Typical PFD of Residue Catalytic Cracking
Typical PFD of Residue Catalytic Cracking
Typical PFD of Residue Catalytic Cracking
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T he reaction-regeneration section consists of f eed injection system, riser, riser outlet separator system, disengager/stripper, two- stage regenerator, catalyst withdrawal well, catalyst transf er lines and control systems. T he f eed mixture is pumped to the base of the riser and divided into equal f lows, to each of the f eed nozzles. T he f eed, which has been preheated, is f inely atomized and mixed with dispersion steam in the f eed nozzles and injected into the riser. T he small droplets of f eed contact hot regenerated catalyst in a counter current way and vaporize immediately. T he vaporized oil intimately mixes with the catalyst particles and cracks into lighter, more valuable products along with slurry oil, coke and gas. T he product vapors travel up the riser while carrying the catalyst. T he coke f ormed in the catalyst by the reaction is burned in two stage of Regenerator. T he heat of combustion released by the combustion of coke is transf erred to the catalyst which will later supply the heat required to the reactor. T he combustion air required is supplied by an air blower. T he air heaters are used during start-up to heat-up the equipment. T he f ractionation section f ractionates the vapor product f rom the Reaction section. T he products f rom this section are Clarif ied Oil, Light Cycle Oil and Heavy Naphtha. T he f ractionator overhead vapor and liquid streams are f urther processed in the Gas Recovery section (Gas Plant). T he products f rom this section are Light gasoline, Fuel gas and LPG.