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“HR Trainee”“Aashman Foundation”
 Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for theaward of POST
 Patel Institute of Science and Management,
 ACADEMIC SESSION (2020 – 2022)
Under the Guidance of:Vidushi PoddarGroup SupervisorAashman
FoundationHyderabadSubmitted By:Naveen NarayananPGDM – 3
 TrimesterRoll No- 20PISM03019Date:
This is to certify that Naveen Narayanan a student of Post Graduate Diploma in
Managementfrom Patel Institute of Science and Management (Batch 2020-
2022), Roll No:20PISM03019has undergone his/her Internship on the topic HR
Trainee under my guidance and supervisionfrom
28/04/2021 to 29/07/2021
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Signature of Internship Guide
Vidushi PoddarGroup SupervisorAashman FoundationHyderabad
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Naveen Narayanan, Roll No:
20PISM03019 is a student of PatelInstitute of Science and
Management has done his/her Internship titled “HR Trainee” at
AashmanFoundation from 28/04/2021 to 28/07/2021T h e w o r k e m b o d i e d
i n t h e r e p o r t i s o r i g i n a l a n d i s o f t h e s t a n d a r d e x p e c t e d of a
P o s t Gr a d u a t e Diploma in Management (PGDM) student and has not
been submitted in part or full, to this or anyother Institution, for the award
of any Degree or Diploma. He/she has completed all requirements for the
Internship and the reported work is fit for evaluation.Signature of Head of
Dr. Atul Sharma Director
I, Naveen Narayanan, hereby declare that the Internship work title
“HR Trainee”
 completed& submitted in partial fulfillment of the award of the degree
of “Post-graduate Diploma inManagement” by Patel Institute of
Science and Management, and the work was carried outw i t h t h e h e l p
a n d u n d e r t h e g u i d a n c e of
“Vidushi Poddar”
 and staff of the
I further declare this Internship report has not formed the basis for the
award of any other Degree/Diploma from any other University/Institution.

D a t
e  Name: Naveen NarayananRoll No:
I, Naveen Narayanan, hereby declare that the Internship work title
“HR Trainee”
 completed& submitted in partial fulfillment of the award of the degree
of “Post-graduate Diploma inManagement” by Patel Institute of
Science and Management, and the work was carried outwith the help
and under the guidance of
“Vidushi Poddar”
 and staff of the
I further declare this Internship report has not formed the basis for the
award of any other Degree/Diploma from any other University/Institution.
Date Name: Naveen NarayananRoll No: 20PISM03019PGDM(2020-22)
The internship opportunity I had with “Aasmaan Foundation” was a great
chance for learningand professional development. Therefore, I consider myself
a very lucky individual as I was provided with an opportunity
to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meetso many
wonderful people and professionals who led me though this internship period. I
am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special
thanks to “Name”“Designation”[Company name & Address] who
despite being extraordinarily busy with“her/his” duties, took time out
to hear, guide, and keep me on the correct path and allowingme to carry
out my internship at their esteemed organization.I express my deepest thanks to
[Name Surname], [Position in the Company] for taking part inuseful decisions
& giving necessary advice and guidance, and arranged all facilities to makelife
easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge his/her contribution gratefully.It is
my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense
of gratitude toProf. Shriya Singh [Assistant Professor], Patel Institute
of Science and Management for hiscareful and precious guidance which
were extremely valuable for my study both theoreticallyand practically.I
further want to thank Prof. Shriya Singh- Sunstone, who helped me to
better understandconcepts of professionalism and become a better person and
employee in my life. I sincerelywant to thank Prof. Xavier Stalin for being our
program coordinator and helping me at everystage of my internship and studies.
 I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot during
my life and thisinternship period.
I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. Iwill
strive to use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will
continue towork on their improvement, to attain desired career objectives. Hope
to continue cooperationwith all of you in the future.Sincerely, Naveen
TableS.No.I t e m P a g e  
N o .

Executive Summary
Problem Statement
Scope of Work 
Company Profile
Job Profile
Description of work 
Methodology applied
Problems Faced
Learnings FromInternship
Executive Summary
AASMAAN FOUNDATION is an NGO that helps widows,
Underprivileged children,Underprivileged old ones, and destitute ones. They
conduct various campaigns and campslike Milk for everyone, Sanitary pads for
the needy,
Etc.A s   a n   i n t e r n ,   I   w a s   r e s p o n s i b l e   f or   r e c r u i t i n g   p e o p l e   f or   i n t e
r n s h i p s .   T h i s   pr o c e s s involved hosting vacancies on various
platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram,Internshala, Etc. The
candidates are then followed by screening eligible profiles. The
shortlisted candidates were then made to fill up the appli
c a t i o n   f o r m   f o r   f u r t h e r    processing.T h e s e c o n d t a s k o f t h e
i n t e r n s h i p i s t h a t I h a v e b e e n g i v e n a d i r e c t p r om o t i o n a s
a n Assistant Supervisor, Where I had to manage 29 interns allotted to
me and a Core Teamof two Interviewers, two Process Partners, and an
MIS. I have to guide the interns dailyon recruiting tasks in which they have
to collect potential leads. The Core Team will
then process all I will be reporting to my Group Supervisor daily on the interns' 
performances.I will also have to train existing employees of the organization
and assigning their tasks.
1.Problem Statement
The first task given to me was the lead generation from various
s o u r c e s . Itinvolves generating interest amongst potential candidates and
encouraging them toapplyThe second task is to guide the interns and manage a
core team of diverse people.Training the existing employees, assigning the work
to them, and get it completed.
The Target for my first task is to get at least 8
O n b o a r d i n g s i n 2 1 d a y s b y generating leads from various sources.The
Second task is to guide the teams in collecting and onboarding the
candidatesthat are given as leads by the interns’ team.The total onboards from
my team should be minimum of 5 from all the candidatesin my group

The third task is to train the existing employees i.e Core Team.
Allocating their work. Getting a minimum of 5 onboards daily.The fourth task
is reporting & promotion, where I have to report to my Supervisor daily. The
performances of all the candidates should be monitored and given
a promotion after completion of the task.
3.Scope of Work 
The work that was allotted when joining the foundation is to generate
leads. Theleads can be generated using various platforms like
LinkedIn, Internshala, Etc.Those leads will be then onboarded after
being interviewed by the core team of the supervisor that I was
assigned.After completion of the minimum requirement of the task and tenure
of 21 days, Ihave been promoted to Assistant Supervisor. As an
Assistant Supervisor, I
wasr e s p o n s i b l e   f o r   m a i n t a i n i n g   a   g r o u p   o f   i n t e r n s   a n d   a   c
ore team with twointerviewers, two Process Partners, and 
a n   M I S .   I   h a v e   t o   c o n d u c t   w e e k l y meetings with the team and
ensure all of them are performing their best. I will bereporting the daily
performances of the interns to my group supervisor daily.This helped me in
learning how to handle teams and experience in guiding theteam to
success. This has also increased my knowledge about how well an
HR department works.
4.Company Profile
AASMAAN Foundation is one of the largest youth-run NGOs in Ahmedabad
withits operations extended in the city of Bangalore. It was started in the year
2009, as
a group of people who wanted to give something back to
s o c i e t y i n s o m e o r   another way.Started as a group of 10 friends, today
AASMAAN Foundation has more than 100volunteers who work hard round the
year for the betterment of society.Later in the year 2012, it got registered
as a Non-Governmental Organization. Ithas been working since 2009 for
under and less privileged children in the field of education, health, and rights.I t
w o r k s w i t h a vi s i o n t o c r e a t e a s o c i e t y w h e r e c h i l dr e n c a n
p r o s p e r t o t h e i r   complete potential and enjoy equality in its true essence. It
promotes a culture of kindness and wants to instill a sense of giving back
to society amongst modernyouth.It is working for the upliftment and
betterment of the less-privileged kids, in thefield of child's education,
health, and rights.O v e r t h e y e a r s , A A S M A A N F o u n d a t i o n h a s
c o n d u c t e d a p l e t h or a of p r o j e c t s which not only include grass-root
level projects which are directly related to thekids but also include fund-
raising events.
5.My Job Profile

 Following is the Job
D e s c r i p t i o n   o u t l i ni n g   m y   r o l e   a n d   r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s   a t Aasmaan
 Running internship drives on college campuses
 Using online sources to enroll candidates
 Screening resumes and application forms
 Schedule and confirm interviews with candidates

 Post, update & remove internship ads from intern boards, career
pages, andsocial networks
 Prepare HR-related reports as needed
 Participate and organizing company events and careers

 Work from Home

 The Target for the first task is the total onboarding from my referrals
should be a minimum of 8 Candidates
  T h e t a r g e t a s   a n A s s i s t a n t S u p e r vi s o r i s   t o g e t 5   o n b o a r d s
e a c h f r o m t h e Interns assigned to me

 Training and guiding of the interns assigned to me
 Allocating the workload among the core teams
 Training the existing employees i.e Core team

 Weekly review meeting with the interns, Performance appraisal
 Daily Performance of core team
 Overall performance of both teams reported at the end of 21 days
6.Description of Work 
Lead Generation by advertising in Linkedin and other social media platforms
 Posting the job vacancies and posters on various platforms to
get potentialleads
Screening and Selecting the potential candidates

 The screening of candidates resumes with their experience and
educational background
Post vacancies on various platforms
Managing and training new trainee interns
 Training and guiding new and existing employees
Reporting to superiors daily
 Reporting on the status of applicants
 Discussing the performance of candidates
Updating the vacancies from time to time Below is the list of
vacancies that Ihad
 Social Media Marketing

 They need to use their own Facebook, Instagram, and
W h a t s a p p t o create awareness about Aashman Foundation and make its voice
reach tomasses using social media.
 Human Resource

 Create internship drives on college campuses

 Use online medium to enroll candidates

 Screen resumes and application forms

 Schedule and confirmed interviews with candidates

 Post, update & remove internship ads from intern boards, career pages,and
social networks

 Prepare HR-related report's as needed (like training budget bydepartment)

 Participate in organizing company events and careers.
 Sales & Marketing
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 Generate funds for the organization to support the needy,
collaboratewith brands & individuals for gathering either funds or brand
awareness, branding, lead generation, client relationship management, etc
 Fund Raiser 

 Fundraising person must be energetic and ready to connect with
newindividuals as well as institutional organizations, need to support
theor g a n i z a t i o n i n r u n n i n g c a m p a i g n s w i t h m o n e t a r y a s w e l l a s
i n - k i n d support

 The person should not be completely a Fresher. Bit
e x p e r i e n c e d i s required

 Should have a camera. We are not hiring anyone who calls himself
or herself a videographer by making videos on phone.

 The person should be living in the cities of Chandigarh,
Panchkula,Mohali, Zirakpur 
 Stop Motion Graphic

 The person should know how to make stop graphic motions.

 The candidate should submit a sample video by which they
w i l l b e evaluated
 Video editing

 The person must be professional and know all the editings done in thevideo

 Experience is a Must
 Youth Mediathon

 Intern has to make videos on projects

 Success stories would be displayed as a project

 Responsible for maintaining data for weekly, fortnight, monthlyreports in work
update magazine.

 Experience Psychology

 Understand Behaviour

 Personal Experience to learn the thought process

  S o c i a l   O b s e r v a t i o n s   o f   t h e   w i d o w ,   u n d e r pr i v i l e g e d   c h i l d , Under
privileged old ones, destitute ones
7.Methodology Applied
Task 1: Recruitment & Selection:
 Posted a job post on Linkedin, Apna, etc.

  I h a v e a s k e d m y p r of e s s i o n a l f r i e n d s f or t h e s u g g e s t i o n f or
h i r i n g candidates

 They have mentioned many sites and I have created a job post on that
 Floated the vacancies among friends who are looking for internships

 Posted the vacancies in the Whatsapp groups
 Contact Colleges and other sources for leads

 Mail colleges for internship offer for their students

 Contacted helping hands for the leads
 Screening the resume of applicants

 Filtered the candidates with their education

 Willingness to work without stipend
 Made them fill the form for further processing


 They are required to fill the form in which they will be asked for their contact

 The details will be used for interviewing and processing of candidatesif
Task 2: Performance management & Employee guidance
 Managing a team of interns and core members
 Training the interns about task 

 How to generate lead and the process of selection
 Conduct weekly meeting to boost and appreciate their performances

 Appreciating the well-performed and encouraging
poor performancecandidates

 Clearing their doubts
 To review the performances of each intern

 Calculating the onboard percentage of each intern
 Maintaining Excel sheets daily

 Follow up on the candidates brought by interns
Task 3: Mentoring & Follow-up
 Training the existing employees i.e Core team on their work 

 Instructing their duties and responsibilities

 Clearing any doubts and problems they face

 Allocating work for each member 

 Daily work allocation to start work 
 Conducting weekly review meetings

 Meetings to discuss Referralsthe challenges they face

 Motivating them
 Guiding them through the progress
 Conducting Problem-solving sessions with core team members
 Collecting feedback of interviewers from interns
 Maintaining Excel sheets and updating daily

 Updating on how many candidates they contacted and processed

 How many candidates are onboarded each day
Task 4: Reporting & Promotion
 Reporting the performance of interns to Group Supervisor daily

 The reporting format is as followsReporting FormatDate-Batch Day-Assistant
supervisor Name-1.Total interns Allotted-2. Interns present in your group-3.
Total references-4. References today-

5. Interviews conducted today-6.Selected interns today-7. Rejected interns
today-8. Processing done today-9. On Boardings today-10. Total on Boardings-
 Conducting weekly review meetings with the Interns
 Daily Reporting of both teams

 Collecting reports of interns in the format of  Report Format Name-Date-
Referrals today-Total Referrals -

 Collecting reports of the core team asReport Format Name-Date- No
of Interviews Conducted- No of Selected-
 Promoting the Interns after completion of the task 

 Discussing the performance of interns with supervisor 

 Promoting the best candidates

 Filling up the promotion form for the candidates

 Explaining the next task and process of workflow

 The Internship Roles and Responsibilities should be clear 

 The Description should mention all the work they will do in their tenure

 The description and the given work shouldn’t differ 

 Guiding of the candidates should be better 

 Training on how to generate leads can be given

 The Supervisor should be given some tips on how to handle teams

 Supervisors should be polite

 Can conduct activities to keep all employees engaged

 The time taken for issuing the completion certificate can be less
9.Problems Faced

 Lead Generation
 Generation a lead as a fresher is a prety difficult
 Hard to find the best source of leads

 Screening Doments
 The documents of clients
should be real if its mismatch then we cantdo anything

 Selection of Clients
 The Clients often need some benefits
 They don’t qualify for the position they want

 Guiding of clients
 Guiding clients about the work and explaining
 Language barrier 
 Candidates don’t understand the task 

 Assigning Work 
 Sometimes clients are refused to gives their documents
 They don’t understand the work allotted to them

 Daily reporting to supervisor
 Daily performance Tracking
10.Learnings from the internship
The things that I learned from the internship are:

 Lead Generation
Generation of leads from various sources like Linkedin and soc
i a l   m e d i a  platforms

 Convience to the Clients
Convince to my Clients and make sure they are fit
Checking the eligibility of candidates

 Selection Techniques
Phone and Whatsapp call
Calling the candidates and ask them questions to know about our company

 Mentoring and guidance of my Clients
Calling the Clients day to day for Documentation
Solving the issues faced by Clients

 Time management
Submitting the report on time

 Target completion
Completion of required targets which is given by the HR 

Daily and weekly report

 Performance tracking
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t h i s internship has helped a person in need. This internship has helped
me to learnand to know how an HR department works.This improved my
communication skills and reporting skills. The internshipenhanced my
skills and managerial skills, which will help in the futureThe HR helped me to
enhance my skills and trained me how to handle to clientsa n d s i t u a t i o n . I t
molded me to be fit for an organization where I can use
m y knowledge and skills learned hereThis internship provided me a great
opportunity to learn and execute my ideasand skills. I can see myself
getting upgraded by doing this internship

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