The Semantic or Literal Significance of The Utterance - The Intention of The Speaker - How It Was Received by The Listener

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Analysis of speech acts on the basis of the series Vampire diaries There are such types of speech acts:

--the semantic or literal significance of the utterance; --the intention of the speaker; --how it was received by the listener. On the basis of the episodes of the series Vampire diaries, there are some examples of speech acts. Example 1 Season 1, episode 14 Context: Teenagers are walking near the lake. They are drinking alcohol. Jeremy is new in the company and he wants to be cool. That is why he is trying to get drunk. Vicki likes Jeremy and tries to impress him. She tries to look nice, however Jeremy is not so much interested in her. When Jeremy asked about the beer, Vicki smiled to him and offered one. Jeremy:Okay. Anyone got any beer? Tyler:We finished them all back at school. Besides, you've had enough. Vicki:I've got one. It's not cold, but it's yours if you want it.

The utterance is performed indirectly, because Landon is not interested if there is a beer but he wants his friends to give it to him. Locution: the meaning of the words We finished them all back at school. Besides, you've had enough.? mean that there were no beer and probably friends recommend to stop drinking. Illocution is represented here in the following way. In this situation, Jeremy wants to hear the answer and to get the beer. The type of the illocutionary act is directive of request because the speaker wants the hearer to perform the act of answering and do something. Perlocution:. After hearing Jeremys question, Tyler answers the question. He said that the beer is finished. Then Vicki offers one beer to Jeremy. She also answers the question.

Example 2 Context: After the party Jeremy was suffering from the excessive drinking. But it was Monday and it was time to go to school. Elena, Jeremys sister, is trying to wake him up. She is angry because Jeremy doesnt want to study, his friends are hooligans, he missed a

lot of classes. Elena shielded him against their aunt, but now she is fed up and thinks that her brother should speak to the aunt. However, Jeremy and his aunt Jenna quarreled some days before, that is why Jeremy doesnt want to talk to her. Jeremy: You see, Elena, I have a splitting headache. I don't think I can go anyplace. Elena: Maybe I should call Jenna? Jeremy: No. Okay, I'm not talking to her. There's no way Elena: This has gotta stop between you and her. You can't do that. You need to speak to your aunt. Jeremys utterance You see, Elena, I have a splitting headache. I don't think I can go anyplace is direct, because Jeremy just tells his sister that his head is hurting. Locution: You see, Elena, I have a splitting headache. I don't think I can go anyplace.. These words mean that the speaker refuses to go anywhere because of the headache. Illocution: Jeremy wants to get hearers response. The type of illocutionary act is assertive because the speaker informs about his health condition and intentions. Perlocution: After Jeremys utterance his sister gives a solution to call their aunt Jenna, because she understands that her brothers behavior is inappropriate and he needs to speak to the older person. The second part of conversation shows that Jeremys words No. Okay, I'm not talking to her. There's no way are performed directly because he refused to talk with his aunt. Locution: These words mean that Jeremy is not going to speak with his aunt in no way. Illocution: Jeremy tries to demonstrate and convence his sister that he doesnt want to speak to his aunt. The type of illocutionary act is commisive of refusing because the speaker refuses to talk. Jeremy is against Elenas intentions to call Jenna. Perlocution: From Elenas words we understand that she insists on talking against the will of her brother Example 3 Season 1, episode 21 Context: Elena and Stefan are at the school party. The party is made in the style of 30th. It is very bright, everybody is cheerful. Elena and Stefan were sitting on the bench and talking. They like each other and their relationships as a couple are just starting.

Elena decided to dance with Stefan, but it turned out that he couldnt. She didnt give up and tried to convince him to dance and she achieved her goal.

Elena Would you like to dance? Stefan Well, sorry, but I don't dance Elena Really? Everybody can dance. Come on, you can't be that bad.Please? For me? Come on. Elenas utterance Would you like to dance? the is performed indirectly.In this context, Elena is not only asking if Stefan is eager to dance, she also invites him to dance. It means that the speaker intends the hearer to do some actions. Locution: These words mean that Elena wants to dance. Illocution: Elena is trying to make closer relations between her and Stefan. She invites Stefan to dance in order to have fun with him Perlocution: When she intends to invite Stefan to dance, he refuses Elenas invitation. The utterance Well, sorry, but I don't dance is performed directly. Stefan says that he does not dance, actually he cannot to dance. Locution: these words mean that Stefan is not going to dance because he cant. He also apologises. Illocution: Stefans utterance is commissive of refusing . He intended to say that he cannot dance Stefan refuses Elenas invitation politely, because he cannot to dance. Perlocution: In spite of the fact that he refuses Elenas invitation, she doesnt give up and pleads him to dance with her. Her words Please? For me? Come on are performed directly. Elena begs Stefan to dance with her and for her. Locution: Elena pleads Stefan to dance with her. Illocution: it is directive of begging here . Perlocution is the following: by begging Stefan to dance, she achieves her goalStefan agreed and they went dancing.

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