Outline - Post Conflict Justice in Nepal

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Post Conflict justice in Nepal

From Locken prospective of property An Outline of the essay Introduction Background / context 1. Maoist conflict to peace Agreement (History) -Royal takeover and developed relationship between political parties including CPNM -Jana aandolan II -Comprehensive peace agreement between government and Maoist

2. Mechanisms of justice in comprehensive peace agreement Mechanisms of different commissions and other provisions in comprehensive peace agreement Dedline in agreement to return the captured property to the people/ victims

3. Policies and programmes of government to address victims of armed conflict 4. Post conflict justice and Right to private property -Different agreements and the issues of property

5. What is state from the Hobbesian prospective of state of nature is state of war 6. State and rights to property (John Locke and Human rights mechanisms)Why citizen right is weak 7. Uiversal decaration of Human rights and property rights Economic social cultural rights and private property

Why state is weak/ why state fails to protect private property Why Property tax

6. Right to revolt When state did not ensure the protection of peoples rights then people compelled to go to revolt (UDHR preamble)


Bibliography Rawls, John, (1999) Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical in Freeman, Samuel (ed.), Collected Papers, New Delhi: Oxford University Press Hobbes, Thomas, (1996) Leviathan in Cohen, Mitchell and Nicole Fermon (eds.), Princeton Readings in Political Thought, Princeton: Princeton University Press Locke, John, (1996) Second Treatise of Government in Cohen, Mitchell and Nicole Fermon (eds.), Princeton Readings in Political Thought, Princeton: Princeton University Press Interim constitution of Nepal (2007) Comprehensive Peace Accord, (2006) http://www.insec.org.np/files/documents/PeaceProcess.pdf Human Rights Watch, Advocacy forum Nepal (2008) Waiting for Justice Unpunished Crimes from Nepals Armed Conflict, http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/nepal0908webwcover_0.pdf Guiding principle on international displacement http://ochanet.unocha.org/p/Documents/GuidingPrinciplesDispl.pdf Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC), (2006) No. of Victims Killed by State and Maoist in Connection with the "People's War" http://www.insec.org.np/pics/1247467500.pdf

An initiative of the IDP Working Group, (2009) Distant from durable solutions: Conflict Induced Internal displacement in Nepal. http://www.internaldisplacement.org/8025708F004CE90B/%28httpCountries %29/CC2C3C0FBDAD8F03C125746D002F61D9?OpenDocument National Human Rights commission (2010)The Report of the NHRI of Nepal on the UPR Processes http://nhrcnepal.org/publication/doc/reports/UPR_report_2010_Final_English.pdf ICRC, (2011) ICRC Action in Nepal for Missing Persons and their Families http://www.icrc.org/eng/assets/files/2011/missing-nepal-report-icrc-2011-04.pdf

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