Pakistan Engineering Council Registration Form

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Application Form for Registered Engineer

Check List of Documents to Be Attached By the Applicant with the Application Form Attested Copies of: 1 HSSC Pre-Engineering/Pre-Medical with Additional Maths /DAE/A-Level with equivalence certificate from IBCC 2 Engineering Degree / Provisional Certificate To whom it may concern certificate is not acceptable 3 Transcripts/Detailed Marks Certificate 4 Copy of CNIC 5 Three Passport size photographs with blue background 6 Copy of Passport showing the date of exit and arrival (For foreign degree holders only) 7 Copy of certificate of credit transfer from one university to another university along with detailed marks certificate/registration certificate (If applicable) Tick()


Pakistan Engineering Council

Ataturk Avenue (East) G-5/2, P.O.Box No.1296, Islamabad. UAN:111-111-732, Fax: 051-2276224 E-mail: APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION As Registered Engineer The Registrar Pakistan Engineering Council Islamabad. Dear Sir, I request that my name may be registered on the Register of Pakistan Engineering Council as Registered Engineer under the Pakistan Engineering Council Act 1976 with following particulars and qualifications so that I may be furnished with a Certificate of Registration: 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of Applicant (As per degree) Fathers/Husband Name (As per degree) Day Date of Birth CNIC Number Passport size Photograph with blue back ground (Paste here)

Month ---__ ----




Permanent Address

________________________________________________________ Tehsil: _____________________ District:______________________

5.1 Address

________________________________________________________ Present Postal ________________________________________________________ Tehsil: _____________________ District:______________________ ________________________________________________________

Office Address

5.2 5.3 5.4 5.6

-5.5.Residence#. 5.7.Fax Number

Mobile Number Telephone Office E-Mail



District of Domicile


7. 7.1


Name of College/ University

Year of Passing

%age /CGPA

Discipline along with Specialization

F.Sc Pre-Engg /ICS/DAE/ A-Level B.E./B.Sc. Engg. Degree or Equivalent

Qualifications: Name of Institute/ College/ University Year of Passing Discipline along with Specialization


8. 9.

Postgraduate Engg. Qualifications. Professional affiliations with status


Employment Status Government Semi Government Private Unemployed

Name of the Organization /Department 11. I certify that the above particulars mentioned by me are correct. I undertake to inform the Registrar, Pakistan Engineering Council, of any change in my postal address and profession. I also undertake to abide by the PEC Act, Bye-Laws, relevant rules and Codes of Ethics and Conduct, prescribed for the members of the Council.

Yours Faithfully,

Signature of Applicant Dated: _________________ Attested By: Engr. Designation: .. PEC Registration No: ..... Signature: ...... Mobile #: ...... Dated: ..

Name of Applicant: _____________________________


(FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) 1. Finance Department Prescribed Fee of Rs.. has been received and credited vide. Bank Challan No. .. Dated . Bank Draft No... Dated .


(Accounts Clerk) (PEC Branch ) Registration Department

Accounts Officer

Finance Manager

Mr/Ms _____________________________________ passed/obtained engineering qualification from the university/institution/college as mentioned below:Sr.No Name of qualification and discipline B.E/B.Sc Engineering or 2.1 Equivalent 2.2 2.3 Postgraduate Qualifications Professional affiliations with status Result Notification No with date Accreditation Status Recommendation of PEC Secretariat: Name of Institute/College/University Discipline Year of Graduation

3. 4. 5.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 6.

Decision of Enrolment Committee:


Registration No Allotted: ______________________________

Chairman Enrolment Committee

8. Certificate Issued at Sr.# 9. Registration valid upto: 31/12/20 __ __ Registrar

Form PEC-2
PEC Registration No


Date of Registration

(For Official Use only)

Name of applicant (As per degree) Fathers/Husband Name (As per degree) Day Date of Birth CNIC Number Mobile Number Sex Email Current Employment
B.E/B.Sc or Equivalent Name of University/Institution

Paste here
One Passport size Photo graph with blue background

Month ---__ -----





District of Domicile

Year of Graduation


Three Specimen Signatures of the Applicant: (1)



Attested by Engr.

PEC Registration No: . Designation: ................... Mobile #: .... Signature: ........... Dated: ..

Registrar Pakistan Engineering Council

The registration form shall be filled in capital letters by the applicant in his own handwriting with neat, legible hand or typed. Forms of graduates of Pakistani Engineering universities/Colleges shall be attested by *any PEC Member or Principal / Dean/HOD/Registrar and will be submitted to the Registrar, Pakistan Engineering Council, Ataturk Avenue (East) G-5/2, P.O.Box No.1296, Islamabad along with the documents described under in any Liaison /Branch or Head Office. In case of an Engineering graduate from foreign university / institute, the form shall be attested by a Professional Engineer of grade 18 or above, or by a senior engineer who is registered Professional / Consulting Engineer. Photo copies of CNIC, HSSC, Engineering degree and its transcripts duly attested by *any one of the above mentioned persons. In case, the degree has not been issued, duly attested photo copy of Provisional Certificate issued by the concerned university will be accepted initially for registration. But, the applicant will have to submit copy of degree within one year from the date of registration. Three passport size photographs with blue background, duly attested on the back side by *any one of the above mentioned persons. Index Card be filled by applicant with three specimen signatures in the space provided and attested by *any one of the above mentioned persons. Registration Fee can be deposited in PEC HQ, Islamabad or any PEC Branch/Liaison Office alongwith Bank draft, Pay order, Cheque in favour of Pakistan Engineering Council as per following rates: (i) Registration of fresh graduates from Pakistani universities = Rs 1,000/(including Rs 400 as processing fee and Rs 200/year for next three years including current year) (ii) Such graduates who could not obtain PEC registration would be charged fee with penalty of Rs 200/- per year from year of graduation in addition to fee mentioned in part (i) (iii) Registration of fresh graduates from Foreign Universities =Rs 5,000/-(including Rs.4,400 as processing fee and Rs.200/year for next three years including current year) (iv)A Registered Engineer shall obtain subsequent renewal within six months of its expiry on payment of Rs.500/year, failing which a penalty of Rs.500/year shall be imposed (v) A Registered Engineer has to obtain a minimum of five years practical experience in relevant field of engineering from a recognized engineering organization or institution or service and earn requisite credit points to become eligible for Engineering Practice Examination (EPE). (vi)A Registered Engineer(RE) will has to pass Engineering Practice Examination(EPE) to get a prestigious title of Professional Engineer(PE)

Reference: Professional development of engineers byelaws 2008 Note: Fee can also be deposited through on-line account No 700006-0 at MCB Corporate Branch (code 1134), Blue Area Islamabad. However, acknowledgement receipt must be attached with the application form.

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