Elitmus Study Material Questions
Elitmus Study Material Questions
Elitmus Study Material Questions
1) Sphinx - Jan 1933 - Page 7 By M. Pigeolet Reconstruct the multiplication, in which all the A=3 are given. .....A A...... --------------A.A.A.J .....A ...A..N ...A.V .A....I .....AE JANVIER --------------------------.............
4) Sphinx - Jan 1933 #11 - Page 14 By M. Pigeolet Ten cubes in stairstep: x x x xxxx x x xxxx x x xxxx x x xxxx x x xxxx
5) Sphinx - Feb 1933 #120 - Page 26 By M. Lapierre Reconstruct the extraction of square root. **AB ----------------\/ * * * * * * * * ** ------*** A** --------**** B*** ----------****
**** -------
K E D = E G B, K E D is formed from three consecutive digits; G B is formed from two consecutive digits.
7) Sphinx - Feb 1933 #122 - Page 26 By M. Rose-Innes (Yokohama) A printer, setting up the following division, found that he had only type numbers 7 and 0 which he put in their respective places, and two A's, which he used to substitute for a certain digit that appears twice in the dividend; but this same digit was next replaced by asterisks in all other parts of the division. The divisor is equal to the quocient. *** -----------*** |A***7A **0* --------***7 **** --------**** **** ------0
.6.... -------------28 |FEVRIER .. ----... SIX ------... ... ------... ... ----0
9) Sphinx - Mar 1933 #125 - Page 44 By L. Martin (Paris) Take three consecutive numbers: x, y, z. ABC, ACB and ABC + ACB are the differences of the cubes of x, y and z expressed in the equations: ABC = z3 - y3; ACB = y3 - x3 and ABC + ACB = z3 - x3.
10) Sphinx - Mar 1933 #126 - Page 44 By M. Lapierre Reconstruct the extraction of square root. AA* ------------\/ * * * * * A ** ------**** **** ----------***** *****
12) Sphinx - Apr 1933 #130 - Page 60 By M. Lapierre (Wattrelos) Reconstruct the extraction of square root. *AB ------------\/ * * * * * * *A ------*** **B --------***** ***** ---------
ROME, PARIS, ARRAS, ARLON and LENS are five prime numbers.
NIMES, ANS, MONS each of them is a product of a prime by 7. SPA is a square. What are these numbers ?
15) Sphinx - May 1933 #135 - Page 74 By M. Lapierre Reconstruct the extraction of square root. *B* ----------\/ * * * * A * ----*** ** ------*** *** -----
QUI PREND ----------*** **** *** *** ----------------A|*******|****** ** ------*** *** ------*** *** --------0
17) Sphinx - May 1933 - Page 76 By M. Pigeolet MAI is the square of ST.
In the sum of the series 500 + 501 + 502 + ..... + 501010, it was found that 8 consecutive digits between the 1010th and the 990th terms (counting right to left) can be represented by PIGEOLET. What are these figures and what places they occupy ?
19) Sphinx - Jun 1933 #142 - Page 86 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers, Belgium) The two words in the name of ROSE-INNES from Yokoama are squares, while OR is a prime number. What are these numbers?
21) Sphinx - Jul 1933 #146 - Page 105 By M. Rose-Innes (Yokohama, Japan) Reconstruct the division.
22) Sphinx - Jul 1933 #147 - Page 105 By M. Lapierre Reconstruct the extraction of square root. BA* ------------\/ * * * * * A *A ------**** ***C ----------**** **** -------
23) Sphinx - Jul 1933 #148 - Page 105 By W. F. Cheney (from American Mathematical Monthly) The arithmetic mean of NED and SASH is SHUN. Their geometric mean is SEND and their harmonic mean is SEED. Each letter stands for a different digit.
24) Sphinx - Jul 1933 - Page 106 By M. Pigeolet Reconstruct the extraction of square root. **** --------------\/ J U I L L E T * --------*** *** *** *** --------***** **** ***** ****
25) Sphinx - Aug 1933 #151 - Page 119 By M. Lapierre Reconstruct the extraction of square root. AA* ------------\/ * * * * * A ** ------*** *** --------**** A*** -------
26) Sphinx - Aug 1933 - Page 125 By R. Man. AOUT is a prime number, as well as its reverse TUOA.
27) Sphinx - Sep 1933 #156 - Page 138 By M. Rose-Innes (Yokohama) Reconstruct the multiplication.
28) Sphinx - Sep 1933 #157 - Page 138 By C. A. Rupp (from American Mathematical Monthly) ABCB, BCAD and CBAD are squares.
29) Sphinx - Sep 1933 #158 - Page 138 By C. A. Rupp (from American Mathematical Monthly) ABCDE and BACED are squares; C + D and B + E are consecutive primes. What are these numbers?
31) Sphinx - Oct 1933 #162 - Page 155 By R. Man. ABCABD = DEB2
32) Sphinx - Oct 1933 #163 - Page 155 By R. Man. ABCD is divisible by 17. CADB is divisible by 11. CDBA is divisible by 7. And all these three numbers are divisible by 3. What are they?
33) Sphinx - Oct 1933 #164 - Page 155 By R. Man. The prime number AAAB, multiplied by 7, gives the product BEEDC. The same number AAAB, multiplied by 11, gives the product ADDFB. What is this number?
34) Sphinx - Oct 1933 #166 - Page 156 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Find the key of this multiplication.
35) Sphinx - Oct 1933 - Page 157 By R. Man. OCTOBRE is divisible by 3 and by 7.
O + CTO --------BRE
36) Sphinx - Oct 1933 - Page 157 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the multiplication:
where: O C T O CTO CTOB TO TOBR TOBRE OBRE BRE BR RE E are 11 prime numbers.
37) Sphinx - Oct 1933 #21 - Page 159 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the multiplication.
38) Sphinx - Nov 1933 #166 - Page 167 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) GALLUS and AMICUS are squares, MAN and LANGE are primes, UME and GEMIS each of them equals three times a prime number.
40) Sphinx - Nov 1933 #168a - Page 167 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the extraction of square root. *R*E ----------------\/ L A P I E R R E * ----*** *** --------**** **** ----------***** ***** --------0
41) Sphinx - Nov 1933 #168b - Page 167 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the extraction of square root. **PI -----------------
42) Sphinx - Nov 1933 - Page 170 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the multiplication:
VENT NOVEMBRE ----------------N...E M...R O...B S...M N...E E...V R...O B...N ------------------------............
43) Sphinx - Dec 1933 #171 - Page 184 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) ABACDEBDECA is a cube, AB, ACD and ECD are cubes, EBD is a square.
44) Sphinx - Dec 1933 - Page 187 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the extraction of square root. **** ----------------\/ D E C E M B R E ** ----------**** *** **** *** ----------***** **** ***** **** --------0
45) Sphinx - Dec 1933 - Page 187 By M. Roses-Innes (Yokoama) Reconstruct the multiplication and the square root extraction. The multiplier A * * * O is the square of B * * ,
NOEL A***O ----------***** ***** **** **** **** ------------------\/ * * * * * * * * * | N * B * * * --------*** *** ---------
46) Sphinx - Jan 1934 #2 - Page 11 By R. Man (Brussels) Find the key: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 by the following factorizations:
47) Sphinx - Jan 1934 #3 - Page 11 By A. Baudenne (Annevoie) Reconstruct the multiplication and find the key-exhortation to everybody's participation: 1 - 2'345674 - 1890.
49) Sphinx - Jan 1934 #5 - Page 11 By Rose-Innes (Yokohama) All 3's are given.
50) Sphinx - Jan 1934 #6 - Page 11 By Paul Fayard (Decazeville) Translate into words the following phrase: 7170 - 52 - 362840. All 1's and 0's are given in the partial products and total product.
51) Sphinx - Feb 1934 #7 - Page 24 By Gallus (France) Two French mathematicians have 8 letter-sized names which, transformed into figures by means of the key 12-34567890, give two numbers from which the square roots are extracted. Herein, below, you'll find what we know about the two operations, where the letters must be replaced with the corresponding figures. The key is, in the broad sense, the birthplace of one of the mathematicians, but not of the other one. As for their death, it occurred in the century that is the maximum common divisor of the two names.
OIAO OC.. --------------------------------\/ . . . . . . . . \/ . . . . . . . . .. .. ------------... LE.. ..C ... ----------------.C.. .... .... .... --------------------..... ..... O..AO .P... ----------------...O ...V
LION RAT ------------LTHLRT OPHPL ---------------LAPIN |OAHNRRT| RN OPNIEL ------------ELTLLT EEETRH ----------ELPL
54) Sphinx - Feb 1934 #10a - Page 25 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) The numbers 90ABC17, 79ABC and 491ABC4 are not primes. What are these numbers?
55) Sphinx - Feb 1934 #10b - Page 25 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) The numbers ABCD, 1920CD41, 496BC3, 872AB76 and 10A25D8 are not primes. What are these numbers?
COLAO is a square and - CO + LA = O. There are two solutions; don't consider the cedilla under the second C.
57) Sphinx - Feb 1934 #11 - Page 25 By Rose-Innes (Yokohama) ABC BCA CAB = D63106938 if A > B > C
58) Sphinx - Mar 1934 #13 - Page 39 By K. de Haan (Velsen, Holland) The sums of the numbers in the multiplier and in the multiplicand are equal.
....... ........ ----------------.......Q T......U I......E O......S S......T E......I U......O QUESTION ------------------------------...............
59) Sphinx - Mar 1934 #14 - Page 39 By Amicus (Brussels) Willing to break off from a (female) creature with an acid character, a chemist left the following note for her: L I S O N = H 2 S O4 However, this note made the darling creature smile, as her name, which was
so little gallantly factorized, was also equivalent to the amount of the cheque joined to the note. How much is the price of the break-off ?
61) Sphinx - Apr 1934 #16 - Page 60 By Gallus (Lambres) Waiter! The bill, please... A group of friends entered a pastry shop whose mark represents an animal that covets a saucer: "83 5681 734 023569". Each person took a cup of their favourite drink (four different drinks: the first 4 lines of the bill), plus one pastry, the same order for everybody (the 5th line). Finally, the waiter (a cryptarithm buff), brings the bill. The names of the consumed items, pre-printed in the small note, are in the singular. The digits replace the letters and reciprocally. Reconstruct the mark, the bill, the political opinion of the shop owner: 5816204739, and the author's name: " 527", from Lambres, in Pas-de-Calais.
Unit Quantity Item Price Amount ----------------------------------------------C 0841 U.QC TA.QC E A C 169 U.OC OE.OC TH.-OL.--
62) Sphinx - Apr 1934 #17 - Page 60 By A. Decerf (Paris) The snore sound number RABOUBOUMRAM is divisible by 2B5200B49. You will find this number by knowing the rules of divisibility by E, by UL and by UU, etc. and practising the imperial Latin motto: 386097214.
63) Sphinx - Apr 1934 #18 - Page 60 By G. Cottin (Brussels) (LAVALSEDAN)2 = * * * * * * * * * * LAVALSEDAN and (SEDAN)2 = LAVALSEDAN.
64) Sphinx - Apr 1934 #19 - Page 60 By G. Fisti (Maestricht) Reconstruct these two connected multiplications. One is to be read normally but the other requires a half turn of the leaf.
******** ----------------***** ***** **** **** --------HSIX OIZH --------***X ***** ***X **** -----------------
65) Sphinx - Apr 1934 #20 - Page 61 By M. Legros (Jodoigne) A big blot of ink spilled over a multiplication permits identifying only its multiplicand 1234 and some digits of the product 4***38. Reconstruct the multiplication.
66) Sphinx - May 1934 #21a - Page 71 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the multiplication.
SPHINX ******* --------------SPHINX XSPHIN NXSPHI INXSPH HINXSP PHINXS SPHINX ------------------------S**P*HI**N*X
67) Sphinx - May 1934 #21b - Page 71 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the multiplication.
68) Sphinx - May 1934 #22 - Page 71 By Raphal Robinson (Berkeley, USA) Instead of a product of two powers: ab . cd a printer, accidentally, composed this 4-digit number: abcd. However, the value is the same. Find this unique number.
After the sudden death of a wise astronomer, a piece of semi-burnt paper was found in his fireplace where we can identify the remains of the arithmetical operation shown below. Can our Oedipuses reconstruct this document?
*** A* * ----*
71) Sphinx - Jun 1934 #26 - Page 92 By R. Man (Brussels) A well known French name is the key of this multiplication, to be solved to the base 8 system.
72) Sphinx - Jun 1934 #27 - Page 92 By C. Miliopoulo (Fontainebleau) The fragment of a cryptarithmetic table of squares and cubes was found. You are required to reconstruct the table.
****** *******DA ****** *******D* ****** ********* ****** ********* **B**C ********B
73) Sphinx - Jun 1934 #28 - Page 92 By M. Legros (Jodoigne) The sum of the digits represented by the letters in the following words form up an ascending arithmetical progression. POIRE, OPERA, PORTE, TAPIS, ASTRE, PATRE, LOTUS, LISTE, LOUPE, OUTRE, . . .
75) Sphinx - Jul 1934 #33 - Page 102 By M. Legros (Jodoigne) Reconstruct the following dance where each letter stands for a prime number.
76) Sphinx - Jul 1934 #34 - Page 102 By G. Fisti (Maestricht) Knowing that DEF and FAE are multiples of 11 and that DEF FAE *HF --------**HD find the number D***A***F which is a cube.
77) Sphinx - Sep 1934 #36 - Page 136 By A. Baudenne (Annevoie) ADELE, the farmer, reversed her grog inadvertently:
LE GROG DE LA FERMIERE + ER EIMR EF AL EDGORGEL ----------------------------------------------3* *14* *1 5* *****9** She asks her husband ROGER to reconstruct her grog knowing that ADELE +ROGER -----------98937 ROGER is completely... groggy! But that doesn't prevent him from continuing to read "12 3456472 82 967450"
78) Sphinx - Sep 1934 #37 - Page 136 By G. Cottin (Brussels) OHEM and OMLI are the squares of two consecutive numbers: RG and RA, respectively. Also RG + RA = LET, and OHEM + OMLI = RTOR. What is the key?
79) Sphinx - Sep 1934 #38 - Page 136 By M. Pigeolet (Anvers) Reconstruct the multiplication. XSPHI ***** ------------SPHINX XSPHI INXSPH HINXSP --------------------*S***SSS**
80) Sphinx - Sep 1934 #39 - Page 136 By A. Colao (Castro-Verde) GALON and ALONG are the squares of GOO and OOG respectively to the base 6 system. What are these numbers?
81) Sphinx - Sep 1934 #40 - Page 136 By C. Milopoulo (Fontainebleau) When the numbers 1234567890 are substituted for an English word, it is possible to make the following magic square. The sums of the rows, columns and diagonals are 275. RL AA CN BD RC AE MC ML EA RB UA MB EE LR AU BR EU LM LN UE BN LD NC UU BM
In the system of numeration base 6, we have: AMICUS A MI ICUS US is a square, is a square, is to the fifth power, is a square, is a square.
84) Sphinx - Oct 1934 #43 - Page 149 By G. Fisti (Maestricht) Find PIGEOLET, which is a cube. All the T's are given.
85) Sphinx - Nov 1934 #47 - Page 169 By G. Fisti (Maestricht) A A A U2 = A L U M I N E if: (A + A + A + U)2 = A + L + U + M + I + N + E.
86) Sphinx - Nov 1934 #48 - Page 169 From: The Strand Magazine (1922) Reconstruct the multiplication: NXPSI H = SPHINX
There are eight brothers and sisters in a family: Georgette, Ulysse, Yvan, Marie, Annette, Roger, Isidore and Emile. All are less then 10 years old. If you represent the age of each child by the first letter of its name, you obtain: YU -----------GUY |MARIE MARE --------EE If Marie is the youngest of the sisters, what is her age?
88) Sphinx - Dec 1934 #52 - Page 185 From: Denksport 1933 (Amsterdam) All the digits and zero are used in the multiplier and the multiplicand. All the 2's in the problem are given. Find the two solutions. ***** **2** ------------****2* *2**2* ***2** ****2* 2****2 --------------------a): * 2 * 2 2 * * * * * b): * 2 * * * * * * * *
89) Sphinx - Dec 1934 #54 - Page 185 By A. Gloden (Luxemburg) A B B C C A is a square, in which C = 2B.
The series of numbers: NC - NL - NO - NU - TD - TS - TA forms an ascending arithmetic progression and the sum of these numbers is: I N I. What is the key?
91) Sphinx - Dec 1934 #56 - Page 185 By G. Cottin (Brussels) Find the key of this pair that must be solved together: CHINE + INDE ----------HOEEC CHINE - INDE ----------COPRY
92) Sphinx - Dec 1934 #57 - Page 185 By A. Baudenne (Annevoie) An extract from a historical novel: "Facing this terrible sight, the duchess uttered a terrifying cry: HARRY, CAYLUS SE TUE ...!!! " (Harry, Caylus is killing himself...!!!); and the echo quickly repeats it by the thousand. ARRYCAYLUSSETUE UTLA ---------------------------------YLUSSETUEHARRYCA AYLUSSETUEHARRYC CAYLUSSETUEHARRY YCAYLUSSETUEHARR --------------------------------------YETSETUEHARRYCAYTTA