Tender Documents Basket Ball PDF

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International Institute of Information Technology

Naya Raipur – 492002




1. Bids in sealed cover are invited for Construction of items listed in

Part III of this OPEN TENDER. Please super-scribe the above mentioned
Title, OPEN TENDER number and date of opening of the bids on the sealed
cover to avoid the bid being declared invalid.

2. The address and contact numbers for sending bids or seeking

clarifications regarding this OPEN TENDER are given below –

Bids/queries to be addressed to: Estate officer,IIIT-Naya Raipur

Postal address for sending the bids: IIIT-Naya Raipur ,Plot no 7
,Sector-24,Naya Raipur-492002
Name/designation of the contact personnel:Shri Rakesh Kumar Mishra.
Telephone numbers of the contact personnel: 07712474036
E-mail ID's of contact personnel: rakesh@iiitnr.edu.in

3. This OPEN TENDER is divided into five Parts as follows:-

(a) Part I. Contains general information and instructions for the

Bidders about the OPEN TENDER such as the time, place of submission and
Opening of tenders, validity period of tenders, Eligibility, etc.
(b) Part II. Contains essential details of the items/services required,
such as the schedule of requirements (SOR), Technical specifications,
delivery period, mode of delivery and consignee details.
(c) Part III. Contains standard conditions of OPEN TENDER, which will form
part of the contract with the successful Bidder.
(d) Part IV. Contains special conditions applicable to this OPEN TENDER
and which will also form part of the contract with the successful Bidder.
(e) Part V. Contains evaluation criteria and format for Price

4. This OPEN TENDER is being issued with no financial commitment and

the buyer reserves the right to change or vary any part thereof at
any stage. Buyer also reserves the right to withdraw the OPEN
TENDER, should it become necessary at any stage.
5. No tender document shall be sold by the institute. Prospective
bidder may download the tender paper from the institute website and
submit the bid in the institute in due time &date as mentioned in
the tender document.

Purchase Officer
Part I: General Information

1. Last Date and Time for Depositing the Bids 30 May 2017 By 14:30. The
sealed bids (both technical and commercial) should be deposited/reach by the
due date and time. The responsibility to ensure this lies with the bidder.

2. Manner of Depositing the Bids. The Technical and the Financial Bid of the
Tender should be covered in a separate sealed cover super scribing the wordings
―Technical Bid‖& ‗Financial Bid‖. The Technical and Commercial offer should be
submitted on the due dates on the FIRM‘s letter head in a separate sealed
COURT AT IIIT-NR”. Sealed bid should be dropped in the Tender Box marked as
IIIT-NR. Cost of Tender Document will be Rs 1000/-(non refundable) in the
form of a DD/ Banker cheque (not personal cheque) in favour of IIIT NAYA
RAIPUR Payable at Raipur and the same is to be submitted along with the
Technical bid.

3. Time and Date for Opening of Bids 30 May 2017 By 15:00 Hrs.
(If due to any exigency, the due date for opening of the Bids is declared a
closed holiday, the Bids will be opened on the next working day at the same
time or on any other day/time, as intimated to the Buyer through institute
website only).

4. Location of the Tender Box. IIITNR-Naya Raipur Chamber of Estate Officer

5. Place of Opening of the Bids. IIITNR (Naya Raipur)

The bidders may depute their representatives, duly authorized in writing, to
attend the opening of Bids on the due date and time. Rates and important
commercial/technical clauses quoted by all Bidders will be read out in the
presence of the representatives of all the Bidders after the commercial bid
is opened. This event will not be postponed due to non-presence of your

6. Two-Bid System. Technical Bid would be opened and the tenders found
eligible will go for opening of Commercial Bid on the same day or any other
day as decided by competent authority and Ineligible tenders commercial bids
will not be opened.

7. Clarification Regarding Contents of the OPEN TENDER. A prospective bidder

who requires clarification regarding the contents of the bidding documents
shall notify to the Buyer in writing about the clarifications sought not
later than 20 May 2017.Clarification if any shall be notified on the IIIT-NR
website in the form of Corrigendum and no separate paper publication shall
be made. Bidders are advised to be in constant touch with institute website.
8. Pre-Bid Meeting. NA
9. Rejection of Bids. Canvassing by the Bidder in any form, unsolicited
letter and post-tender correction may invoke summary rejection with
forfeiture of EMD. Conditional tenders will be rejected.
10. Validity of Bids. The Bids should remain valid till 90 days from the
date of opening of the commercial bid.

11. Earnest Money Deposit. Bidders are required to submit Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD) for amount of Rs. 30000.00(Thirty thousand rupees)along with
their bids. The EMD may be submitted in the form of an Account Payee Demand
Draft drawn in favour of IIIT Naya Raipur payable at Raipur, EMD is to
remain valid for a period of 90 days. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will
be returned to them at the earliest. The Bid Security of the successful
bidder would be returned, without any interest whatsoever, after the receipt
of Performance Security from them as called for in the contract. The EMD
will be forfeited if the bidder withdraws or amends impairs or derogates
from the tender in any respect within the validity period of their tender.

12. Cost of Tender. Cost of Tender Document will be Rs 1000/-(non

refundable) in the form of a DD/ Banker cheque (not personal cheque) in
favour of The IIIT NAYA RAIPUR Payable at Raipur and the same is to be
submitted along with the Technical bid.

13. Eligibility Criteria:- Firm/bidders blacklisted at any stage or by any

NITs/IITs/IIITs/ Central Universities/Central/State Government body/PSUs
etc. need not to apply.
(a) The bidder should be an Indian registered company engaged in
Civil Construction works. The bidder should have sufficient
Infrastructure, technical expertise and financial strength to
undertake the contract.
(b) Minimum AVERAGE ANNUAL TURNOVER of Rs. 50 Lakh in the last 3
financial years. (Balance sheet/CA certificate to be enclosed, duly
supported by the income tax return for financial years 2014-15, 2015-
16, 2016-17).
(c) The bidder should have experience of similar work experience with
with reputed organization, in last 03 years out of three one project
must be order value of RS 15 lakhs and above. The nature of completed
work should be satisfactory completion of project in various
Government Institutes/Reputed Firms/PSUs. [NOTE: The documentary proof
of Work orders & work completion certificate in respect of works
mentioned in bid MUST be submitted along with the bid.]
(d) Tenderer should submit documents in support of minimum
eligibility criteria along with the tender/bid. NO document in support
of minimum eligibility criteria will be accepted / entertained after
opening of tender.
(e) The Bidder/Tenderer should provide the following mandatory
i. Bidder/Tenderer must provide the information on the similar
works completed successfully & satisfactory in last 3
years. Bidder/Tenderer must submit satisfactory documentary
proof from end-users.
ii. List of Organizations/Customers dealt by them.
iii. Last three year‘s copies of Income Tax Return Form and PAN
iv. Copy of Registration of Firm,Tax details,PAN,TAN,PF,ESI.
(f) Tenders/bids not meeting any of the above ―Eligibility Criteria‟ shall
be rejected.
14. PERFORMANCE GUARRANTE:-Successful Bidders must have to submit the performance
security @ 10 % of the purchase order value or Contract value in the form of Fixed
Deposit, Bank guarantee from a schedule commercial bank with in 10 days of issue of
LOI/Purchase Order and will be retained up to six month post completion of work.
Part II: Essential Details of Items/Services required

1. Schedule of Requirements. List of items / services required is as

mentioned in Annexure-B

2. Technical Details/Scope of work.

(a) Scope of work for CONSTRUCTION OF BASKETBALL COURT is as mentioned

in Annexure-B

Note:- All equipment/ tools/ accessories/ safety gears in concern will

be provided by the firm.

3. Delivery Period. Delivery period for supply and completion of works would
be 45 DAYS from the effective date of placing Work/Purchase Order. Please
note that Work order can be cancelled unilaterally by the Buyer in case
items are not received within the contracted delivery period. Extension of
contracted delivery period will be at the sole discretion of the Buyer, with
applicability of LD clause.

4. INCOTERMS for Delivery and Transportation. FOB (Free on board).

The definition of delivery period for the OPEN TENDER will be on receipt of
Work Order

5. Consignee Details. Director,IIIT-Naya Raipur,Plot No-7,

Sector-24 ,Naya Raipur-492002

1. The Firm is required to give confirmation of their acceptance of the

Standard Conditions of the contracts which will automatically be considered
as part of the Contract concluded with the successful Firm (i.e. Seller in
the Contract) as selected by the Client. Failure to do so may result in
rejection of the Bid submitted by the Firm. The standard conditions of the
contract may be perused in the office of tenderer prior to submission of

2. Law. The Contract shall be considered and made in accordance with the
laws of the Republic of India. The Contract shall be governed by and
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India.

3. Arbitration. All disputes or differences arising out of or in connection

with the tender shall be settled by bilateral discussions. Any dispute,
disagreement or question arising out of or relating to the
Supply/Installation/performance, which cannot be settled amicably, may be
resolved through arbitration. In case of arbitration with the firm and this
unit on any issue the final decision would be of The Director, IIIT-NR. The
arbitration will be governed by following:-

(a) All disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with the

present contract including the one connected with the validity of the
present contract or any part thereof should be settled by bilateral

(b) Any dispute, disagreement of question arising out of or relating to this

contract or relating to construction or performance (except as to any matter
the decision or determination whereof is provided for by these conditions),
which cannot be settled amicably, shall within sixty (60) days or such
longer period as may be mutually agreed upon, from the date on which either
party informs the other in writing by a notice that such dispute,
disagreement or question exists, will be referred to a sole Arbitrator.

(c) Within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the said notice, an arbitrator
shall be nominated in writing by the authority agreed upon by the parties.

(d) The sole Arbitrator shall have its seat in Raipur or such other place in
India as may be mutually agreed to between the parties.

(e) The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted under the Indian

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the award of such Arbitration
Tribunal shall be enforceable in Indian Courts only.
(f) Each party shall bear its own cost of preparing and presenting
its case. The cost of arbitration including the fees and expenses
shall be shared equally by the parties, unless otherwise awarded by
the sole arbitrator.
(g) The parties shall continue to perform their respective
obligations under this contract during the pendency of the arbitration
proceedings except in so far as such obligations are the subject matter of
the said arbitration proceedings.
(Note. In the event of the parties deciding to refer the dispute/s for
adjudication to an Arbitral Tribunal then one arbitrator each will be
appointed by each party and the case will be referred to the Indian Council
of Arbitration (ICADR) for nomination of the third arbitrator. The fees of
the arbitrator appointed by the parties shall be borne by each party and the
fees of the third arbitrator, if appointed, shall be equally shared by the
buyer and seller).

4. Penalty for use of Undue Influence. The Firm undertakes by bidding for
the Tender Enquiry, that he has not given, offered or promised to give,
directly or indirectly, any gift, consideration, reward, commission, fees,
brokerage or inducement to any person in service of the BUYER or otherwise
in procuring the Contracts or forbearing to do or for having done or
forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the
present Contract or any other Contract with the Government of India for
showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavor to any person in relation
to the present Contract or any other Contract with the Government of India.
Any breach of the aforesaid undertaking by the Firm or any one employed by
him or acting on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the
Firm) or the commission of any offers by the Firm or anyone employed by him
or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code,
1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1986 or any other Act enacted for
the prevention of corruption shall entitle the Client to cancel the contract
and all or any other contracts with the Firm and recover from the Firm the
amount of any loss arising from such cancellation. A decision of the Client
or his nominee to the effect that a breach of the undertaking had been
committed shall be final and binding on the Firm. Giving or offering of any
gift, bribe or inducement or any attempt at any such act on behalf of the
Firm towards any officer/employee of the Client or to any other person in a
position to influence any officer/employee of the Client for showing any
favour in relation to this or any other contract, shall render the Firm to
such liability/ penalty as the Client may deem proper, including but not
OPEN to termination of the contract, imposition of penal damages, forfeiture
of the Bank Guarantee and refund of the amounts paid by the Client.

5. Agents/Agency Commission. The Client confirms and declares to the Firm

that the Firm is the original manufacturer of the stores/provider of the
services referred to in this Contract and has not engaged any individual or
firm, whether Indian or foreign whatsoever, to intercede, facilitate or in
any way to recommend to the Government of India or Any of its
functionaries, whether officially or unofficially, to the Award of the
contract to the Firm; nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to
be paid to any such individual or firm in respect of any such intercession,
facilitation or recommendation. The Firm agrees that if it is established at
any time to the satisfaction of the Client that the present declaration is
in any way incorrect or if at a later stage it is discovered by the Client
that the Firm has engaged any such individual/firm, and paid or intended to
pay any amount, gift, reward, fees, commission or consideration to such
person, party, firm or institution, whether before or after the signing of
this contract, the Firm will be liable to refund that amount to the Firm.
The Firm will also be debarred from entering into any supply Contract with
the Government of India for a minimum period of five years. The Client will
also have a right to consider cancellation of the Contract either wholly or
in part, without any entitlement or compensation to the Firm who shall in
such an event is liable to refund all payments made by the Firm in terms of
the Contract along with interest at the rate of 2% per annum above LIBOR
rate. The Client will also have the right to recover any such amount from
any contracts concluded earlier with the Government of India.

6. Access to Books of Accounts In case it is found to the satisfaction of

the IIIT-NR that the seller has engaged an agent or paid commission or
influenced any person to obtain the contract as described in clauses
relating to agents/agency commission and penalty for use of undue influence,
the Seller, on a specific request of the IIIT-NR, shall provide necessary
information/ inspection of the relevant financial documents/information

7. Liquidated Damages. In the event of the Firm‘s failure to provide

services and maintain the agreed uptime etc as specified in this contract,
the Client may, at his discretion, withhold any payment until the completion
of the contract. The Client may also deduct from the Firm as agreed,
liquidated damages to the sum of 0.5% of the contract price of the
delayed/undelivered stores/services mentioned above for every week of delay
or part of a week, subject to the maximum value of the Liquidated Damages
being not higher than 10% of the value of payable amount as per the
scheduled terms of payment.

8. Non-disclosure of Contract Documents. Except with the written consent

of one party, the other party shall not disclose the contract or any
provision, specification, plan, design, pattern, sample or information
thereof to any third party.

9. Notices. Any notice required or permitted by the contract shall be

written in the English language and may be delivered personally or may be
sent by FAX or email or registered pre-paid mail/airmail, addressed to the
last known address of the party to whom it is sent.

10. Premature Termination of Contract. A contract may be terminated in

the following circumstances:-

(i) When the FIRM fails to honor any part of the contract including
failure to deliver the contracted stores/render services in time.

(ii) When the FIRM is found to have made any false or fraudulent
declaration or statement to get the contract or he is found to be
indulging in unethical or unfair trade practices.
(iii) When both parties mutually agree to terminate the contract.

(iv) When the item offered by the FIRM repeatedly fails in the
inspection and/or the supplier is not in a position to either rectify
the defects or offer items conforming to the contracted quality

(v) Any special circumstances, which must be recorded to justify the

cancellation or termination of a contract.

(vi) The delivery of the material is delayed for causes not

attributable to Force Majeure for more than (01 month) after the
scheduled date of delivery.
(vii) The FIRM is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent.

(viii) The delivery of material is delayed due to causes of Force

Majeure by more than (02 months) provided Force Majeure clause is
included in contract.
(ix) The customer has noticed that the FIRM has utilized the services
of any Indian/Foreign agent in getting this contract and paid any
commission to such individual/company etc.
(X) As per decision of the Arbitration Tribunal.

11. Transfer and Sub-letting. The seller has no right to give, bargain,
sell, assign or sublet or otherwise dispose of the contract or any part
thereof, as well as to give or to let a third party take benefit or
advantage of the present contract or any part thereof without prior consent
in written from IIIT-NR).

The FIRM may subcontract any part of Scope of Work on mutual agreement
with the CUSTOMER. The FIRM can under no circumstance sub-contract the
complete Scope of Work to a Third Party.

The FIRM would be entirely responsible for quality / standard and

timely execution of the sub-contracted work. The FIRM is to draw up a
suitable Quality Assurance (QA) Plan with the Sub- FIRM and a copy of the
same along with Record of Inspection in accordance with such QA Plan shall
be submitted to the CUSTOMER.

The supervision of work for the sub-contracted jobs is to be done by the

FIRM. The FIRM is not permitted to seek any extension of Completion Date
citing delay on the part of Sub- FIRMs or re-work arising out of Sub-
Contracted work.

12. Patents and other Industrial Property Rights. The prices stated in the
present Contract shall be deemed to include all amounts payable for the use
of patents, copyrights, registered charges, trademarks and payments for any
other industrial property rights. The Seller shall indemnify the IIIT-NR
against all claims from a third party at any time on account of the
infringement of any or all the rights mentioned in the previous paragraphs,
whether such claims arise in respect of manufacture or use. The Seller shall
be responsible for the completion of the supplies including spares, tools,
technical literature and training aggregates irrespective of the fact of
infringement of the supplies, irrespective of the fact of infringement of
any or all the rights mentioned above.

13. Amendments. No provision of present Contract shall be changed or

modified in any way (including this provision) either in whole or in part
except by an instrument in writing made after the date of this Contract and
signed on behalf of both the parties and which expressly states to amend the
present Contract.

14. Taxes and Duties. All the rates quoted should be inclusive of all
taxes.The institute shall not provide any tax exemption certificate.

15. Transportation and Material Handling. The FIRM (supplier) will arrange
necessary transport and labour at own cost for loading and unloading of the
items. Water & electricity shall be arranged by the contractor on his own
,however if it is provided by the institute charges at the commercial
rates shall be collected from the contractor.

1. Option Clause. This contract has an Option Clause, wherein the Client
can exercise an option to procure an additional quantity of items in
accordance with the same terms & conditions of the present contract. This
will be applicable within the currency of contract. It will be entirely the
discretion of the Client to exercise this option or not.

2. Repeat Order Clause. This contract has a Repeat Order Clause, wherein
the Client can order as desired quantity of the items / services under the
present contract within six months from the date of successful completion
of this contract, cost, terms & conditions remaining the same. It will be
entirely the discretion of Client to place the Repeat order or not.

3. Tolerance clause. To take care of any change in the requirement during

the period starting from issue of Tender Enquiry till placement of the
supply/work order, Client reserves the right to increase or decrease the
quantity of the required goods/ services without any change in the terms &
conditions and prices quoted by the Firm.

4. Payment Terms. It will be mandatory for the Bidders to indicate

their bank account numbers and other relevant e-payment details so
hat payments could be made through ECS/EFT mechanism instead of
Payment through cheques.No Advance payment will be Made.100% payment will
done on satisfactory completion of work. Payment will be made on actual
measurement basis.

5. Paying Authority. The payment of bills will be made by IIIT-NR within

45 days of submission of the following documents by the SELLER to the
Paying Authority:

(a) 02 ink-signed copies of Commercial invoice / SELLER‘s bill

(b) A work completion certificate post Supply / Installation / User
Satisfaction certificate from IIITNR
(c) Photocopy of Performance Bank guarantee.
(d) Details for electronic payment viz Account holder‘s name, Bank
name, Branch name and address, Account type, Account number, IFSC code,
MICR code (if these details are not incorporated in contract).

6. Risk & Expense Clause. Should the services or any installment thereof
not be delivered with the time or time specified in the contract documents,
or if unsatisfactory delivery are made in respect of the services or any
installment thereof, the BUYER shall after granting the SELLER 45 days to
cure the breach, be at liberty, without prejudice to the right to recover
liquidated damages as a remedy for breach of contract, to declare the
contract as cancelled either wholly or to the extent of such default.

7. Force Majeure Clause.

(a) Neither party shall bear responsibility for the complete or

partial nonperformance of any of its obligations (except failure to
pay any sum which has become due on account of receipt of goods
under the provisions of the present contract), if the non-
performance results from such Force Majeure circumstances as
flood, fire, earth quake and other acts of God as well as other
circumstances beyond the parties control that have arisen after
the conclusion of the present Contract.

(b) In such circumstances the time stipulated for the

performance of an obligation under the present contract is
extended correspondingly for the period of time action of
these circumstances and their consequences.

(c) The party for which it becomes impossible to meet

obligations under this contract due to Force Majeure
conditions, is to notify in written form to the other party
of the beginning and cessation of the above circumstances
immediately, but in any case not later than 10 (ten) days
from the moment of their beginning.

(d) Certificate of a Chamber of Commerce (Commerce and

Industry) or other competent authority or organization of
the respective country shall be a sufficient proof of
commencement and cessation of the above circumstances.

(e) If the impossibility of complete or partial performance

of an obligation lasts for more that 06 (six) months, either
party hereto reserves the right to terminate the contract
totally or partially upon giving prior written notice of 30
(thirty) days to the other party of the intention to
terminate without any liability other than reimbursement on
the terms provided in the agreement for the goods received.

8. Quality Assurance. Assurance of quality is the responsibility

of the firm and firms are to indicate exclusively and submit
proofs of quality assurance norms being followed. All the works
shall be carried out as per CPWD norms in conjunction with the
direction of Engineer-in-charge.

9. Inspection. The inspection of construction would be carried

out by the IIIT NR representative. The contractor should arrange
for various lab test report as and when demanded by the Engineer-
in-charge at no additional cost.

10. Period of Contract. The contract shall be valid for a period

of 12 months, from the date of issue of Purchase Order.

11. Extension Clause. The contract agreement may be extended

further for a period mutually agreed between the buyer &
seller, without any changes in rates quoted, and, on same terms
and conditions mentioned in the extant tender document.
However, charges in taxes/Government levies incorporated from
time to time would be catered in concluding extension in
contract. Any such extension would be processed only after
submission of a certificate by the seller mentioning ―No
Downward trend in price‖ and with the approval of the competent
financial authority.

The Broad Guidelines for Evaluation of Bids.

(a) Only those Bids will be evaluated which are found to be

fulfilling all the eligibility and qualifying requirements of the
tender Enquiry.

(b) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total
price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity,
the unit price will prevail and the total price will be corrected.
If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in
words will prevail for calculation of price.

(c) Prices quoted by the FIRM should be precise and unambiguous.

Rate per unit is to be quoted individually as per format for
submission of ‗Q‘ bid at Annexure D. Clarifications, if any, may
be obtained from this office prior to submission of tender.

(d) FIRM is to quote for all categories mentioned in the ‗Q‘ bid
submission format.

(f) Evaluation of the bid shall be carried out basing on the total
cost of the financial Bid.

3. Price Bid Format: The rates for Items /services & spares are to
be quoted as per Enclosure to „Q‟ bid Format. CUSTOMERS are
required to forwarded 'Q' bid (Annexure D).

4. Technical Bid Format:- The Technical Bid is to submitted as

per format attached with this tender document appended at Annexure
E.The compliance of technical specification shall be mentioned
against each item and any deviation from technical specification
should be clearly brought out on the compliance sheet.


The Bid will be the compilation of following documents, along
with required supporting documents. No document in support of
minimum eligibility criteria will be accepted / entertained after
opening of tender.

No Documents

1. Cover letter by bidder (On the Letter Head of the Bidder)

2. Tender Fee

3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

4. Cliental List for quoted item

Annexure-A : Bid Proposal Sheet (On the Letter Head of the

5. Bidder)

6. Annexure-B : Technical Specification


8. Annexure-D : PRICE BID (On the Letter Head of the Bidder)

Annexure-E : Technical Bid(on the letter head of the
9. Bidder)


Purchase Officer
IIIT—Naya Raipur



Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned Tenderers, having read and examined in
detail the specifications as specified in this document in respect
hereby propose to supply the required products and services.

Tender No.
(Please strike off whatever
Tender Fees YES / NO is not
ed applicable)

Valid up
Amount Mode Date of Issue Name of Bank to


(Please strike off whatever

YES / NO is not
EMD submitted

Valid up
Amount Mode Date of Issue Name of Bank to


(viii) ADDITIONAL PURCHASE/WORK ORDER: We understand that the

IIIT—Naya Raipur, in case of the requirements may also place
repeat purchase order/work order. In such cases, we shall
accept and execute all the purchase/work order placed on us
by IIIT— Naya Raipur.
(ix) BID PRICING: We further declare that the prices stated
in our proposal are in accordance with your Terms &
Conditions in the bidding document. We further understand
that the quantities as specified in this Tender may increase
or decrease at the time of Award of Purchase Order as per the
requirements of IIIT—Naya Raipur.
(x) QUALIFYING DATA: We confirm that we satisfy the qualifying
criteria and have attached the requisite documents as
documentary proofs. In case you require any further
information/documentary proof in this regard during
evaluation of our bid, we agree to furnish the same in time
to your satisfaction.
CONTRACT PERFORMANCE SECURITY: We hereby declare that in case the
contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the performance
Guarantee Bond in the form of Bank Guarantee for the amount of 10%
of the total order value.
(v) PAYMENT TERMS: We hereby declare that in case the contract is
awarded to us, we agree with payment terms specified in the
tender documents.
a) I/We certify that no addition/modification/alteration
has been made in the Original Tender Document. If at any
stage addition /modification /alteration is noticed in the
Original Document. I/We will abide by the terms and
conditions contained in the original tender document,
failing which IIIT—Naya Raipur reserves the right to reject
the tender and/or cancel the contract
b) It has been certified that all information provided in
tender form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief. We hereby declare that our proposal is made in
good faith, without collusion or fraud. No forged /tampered
document(s) are produced with tender form for gaining
unlawful advantage. We understand that IIIT—Naya Raipur is
authorized to make enquiry to establish the facts claimed
and obtained confidential reports from clients.
c) In case it is established that any information provided
by us is false / misleading or in the circumstances where it
is found that we have made any wrong claims, IIIT— Naya
Raipur is authorized to blacklist our firm/company/agency
and debar us in participating in any tender/bid in future.
d) I / We assure the Institute that neither I /We, nor any
of my /our workers, will do any act which is improper /
illegal during the execution, in case the tender is awarded
to us.
e) I / We assure the Institute that I / We will NOT be
outsourcing any work specified in the tender document, to
any other firm.
f) Our Firm / Company / Agency is not been blacklisted or
banned by any Govt. Department, PSU, University, Autonomous
Institute or any other Govt. Organization.
g) I/We certify that, I have understood all the terms &
conditions, as indicated in the tender document, and hereby
accept all the same completely.
h) I/We, further certify that I/We, possess all the
statutory /non-statutory registrations, permissions,
approvals, etc., from the Competent Authority for providing
the requisite services,
i) I/We hereby declare that this tender on acceptance
communicated by you shall constitute a valid and binding
contract between us.
j) I/We certify that the submitted quotation is duly
paginated and contains from page no. 1 to ……………….

Date: Signature and Seal of the Manufacturer/Bidder


Scope of work & Technical specification of construction of Basketball court (01 Nos)

No. DSR No. Description

Unit Qty
1.1 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches-or drains (not exceeding
1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on.plan), including dressing of sides and
ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated
soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50
1.1.1 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. cum 310.75
1.2 2.25 Supplying and filling moorum in trenches, plinth, side of foundation etc. cum 121.6
MDSR in layer not exceeding 20cm, in depth consolidating each deposited layer
by ramming and watering for all lead and lift. (The compacted thickness
of moorum shall be taken for payment purpose)
2.1 4.1 Providing and laying in position cement -concrete of specified grade
excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up .to plinth
level :
2.1.2 4.1.10 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm cum 91.2
nominal size)
2.2 4.3 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of
form work for :
2.2.1 4.3.1 Foundations, footings, bases for columns sqm 69
3.1 5.7 Reinforced cement concrete work in well-steining, excluding the cost of cum 91.2
centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, with 1:2:4 (1 cement:
2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size).

3.2 5.22 steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,
bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth
3.2.1 5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars KG 3204
4.1 10.16 Steel work in built up tubular ( round, square or rectangular hollow tubes
etc.) trusses etc., including cutting, hoisting, Fixing in position and
applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, including welding and
bofted with special shaped washers etc. complete.
4.1.1 10.16.1 Hot Finished welded type tubes kg 360
5 N.S. P/F Basket ball board made of fibre glass transparent 180X105 cm size each 1
with white marking (DECO) made in USA Nordic make American high pair
density approved by IBF 20 mm thick i/c basket ball Ring of MS iron bar
45 cm dia with guard bar and net 40 cm new cup pattern thick quality
nylone as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
6 NS Clearing grass and removal of the rubbish upto a distance of 50 m Sqm 100
outside the periphery of the area cleared.
7 NS Finishing with epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations sqm 628
prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including
priming coat with epoxy primer, preparation of surface, etc. com plete.


(To be executed on Rs.10/- Stamp paper & attested by Public
Notary/Executive Magistrate by the bidder)

I / We Proprietor/ Partner(s)/ Director(s) of M/S. -------------

-------------------------- hereby declare that the firm/company
namely M/S.------------------------------------------------------------
---------------- has not been blacklisted or debarred in the past by
IIIT—Naya Raipur or any other Government organization from taking part
in Government tenders.


I / We Proprietor/ Partner(s)/ Director(s) of M/S. ------------

----------------------------hereby declare that the firm/company
namely M/S.------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------was blacklisted or debarred by IIIT—Naya Raipur, or
any other Government Department from taking part in Government tenders
for a period of ---------- years w.e.f.-----------------.

The period is over on--------------and now the firm/company is entitled

to take part in Government tenders. In case the above information
found false I/We are fully aware that the tender/ contract will be
rejected/cancelled by IIIT—Naya Raipur, and EMD/SD shall be forfeited.
In addition to the above IIIT—Naya Raipur, will not be responsible to
pay the bills for any completed/ partially completed work.



Capacity in which assigned: ………………………………………………..

Name & address of the firm: ………………………………………………...


Signature of Bidder with seal

Annexure „D‟

No. DSR Description As per Original Estimate

No. Unit Qty Rate Amou
1.1 2.8 Earth work in excavation by mechanical
means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in
foundation trenches-or drains (not exceeding 1.5
m in width or 10 sqm on.plan), including dressing
of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m,
including getting out the excavated soil and
disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed,
within a lead of 50 m.
1.1.1 2.8.1 All kinds of soil. cum 310.75
1.2 2.25 Supplying and filling moorum in trenches, plinth, cum 121.6
MDSR side of foundation etc. in layer not exceeding
20cm, in depth consolidating each deposited
layer by ramming and watering for all lead and
lift. (The compacted thickness of moorum shall be
taken for payment purpose)
2.1 4.1 Providing and laying in position cement -concrete
of specified grade excluding the cost of centering
and shuttering - All work up .to plinth level :
2.1.2 4.1.10 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone cum 91.2
aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
2.2 4.3 Centering and shuttering including strutting,
propping etc. and removal of form work for :
2.2.1 4.3.1 Foundations, footings, bases for columns sqm 69
3.1 5.7 Reinforced cement concrete work in well-steining, cum 91.2
excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement,
with 1:2:4 (1 cement:
2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size).
3.2 5.22 steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting,
bending, placing in position and binding all
complete upto plinth level.
3.2.1 5.22.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars KG 3204
4.1 10.16 Steel work in built up tubular ( round, square or
rectangular hollow tubes etc.) trusses etc.,
including cutting, hoisting, Fixing in position
and applying a priming coat of approved steel
primer, including welding and bofted with special
shaped washers etc. complete.

4.1.1 10.16. Hot Finished welded type tubes kg 360

5 N.S. P/F Basket ball board made of fibre glass each 1
transparent 180X105 cm size with white marking pair
(DECO) made in USA Nordic make American
high density approved by IBF 20 mm thick i/c
basket ball Ring of MS iron bar 45 cm dia with
guard bar and net 40 cm new cup pattern thick
quality nylone as per direction of Engineer-in-
6 NS Clearing grass and removal of the rubbish upto a Sqm 100
distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area
9 NS Finishing with epoxy paint (two or more sqm 628
coats) at all locations prepared and applied as
per manufacturer's specifications including
priming coat with epoxy primer, preparation of
surface, etc. com plete.

Total Cost (in Words)


1. Rate should be inclusive of all taxes, duties, fixing and laying,

Transportation and Labour cost.

2. The information is to be filled in carefully after studying the Tender

Documents and should tally with ‗Technical ‘ bid format.
3. The unit rate of each item indicated should be all inclusive and the
total value of the offer all inclusive should come out very clearly and
without any ambiguity.

Signature of Bidder with seal

Annexure „E‟
„Technical‟ BID FORMAT
S.No Description YES/No Proof of

1 Minimum Average Annual Annexure-A

Turnover as per tender (balance
Documents sheet/CA
2 Similar work experience Annexure-B
(copy Of
Purchase Order)
3 Black Listed by any Affidavit
4 Indian registered Annexure-C
Company (copy of
5 Availability of Furnish Details
Technical and Financial in Annexure-D
strength to undertake
the work
6 Income Tax return Annexure-E

7 List Of organization Annexure-F

/customer dealt

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