Masses of The Week: Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Masses of The Week: Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Masses of The Week: Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time
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OLP Gym closed for repairs 1:00 p.m. Holy Hour of Reparation, church
The Interfaith Church Council of ew Providence will hold a Prayer Service in observance of the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 11th at Our Lady of Peace Church. The choirs of the participating churches will join their voices with our prayers for those effected by the events of that day. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall
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Twenty-first Sunday Richard Collier, Michael Calitri, Raymond Prendeville, Frances Larsen, Thoin Ordinary Time mas Mahala, William Mahoney, Matt and Ruth Hladik, Sister Maria, Joan Murphy, Rocco Venezia, Michael Godwin, Ruth Bennett, Sat Yeun Chin, Alan Young Is 22:19-23; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 and six special intentions.
Let us also pray for the men and women who are serving in our military in particular those who are from our parish: PFC. Joseph Robert Pecca - Korea, 2LT. Kyle R. Lee, Army - Iraq, 2LT. Charlie Law, Army - Iraq, CPL. Gerald Squirlock Jr., Army Afghanistan, Lance CPL. Christopher Sodano, Marines - Afghanistan , COL Paul J. McAneny, Air ForceKuwait
Monday 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10; Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday 1 Thes 2:1-8; Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday Rv 21:9b-14; Jn 1:45-51 Thursday 1 Thes 3:7-13; Mt 24:42-51 Friday 1 Thes 4:1-8; Mt 25:1-13 Saturday 1 Th 4:9-11; Mt 25:14-30
Also, please remember our dearly departed relatives and friends who have passed away recently especially Charles Pantano, Clara Zeitler and Patricia Knapp May they rest in peace. Please remember that there is a special intention book located in the Baptistery of the church. Your intention can be written in it and prayed for during the Masses that are said at Our Lady of Peace.
You are invited to continue to use the Parish Library during these last few September 2nd is First Friday. remaining weeks of this Summer. On the Library Display Table you Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the church starting after will find some of the newest additions the 12:10 PM Mass and will since the last catalog update. Also, on the conclude with a Holy Hour table you will find a binder containing all the reviews that were posted in the bullefrom 8 to 9 PM. Why not take tins.
News from
The Parish Library
this opportunity to spend some If you have enjoyed a book or tape quiet time in adoration, reflection and prayer. Everyone is from the library please consider writing a review for the Bulletin. welcome. Thank you for signIf you have any questions contact ing the attendance book which will be placed on the table at Vicki Lewandowski the entrance of the church clos908-464-3211 or est to the rectory.
August 21,2011
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The Office of Family Life Ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark sponsors two support groups for has Planned for YOU! Parents Grieving the Death of a Child. Groups meet year round on the first Wednesday of each month at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Center, 60 Boyd Ave., Sunday, September 11th Bloomfield and on the third Monday of each month 9:00 a.m. Mass - Backpack Sunday at St. Peter the Apostle Parish Center, 445 Fifth Ave. th 4:00 p.m. Interfaith Service for the 10 Anniversary of River Edge. There is no preregistration and there is no fee. 9/11 at Our Lady of Peace Church Reception to All meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. For further inforfollow mation, please contact the Office of Family Life at Sunday, September 18th 973-497-4327 or email 9:00 a.m. Mass Commissioning of Catechists Saturday, October 1st 6:00 p.m. Parish Pig Roast Saturday/Sunday October 1st + 2nd Ministry Fair following each of the Sunday Masses Saturday, October 15 Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, ovember 23rd Cardinal McCarrick to visit Our Lady of Peace Parish (Details concerning the events and services mentioned above will appear in upcoming bulletins).
Your gift to the Archbishops Annual Appeal is a part of your personal commitment to Christian Stewardship: Giving thanks to God by returning a portion of the blessings God has given you. Wont you please take a moment to fill out a pledge card? Your gift is a concrete example of being a good steward of Gods gifts.
Do you know someone who has expressed an interest in our Catholic Faith? Have you thought about becoming a Catholic? Do you want to learn more about your Catholic religion? RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a spiritual journey whose goal is to discover whether one is being called to a life as a Catholic Christian by teaching them the beliefs of our religion observing the landmarks or rites along the way that reveal where God is leading them. For more information please contact one of the priests or call a team member at 908-464-6699.
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Our Lady of Peace parish also offers religious education for kindergarten aged children at a reduced fee. Kindergarten classes are not required but parents often want their children to begin classes at this age. Please call the Catechetical Office at 908-464-8156 for information.
Do you have a love for our Catholic faith and enjoy interacting with children or young people?
Consider becoming a catechist and sharing your faith with the children of our parish. The benefits are out of this world! And it just may be one of the most rewarding things you have done. We provide training and support and you become a part of a great team of wonderful men and women. We keep class sized between 8 and 12 students. Call Pastoral Associate, Carol Skrocki for more information, please call (908-464-8156 or email at Is God calling?
If you have not already re-registered your child please do so before August 31 when late fees are effective. Late fees do not apply to families new to Our Lady of Peace. We specifically need catechists for the following: Additional registration forms and Parent Handbooks are Grade 5 on Wed. or Thurs., 3:30 4:45 pm on the tables in the back of the church and in the slots by Grade 2 on Thursday, 3:30 4:45 pm the rectory reception desk. You may either mail your completed forms to the Cate- Grade 6 on Thursday, 3:30 4:45 pm chetical Office or drop them off at our Office located in the rectory.
First Grade
Dont delay registering your young one. Our First Reconciliation and Eucharist preparation begins in grade one. Children generally receive First Reconciliation in the second grade and First Communion in the third grade after they have experienced full preparation during those three years.
The OLP Prayer Shawl Ministry offers an opportunity for knitters and crocheters to create shawls while praying for healing. The shawls provide support to anyone who may need an extra hug form the Lord. Recently, this ministry has expanded by teaming up with the Garber United Methodist Church of New Bern, NC, providing winter hats for children and adults in eastern Europe. Missionaries from NC visit Russia and the surrounding countries three or four times a year to provide support and warm clothing. This is a great way to use up that leftover yarn you might have, and spread warmth to others. Join us if you like to knit or crochet, all if you
by entering your email address under Interested in bewould like to present a prayer shawl to a parishioner, coming a member of this community? Once you are registered, you may sign up for dates to cook. If you do family or friend. not have access to a computer and would like to conPrayer shawls are available by contacting the rectribute, please call Sue Janazzo at 908 464-3896. tory or calling Gail Seely at 908-464-4109.