Star David Symbol
Star David Symbol
Star David Symbol
It appears that nearly all of the evidence suggests that the early use of the hexagon Star of
David was narrowed down to its use in "Kabbalah ma'asit” (practical Kabbalah), a form of
“Jewish magic”, probably dating back to the 6th century C.E.
However, its roots may lie in the legends and lore that connect this esoteric symbol with King
Solomon and his magical signet ring known as the seal of Solomon, to control and capture
spirits and demons and in order to help him build his temple in Jerusalem. It is said that
Solomon’s ring was inscribed with the Tetragrammaton, the sacred Four-Letter Name of God.
According to Islamic tradition, Solomon was able to understand the language of animals and
birds and in doing so was able to converse with them. It is believed that because of his unique
wisdom and abilities endowed to him by God, he was also able to communicate with the spirits
of the underworld who Solomon used as servants. The Moslem historian al-Siuti gives the
following mythical description of how Solomon built the Temple:
When God revealed unto Solomon that he should build him a Temple, Solomon assembled all
the wisest men, genii and Afrites of the earth, and the mightiest of the devils, and appointed
one division of them to build, another to cut blocks and columns from the marble mines, and
others to dive into ocean-depths, and fetch there from pearls and coral. Now some of these
pearls were like ostrich's or hen's eggs. So he began to build the Temple . . . the devils cut
quarries of jacinth and emerald. Also the devils made highly-polished cemented blocks of
The Star of David has also been associated with occult magical practices and rituals practiced by
some secret societies such as the Masonic order. More recently, it is seen in many photos and
popular books referring to the DaVinci Code by Dan Brown and its connections with Rennes-le-Chateau and
the Merovingian kings/dynasty. The star or Shield of David is not only in the insignia of the Merovingian Dynasty
but it is also the only symbol in the Coat of Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau (Merovingian castle Holy Blood Holy
The Key of Solomon , edited by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers and translated and Revised by Joseph
H. Peterson, is supposedly the most famous and important of all Grimoires, or handbooks of Magic as
A.E. Waite has stated.
It contains invocations, conjurations and various types of curses to summon and constrain spirits of
demons and the dead, forcing them to do the conjurers will. It also describes how one can become
invisible, find stolen items, how to gain favour and love and so forth. It also describes various
purifications and how the person conducting these rituals should clothe themselves, how and what
kind of the magical implements should be used and constructed. As well as what kind of animal
sacrifices should be made to the spirits.
In alchemy, the two equilateral interlocking triangles symbolize water and fire and together they
represent the reconciliation and harmony of opposites, whose significance is as manifold as much as it is
multi-cultural. It supposedly reflects the cosmic order, the heavens, the movement of the stars in their spheres.
Looking beyond the Jewish national associations which have only become attached to it in the last
few hundred years or so, the abstract element of the figure (which is connected to the celestial stars)
and its geometrical unity make it a universal symbol. Together with the five-pointed star the hexagram
represents the development of mathematics and geometry.
Pythagoreans, through ancient geometry also saw an identical cosmic symbolism in where the
hexagram became an illustration of heaven and its reflection on earth and of the divine and its
reflection in creation. Like a bridge between heaven and earth, between the macrocosm and
the microcosm and between spirit and matter.
It also symbolizes the link between metaphysics, science, aesthetics, art and with elements of
medicine and magic, astronomy and astrology and their connection to religion.
It also appears in Buddhist, Hindu, Theosophical, and various other Eastern and Western traditions. It
was also an important astrological symbol in Zoroastrianism. The Theosophical society uses the Star
of David and the ouroborus on their shield.
The ancient Greeks used the triangle or pyramid to symbolize the letter Delta, one of the most
important letters in the Greek alphabet. By interlocking two triangles, or Deltas, this took on a
symbolic meaning of the joining of Heaven and Earth, as well as the union of man and woman.
In India it’s know as Shatkona, "six-pointed star," the upper triangle stands for Siva, purusha and fire,
the male aspect. The lower for Shakti, prakriti, the female aspect and water. Their union gives birth to
Sanatkumara, whose sacred number is six.
With two Grand Trines involved here, the creative resources are abundant and need to be actively
tapped. Here exists an enormous overload of capacity which demands to be actively exploited. If
diffusion or stagnation is allowed to develop (prompted by passivity or multiple Grand Trines), this
condition is very much like the spoilage of ripened fruit. Talents that are in their peak of expression
then begin to diminish due to their lack of activation. The temptation to procrastinate, become lazy or
indifferent to the powers of this configuration should be avoided at all cost. This individual normally
exudes a special magnetism that could have a beneficial, charismatic influence over others. He
seems to do more favorably when allowing himself to spread out in a variety of experiences in life
(due to the branching effect of the six sextiles).
However, with at least six of the ten normally used planets tied into this configuration, the chart as a
whole is likely to have few squares. Therefore, the Grand Sextile may require that we make a special,
conscious effort to work harder in developing inner discipline, greater endurance, patience, and the
inner drive it takes to insure a fuller utilization of our gifts here. Otherwise, lacking the drive and
impetus of squares, we might merely become privileged; gifted dilettantes who are nevertheless too
restless and over-stimulated to ever master any of our skills.