is designed to promote outreach by
forming relationships with the unchurched and inviting them into non-
threatening small group home meetings which become a setting in
which the Gospel of Jesus might be shared.

Tuesday: That through their participation in TCN, congregations

would grow in their membership and the number of people they are
reaching with the Gospel—through Baptisms, adult confirmation, vaca-
tion Bible school, small groups, worship, and other means.

Wednesday: That the Lord would provide more sources of financial

support for TCN to continue its ministry and with thanksgiving for the
funding already supplied through LCMS World Mission and other part-

Thursday: For all of the unreached and uncommitted people living

in the United States, the third-largest mission field in the world. One
LCMS church closes each week in the U.S., which was designated a
“world mission field” by the LCMS in 1992.

Friday: For the communities where TCN churches are present—that

the diverse population of these communities would be touched by the
churches’ outreach efforts and the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Macau – August 1-15

LCMS World Mission began work in Macau in 1988. LCMS
missionaries established Concordia English Center. The
center uses a combination of English-as-a-Foreign-
Language teaching, small-group Bible studies, and vari-
ous fellowship activities to gather and evangelize both
Cantonese residents of Macau and Mandarin-speaking
migrant workers from surrounding areas.

Saturday: For St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, a congregation of The

Lutheran Church—Hong Kong Synod, a partner church of the LCMS,
which works together with the Concordia English Center in outreach
and fellowship—that it will continue to be revitalized and that many
people will hear the Gospel through its members.


Worship Attendance: Total

137(8:00) 80(10:45 am) 217

Education Hour Attendance:

Adult Bible Study: 63 Sunday School: 17

Financial Update
As of June 30, 2009

Budget - 2009 Income Expenses Net Income

$359,000.00 $165,406.68 $170,548.32 -$5,141.64


ADULT BIBLE CLASS. .. Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall

NURSERY & KINDERGARTEN . . . . Preschool Rooms
GRADES 1- 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter
GRADES 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abraham
GRADE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac
JR. HIGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob
SR. HIGH . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Youth Room


Green sheet articles are due by
First Lesson: Exodus 16:2-15 3:00 p.m. Wednesday
Second Lesson: Ephesians 4:1-16 afternoon.
Gospel: John 6:22-35 Broadcast articles are due
August 16

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