This document outlines the bidding process for the procurement of MS angles by Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL).
It invites bids for the supply of 50X50X6 mm, 60X60X6 mm, and 45X45X5 mm MS angles in specified quantities. The total tender value is 1.5 lakhs INR. Bids must be submitted in two parts - Part I for EMD, technical, and commercial documents, and Part II for price bids.
Part I bids will be opened on the specified date in the presence of bidder representatives. Technical clarifications may be sought from bidders, and bids not meeting requirements will be rejected. Revised technical and
This document outlines the bidding process for the procurement of MS angles by Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL).
It invites bids for the supply of 50X50X6 mm, 60X60X6 mm, and 45X45X5 mm MS angles in specified quantities. The total tender value is 1.5 lakhs INR. Bids must be submitted in two parts - Part I for EMD, technical, and commercial documents, and Part II for price bids.
Part I bids will be opened on the specified date in the presence of bidder representatives. Technical clarifications may be sought from bidders, and bids not meeting requirements will be rejected. Revised technical and
This document outlines the bidding process for the procurement of MS angles by Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL).
It invites bids for the supply of 50X50X6 mm, 60X60X6 mm, and 45X45X5 mm MS angles in specified quantities. The total tender value is 1.5 lakhs INR. Bids must be submitted in two parts - Part I for EMD, technical, and commercial documents, and Part II for price bids.
Part I bids will be opened on the specified date in the presence of bidder representatives. Technical clarifications may be sought from bidders, and bids not meeting requirements will be rejected. Revised technical and
This document outlines the bidding process for the procurement of MS angles by Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL).
It invites bids for the supply of 50X50X6 mm, 60X60X6 mm, and 45X45X5 mm MS angles in specified quantities. The total tender value is 1.5 lakhs INR. Bids must be submitted in two parts - Part I for EMD, technical, and commercial documents, and Part II for price bids.
Part I bids will be opened on the specified date in the presence of bidder representatives. Technical clarifications may be sought from bidders, and bids not meeting requirements will be rejected. Revised technical and
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For and on behalf of the OPTCL, the undersigned invites bids under two-part bidding system in double-sealed cover, duly superscribed with tender specification number and date of opening, from manufacturers for supply of items and /or rendering the required services as required under the relevant specifications. The tenderer shall quote price in separate cover for both packages and order placed separately for both packages.
Sl. No Tender Specificatio n No. Pack -age Description of materials. Qty. In Nos. Earnest Money Deposit (In Rs.) Cost of Tender Spec. Document Last date of receipt & opening of tender 1. Sr.G.M. CPC- Tower Structural- 20/2005-06
The tender specification documents can be had from the office of the undersigned on payment of non-refundable cost of tender specification documents in the shape of cash from 10 A .M. to 3 P.M. during23.01.2006 to18.02.2006 (both days inclusive) on any working day either in person or by remitting demand draft payable to Drawing & Page 3 of 60 Disbursing Officer, Optcl Limited, Regd. Office: J anpath, Bhubaneswar- 751 022. No tender documents will be sold on any other day except as indicated. The specification can also be down loaded from OPTCLS official web site and the same may be submitted alongwith the cost of tender document by way of demand draft/pay order payable to D.D.O. OPTCL Ltd. J anapath, Bhubaneswar at the time of submission of tender document. In case any deviation is found in the tender document submitted by the tenderer from the content mentioned in our web site and/or non-submission of the cost of tender documents, the tender shall liable to be rejected at any stage of the contract. The tenderer has to indemnify OPTCL for any loss accruing due to such alteration in the terms and conditions of the tender document & or for such alternation, resulting, in the cancellation of the contract.
The intending bidders, who want to get a copy of the tender specification document by post, are required to deposit an additional amount of Rs.200/- over and above the cost of the tender specification, under heading Cost of tender specification. Complete bids for different items will be received upto 1 P.M. only and the same will be opened at 3 P.M. on respective date. Date and time of opening of price bids in respect of two-part tenders shall be intimated to the techno-commercially responsive bidders only. In the event of any specified date for the sale, submission or opening of bids being declared a holiday for purchaser, the bids will be sold/ received/ opened upto the appointed times on the next working day. Only one representative of each bidder will be allowed to participate in the bid opening. OPTCL also reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof, if the situation so warrants. OPTCL shall not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.
Minimum qualification criteria of bidders:
1. The bidder should be a manufacturer of all the MS Angles described above and should have earlier supplied at least equal quantity tendered for, during the last one year. 2. The materials must have been type tested within last five years from the date of quoting the tender. 3. The firm must deliver the materials within 2 months from the date of approval of the drawings.
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Clause Title Page 1. Submission of Bids. 8 2. Division of Specification. 8 3. Tenders shall be in two parts. 8 4. Opening of Bids. 8-9 5. Purchasers Right Regarding Alternation of Quantities Tendered. 10 6. Procedure & Opening Time of Tenders. 10 7. Bidders Liberty to Deviate from Specification. 10 8. Eligibility for submission of Bids. 10 9. Purchasers Right to Accept/Reject Bids. 10 10. Mode of Submission of Bids. 11 11. Earnest Money Deposit. 11 12. Validity of Bids. 12 13. P r i c e. 12-13 14. Revision of Tender Price By Bidders. 12-13 15. Tenderers to be fully Conversant with the Clause of the Specification. 13 16. Documents to Accompany Bids. 13-14 17. Documents/Papers to Accompany Part-II Bid. 14 18. Conditional Offer. 14 19. General. 14 Page 5 of 60 SECTION II GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (G.T.C.C.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Clause Title Page 1. Scope of the Contract. 15 2. Definition of term. 15-16 3. Manner of execution. 16 4. Inspection& Testing. 16-17 5. Training Facilities. 17 6. Rejection of Materials. 17-18 7. Experience of Bidders. 18 8. Language & Measures. 18-19 9. Deviation from Specification. 19 10. Right to Reject/Accept Any Tender. 19 11. Contractor to Inform Himself fully. 19 12. Patent Rights etc. 19-20 13. Delivery. 20 14. Despatch Instructions. 20 15. Contractors Default Library. 20-21 16. Force Major. 21 17. Extension of Time. 21 18. Guarantee Period. 21-22 19. Bank Guarantee towards Security Deposit, 100% Payment & Performance Guarantee. 22-23 20. Performance Guarantee. 24-25 21. Import License. 25 22. Terms of Payment. 25-26 23. Penalty for Delay in completion of Contract. 26-27 24. Insurance. 27 25. Payment due from the Contractor. 27 Page 6 of 60 26. Sales Tax & Income Tax Clearance, Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Accounts. 27 27. Certificate for Exemption from Excise Duty/Sales Tax. 27 28. Contractors Responsibility. 28 29. Validity. 28 30. Evaluation & comparison of Bids. 28 31. Minimum Qualification Criteria of Bidders. 28 32. J urisdiction of the High Court of Orissa. 28-29 33. Correspondences. 29 34. Official Address of the Parties to the Contract. 29 35. Outright Rejection of Tenders. 29 36. Documents to be Treated as Confidential. 30 37. Scheme/Project. 30 38. Annexures. 30
1. Submission of Bids:-
Sealed tenders in triplicate on two part basis, each complete in all respect, in the manner hereinafter specified are to be submitted in the office of Sr. General Manager (Procurement), OPTCL, Bhubaneswar on or before the date and time specified against the relevant tender Specification in the notice inviting the tenders. Each copy of the bids (original, duplicate and triplicate) shall be in separate double sealed envelopes superscribed on each of the covers the relevant tender Specification number and the due date of opening of the bids on the right hand top side of the envelopes. On the left top sides original/duplicate/triplicate as is relevant, shall be written.
2. Division of Specification: The Specification is mainly divided into two parts viz. Part-I and Part-II. Part- I Consists of (i) Section-I : Instructions to Tenderers. (2) Section-II : General conditions of supply (commercial) (iii) Section-III : Schedules and forms etc. (iv) Section-IV : Technical Specification. Part-II Consists of (i) Abstract of price components as per Annexure-IV. (i) Schedule of prices as per Annexure-V. 3. Tenders shall be in Two Parts The Tenderers are required to submit the tenders in two parts each in separate double sealed covers. Part-I shall be superscribed as E.M.D., technical and commercial and Part-II shall be superscribed as price bid. 4. Opening of Bids. (a) The Part-I shall be opened in the office of the Sr. General Manager (Procurement) in presence of such of the Tenderers or their authorized Page 8 of 60 representatives (limited to one person only) on the due date of opening of tender and after scrutiny of the technical particulars and other commercial terms, clarifications as may be required, shall be sought for from the bidders. The Tenderers shall be allowed 15 days time for such activity. (b) On receipt of technical clarification the bids shall be reviewed/evaluated and those not in conformity with the technical Specification/qualifying experience, shall be rejected. If any of the technical proposals requires modification to make them comparable, discussion will be held with the participating bidders. All the responsive bidders shall be given opportunity to submit the revised technical and revised price proposals as a follow up to the clarification on the technical proposals. The qualified bidders shall be given opportunity to submit revised price proposals within 15 days from the date of such discussion or within time frame mutually agreed, whichever is earlier. (c) When the revised price proposals are received, the original price proposals will be returned to the bidders unopened along with their original technical proposals. Only the revised technical and price proposals will be considered for bid evaluation. The price bids (Part-II) of such of the Tenderers, whose tenders have been found to be technically responsive, including those supplementary revised price bids, submitted subsequently, shall be opened, in the presence of the bidders or their representatives on a date and time which will be intimated to all technically acceptable Tenderers. (d) The bidders are required to furnish sufficient information to the Purchaser to establish their qualification/capability to manufacture and/or supply the materials/perform the work. Such information shall include details of bidders experience, its financial, managerial and technical capabilities. (e) The bidders are also required to furnish details of availability of appropriate technical staff and capability to perform after sales service where applicable. The above information shall be considered during the first stage of scrutiny and evaluation of bids and any bid which does not satisfactorily meet these requirements, shall not be considered for price bid evaluation. Page 9 of 60 (f) The price bids of the technically and otherwise acceptable bids, shall only be evaluated as per the norms applicable in terms of this Specification. 5. Purchasers Right Regarding Alteration of Quantities Tendered. The Purchaser may alter the quantities of materials/equipment at the time of placing orders. Initially the Purchaser may place order for lesser quantity with full freedom to place extension orders for further quantity under similar terms and conditions of the original orders. Order may also be split among more than one Tenderer for any particular item if considered necessary in the interest of the Purchaser. 6. Procedure & Opening Time of Tenders: Tenders will be opened in the office of the Sr. General Manager (Procurement) on the specified date and time in present of such of the Tenderers or their authorized representatives (limited to one person only) in case of each bidders who may desire to be present, at the time of opening the bids. The Sr. General Manager (Procurement) or his authorized representatives will, on opening each bid, read aloud the name of the bidder. He shall also read aloud the attested and un-attested corrections and shall record the number of such corrections on each page of the technical bid over his dated initials and also initial all such corrections. 7. Bidders Liberty to Deviate from Specification: The Tenderer may deviate from the Specification while quoting if in his opinion such deviation is in the line with the manufacturers standard practice and conducive to a better and more economical offer. All such deviations should however be clearly indicated giving full justifications for such deviation. (Read with Clause-9, Section-II of the Specification). 8. Eligibility for Submission of Bids. Tenderers who have purchased the Specification from the office or downloaded from the official website of OPTCL & deposited the tender cost while submitting the tender will only be considered. 9. Purchasers Right to Accept/Reject Bids. Page 10 of 60 The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons what so ever if it is in the interest of OPTCL under the existing circumstances. (Read with Clause-10, Section-II of the Specification).
10. Mode of Submission of Bids. (A) Bids, complete in all respect shall be submitted in person or by registered Post with A.D. Any other mode shall not be accepted. When delivered in person, the tenders shall be received by a responsible officer of the office of the Sr. General Manager (Procurement), OPTCL who shall officially acknowledge the receipt of the same. Tenders received after due date and time shall be returned un-opened. (B) Telegraphic, Telephonic or FAX Tenders shall not be accepted under any circumstances. 11. (i) Earnest Money Deposit. The tender shall be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit of value specified in the notice inviting tenders against each lot/bid subject to maximum of rupees five lakhs only. Tenders without the required E.M.D. or without documentary proof for exemption from furnishing E.M.D. as indicated at Annexure-X will be rejected outright and their Part-II envelope will be returned to them. The earnest money deposit shall be furnished in one of the following forms subject to the conditions mentioned below: (a) Cash: Payable to Drawing & Disbursing Officer, OPTCL (Hrs. Office, Bhubaneswar-751022. (b) Bank Draft: To be drawn in favour of the Drawing & Disbursing Officer, OPTCL (Hqrs. Office), Bhubaneswar-751022. (c) Bank Guarantee from any nationalized/scheduled Bank strictly as per enclosed proforma vide Annexure-VI to be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value worth Rs.29/- to be accompanied by the confirmation letter of the issuing Bank. Page 11 of 60 (d) National saving Certificates duly pledged in favour of Sr. General Manager (Procurement), OPTCL, (Hqrs. Office), Bhubaneswar- 751022. The validity of the E.M.D. Bank Guarantee shall be 240 days from the date of opening of tender, failing which the tender will be liable for rejection. (ii) No interest shall be paid on the Earnest Money Deposit. Up to Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty-five thousand) only the the Earnest Money Deposit may be made either in cash or Bank Draft.Above Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) the Earnest Money Deposit shall be furnished in shape of NSCs or EMD Bank Guarantee, as per proforma attached.
(ii) No adjustment towards Earnest Money Deposit shall be permitted Against any outstanding amount with the Optcl Limited (iii) The chart showing particulars of E.M.D. to be furnished by Tenderers of different categories is placed at Annexure-X. (iv) In the case of un-successful Tenderer the Earnest Money will be refunded Immediately after the tender is decided. In the case of successful tenderer, EMD will be refunded only after furnishing of security money referred to at Clause-19 of section II. Suits if any, arising out of this Clause shall be filed in a Court of law to which the jurisdiction of high court of Orissa extends. (v) Earnest Money will be forfeited if the Tenderer fails to accept the letter Of intent and /or purchase orders issued in his favour. (vi) Tenders not accompanied by Earnest Money/documentary proof of Exemption of E.M.D. shall be summarily rejected. 12. Validity of the Bids The tenders should be kept valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the tender as notified in the tender notice failing which the tenders will be rejected. 13. PRICE Tenderers are requested to quote FIRM price only. Page 12 of 60 14. Revision of Tender Price By Bidders (a) After opening of tenders and within the validity period, no reduction or Enhancement in price will be entertained. If there is any change in price, the tender shall stand rejected and E.M.D. deposited shall be forfeited. In case of bidders who are exempted from depositing E.M.D. and who revise their price within the validity period, the bids for similar items against subsequent tender call notice of OPTCL, may not be considered. (b) If required, the Tenderers may be asked to extend the validity period of bids under the same terms and conditions as per the original tender except for the change in delivery period, In such an event the Tenderers are free to change any or all conditions of their bids including price at their own risk. 15. Tenderers to be fully Conversant with the Clauses of the Specification. Tenderers are expected to be fully conversant with the meaning of all the Clauses of the Specification before submitting their tenders. In case of doubt regarding the meaning of any Clause the Tenderer may seek clarification in writing from the Sr. General Manager (Procurement) OPTCL. This however, does not entitle the Tenderer to ask for time beyond due date fixed for receipt of tender. 16. Documents to Accompany Bids Tenderers are required to submit tenders in the following manner :- Part-I of the Tender shall Contain the following Documents (I) Declaration Form. (As per Annexure I) (ii) Earnest Money /Documents in support of exemption from Earnest Money Deposit if any.(As per Annexure-VI) (iii) Technical Specification and Guaranteed Technical Particulars conforming to the Purchasers Specification along with drawings and literature. (iv) Photostat copies of latest type test certificate of materials/equipments offered. (Type tests should have been conducted within 5 years prior to the dated tender opening and not earlier). a. Abstract of Terms & Conditions in prescribed Proforma as per Annexure-II. Page 13 of 60 b. General Terms & Conditions of supply offer as per Section-II of specification. c. List of orders executed for similar items during preceding four years indicating the customers name & P.O. copies. d. Data on past experience as per Clause-7 of Section II of the Specification. e. Sales Tax, Income Tax clearance certificates, for the previous year. f. Audited Balance Sheet & Profit Loss Accounts for the previous two years. g. Schedule of quantity and delivery in the prescribed proforma vide Annexure-III. h. Orders in hand to be executed.
17. Documents/Papers to Accompany Part II Bid (a) Part II of the tender shall consist of the following. (i) Abstract of Price Components, as per Annexure-IV. (ii) Schedule of prices in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure V. 18. Conditional Offer Conditional offer shall not be accepted. 19. General i) Over writing shall be avoided ii) Erasures and other changes shall bear the dated initial of the person signing the tender. iii) In the event of discrepancy or arithmetical error in the schedule of price, the decision of the Purchaser shall be final and binding on the Tenderer. iv) For evaluation the price mentioned in words shall be taken if there is any difference in figure and words in the price bid. v) Notice inviting tender shall form part of this Specification. vi) The price bids of the technically and otherwise acceptable bids shall only be evaluated. The price bids of others (along with E.M.D. if any) shall be returned to the bidders unopened. Page 14 of 60
1. Scope of the Contract The scope of the contract shall be to manufacture supply of materials as per the Specification at the consignees store, and rendering service in accordance with the enclosed Technical Specification and bill of quantity/materials. 2.0 Definition of Terms For the purpose of this Specification and General Terms & Conditions of Contract (G.T.C.C.) the following words shall have the meanings hereby indicated, except where otherwise described or defined. 2.1 The Purchaser shall mean the Sr. General Manager (Procurement) for & on behalf of OPTCL LTD., Bhubaneswar. 2.2 The Engineer shall mean the engineer appointed by the Purchaser for the purpose of this contract. 2.2 Purchasers Representative shall mean any person or persons or consulting firm appointed and remunerated by the Purchaser to supervise, inspect, test and examine workmanship and materials of the equipment to be supplied. 2.3 The Contractor shall mean the Bidder whose bid has been accepted by the Purchaser and shall include the Bidders executives, Administrators, Successors and permitted assignees. 2.4 Equipment shall mean and include all machinery, apparatus, Materials, articles to be provided under the contract by the Contractor. 2.5 Contract Price shall mean the sum named in or calculated in accordance with the provisions of the contract as the Contract Price which shall include packing, forwarding, freight, insurance excise duty, sales tax, Octroi and other taxes and duties as applicable at the time of opening of bids. 2.6 General Conditions shall mean these General Terms and Conditions of Contract. Page 15 of 60 2.7 The Specification shall mean the Specification annexed to or issued with G.T.C.C. and shall include the schedules & drawings attached thereto as well as all samples and pattern, if any. 2.8 Month shall mean Calendar month. 2.9 Writing shall include any manuscript, type written, printed or other statement re-production in any visible form and whether under seal or under hand. 2.10 F.O.R. Destination Costs shall mean the cost of equipment and material at the consignees stores. The cost is exclusive of Excise duty, Sales Tax and other Local Taxes, but is inclusive of packing, forwarding and insurance and freight charges. 2.11 The term Contract documents shall mean and include G.T.C.C., Specifications, Schedules, Drawings, Form of Tender, Covering Letter, Schedule of Price of the final successful bidder any special conditions applicable to the particular contract, Specifications and drawings and the purchase order & the agreement to be entered into. 2.12 Terms and Conditions not herein defined shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them in the Indian Contract Act, failing that, in the Orissa General Clauses Act. 3. Manner of Execution All equipments supplied under the contract shall be manufactured in the manner set out in the Specification or where not set out, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Purchasers representative. 4. Inspection and Testing i) The Purchasers representative shall be entitled at all reasonable times during manufacture to inspect, examine and test on the Contractors premises the materials and workmanship of all equipment to be supplied under this contract and if part of the said equipment is being manufactured on other premises, the Contractor shall obtain for the Purchasers representative, permission to inspect, examine and test as if the equipment were being manufactured on the Contractors promises. Such inspection, examination and testing shall not release the Contractor from his obligations under the contract. Page 16 of 60 ii) The Contractor shall give to the Purchaser adequate time/notice(at least 5 days for inside the State suppliers and 15 days for outside the State suppliers) in writing for inspection of materials indicating the place at which the equipment is ready for testing and inspection and shall also furnish the Routine Test Certificates and Packing List along with offer for inspection to the Purchaser indicating the quantity which can be delivered in full truck load/Mini truck load to facilitate issue of dispatch instruction. iii) Where the contract provides for test on the Premises of the Contractor or of any of his Sub-Contractors, the Contractor shall provide such assistance, labour, materials, electricity, fuel and instruments as may be required or as may be reasonably demanded by the Purchasers representative to carryout such test effectively & efficiently. The Contractor is required to produce Routine Test Certificate before offering their materials for inspection. iv) After completion of the tests, the Purchasers representative shall forward the test results to the Purchaser. If the test results are satisfactory, the purchaser shall communicate the same to the Contractor in writing. The Contractor shall provide at least three copies of the test certificates to the Purchaser. v) The Purchaser has the right to have the tests carried out at his own cost by an independent agency whenever there is a dispute regarding the quality of supply. 5. Training Facilities The Contractor shall provide all possible facilities for training of Purchasers Technical personnel, where applicable when deputed by the Purchaser for acquiring first hand knowledge in assembly of the equipment and for its proper operation and maintenance in service if required. 6. Rejection of Materials In the event any of the materials/equipment supplied by the Contractor is found defective due to faulty design, bad workmanship, bad materials used or otherwise not in conformity with the requirements of the Specification, the Purchaser shall either reject the materials/equipment or ask the Contractor in writing to rectify the same. The Page 17 of 60 Contractor on receipt of such notification shall either rectify or replace the defective equipment free of cost of the Purchaser. If the Contractor fails to do so, the Purchaser may :- (a) As its option, replace or rectify such defective equipment and recover the extra costs so involved from the Contractor plus fifteen percent and /or. (b) Terminate the contract for balance work/supplies, with enforcement of penalty Clause as per contract for the un-delivered goods and with forfeiture of performance Guarantee/Composite Bank Guarantee. (c) Acquire the defective equipment/materials at reduced price, considered equitable under the circumstances. 7. Experience of Bidders : The bidders should furnished information regarding experience particularly on the following points:- i) Name of the Manufacture. ii) Standing of the firm and manufacture of equipment quoted: iii) Description of equipment similar to the quoted, supplied and installed during the last four years with the name(s) of the party(s) to whom supplies were made: iv) Details as to where installed etc: v) Testing facilities at manufacturers works: vi) If the manufacturer is having collaboration with another firm(s) details regarding the same. vii) A list of Purchase orders executed during the last four years along with users certificate. viii) Equipment capability & upto calibration certificate(s) . Bids may not be considered if the past manufacturing experience is found to be un-satisfactory or is of less than 4 years on the date of opening of the bid. 8. Language and Measures All documents pertaining to the contract including Specifications, Schedule, Notices, Correspondence, Operating & Maintenance instructions, Drawings or any other writing shall be written in English language. The metric system of measurement shall be used exclusively in this contract. Page 18 of 60 9. Deviation from Specification It is in the interest of the Tenderers to study the Specification, drawing etc. specified in the tender schedule thoroughly before tendering so that, if any deviations are made by the Tenderers the same are prominently brought out on a separate sheet under heading Deviations. A list of deviation shall be enclosed with the Tender. Unless deviation in scope, technical and commercial stipulations are specifically mentioned in the list of deviations, it shall be presumed that the Tenderer has accepted all the conditions stipulated in the tender Specification, not withstanding any exemptions mentioned therein. 10. Right to Reject/Accept Any Tender The Purchaser reserves the right either to reject or to accept any or all tenders if the situation so warrants in the interest of the Purchaser. Orders may also be split up between different Tenderers on individual merits of the Tenderer. The Purchaser has exclusive right to alter the quantities of materials at the time of placing final Purchase order. After placing of the order, the Purchaser may defer the delivery of the materials. It may be clearly understood by the Tenderer that the Purchaser need not, assign any reason for the above action(s). 11. Contractor to inform himself fully The Contractor shall examine the instructions to Tenderers, General Conditions of contract, Specification and the Schedules of Quantity and delivery to satisfy himself as to all terms and conditions and circumstances affecting the contract price. He shall quote price(s) according to his own views on these matters and understand that additional allowances except as otherwise provided therein will be levied. The Purchaser shall not be responsible for any misunderstanding or incorrect information obtaining by the Contractor other than the information given to the Contractor in writing by the Purchaser. 12. Patent Rights Etc. The Contractor shall indemnify the Purchaser against all claims, actions, suits and proceedings for the infringement or alleged infringement of any patent design or copy right protected either in the country of origin or in India by the use of any equipment/ materials supplied by the Contractor. But such indemnity shall Page 19 of 60 not cover any use of the equipment, other than for the purpose indicated by or reasonably to be inferred from the Specification. 13. Delivery (a) Time being essence of the contract, the equipment shall be supplied within the delivery date specified in the contract. The Purchaser, however, reserves the right to reschedule the delivery and change the destination if required. The delivery period shall be reckoned from the date of placing the Letter or Intent/Purchase order as may be specified in the LOI/Purchase order. (b) i) The desired delivery period shall not ordinarily exceed more than 3 months. ii) The quantity offered for inspection should tally with the lots prescribed for delivery in the purchase order. ii) Despatch instructions shall be issued to accommodate a full truck load/mini truck load. 14. Despatch instructions. i) The materials should be securely packed and dispatched directly to the consignee at the Contractors risk by Lorry Transport only. ii) Loading & Unloading of Ordered Materials. It will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor for loading and unloading & stacking of materials both at the factory site and at the destination store. The Purchaser shall have no responsibility on this account. 15. Contractors Default Liability. i) The Purchaser may, upon written notice of default to the Contractor, terminate the contract in circumstanced detailed hereunder. (a) If in the judgement of the Purchaser, the Contractor fails to make delivery of equipment within the time specified in the contract or within the period for which extension has been granted by the Purchaser in writing in response to written request of the Contractor. Page 20 of 60 (b) If in the judgement of the Purchaser, the Contractor fails to comply with any of the provisions of this contract. ii) In the event Purchaser terminates the contract in whole or in part as provided in Clause-15(i) of this section, the Purchaser reserves the right to purchase upon such terms and in such a manner as he may deem appropriate equipment/ material similar to those terminated and the Contractor will be liable to the Purchaser for any additional costs for such similar equipment and/or for penalty for delay as defined in Clause-23 of this section until such reasonable time as may be required for the final supply of equipment. iii) In the event the Purchase does not terminate the contract as provided in Clause 15(i) of this Section, Contractor shall continue executing the contract, in which case he shall be liable to the Purchaser for penalty for delay as set out in Clause-23 of this Section until the equipment is accepted. This shall be based only on written request of the supplier and written willingness of Purchaser. 16. Force Majeure: The Contractor shall not be liable for any penalty for delay or for failure to perform the contract for reasons of force Majeure such as acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of Govt., Fires, Floods, Epidemics, Quarantine restrictions, strikes, Freight Embargo, provided that the Contractor shall within ten (10) days from the beginning of such delay notify the Purchaser in writing of the cause of delay, upon which, the Purchaser shall verify the facts and grant such extension as facts justify. 17. Extension of Time. If the delivery of equipment/materials is delayed due to reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, the Contractor shall without delay give notice to the Purchaser in writing of his claim for an extension of time. The Purchaser on receipt of such notice may agree to extend the contract delivery date as may be reasonable but without prejudice to other terms and conditions of the contract. 18. Guarantee Period. Page 21 of 60 i) The stores covered by this Specification should be Guaranteed for satisfactory operation and against defects in design, materials and workmanship for a period of at least 18 (eighteen) months from the last date of delivery or 12 (twelve) months from the date of commissioning whichever is earlier. The above Guarantee Certificate shall be furnished in triplicate to the purchaser for his approval. Any defect noticed during this period should be rectified by the Contractor free of cost to the Purchaser provided such defects are due to faulty design, bad workmanship or bad materials used, upon written notice from the Purchaser. ii) Equipment/material failed or found defective during Guarantee period shall have to be guaranteed after repair/replacement for a further period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of receipt at the Stores after such repair/replacement which ever is earlier. Date of delivery as used in this Clause shall mean the date on which the materials are received in OPTCL stores in good condition, which are released for despatch by the Purchaser after due inspection. 19. Bank Guarantee towards Security Deposit, 100% Payment and performance Guarantee. i) For Manufacturers situated outside the State of Orissa.
A Composite Bank Guarantee as per the proforma enclosed at Annexure- VII of the specification for 10%(Ten percent) of the total FOR Destination cost of the purchase order, shall be furnished from any Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank to the office of Sr. General Manager (Procurement), OPTCL within 30 days of issue of purchase order. The Bank Guarantee shall be executed on non-judicial stamp paper worth of Rs.29/- or as applicable, as per the prevalent rules, valid for a period of 18 month from the last date of stipulated delivery period for scrutiny and acceptance, failing which the supply order will be liable for cancellation without any further written notice. The said Bank Guarantee should be accompanied or followed by a confirmation letter from the concerned Bank, before the Bank Guarantee is accepted and all concerned intimated. Page 22 of 60 ii) For Manufacturers situated inside the State of Orissa having SSI Status with Single Contract Not Exceeding Rs.5.00 lakhs. A composite Bank Guarantee as per the proforma enclosed at Annexure-VII of this Specification for 8.5% (Eight & half percent) of the total FOR Destination cost of the purchase order, shall be furnished from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank, to the office of Sr. General Manager (Procurement) within 30 days of issue of the purchase order. The Bank Guarantee shall be executed on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.29/- or as applicable, as per prevalent rules, valid for a period of 18 months from the last date of stipulated delivery period for scrutiny and acceptance, failing which, the supply order will be liable for cancellation without any further written notice. The said Bank Guarantee should be accompanied or followed by confirmation letter from the concerned Bank, before the Bank Guarantee is accepted and all concerned intimated. In the event of any breach or default in all or any of the conditions set-forth and provided in this supply contract, the Purchaser may forfeit the whole or part amount of Bank Guarantee which shall not in any way, affect, limit or extinguish any remedy or relief to which the above authority may at any time be lawfully entitled to. iii) For Manufacturer Having NSIC Registration/S.S.I. Units inside the State of Orissa. The Manufacturers coming under the above category are required to furnish a permanent Registration Fee of Rs.1.00 lakh (Rupees one lakh) only in cash or through NSC duly pledged in favour of OPTCL to cover E.M.D., Security Deposit, and payment Guarantees. Where the transaction of a firm is annually more than one crore, they shall furnish an amount of Rs.2.00 lakhs (Rupees two lakhs) only in the above manner towards E.M.D., Security Deposit and Guarantee towards payment. For the purpose of Performance Guarantee, Clause-20 (A) shall apply. In case of Orissa SSI Units a discount of 5% (five per cent) will be given on the above amount. No interest is payable on the cash deposits. Page 23 of 60 iv) The Orissa State Units those who are not covered under Clause-19 (ii) & (iii) above are required to furnish a composite Bank Guarantee for 10% of the value of the order in the manner, as indicated under Clause-19 (i) above. v) All Govt. undertakings whether Central or State are exempt from payment of Security Deposit. They are required to furnish Bank Guarantee for 5% of the value of the order for claiming 100% payment. As regards Performance Guarantee, Clause-20A shall be applicable and accordingly they have to furnish composite Bank Guarantee worth 7.5% of the value of the order. vi) No interest is payable on any kind of Bank Guarantee. vii) In case of non-fulfillment of contractual obligation as required in the detailed purchase order/specification, the composite Bank Guarantee/Permanent Registration Fee shall be forfeited. viii) The Composite/Performance Bank guarantee amount on the full order value shall be deducted from the first claim of the supplies made in cases where no Composite Bank Guarantee/Performance Bank Guarantee is furnished. 20. (A) Performance Guarantee The suppliers those who are not covered under Clause-19(i), (ii), (iv) of this Specification including Central/State Govt. undertaking are required to furnish a performance Guarantee to the tune of 2.5% of the total F.O.R. Destination cost of the purchase order in shape of Bank Guarantee from any Nationalised or Scheduled Bank on a non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.29/- or as applicable as per prevalent rules, as per the proforma at Annexure-VIII of the Specification. Such performance Bank Guarantee shall be furnished while delivering the first Lot of goods or within 30 days of issue of the purchase order whichever is earlier. The Bank Guarantee shall be valid to cover the guarantee period for the materials as stipulated under Clause -18 of the Specification. Such Bank Page 24 of 60 Guarantee shall be supported by the confirmation letter of the issuing Bank. (B) Annexure XI enclosed to the Specification may be referred to for details regarding security Deposit, Payment and Performance Guarantee. 21. Import License In case imported materials are offered no assistance will be given for release of foreign Exchange. The firm should arrange to import materials from their own quota. Equipment of indigenous origin will be preferred. 22. (A) Terms of Payment. i) When order are placed with manufacturers situated outside the State of Orissa, 100% value of each consignment with 100% excise duty, Entry Tax if any and Sales Tax in full at concessional rate along with Freight & Insurance charges will be paid on receipt of materials in good condition at stores/desired destination and verification thereof, subject to furnishing of Composite Bank Guarantee at the rate of 10% (Ten percent) of the cost of supplied materials/ or Permanent registration Fee as stipulated under Clause 19(i) & Clause 19 (iii) of this Specification & on prior approval of Guarantee Certificates & Test Certificates by the Purchaser. ii) When order are placed with manufacturers as covered under Clause 19 (iii) of the Specification, 100% payment will be made on deposit of Permanent Registration Fee as referred under the said Clause (i.e. Earnest Money, Security Deposit and Payment Guarantee) and simultaneously on receipt of materials in good conditions in store and verification there of and on approval of Guarantee Certificates and Test Certificates and Performance Guarantee by the Purchaser. iii) When the order for single contracts not exceeding Rs.5.00 lakhs are placed with manufacturers situated inside the State of Orissa, 100% value of each consignment with 100% Excise Duty, Sales Tax at concessional rate & Entry Tax, if any, along with Freight & Page 25 of 60 Insurance charges in full will be paid on receipt of materials in good condition at store/desired destination and verification thereof subject to furnishing of composite Bank Guarantee at the rate of 8.5% (Eight & half percent) as per Clause 19 (ii) of this Specification and approval of Guarantee Certificates and Test Certificates by the Purchaser. iv) When Orders are placed with a authorized Dealers/Traders (i.e. other than Manufacturers.
(a) 90% payment shall be made within 30 days on receipt of materials at site in good order and condition subject to approval of Guarantee Certificates and Test Certificates by the purchaser and furnishing of Composite Bank Guarantee as required under Clause 19 (i) of this Specification. (b) And balance 10% on receipt of materials and verification thereof, within 60 days from the date of release of 90% payment. v) Payment of Freight & Insurance Charges and Entry Tax.
Freight and Insurance Charges and entry Tax incorporated in the Purchase contract shall be paid after receipt of materials at stores/desired destination in good conditions and on production of authenticated documentary evidence. Otherwise no Freight, Insurance charges and Entry Taxes shall be payable. 22. (B) The supplier shall furnish Bank Guarantee of appropriate amount to OPTCL covering 10% Composite Bank Guarantee of F.O.R. Destination cost well in advance before despatch of materials. 23. Penalty for Delay in Completion of Contract.
If the Contractor fails to deliver the materials/equipments within the delivery schedule specified in the contract including delivery time extension, if any, granted thereto, the Purchaser shall recover from the Contractor penalty for a sum of one half of one percent (0.5 per cent) of the Ex-works price of the undelivered equipment for each calendar week of delay or any part thereof. For Page 26 of 60 this purpose the date of receipted challans shall be reckoned as the date of delivery. The total amount of penalty shall not exceed five per cent (5%) of the Ex-works price of the unit or units so delayed. Equipment will be deemed to have been delivered only when all its components, parts are also delivered. If certain components are not delivered in time, the equipment will be considered as delayed until such time as the missing parts are delivered. 24. Insurance Insurance of stores covered by this specification shall be done by the Suppliers unless otherwise stated. The responsibility of delivery of the stores at destination in good condition rests with the Supplier. Any claim with the Insurance Company or transport agency arising due to loss or damage in transit has to be settled by the Supplier. The supplier shall undertake free replacement of materials damaged or lost, which will be reported by the consignee within 30 days of receipt of materials at destination, without awaiting for the settlement of their claim with the carriers and underwriters. 25. Payment Due from the Contractor. All costs and damages, for which the Contractor is liable to the Purchaser, will be deducted by the Purchaser from any money due to the Contractor under any of the Contract(s). 26 Sales Tax & Income Tax Clearance, Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Account.
(i) Sales Tax and Income Tax clearance certificates valid upto the date of opening of Tender, should be enclosed with tender. (ii) Balance sheet and profit and loss account of the bidder duly certified by the Chartered Accountant for the previous 2 years should be enclosed to assess the financial soundness. 27. Certificate for exemption from Excise Duty/Sales Tax.
Offers with exemption from Excise duty including Sales Tax shall be accompanied with authenticated proof of such exemption. Authenticated proof for this Clause shall mean attested Photostat copy of exemption certificate.
Page 27 of 60
28. Contractors Responsibility. Not withstanding anything mentioned in the Specification or subsequent approval or acceptance by the Purchaser, the ultimate responsibility for design, materials used and satisfactory performance shall rest with the Tenderers. 29. Validity. Prices and conditions contained in the offer should be kept valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the tender, failing which, the tender shall be rejected. 30. Evaluation & Comparison of Bids.
(i) Weightage shall be given to the following factors in the Evaluation & Comparison of Bids.
(a) Early Delivery. (b) Past track record in delivery of similar items to OPTCL. (c) Track record in manufacture & supply of similar items to other utilities other than OPTCL. (d) Deviation in the bid vis--vis in the stipulation in the Bid Specification both in Technical and Commercial. (e) In comparing bids and in making awards, the Purchaser may consider such factors as compliance with Specification, relative quality & adaptability of supplies or services, experience, financial soundness, record of integrity in dealings, performance of materials/equipments earlier supplied, ability to furnish repairs and maintenance services, the time of delivery, capability to perform including available facilities such as adequate shops, plants, equipment and technical organization. 31. Minimum Qualification Criteria of Bidders.
All the prospective bidders are requested to note that their bids can only be considered for evaluation if they had supplied at least equal quantity earlier. Bids not fulfilling these criteria are liable for rejection and angles shall be tested at the works of the manufacturer as per ISS before issuing of dispatch clearance . 32. Jurisdiction of the High Court of Orissa. Page 28 of 60
Suits, if any, arising out of this contract shall be filed by either party in a Court of Law to which the jurisdiction of High Court of Orissa extends. 33. Correspondences.
i) Any notice to the Contractor under the terms of the contract shall be served by Registered Post or by hand at the Contractors Principal Place of Business. ii) Any notice to the Purchaser shall be served at the Purchasers Principal office in the same manner.
34. Official Address of the Parties to the Contract.
The address of the parties to the contract shall be specified: (i) Purchaser: Senior General Manager (Procurement) (CPC), OPTCL LTD, Bhubaneswar-751022. (ii) Supplier: Address: Telephone No. FAX No. 35. Outright Rejection of Tenders. Tenders shall be outsight rejected if they are not complying with the following requirements: i) Tenderer should have purchased/obtained the Bid specification document from the office of the Purchaser or down loaded from the website of OPTCL but shall deposit the tender cost while submitting the tender. ii) Tenders shall be submitted in person or by Registered Post with A.D. iii) Tenders shall not be submitted telegraphically or by FAX. iv) Tenders shall be accompanied by the prescribed Earnest Money Deposit unless otherwise qualified for exemption from furnishing of EMD. v) Tender shall be kept valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of Tender. vi) Tender shall be submitted in two parts as specified. Page 29 of 60 vii) Tenders shall be accompanied by a list of major supplies affected prior to the date of opening of tender. Data for 4 (four) years would be preferred. viii) The schedule of prices should be filled up fully to indicate the break-up of the prices including taxes and duties. Incomplete submission of this schedule will make the tender liable for rejection. (Vide Clause 5 (ii) of Part-II). ix) Tenderer should quote FIRM price and the price should be kept valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the tender. x) Tenderer must be a manufacturer of the MS Angles as per the technical specification and must have the requisite experience of five years in the manufacture. 36. Documents to be treated as Confidential. The Contractor shall treat the details of the Specification and other Tender documents as private and confidential and they shall not be reproduced without written authorization from the Purchaser. 37. Scheme/Projects. The materials/equipments covered in this Specification shall come under Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and construction projects of OPTCL .
Page 30 of 60
SECTION - III (LIST OF ANNEXURES) The following Schedules and proforma are annexed to this Specification and contained in Section - III as referred to in the relevant Clauses.
i) Declaration Form ANNEXURE-I ii) Abstract of Terms & Conditions to accompany Section II of Part I ANNEXURE-II iii) Schedule of Quantity & Delivery ANNEXURE-III iv) Abstract of Price Component (to accompany Part II of this Specification). ANNEXURE-IV v) Schedule of prices to accompany Part II ANNEXURE-V vi) Bank Guarantee form for Earnest Money Deposit. ANNEXURE-VI vii) Composite Bank Guarantee form for security Deposit, Payment & Performance. ANNEXURE-VII viii) Bank Guarantee Form for Performance Guarantee. ANNEXURE-VIII ix) Bank Guarantee form for 100%. ANNEXURE-IX x) Chart showing particulars of E.M.D. forms label by Tender of different categories. ANNEXURE-X xi) Chart showing particulars of Bank Guarantee furnishable by Tenderers of different categories for Security Deposit, Payment and Performance. ANNEXURE-XI
Page 31 of 60
1. Having examined the above specification together with Tender conditions referred to therein I/We the undersigned hereby offer to supply the materials covered thereon complete in all respects as per the Specification and General Conditions, at the rates entered in the attached contract schedule of prices in the Tender. 2. I/We hereby undertake to have the materials delivered within the time specified in the Tender. 3. I/We here guarantee the technical particulars given in the Tender supported with necessary reports from concerned authorities. 4. I/We certify to have purchased/down loaded a copy of the Specification by remitting Cash/Money order/ D.D./ remitting the cost of tender, herewith and this has been acknowledged by your letter No.________________ Dated_____________________ 5. In the event of Purchase order being decided in my/our favour, I/We agree to furnish the Security Deposit in the manner acceptable to OPTCL LTD. and for the sum as applicable to me/us per Clause-19 of Section II of this Specification within 15 days of issue of Letter of intent/Purchase order failing which I/We clearly understand that the said Letter of intent/Purchase order will be liable to be withdrawn by the Purchaser. Signed this ___________________ day of _______________20___________
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Tenderer With Seal of the Company (This form should be fully filled up by the Tenderer and submitted along with the original copy of Tender)
Page 32 of 60 ANNEXURE II
1 Earnest Money Furnished (a) Cash (b) Bank Guarantee (c) Bank Draft (d) Proof in support of EPM Registration/DGS &D/NSIC (e) Permanent Registration Fee
2 Manufacturers/supply experience including users certificate furnished or not. (As per Clause No.7 of Section II)
Yes/No 3 Deviations to the Specification in any (list enclosed or not. (As per Clause 9 of the section II)
Yes/No 4 Delivery: (a) Date of Commencement (b) Rate of delivery per month
5 Guarantee: Whether agreeable to OPTCLs terms (As per Clause 18 of Section II)
Yes/No 6 Whether agreeable to furnish Security Deposit in case his tender be successful. (As per Clause 19 of Section II)
Yes/No 7 Whether agreeable to furnish Performance Guarantee as per Clause 20 of Section II
Yes/No 8 Terms of Payment: Whether agreeable to OPTCLs standard terms of payment or not. (As per clause 22 of Section II)
Yes/No 9 Nature of Price: Firm
Page 33 of 60 10 Penalty: Whether agreeable to OPTCLs terms or not (As per Clause 23 of Section II)
Yes/No 11 Whether ITCC/STCC/P&L A/C. for the required period are furnished as per Clause- 26 of Section II
Yes/No 12 Validity: - Whether agreeable to OPTCLs terms or not. (As per Clause 29 of Section II)
Yes/No 13 Whether recent type test certificate from any Govt. approved laboratory is furnished or not. (As per Clause 35(vii) of Section II)
Yes/No 14 Whether guaranteed technical particulars are furnished or not.
Yes/No 15 Whether dimensional design/drawings furnished or not.
Yes/No 16 Whether materials are I.S.I/I.S.O marked Yes/No
17 Manufacturers name and its trade mark. Yes/No
Place ________________ Date ________________ Signature of the Tenderer With Seal of the Company Page 34 of 60 ANNEXURE III
Sl. No Description Quantity Required Desired Delivery Destination. 1. (a) 70 KN Disc MS Angles. (b) 90 KN Disc MS Angles. (c) 120 KN Disc MS Angles (d) 160 KN Disc MS Angles. (e) 33 KV Post MS Angles. (f) 120 KN Long rod MS Angles. (g) 90 KN long rod MS Angles 14000 Nos.
39000 Nos.
37000 Nos.
30000 Nos.
50 Nos.
350 Nos.
300 Nos.
Within Three months. -do-
-do- Any store within the Orissa State will be indicated in the Purchase Order
NB : The details delivery programme and quantity to be delivered will be intimated at the time of placement of the Purchase Order.
Page 35 of 60
Place :____________________ Signature of the Tenderer Date :____________________ With Seal of Company
Page 36 of 60
Page 37 of 60 ANNEXURE V (To Accompany Price Bid Part-II)
Item No. Description Qnty. Unit Ex- factory Price Unit Packing & Forwarding Unit Freight Unit Insurance Unit Landing Cost at Destination Store Excluding S.T., E.D., and Octroi Unit E.D Unit S.T Unit Entry Tax Unit any other Tax. Unit Landing Cost including All Taxes & Duties Total Landing Cost including All Taxes & Duties 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13=(8+9+10+11+12) 14=(3x13)
Place : Signature of Tenderer Date : With Seal of the Company
N.B. : 1. The Tenderers should fill up this schedule properly & in full. The tender may be rejected if the schedule of price is submitted in incomplete form. No post tender correspondence will be entertained on break up of prices. No columns should be left blank. It has either to be filled up with specific figures or N.A. or Nil. 2. In case where F&I components are not specifically indicated in this schedule, 5% of the Ex-works price shall be taken towards F&I components for the purpose of comparison of price. 3. The Tenderer has to certify in the Price Bid that MODVAT benefit, if any, has been fully passed on to the Purchaser while quoting the tender price. 4. Conditional offers will not be acceptable. 5. The Bidders are to clearly, indicate the period up to which the Tax Holidays are available to them. 6. Price Bid in any other format will not be acceptable and the offer will be rejected.
Ref : Date : Bank Guarantee No:
1. In accordance with invitation to Bid No._______Dated ______________of OPTCL LTD (OPTCL) (hereinafter referred to as the OPTCL) for the purchase of ___________________________________________ Messers___________________________________________________________ _______Address____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ wi sh/wi shed to parti ci pate i n the sai d tender and as a Bank Guarantee for the sum of Rs. (Rupees___________________________) valid for period of 240 days (Two Hundred Forty Days) is required to be submitted by the Tenderer. We the _____________________________________ (Indicate the name of Bank) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) at the request of M/s_______________________ (hereinafter referred to as Contractor(s) do hereby unequivocally and Un-conditionally guarantee and undertake to pay during the above said period, on written request by the Sr. General Manager (Procurement) Optcl Ltd. ____________________________ (Indicate designation of the Purchaser) An amount not exceeding Rs._________ to the said OPTCL, without any reservation. The guarantee would remain valid up to 4.00 P.M. of ________(date) and if any further extension to this is required, the same will be extended on receiving instructions from the ______________________________ on whose behalf this guarantee has been issued. 2. We the ___________________________________ do hereby, further undertake (Indicate the Name of the Bank) to the pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the OPTCL stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the OPTCL by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or Page 39 of 60 conditions or failure to perform said Bid. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.__________. 3. We undertake to pay the OPTCL any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes so raised by the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding instituted/pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there- under and the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We the ___________________________ further agree that the guarantee here-in (Indicate the Name of the Bank) contained shall remain in full force and effect during the aforesaid period of 240 days (Two Hundred Forty Days) and it shall continue to be so enforceable till all the dues to the OPTCL under or by virtue of the said Bid have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Chairman-Cum-Managing Director, OPTCL LTD. certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Bid have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the ___________________we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. 5. We the ______________________________ further agree with the OPTCL that (Indicate the Name of the Bank) the OPTCL shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Bid or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the OPTCL against the said Contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said bid and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, postponement or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance act or omission on the part of the OPTCL or any indulgence by the OPTCL to the said Page 40 of 60 Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so reliving us. 6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the name, style and constitution of the Bank or the Contractor(s).
7. We __________________________________ lastly undertake not to revoke this (Indicate the Name of the Bank) guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the OPTCL in writing.
Dated the _____________________ Date of __________________
Witness :(With signature, name & address)
For _____________________________________________ (Indicate the name of Bank) Page 41 of 60 ANNNEXURE VII
This Guarantee Bond is executed this ____________Day of ___________ 20_____ by us the _____________________________ Bank at ___________________ P.O. ___________________, P.S. ___________________ Dist. ______________ State ___________________________. 1. WHEREAS the OPTCL LTD a body corporate constituted under the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 (hereinafter called the OPTCL) has placed orders No. ____________ date _____________ (hereinafter called The Agreement) on M/s____________________ (hereinafter called The Contractor) for supply of materials. AND WHEREAS the Contractor has agreed to supply materials to the OPTCL in terms of the said agreement, AND WHEREAS the OPTCL has agreed (1) to exempt the Contractor from making payment of Security, (2) to release 100% payment of the cost of materials as per the said agreement and (3) to exempt from performance guarantee on furnishing by the Contractor to the OPTCL, a Composite Bank Guarantee of the value of 10% (Ten percent)/8.5%(Eight & Half percent) of the contract price of the said agreement. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the OPTCL having agreed (1) to exempt the Contractor from making payment of Security (2) releasing 100% payment to the Contractor and (3) to exempt from furnishing performance guarantee in terms of the said agreement as aforesaid, we the ________________ ____________(Bank) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay the OPTCL an amount not exceeding Rs._________(Rupees __________ ________________________) against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by or would be caused to or suffered by the OPTCL by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement. Page 42 of 60 2. We (the_______________________________Bank) do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on demand from the OPTCL stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or suffered by the OPTCL by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement or by reason of the Contractors failure to perform the said agreement. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due any payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.__________ (Rupees______________________________________________). 3. We the _______________________________(Bank) also undertake to pay to the OPTCL any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding instituted/pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the Contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We, (_______________________________ Bank) further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and affect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to do so enforceable till all the dues of the OPTCL under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Chairman-Cum-Managing Director, OPTCL LTD. Certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this Guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the (Date__________________) we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. 5. We, (_______________________________ Bank) further agree that the OPTCL shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any Page 43 of 60 manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variations or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the OPTCL or any indulgence by the OPTCL to the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but this provisions have effect of so relieving us. 6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the name, style and constitution of the Bank and Contractor(s). 7. We, (_______________________________ Bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the OPTCL in writing. Date at ______________ the ________________ Day of _________________ ____________________________ Two thousand _________________________
For __________________________________
(Indicate the name of the Bank) Witness: (with signature, names and addresses) 1. 2. Page 44 of 60 A N N E X U R E V I I I PROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE.
1. In consideration of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director, OPTCL LTD. (Hereinafter called The OPTCL) having agreed to exempt M/s._____________________________________ hereinafter called the said Contractor(s) from the demand under the terms & conditions of an agreement No._____________ dated _________ made between ________ ________________and_______________for _____________________________ (hereinafter called the said Agreement) for security Deposit for satisfactory performance of materials (as detailed in the said agreement) during the guarantee period (as detailed in the said agreement) and for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor(s) of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement on production of Bank Guarantee for Rs.___________ (Rupees________________ ______________________) only. We ___________________________________ (Indicate the name of the Bank) Bank limited (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) at the request of ___________ _____________Contractor(s) do hereby undertake to pay to the OPTCL an amount not exceeding Rs._________ (Rupees ___________________ only) against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to suffered by the OPTCL by reasons any of breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement. 2. We ________________________________ Bank Limited do hereby undertake to (Indicate the name of the Bank) Pay the amount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the OPTCL stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damaged caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the OPTCL by reasons of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement or by reasons of the Contractors failure to perform the said agreement. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an Page 45 of 60 amount not exceeding Rs. __________________ (Rupees ___________________ _______________________). 3. We the _______________________________ Bank Limited further agree to pay the OPTCL any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s)/Suppliers(s) in any suit or proceeding instituted/pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto, out liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We the _______________________________ Bank Limited further agree that the (Indicate the name of the Bank) guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be so enforceable till all the dues of the OPTCL under or by virtue of the said agreement, have been full paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or until Chairman-cum-Managing Director, OPTCL LTD. Certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly, discharges this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under the guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the expiry of Eighteen months from the last delivery of materials or Twelve months from its use whichever is earlier we shall be discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter. 5. We the ______________________________ Bank Limited further agree with the (Indicate the name of the Bank) OPTCL that the OPTCL shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reasons of any such variation, postponement, or extension being granted to the Page 46 of 60 said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing what so ever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving us. 6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the name, style and constitution of the Bank or the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s). 7. We the ____________________________ Bank Limited lastly undertake not to (Indicate the name of the Bank) revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the OPTCL in writing. 8. This performance Bank Guarantee will remain in force up to _________________ Dated the _____________ Day of _______________________ 20 ___________.
Witness with signature, names & address:
For ____________________________ Bank Limited. (Indicate the name of the Bank) Page 47 of 60 A N N E X U R E IX PROFORMA FOR BANK GUARANTEE FOR 100% PAYMENT.
1. In consideration of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director, OPTCL LTD (hereinafter called The OPTCL) having agreed to allow M/s. ______________________________________ (hereinafter called the said Contractor(s), 100% payment on proof of verification of the materials delivered under the terms and conditions of an agreement No._____________ Dated____________ made between OPTCL LTD., Bhubaneswar and M/s. _____________ ____________________ for supply of materials (as detailed in the said agreement) and for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor(s) of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement, on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs.____________ (Rupees) ____________________________ _________________. We (the ______________________________________ _____________________ Bank) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay to the OPTCL an amount not exceeding Rs._____________ (Rupees ___________________________________) against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by or would be caused to or suffered by the OPTCL by reasons of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement. 2. We (the __________________________ Bank) do hereby under take to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the OPTCL stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or suffered by the OPTCL by reasons of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement or by reason of the Contractor(s) failure to perform the said agreement. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs._________ (Rupees _________________________________). 3. We the _________________________________ Bank also undertake to pay to the OPTCL any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes Page 48 of 60 raised by the Contractor(s)/Suppliers(s) in any suit or proceeding instituted/pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and the Contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We, (_________________________________ Bank) further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be so enforceable till all the dues of the OPTCL under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Chairman-cum-Managing Director, OPTCL LTD. Certificates that the terms & conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the (Date ____________) we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. 5. We the ______________________________ Bank Limited further agree with the OPTCL that the OPTCL shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reasons of any such variation, postponement, or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing what so ever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving us. 7. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the name, style and constitution of the Bank or the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s). 7. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the name, style & constitution of the Bank or the contractors/suppliers. Page 49 of 60 8. We, (___________________________________ Bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with previous consent of the OPTCL in writing. This performance Bank Guarantee will remain in force up to _________________
Date at ______________ the ________________ Day of _________________ ____________________________ Two thousand _________________________
Witness with signature, names & address:
For ____________________________ Bank Limited. (Indicate the name of the Bank) Page 50 of 60 ANNEXURE - X CHART SHOWING PARTICULARS OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT FURNISHABLE BY TENDERS OF DIFFERENT CATAGORIES
1. Small Scale Industrial Units of State of Orissa holding Permanent Registration with Directorate of Export Promotion & Marketing, Govt. of Orissa to manufacture Equipments/Materials/Products covered in the specification.
Exempted, provided proof of such Registration is furnished along with the Tender. 2. Small Scale Industrial Units holding Permanent Registration with National Small Scale Industries Corporation (N.S.I.C) under single point Registration Scheme to manufacture Equipment/Materials/Products covered in the specification.
Exempted, provided proof of such Registration is furnished along with the Tender. 3. Small Scale Industrial Units of State of Orissa those who have furnished Permanent Registration Fee (P.R.F.) as per Clause-19 (iii) of Section-II of the Specification.
Exempted, provided proof of such Registration is furnished along with the Tender. 4. Small Scale Industrial Units of State of Orissa holding Provisional Registration with Directorate of Industries Orissa or Directorate of Export Promotion & Marketing, Govt. of Orissa to manufacture Equipments/Materials/Products covered in the specification.
The amount of E.M.D. as specified in the Specification/Tender Notice in shape of Bank Guarantee or Cash/D.D. 5. Central & State Govt. undertakings Exempted. 6. Self Employed entrepreneur of the State of Orissa. Exempted, provided documentary proof in support of receipt of Financial Assistance from Govt./Nationalised Banks, is furnished.
7. Outside State Units having Permanent Registration with N.S.I.C/D.G.S & d. under their single point Registration Scheme to manufacture Equipments/Materials/ Products covered in the Specification.
Exempted, provided proof of such Registration is furnished along with the Tender. Page 51 of 60 8. Small Scale Industries of the State of Orissa those who are registered with District Industries Centers (D.I.C). The amount of E.M.D. as specified in the Specification/Tender Notice in shape of Bank Guarantee or Cash/D.D.
9. Outside State Units those which are having Permanent Registration with OPTCL as A Class Supplier/Contractors. (Against furnishing of Annual bank Guarantee).
Exempted against proof of documents. 10. All other Units who are not covered in the above list. The amount of E.M.D. as specified in the Specification/Tender Notice in shape of Bank Guarantee or Cash/D.D.
N.B : (a) Refund of E.M. Deposit: In case of un-successful Tenderers, the Earnest Money will be refunded immediately after the tender is decided. In case of successful Tenderer, this will be refunded only after furnishing of Security Deposit, Bank Guarantee referred to in Clause No.19 of Section-II of this Specification.
Suits if any arising out of E.M.D. shall be filed in a Court of Law to which the jurisdiction of High Court of Orissa extends.
(b) Earnest Money will be forfeited if the tender fails to accept the letter of intent/Purchase order issued in his favour or revises the Bid Price(s) within the validity period of Bid.
Page 52 of 60 ANNEXURE XI
Sl. No. Category of Tenderers Security Deposit Payment Performance Remarks 1. Small scale Industrial Units of the State of Orissa to manufacture Equipments/Materials/Products covered in the Specification. a) 1% of FOR Destination cost if Permanent Registration Fee in shape of NSC/Cash as per Clause-19 (iii) of section II of the Specification is not furnished. b) Exempted if Permanent Registration Fee in shape of NSC/Cash as per Clause-19 (iii) of section II of the Specification is not furnished.
a) 5% of FOR Destination cost in shape of Bank Guarantee if Permanent Registration Fee (P.R.F.) is not furnished vide Clause-19 (iii) of Section- II of the Specification. b) Exempted if Permanent Registration Fee in shape of NSC/Cash as per Clause-19 (iii) of section II of the Specification is not furnished. 2.5% of FOR Destination cost in shape of Bank Guarantee vides Clause- 20 of Section-II of the Specification.
2. Small scale Industrial Units of the State of Orissa holding -do- -do- -do Page 53 of 60 Permanent Registration with National Small Industries (N.S.I.C) under single point single point Registration Scheme to manufacture equipments/materials/products covered in the Specification.
3. Small scale Industrial Units of the State of Orissa those who have furnished Permanent Registration Fee (P.R.F.) as per Clause-19 (iii) of section II of the Specification is not furnished.
Exempted Exempted 2.5% of FOR Destination cost in shape of Bank Guarantee vides Clause- 20 of Section-II of the Specification.
4. Small scale Industrial Units of the State of Orissa holding Provisional Registration with the Directorate of Industries, Orissa or Directorate of Export Promotion & Marketing, Orissa to manufacture Equipments/Materials/Products covered in the Specification. 1% 5% 2.5% of FOR Destination cost in shape of Bank Guarantee vides Clause- 20 of Section-II of the Specification.
5. Central & State Govt. undertakings. Exempted 5%B.G. 2.5% of FOR Destination cost in shape of Bank Guarantee vides Clause-
Page 54 of 60 20 of Section-II of the Specification. 6. Self Employed Entrepreneurs of the State of Orissa. 1% 5%B.G. 2.5% of FOR Destination cost in shape of Bank Guarantee vides Clause- 20 of Section-II of the Specification.
7. Small & Tiny Units of the State of Orissa having S.S.I. status for order value not exceeding 5 Lakhs.
8.5% Composite Bank Guarantee which covers Security Deposit, Payment Performance Guarantee.
8. Outside State Units having Permanent Registration with N.S.I.C/D.G.S & D. under their single point Registration Scheme to manufacture Equipments/Materials/Products covered in the Specification. 10% Composite Bank Guarantee which covers Security Deposit, Payment & Performance Guarantee.
9. Outside state Units those which are having Permanent Registration with OPTCL (Against furnishing of Annual Bank Guarantee). 10% Composite Bank Guarantee which covers Security Deposit, Payment & Performance Guarantee.
10. All other Units who are not 10% Composite Bank Page 55 of 60 covered in the above list. Guarantee which covers Security Deposit, Payment & Performance Guarantee.
N.B.: Bank guarantee, requiring extension of Validity period/Amendments if any, should be executed on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs .29/ -(Rupees Twenty nine) only and shall be accomplished with confirmation letter of the issuing Bank.
Page 56 of 60
LOT-1 45X45X5 MM LOT-II 50X50X6 MM LOT-III 60X60X6 MM
45X45X5 mm, 50x50x6 mm & 60x60x6 mm M.S. ANGLE
1. SCOPE : The specification covers design, manufacturing, testing and supply of M.S. angle of size 45x45x5mm, 50x50x6mm & 60x60x6 mm as mentioned in the schedule of quantity of TATA/SAIL/ or any other reroller manufacturing as per ISS suitable for the use in structural steels.
2. APPLICABLE STANDARD: Except when they conflict with the specific requirements in this specification, the G.I. angle shall comply with the following Indian Standards.
(i) IS-226/75 - Specification for structural steel.
(ii) IS-2062/92 - Steel for general structural purposes.
3. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: All the M.S. Angles shall be of good finish and free from flows and other defects. The edges on the outside shall be rounded smooth.
The Dimensions & Properties: Sl. No. Particulars. MS Angle. 45x45x5 mm MS Angle. 50x50x6 mm MS Angle. 60x60x6 mm MS Angle. i. Dimensions 45x45x5 mm 50x50x6 mm 60x60x6 mm ii. Sectional area in sq. cm. 5.07 5.68 As per ISS iii. Weight in Kg./Mtr 4.0 4.50 As per ISS iv. Moment of Inertia. (a) Ixx 9.20 cm4 12.9 cm4 As per ISS (b) Iyy 9.20 cm4 12.9 cm4 As per ISS V. Radius of Gyration. (a) Rxx 1.35 cm 1.51 cm As per ISS (b) Ryy 1.35 cm 1.51 cm As per ISS vi. Modulus of Section. (a) Zxx 2.9 cm3 3.6 cm3 As per ISS Page 58 of 60 (b) Zyy 2.9 cm3 3.6 cm3 As per ISS
NOTE: The Yield Strength must be 255 N/
Page 59 of 60
45X45X5 mm, 50x50x6 mm & 60x60x6 mm M.S. ANGLE
Sl. No. Particulars. MS Angle. 45x45x5 mm MS Angle. 50x50x6 mm MS Angle. 60x60x6 mm MS Angle. 1. Maker's Name & Country. 2. Designation 3. Weight per meter. 4. Sectional area. 5. Depth of Section. 6. Corner radius. 7. Moment of Inertia. 8. Radiation of Gyration. 9. Modulus of Section. 10. Tolerance in dimensions. 11. Any other particulars.
Page 60 of 60
Item. Quantity. Desired Delivery. Destination. 50x50x6 mm MS angle conforming to IS:2062
25 MT 60x60x6 mm MS Angle 15 MT 45x45x5 mm MSD Angle.
20 MT
To months from the placement of Purchase Order.
Any OPTCL Store within state of Orissa will be indicated later on.
The detail delivery programme and the quantity to be delivered will be intimated at t6he time of placement of Purchase Order.